Inspection and Test Plan For External Blasting & Coating As SP-1246 PCS-2A System

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Contract No.: H = Hold, stop work. Notify QC

Doc. No.: DAK/ITP/2A INSPECTION TEST PLAN W = Witness Point. Notify QC
Rev. No.: 0 M = Monitor; A = Approval
Issue: 14.08.2014 R = Review; V = Verification
External Blasting & Coating as per SP-1246, PCS-2A System.
S = Surveillance Points

Sl. Activity Controlling Acceptance Criteria Nature / Responsible / Work Verification

Insp. Stage
No. Document Extent of Verification Executed Document
Inspection Personnel by DAK TPI CLIENT

1.1 Check abrasive trade PDO-SP-1246, Part-4 100% Storekeeper/ DAK Daily Painting Report H V S
mark and type Page No. 21 ( Table-1) Garnet ( Ind./Aus ) Foreman /
Painting Insp.
1.2 Check correct size of Manufacturer data Standard Size Each lot Storekeeper/ DAK Daily Painting Report V V S
abrasive sheet PDO-SP-1246, Part-4 Min. 0.2 mm received Foreman /
Page No. 21 (Table-1) Max. 1.4 mm Painting Insp.
1.3 Check Paint trade mark Manufacturer data HEMPADUR XP 87550 100% Storekeeper/ DAK Daily Painting Report V V S
and shade sheet / Visual with Colour 5900/ RED Foreman /
colour chart
(PDO-SP 1246, Part 5)
1.4 Check trade mark of Manufacturer data HEMPEL 99610 100% Storekeeper/ DAK Daily Painting Report V V S
cleaning solvant sheet. Foreman /
1.5 Check paint shelf life Manufacturer Batch 3 Years from manufacturing date 100% Store Keeper / DAK Daily Painting Report V V S
Certificate Foreman/Insp.
2.1 Check for oil and water ASTM-D-5285-1983 Compressor Air Clean and Dry. Every Foreman DAK Daily tested before W V S
in compressed air. PDO-SP-1246, Part-4, 4.1 contaminations. Temperature <1108C day starting
2.2 Check discharge PDO-SP-1246, Part-4 Max. 700 (g) (100 PSI) Random Foreman DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
pressure of blasting 4.2 Min. 550 (g) (95 PSI)
3.1 Check calibration of all Valid calibration All instruments calibrated within the 100% Foreman / DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
measuring & test certificates required time. All calibration certificates Painting Insp.
equipments pertaining available. Tag nos. marked.
to every activity

Page 1 of 6

Contract No.: H = Hold, stop work. Notify QC

Doc. No.: DAK/ITP/2A INSPECTION TEST PLAN W = Witness Point. Notify QC
Rev. No.: 0 M = Monitor; A = Approval
Issue: 14.08.2014 R = Review; V = Verification
External Blasting & Coating as per SP-1246, PCS-2A System.
S = Surveillance Points

Sl. Activity Controlling Acceptance Criteria Nature / Responsible / Work Verification

Insp. Stage
No. Document Extent of Verification Executed Document
Inspection Personnel by DAK TPI CLIENT

4.1 Check Steel Surface for PDO-SP-1246, Part-4 If Oil & Grease are present remove with 100% Foreman / DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
Cleaningness from Oil & 5.2 solvent / high pressure cleaning. Painting Insp.
Grease Solvent Clean

Bolt Holes.
4.2 Check surface condition PDO-SP-1246, Part-4 No arc strikes, weld spatters, sharp edges, Random Foreman DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
5.2 oil, grease etc.
4.3 Check steel temperature PDO-SP-1246,Part-4 Minimum 5 Deg C.S Random Foreman DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
6.1.1 ( By contact
Thermometer )
4.4 Check air temperature PDO-SP-1246,Part-4 Minimum 5 Deg C.S Random Foreman DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
4.5 Check relative humidity PDO-SP-1246,Part-4 RH < 85% Random Foreman / DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
and dew point 6.1.1 DP > 38 C Painting Insp.
4.6 Check the removal of PDO-SP-1246,Part-4 Free from the traces of abbrasive loose scale Random Foreman / DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
contaminats of based 5.4.5 Visual or dirt Blaster /
surface Painting Insp.
4.7 Check the standard of Visual with Sa 2½ Random Foreman / DAK Daily Painting Report H V S
surface finish SIS 05 5900 Book Painting Insp.
(pictorial reference)
4.8 Check surface profile Manufacturer data Min. 75 microns Random Foreman / DAK Daily Painting Report H V S

Page 2 of 6

Contract No.: H = Hold, stop work. Notify QC

Doc. No.: DAK/ITP/2A INSPECTION TEST PLAN W = Witness Point. Notify QC
Rev. No.: 0 M = Monitor; A = Approval
Issue: 14.08.2014 R = Review; V = Verification
External Blasting & Coating as per SP-1246, PCS-2A System.
S = Surveillance Points

Sl. Activity Controlling Acceptance Criteria Nature / Responsible / Work Verification

Insp. Stage
No. Document Extent of Verification Executed Document
Inspection Personnel by DAK TPI CLIENT
sheet Painting Insp.
PDO-SP-1246,Part - 4

Page 3 of 6

Contract No.: H = Hold, stop work. Notify QC

Doc. No.: DAK/ITP/2A INSPECTION TEST PLAN W = Witness Point. Notify QC
Rev. No.: 0 M = Monitor; A = Approval
Issue: 14.08.2014 R = Review; V = Verification
External Blasting & Coating as per SP-1246, PCS-2A System.
S = Surveillance Points

Sl. Activity Controlling Acceptance Criteria Nature / Responsible / Work Verification

Insp. Stage
No. Document Extent of Verification Executed Document
Inspection Personnel by DAK TPI CLIENT

5 PAINT APPLICATION - ONE COAT SYSTEM ( Application method as per manufacturer recommendation)
HEMPADUR XP 87550 ( BASE 87559 : CURING AGENT 98550)
5.1 Check weather PDO-SP-1246,Part-4 No high winds, airborne dust or sand, 100% Foreman DAK Daily Painting Report V V S
condition. no rain, no fog or mist
5.2 Check steel temperature Manufacturer data Minimum 10 8C / Maximum 90 ⁰C Random Foreman DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
PDO-SP-1246,Part - 4
6.1.1 (By contact
5.3 Check air temperature Manufacturer data Minimum 10 8C Random Foreman DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
PDO-SP-1246,Part - 4
5.4 Check relative Manufacturer data Maximum Relative Humidity 85% Random Foreman / DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
humidity and dew point sheet DP > 3 8 C Painting Insp.
PDO-SP-1246,Part - 4 ( steel temperature 38C above dew point )
5.5 Check paint/curing Manufacturer data HEMPADUR XP 87550 100% Foreman DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
agent sheet Colour 5900/ RED
trade mark
5.6 Check mixing ratio Manufacturer data 4:1 by volume Random Foreman DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
sheet (BASE87559:CURING AGENT98550)

5.7 Check paint pot life Manufacturer data 208 C/68⁰F - 1.5 Hours 100% Foreman DAK Daily Painting Report V V S

Page 4 of 6

Contract No.: H = Hold, stop work. Notify QC

Doc. No.: DAK/ITP/2A INSPECTION TEST PLAN W = Witness Point. Notify QC
Rev. No.: 0 M = Monitor; A = Approval
Issue: 14.08.2014 R = Review; V = Verification
External Blasting & Coating as per SP-1246, PCS-2A System.
S = Surveillance Points

Sl. Activity Controlling Acceptance Criteria Nature / Responsible / Work Verification

Insp. Stage
No. Document Extent of Verification Executed Document
Inspection Personnel by DAK TPI CLIENT

5.8 Check method of Manufacturer data Airless Spray Random Spray Painter DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
application sheet / Foreman
5.90 Check wet film Manufacturer data Min. 555 microns Random Spray Painter DAK Daily Painting Report W V S
thickness sheet
5.10 Check dry film Manufacturer data Min. 500 microns Random Foreman / DAK Daily Painting Report H V S
thickness sheet Painting Insp.


6.1 Visual Inspection Manufacturer data No runs, sags, ripples, grit 100% Painting Insp. DAK Daily Painting Report W W W
sheet & dirt inclusion
PDO-SP-1246, Part-4
Page No. 25
6.2 Check for pinholes / PDO-SP-1246, Part-4 No pin holes and holidays 100% Painting Insp. DAK Holiday Test Certificate H H H
holidays Page No. 25 2.5 kV to 3.0 kV with HV brush method
6.3 Repair to Pin holes / Manufacturer data Abrading and cleaning identified areas and 100% Painting Insp. DAK Daily Painting Report H H H
holiday sheet follow paint application system from Stage 5
to 5.12. Re-check for holiday with 2.5 to
3.0 kV with HV brush method
6.4 Check TDFT PDO-SP-1246, Part-4 Min. 500 microns 100% Painting Insp. DAK Certificate of Complaince H H H
Page No. 24
6.5 Check plan completion Check List Plan completion check list signed 100% Painting Insp. DAK Plan completion R R R
for DAK Test Pack & DAK Check list
review only.
(Paint batch certificates, Daily Painting
reports, Compliance certificate & Holiday

Page 5 of 6

Contract No.: H = Hold, stop work. Notify QC

Doc. No.: DAK/ITP/2A INSPECTION TEST PLAN W = Witness Point. Notify QC
Rev. No.: 0 M = Monitor; A = Approval
Issue: 14.08.2014 R = Review; V = Verification
External Blasting & Coating as per SP-1246, PCS-2A System.
S = Surveillance Points

Sl. Activity Controlling Acceptance Criteria Nature / Responsible / Work Verification

Insp. Stage
No. Document Extent of Verification Executed Document
Inspection Personnel by DAK TPI CLIENT
test certificates shall be submitted
to client).
Prepared & Reviewed by Contractor (DAK) Approved by Contractor (DAK) Approved by Clent ( CCED )

Signed: ____________________________ Signed: _____________________________ Signed: __________________________________

Name: Name: Name: __________________________________

Designation: QA/QC - Engineer Designation: Project Manager Designation: _____________________________

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