Imphal Times@bn.12 February

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Evening daily

Imphal Times
Regd.No. MANENG /2013/51092 Volume 8, Issue 732, Monday, February 12, 2024 Maliyapham Palcha kumsing 3421 Rs.2/-

HIF launches “Project Buniyaad-Aathmanirbharta Ka Aadhar” AMUCO Observes 31st Foundation Day
We are facing hard times today, but we can’t Central Govt. watching
let these hardships ruin our future - CM Biren torching of our houses as
including airports and five-
star hotels. The Chief Minis-
ter expressed his excitement
Diwali lights – Nando Luwang
about this ambitious project,
as it will greatly enhance skill
development and employment
in the hospitality sector
among the youth. Manipur
and the rest of Northeast In-
dia have immense potential for
growth in various sectors.
With the right guidance and
proper training, the youth can
lead positive change and de-
The launching program of
IT News generations,” said N. Biren fence the porous border be- Project Buniyaad was at-
Imphal, Feb 12: Singh during the launch of tween Myanmar and India and tended by RD & PR Minister
Project Buniyaad – the scrapping of the Free Khemchand, Additional Chief
Despite the ongoing crisis Aathmanirbharta Ka Aadhar. Movement Regime (FMR). Secretary MH Khan, Vinay
in Manipur, which began on This project is funded by the “I am attending this pro- Dhingra (Trustee, Honda In-
May 3, 2023, the Chief Minis- Honda India Foundation (HIF) gram because I understand its dia Foundation), and other
ter is confident that the situa- and took place at Hotel Clas- importance, where it is nearly dignitaries.
tion will normalize soon. He sic Grande in Imphal. impossible to provide white- Speaking at the event, IT News much like the lights of the ing that they are behaving in
believes that the Central gov- “We are currently facing collar jobs to every youth,” Vinay Dhingra, Trustee of Imphal, Feb 12: Diwali festival. the same manner today.
ernment understands the crux difficult times due to the neg- added the Chief Minister, who Honda India Foundation, “The cries of the people “The present crisis is not
of the problem and has indi- ligence or perhaps ignorance is actively engaged in resolv- said, “Education and skill de- The ongoing crisis in the affected by the crisis are being a simple game orchestrated by
cated its commitment to re- of some of our past political ing the crisis and monitoring velopment go hand in hand state of Manipur, which has heard by the government of the government of India. They
storing peace. leaders. However, we cannot the situation. He believes that with our dedication to lasted for over nine months, India as entertaining songs,” are playing this game, waiting
“While we struggle to pro- blame them. Instead, we are the future of Manipur is in safe inclusivity and align perfectly seems to be enjoyed by the Nando said. He added that the for more people to die and
tect our identity and fight for working to correct their mis- hands. with our long-term mission of central government, accord- central government seems to be more houses to be destroyed
our survival, we are also tak- takes,” said N. Biren confi- The Project aims to pro- becoming a ‘Company that ing to Nando Luwang, Presi- waiting for more lives to be and burned,” Nando told the
ing up developmental works dently, referring to the central vide jobs to over 1000 youths Society wants to Exist’. dent of the All Manipur United sacrificed in this ongoing cri- gathering with fury.
for our children and future government’s initiatives to in various hospitality sectors, contd. on page 2 Club Organisation (AMUCO). sis. He revealed that over a Addressing the Kuki Zo
He made these remarks during thousand lives, both Naga community directly, the

Oldest paramilitary force in country blighted by the organization’s 31st Foun-

dation Day held at Kwakeithel.
Nando Luwang elaborated
and Kuki, have been lost, and
the government of India
seems to be waiting for the
AMUCO President stated that
their movement will not be ac-
cepted by the people of
new questions in Manipur on how AMUCO has been
working towards building a
death toll to rise in this cur-
rent crisis. Nando also men-
Manipur, as their claims are not
supported by history.
Courtesy: Hindustan Times ety that have obstructed peace. Rifles should stay put in the war with China and the 1971 peaceful atmosphere by unit- tioned that during the bloody “Your demand is not sup-
New Delhi, Feb 12: At a meeting called by the state for the safety of the India-Pakistan war. It was also ing all the communities of the clashes of the early 90s, the ported by history, culture, ge-
radical Meitei group Arambai tribals. a part of Indian Peace Keep- state. He stated that the cen- government of India did noth- ography, or even anthropol-
India’s oldest paramilitary Tenggol in Imphal on January The ethnic clashes and the ing Force (IPKF) in Sri Lanka tral government appears to ing to put an end to the vio- ogy,” Nando said to the Kuki-
force, the Assam Rifles, finds 24, as many as 36 Meitei legis- turn of events in Manipur, in the late 1980s. derive pleasure from the burn- lence. He expressed his anger Zo warmongers and narco-ter-
itself haunted by new ques- lators and two MPs took an which have left at least 210 Serving Assam Rifles per- ing of houses in Manipur, towards the government, stat- rorists.
tions in crisis-hit Manipur, oath to protect Manipur’s in- people dead and around 50,000 sonnel on the ground and the
where ethnic violence that
erupted in May 2023 has left
tegrity and signed a memoran-
dum to be sent to the Centre.
displaced, have driven a wedge
between the people over the
army’s former top command-
ers who HT spoke to believe a Mission: Makaam Kamthao dikho, launches
hundreds of people dead and Among the six demands in the role of the Assam Rifles, whose variety of reasons are behind IT News laboration with Berean En- Uniform and other necessity
tens of thousands displaced, oath was the removal of Assam responsibilities include the attempts to tarnish the Imphal Feb 12: glish School, Khumji and including financial assis-
and where the force that dates Rifles from Manipur. counterterrorism operations in Assam Rifles’s image, includ- Sharon Engl is h Sc ho ol, tance when required.
back to 1835 is fighting allega- The Kukis reacted in less the Northeast and Jammu and ing a controversial past, a Makaam Youth Longma i has d ecided to Makaam Youth
tions of discrimination against than 24 hours, with a demand Kashmir, and guarding the In- possible administrative mis- Organisation (MYO) orga- adopt two students, one stu- Organisation is a philanthropic
the Meitei community. of their own. dia-Myanmar border that calculation to post the force nized a child advocacy pro- d en t ea ch b y th es e two and non-profit civil
The role of the Assam On January 25, 10 Kuki passes through Manipur, near Kuki areas and a false gram called ‘Mission: Makaam Schools. Berean English organisation purely engaged
Rifles in the Northeastern state MLAs wrote to home minister Mizoram, Nagaland and narrative set by militants from Kamthao dikho’. School and Sharon English in charitable and humanitarian
returned to the spotlight three Amit Shah about the meeting Arunachal Pradesh. Twenty both sides. The Miss io n aim s a t has generously offered to services. MYO is comprised
weeks ago when a radical called by the Meitei radical Assam Rifles battalions are “A strict teacher is not adopting Makaam School give free education inclusive of youths from the four cog-
Meitei group demanded its group and the demands of the deployed along the border. liked by the students,” said a Student who are helpless but of the boarding facilities till nate tribes of Zemei, Liangmai,
withdrawal from Manipur, while Meitei legislators to replace The Assam Rifles can also senior officer, who is posted in who really wanted to con- these students pass out their Rongmei and Inpui. The
Kukis sought to nip any such Assam Rifles with another be called to assist the army in Manipur and learnt his trade tinue their s tudies. As a matriculation. MYO, on the organisation firmly believes in
move, exposing deep fissures force. The Kuki MLAs made a warlike situations. It took part operating in the Northeast. starter for the academic ses- other hand will look into the social and cultural upliftment
in Manipuri politics and soci- request too — the Assam in the two world wars, the 1962 contd. on page 2 sion 2024-2025 MYO in Col- requirement such as Books, of the community.

Manipur Social Crisis: Nonexistence of Moral Responsibility and Economic Sense

By Amar Yumnam when we either see it, or are by the Provincial or the Union government is absolutely initiate application of mind consequence would be that responsibility of the political
Imphal, Feb 12: made to conceive it in a very government to address the multi-dimensional extending to searching for the causes each ethnic group would de- leadership is to evolve a strat-
lively manner. That we often crisis, and the third on why the every aspect of human exist- arousing and then sustaining velop different forms of moral egy for Political Reconciliation
As citizens of Manipur, we derive sorrow from the sorrow Centre cares a hoot for what ence – psychological, social, the fights between the two judgements in which case the founded on moral perspec-
have been naturally con- of others, is a matter of fact happens in Manipur. political, economic and what parties. Till today the govern- subjective and the objective tives. Has any attempt made
cerned about what has been too obvious to require any in- The present piece too is not. The need for application ment keeps blaming and ap- dimensions would acquire dif- in Manipur in this regard?
happening here during the last stances to prove it; for this on the existing social crisis in of this moral responsibility can pealing to both the ethnicities ferences despite certain com- The second issue I wish to
nearly a year. Reminds me of sentiment, like all the other Manipur. In this I plan to talk vary depending upon the na- to stop and maintain peace, mon legacies; certain subjec- take up relates to an economic
what Adam Smith (the Father original passions of human of the lack of moral responsi- ture characterising social func- but the problems continue. tive elements of the Kukis may one. My second daughter is
of Economics) stated in the nature, is by no means con- bility in the thinking of the tioning and interactions, and Since the fights get sustained, not be so for the Meeteis, and coming from Imphal to my cur-
very first para of his 1759 book fined to the virtuous and hu- political (hence government) more so in a diverse one. When the causes too are still alive certain objective properties of rent place. In this connection,
on The Theory of Moral Sen- mane, though they perhaps leadership, and second on the the sabotages and killings in- What I am most afraid – as the Meeteis may not be so for my family is flooded with two
timents: “How selfish so ever may feel it with the most ex- flooding of the Imphal valley creasingly intensified in a Social Scientist who has the Kukis; and questions: (a) My daughter
man may be supposed, there quisite sensibility. The great- by horticulture products. Manipur in the ongoing crisis, been taking keen interest on 3. The ultimate result asking what vegetables to
are evidently some principles est ruffian, the most hardened The moral responsibility the government should have Manipur for almost four de- would be that each ethnic bring; and (b) all my relatives
in his nature, which interest violator of the laws of society, of the political and govern- arisen to the occasion to at- cades -is that: group would develop Ethics and friends enquiring what
him in the fortune of others, is not altogether without it.” mental leadership has no time tend to the responsibility to 1. The traditional modes of of their own - what Anthony vegetables we want to have.
and render their happiness This is the fourth piece on the limits for it applies to all the protect; this protection prin- interaction and interdepen- Cortese calls Ethnic Ethics. These two queries are coupled
necessary to him, though he current Manipur Crisis follow- twenty-fours of a day and 365 ciple applies to both the at- dence have undergone a The continuous accusa- by a particular friend inform-
derives nothing from it except ing up on the earlier three – days of a year though there tacker and the attacked. Even change and some kind of com- tions - even unabashed in ing me that the Imphal valley
the pleasure of seeing it. Of First on the absolute disap- could be variations in the further, going much beyond petition and efficiency have some cases –make it look like lanes are flooded with sea-
this kind is pity or compas- pearance of the provincial depth of requirements. It must the protection efforts, it is the arisen across the diverse eth- that such a situation has sonal vegetables at prices
sion, the emotion which we government, second on the be emphasised here that the moral responsibility of the nic groups; emerged in Manipur. In such unprecedentedly low.
feel for the misery of others, absence of any policy either moral responsibility of the governmental leadership to 2. If this has happened, the circumstances, the sole moral contd. on page 2
Imphal Times Page No. 2

Silent Invasion in Manipur

Demographic Influx and Threat to Indigenous People
By: Dr. Malem Ningthouja
Contd. from yesterday represented by members suddenly became a fertile terri- sory Council of Manipur, “As fencing, floodlighting, con- of powerful politicians and bu- hosts on the grounds of com-
elected through universal fran- tory for new settler colonies. an agent of the Government of struction of border roads and reaucrats. Initiatives from inter- munity affiliation. The hosts
Educated elites or leaders chise. The idea of “one people” The reasons are many. India, I am here to execute the establishment of border out- national humanitarian bodies have been helping illegal mi-
in the 1940s realised the need was firmly established. First, unrestrained migra- policies and instructions of the posts had been created. The came too late and have been grants by manufacturing
to have community represen- 7. Why Demographic In- tion from other parts of India Government of India … People truth is that the Passport (En- lopsided. For instance, the forged documents to unscru-
tations and build a political flux Since 1949? has all along been encouraged of other parts of India can no try into India) Act, 1920, Regis- United Nations High Commis- pulously obtain citizenship
united front. On Sunday, No- 1949 was a crucial, rather to serve India’s humanitarian longer be treated as foreigners tration of Foreigners Act, 1939, sioner for Refugees became cards and other opportunities.
vember 30, 1947, an Organising unfortunate juncture for the in- and integrity interests. For in- and discriminatory treatment Foreigners Act, 1946, Citizen- operative in India very lately in This trend has been particu-
Committee of community digenous people of Manipur. stance, on August 25, 1949, the against them is neither possible ship Act, 1955, and rules and 1981. Unfortunately, the Office larly prevalent among Kuki
organisations was formed to On October 15, 1949, Manipur Dominion of India’s reform of- nor wise”. On November 18, orders made thereunder have for Refugee Status Determina- whose vested elites have de-
constitute a united front. The was taken over by the Domin- ficer PC Deb issued a notice to 1950, he abolished the pre-ex- never been strictly enforced tion is located in faraway New mographic, territorial, eco-
Committee was composed of; ion of India after extracting, enrol Mayang refugees in the isting permit system that had with adequate infrastructure, Delhi. It has no office in the nomic, and political objectives
(a) M.K. Shimray of Tangkhul under duress, the controversial electoral roll of Manipur. The been regulating the entry and manpower, intelligence and ef- border States where the prob- of transplanting illegal Kuki
Long, (b) Luneh of Kuki Na- “Manipur Merger Agreement” notice says, “pursuant to the exit of migrants. The abolition forts to prevent, detect, and lems of refugees require imme- migrants from Burma
tional Assembly, (c) Kakhangai on 21 September 1949. decision of the Government of opened up the floodgate of deport illegal migrants. Mean- diate attention. Refugee status (Myanmar) into Manipur.
of Kabui Association, (d) Teba Manipur’s nascent democracy India that refugees from Paki- unrestrained influx of migrants, while, the informal or formal could not be immediately de- Kuki chiefs (semi-feudal land-
Kilong of Khulmee Union, (e) was abolished, and India’s stan will be provisionally reg- particularly Mayang mer- policy of “free movement re- termined at the right time and lords or landed chieftains)
Dena of Mizo Union, (f) Srijut Central Rule was imposed. istered in the Electoral Roll of chants, labour, government ser- gime” for trans-border commu- place. There has been a lack of have been using Kuki mi-
Ibomcha of Manipur Krishak Thereafter, Manipur was no the House of People on a dec- vants and others. nities has been directly or indi- viable shelters that might have grants as either cheap labour
Sabha, (g) Ibungohal of longer protected from the un- laration by them of their inten- Second, Manipur has not rectly promoting infiltration by attracted voluntary admission or tenants. Migrants, who
Nongpok Apunba Marup, (h) regulated influx of migrants tion to reside permanently in been fully protected from ille- illegal immigrants. of refugees for security and subsequently became Sched-
H. Irabot of Manipur Praja from other parts of India and the locality to which the Elec- gal immigration from The government of India’s opportunities. Therefore, refu- uled Tribes, added to Kuki’s
Sanggha, and (i) Sulei Mia of neighbouring countries as well. toral Roll relates, … the five neighbouring countries such as foreign refugee dealing system gees (e.g., Kuki who fled Burma manpower that in turn has
Yairipok. The Committee Before 1949, Manipur had a Tahsildars of the Manipur val- Burma (Myanmar), has been lopsided. It has been during the instabilities in the been instrumental in land grab-
elected Hijam Irabot as the permit system since 1897. The ley and the Mauzadar of Jiribam Bangladesh, and Nepal. It is the showing indifference to the 1960s, 1988, and 2021 on- bing or territorial occupation,
Chairman and Mr. M.K. Foreigner’s Department regu- (were empowered) for the ac- result of many interplaying fac- United Nations Convention re- wards), without being officially enlarging communal vote
Shimray as the Secretary. Mean- lated the exit and entry of for- ceptance of such declaration tors. However, the Govern- lating to the Status of Refugees detected and confined in shel- banks, and devising commu-
while, the ratio of representa- eigners. On the eve of Indepen- from bonafide refugees resid- ment of India has been trying (1951), and its Additional Pro- ters, have illegally infiltrated nally motivated political pres-
tives to be elected to Manipur dence, Manipur Naturalisation ing in their respective jurisdic- to cover up the realities with tocol (1967). It also lacks a “na- and settled permanently under sures. The wealthier and more
Assembly was fixed at 30 for Act, 1947 was adopted to dif- tion.” false stories. For instance, the tional” refugee protection legal the cover of community or eth- educated sections have been
the valley, 18 for hills, 3 for ferentiate foreigners from citi- On October 15, 1949, the Government says that it has framework. All of these have nic affinity. grabbing political power and
Pangal community, and 1 each zens and to regulate the form- Dominion of India took over adopted a multi-pronged ap- been indirectly contributing to There have been vested in- key positions in bureaucracy.
for Education and Commerce ers’ entry and exit. However, Manipur and abolished the Re- proach to ensure effective the clandestine infiltration of terests of host communities that They have been abusing
and Industry—thus a total of Manipur could not withstand sponsible Government. It di- surveillance and domination refugees. For instance, the bur- have been promoting illegal power and manipulating the
53 MLAs to be elected by the Dominion of India’s poli- rectly ruled Manipur for many of land borders to check the den of dealing with refugees in immigrants. Several hordes of system to perpetuate the pe-
people. The Assembly of the cies. The Dominion of India years. On October 9, 1950, the infiltration of illegal migrants. the border States in Northeast illegal immigrants have been rennial infiltration of cross-
Republic of Manipur, inaugu- opened up the floodgate of mi- Centre’s Chief Commissioner It says that physical infra- India has been left to the per- welcomed, accommodated, border illegal immigrants.
rated on October 18, 1948, was gration. As a result, Manipur Himmat Singh told the Advi- structure in the form of border sonal or communal sentiment covered up, and assimilated by to be continued

More News Contd. from Page 1

Recovery of Arms and Honda India Foundation (HIF) has launched...
War Like Stores in We are proud to launch
Project Buniyaad today, which
focuses on skill development in
With Project Buniyaad, we envi-
sion a brighter future for the
youth of Manipur, where learn-
cerely believe that by investing
in skill development, we are also
investing in self-development
ployed youth will receive two
months of training in Hospitality
Management from the Visan
the Tourism & Hospitality Skill
Council. An MoU was also

Joint Operation by AR the Hospitality Sector for youths

from marginalized communities.
ing knows no bounds and op-
portunities are limitless. We sin-
and societal development.”
Under this program, unem-
Foundation. Upon completion,
they will receive certification from
signed between the Honda In-
dia Foundation and the Govern-
ment of Manipur.
and Manipur Police Manipur Social Crisis: Nonexistence of Moral Responsibility...
IT News The search operation lead
Imphal, Feb 12: to recovery of total 13 weap- These low prices facilitate or many on their investment. two characteristically differ- governance. The inter-ethnic manding how to protect the
ons including one Tear Gas the customers at a time when These have happened because ent but virtually related is- conflict is an opportunity for interest of the farmers with-
Based on specific inputs a Gun, two 9 mm pistols along earning opportunities are dis- the usual flows to the moun- sues to highlight one facet of a conscientious government out fully compromising the
joint column of Assam Rifles with magazines, six single bar- tressed by the social crises tain markets of Manipur have the government in place to evolve a Robust and Sus- benefit to the customers. My
and Manipur police launched rel rifles and four improvised happening while the farmers not taken place negatively af- wh ich is n ot t he one tainable Inter-Ethnic Policy poor visibility has failed to
a search operation in heavy mortars. The recovered get their income lowered than fecting the welfare levels on characterising an administra- founded on a moral perspec- see any effort in any of these
Sangaikot area of weapons and war like stores usual and expected – there both sides. tion committed to attending tive. The vegetable price directions by the political
Churachandpur District of have been handed over to could be even losses for some I have taken up the above to the moral responsibility of crash is also a situation de- leadership in power.
Manipur on February 10. Sangaikot Police.
Oldest paramilitary force in country blighted...
RPF rescues 47 minors, “We followed the law. In the
initial months after the clashes
was gang-raped and murdered
by Assam Rifles personnel. Al-
force’s operations.
“Women, especially the eld-
they say they do not trust the
Assam Rifles. On the Imphal-
the Centre and Naga insurgent
groups, he added.
8 women in 39 days erupted, Kuki militant groups,
who are under the Suspension
legations of extra-judicial kill-
ings have also cast a shadow
erly, were put in front of mobs to
stop the security forces. This was
Bishnupur highway, Meira Paibis
sit in tents and keep the area un-
Assam Rifles personnel said
the situation along the India-
Agency Sonitpur district. of Operations (SoO) agreement, over the force’s role. carefully done by the criminal el- der watch through the night, Myanmar border would improve
Guwahati, Feb 12: On Tuesday, RPF teams of were not part of the violence,” Lieutenant General Konsam ements to ensure that the forces people aware of the matter said. significantly in the backdrop of
Assam’s New Bongaigaon he explained, asking not to be Himalay Singh (retd), who has did not reach the crime spots on “I was a part of the 2004 pro- the government’s suspension of
The Railway Protection junction railway station and named. had four tenures in the north- time. There are so many viral test when the 12 women stripped the free movement regime (FMR),
Force (RPF) of the Northeast Tripura’s Dharmanagar rail- To be sure, some SoO mili- east region, said the latest con- photos of elderly women refus- in Imphal in 2004. We do not trust which allowed people from both
Frontier Railway (NF Railway) way station, while conducting tants also joined the conflict later. troversy could be “historically ing to let the forces move ahead. the Assam Rifles. They have al- sides of the frontier to travel 16km
has successfully rescued as checks, rescued two minors, “But the valley-based mili- and psychologically linked” to Our food trucks were robbed too. ways helped Kukis. So every into each other’s territory with-
many as six minors and two one each from the respective tant groups were active. When the past. It may have started At some places such women pro- night, at least one woman from out paperwork.
women during ongoing check- railway stations. Later, the res- our personnel stopped such with a security decision too, he testers even demanded identity each household leaves their Last week, Union home min-
ing and drives conducted be- cued minor children were militants and chased them back, said. card of the Assam Rifles person- house and joins the others in ister Amit Shah said the Centre is
tween Tuesday (February 6) handed over to an NGO and they mischievously started a “When the so-called buffer nel before letting them move in standing guard. The Kuki groups set to build a border fence along
and Thursday (February 8) at parents. narrative about the force being zones (sensitive zones) were set the villages. But our boys exer- may attack anytime. The state the India-Myanmar border. The
different trains and railway On Thursday, personnel of biased. The protests began up last year, the Assam Rifles cised restraint. There was not a police is not equipped so we sit 1,643-km border, of which only
stations under the jurisdiction RPF rescued a runaway sometime in June-July last year.” was mostly located closer on the single controversy,” said a sec- guard and inform our volunteers 10km is fenced, is used by smug-
of the NF Railway. woman from the Chaparmukh The Assam Rifles has a side adjacent to the adjoining ond officer, who also asked not the moment anyone spots armed glers and insurgent groups from
During January this year, junction railway station in sanctioned strength of almost hills dominated by a few Kuki to be named. Kuki militants,” said Sylvis, the across the border. Over the last
the RPF of NF Railway rescued Assam’s Nagaon district. 67,000 personnel. tribes, while CAPF/state police On July 26, the army released head of the Meira Paibi group at four years, the force has seized
a total of 41 minors and six Preventive measures are The administrative control forces were seen alongside the a video calling out women pro- the Uripok drugs worth at least Rs. 4,500
women leading to the arrest of being taken to take action in of the force is with the Union valley villages. This could have testers for blocking routes and Lam b oi kh o ngnan gkh on g crore, mainly sourced from
two human traffickers. case children are in need of care ministry of home affairs, while also led to some affected parties interfering in operations. Imphal village near Imphal. Myanmar, according to official
The rescued children and and protection found in trains its officers are drawn from the perceiving the force is close to “The residents do not have But experts reiterate the force data.
women were later handed over and railway premises. Indian Army. Over the years the the Kukis.” a problem. They saw how the is doing its best and the ques- “Our force does not report
to respective Non-Govern- The RPF carries on a re- force has been more active in Singh also attributed the force rescued both communities. tion of replacing the force does to the state government. The
mental Organisations (NGOs), lentless fight against crimi- Manipur and Nagaland because controversy to the prevailing cli- The Assam Rifles personnel also not arise. massive crackdown on drugs by
parents and the Government nals in protecting railway pas- of the insurgent groups there mate of suspicion, fear and un- helped people who were unwell The call to remove the Assam us does hurt the local criminal el-
Railway Police (GRP). sengers and remains vigilant and cross-border smuggling. certainty thereby magnifying at the relief camps. At least four Rifles from Manipur is unrealis- ements. Some of these criminal
In an incident on Wednes- for suspected persons in- While the Assam Rifles has every friction on the ground “ children must have been born in tic, said Lieutenant General elements are influential. They
day (February 7), personnel of volved in human trafficking as played a key role in bringing “Some elements on both such relief camps. Another rea- Shokin Chauhan (retd), a former want the force to be removed from
the RPF rescued two runaway well as the movement of chil- peace to the region, the force has sides have also made attempts son why there are protests is director general of the force. Manipur. Manipur police are also
minors along with a woman dren in a suspicious manner also had its brushes with con- to portray the forces as partial because the force is actively re- “The Assam Rifles is an all- not biased. But almost 90% of
from the Rangapara North junc- travelling alone without a troversy. and project armed civilian volun- covering drugs and weapons India, all-class force and does not people in the state police will be
tion railway station in Assam’s guardian. In July 2004, 12 Meitei teers as saviours. The entire from the criminals,” the second discriminate against any commu- locals so these criminal elements
women stripped outside force shouldn’t be targeted be- officer said. nity,” said Chauhan, who has want to have a force where the
Letters, Feedback and Suggestions to ‘Imphal Times’
Imphal’s iconic Kangla fort to cause of isolated incidents.” But even nine months after also served as the chairman of personnel are locals. They may
can be sent to our e-mail :
protest the killing of a 32-year- Assam Rifles personnel said the clashes began, there are the Ceasefire Monitoring Group believe that it is easier to influ-
For time being readers can reach the office at
old Meitei woman, Thangjam the criminal groups used women Meira Paibis (Meitei women) who responsible for implementing ence a state force,” said a third
Cell Phone No. 9862860745 for any purpose.
Manorama, who they alleged to block roads and interfere in the continue to guard roads because ceasefire ground rules between officer.
Edited by Rinku Khumukcham, Owned and Published by Iboyaima Khuman at Keishamthong Elangbam Leikai, Imphal and Printed by him at M/s Imphal Times Printers, Elangbam Leikai Imphal West, Contact No. 2452159, Resident Editor- Jeet Akoijam

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