Assignmentism in Sciencism

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Name: Elsa Barrientos Batas Date: May 02, 2023

Course & Year : BSED2 Semester: 2nd Semester

Professor: Dolores C. Capistrano Acad. Year: 2022-2023

What are the strategies and approaches of design thinking?

Design Thinking encourages collaboration between different disciplines

such as design, engineering, marketing, and business in order to create
innovative solutions that meet user needs while also being feasible from a
business perspective. It also encourages iteration and experimentation in
order to find the best possible solution for any given problem or challenge.

There are some strategies and approaches of design thinking which the
following are:

1. Empathize: Understand the needs of users and stakeholders by gathering

data through interviews,
observations, and research.

2. Define: Identify the problem you are trying to solve and create a clear
statement of the challenge.

3. Ideate: Generate ideas to address the challenge through brainstorming,

mind mapping, and other creative techniques.

4. Prototype: Create a prototype of your solution to test it with users and


5. Test: Gather feedback from users and stakeholders to refine your solution
until it meets their needs.

Design Thinking is a creative problem-solving process that starts with

understanding the user, challenges assumptions, and redefines problems in
an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be
immediately apparent with conventional thinking. It is a process of iterative
exploration and experimentation that involves both analytical and intuitive


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