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The Contemporary World

DIRECTIONS: In this module you have plunged into the concept of Global
demography. Capitalizing on your major takeaways from the said topic, assess
whether or not Philippines, through its population management program under
Duterte's Administration, efficiently manages the population in reference to how you
perceive the country's current economy. Attached in this module are selected pages of
the Philippine Population Management Program for your reference. Provide at least
five (5) arguments/main points. Explain each argument lucidly and substantially.
Write your answers in a short bond paper.

Due to the growth of the population here in our country, which is the Philippines,
former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte supported and implemented some programs to
prevent the increase in population.

ARGUMENT 1: Reproductive Health (RH) Policies

The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 was put
into effect by the Duterte government, which has demonstrated support for
reproductive health initiatives.

Adolescents reports practicing abstinence as their main method to avoid

pregnancy. In the present time, this behavior is slowly changing as young ones are
more engaged in sexual activities. Teenagers are more sensitive since they don't have
equal access to contraceptives. Early childhood deaths have been caused by teenage
pregnancies. Reproductive health programs might seek to achieve certain results, such
as lower rates of STD/HIV prevalence, more women using contraceptives, universal
prenatal care and child vaccination, higher rates of obstetrical difficulties treated by
medical professionals, and the abolition of maternal death.

In conclusion, the Duterte administration didn’t meet the expected result for
the teenagers and women to be protected under the RH law but still gives a slightly
changes in the norms.


During his yearly address to the nation, Duterte acknowledged that the
extended and stringent lockdown measures, implemented as COVID-19 cases reached
82,040 with almost 2,000 fatalities, may have negatively impacted the economy.
However, he emphasized that these measures were successful in preventing
widespread transmissions of the virus.But on the reports, extremely heavily struck
were those who were poor. By the end of 2020, six out of ten Filipino homes suffered
from hunger, and if the government does not give adequate help, up to 5.5 million
Filipinos will be on disadvantaged.

Among the ASEAN states, the Philippines was likewise the most severely
affected, with the worst economic downturn and the highest unemployment rate.
Moreover, the Philippines is rebounding the least quickly. To sum it up, Duterte and
the administration didn’t do well in taking actions to the COVID-19.


The National Demographic Health Survey of 2017 found that 5.1 million
single women and 2.6 million married women in the Philippines desired to take
advantage of family planning but were unable to do so. According to the Duterte
administration, the widespread use of modern, effective contraception is the "key
strategy," and during the next four years, 11.3 million women will have access to
them. The objective is to avoid two million abortions and four million unwanted
births over the course of the time by raising the rate of contraceptive usage from 40%
to 65%.

The plan of Duterte and it’s administration has been effective.


Creating facilities and increasing investment was Rodrigo Duterte's stated

economic goal for the Philippines when he took office as president in 2016. The
foundation of this strategy was the "Build, Build, Build" initiative, under which the
government prioritized the building of hundreds of construction projects by
combining public and private finance from both local and international sources.

When Rappler reviewed the Build, Build, Build campaign in June, it found
that many of the projects had experienced long delays and other problems and that
only a small number of projects had been finished in altogether. Nevertheless, the
statistics from Duterte's administration generally supports the notion that there was a
noticeable increase in investment and development.

This plan has been quite alright for the economic development of the country.


Duterte acknowledged the pleasure in the nation's accomplishments in
achieving gender equality and women's empowerment, but he also stated that more
might be done to protect and foster the potential of Filipino women.

According to him, more women will have the opportunity to meaningfully

engage in various areas of human growth and shift the mentality that persists in
restricting women and other gender expressions as Filipinos acquire more access to
education, knowledge, and creativity.

Anti-Violence Against Women (VAW) Desks have been created in 90% of the
42,044 barangays in the entirety of the Philippines. All barangays are required under
the Magna Carta of Women to set up VAW Desks, which will handle VAW matters
in their local communities.

To sum it up, Duterte and the administration did well and the plan for the
equality and women rights are effective.

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