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Group 5

Exercise 1

1. How is technology a mode of revealing?

- Technology serves as a mode of revealing, revealing previously hidden or less accessible
aspects of the world. It allows us to see and understand microscopic and macroscopic aspects
of the universe, collect and analyze data, and communicate across vast distances. It also
enables simulation and modeling of complex systems, such as climate modeling and
engineering prototypes. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality overlay digital information onto
the physical world, revealing new ways to interact with information and experiences. Digital
technology also enables the archive and preservation of cultural and historical knowledge,
making it accessible to future generations.

2.In your daily experience of technology, what else is revealed to you aside from its
- In my daily experience of technology, I'm often reminded of its pervasive influence on my life,
from how it shapes my routines to how it connects me with the world. Technology reveals the
interconnectedness of our modern society, demonstrating how global information and
communication networks have made the world smaller and more accessible. Additionally, it
constantly underscores the need for responsible and ethical considerations, as it exposes the
potential for misuse, data privacy concerns, and the profound societal shifts it can cause.

3.Why should technology be questioned?

- Questioning technology is essential to ensure its ethical and responsible use, as it can have
far-reaching impacts on society and individuals. By scrutinizing technology, we can anticipate
and address unintended consequences, such as those related to privacy, security, and
employment. Moreover, questioning technology encourages innovation, responsible
development, and the alignment of technological advancements with human values and well-

4. How is questioning the piety of thought?

- Martin Heidegger claims in his work "The Question Concerning Technology" that inquiring is
the piety of cognition. It is because the more we question things, the more we think about them
and learn new things about them. We keep inquiring out of curiosity; we keep looking and
finding in pursuit of the meaning of truth for us to have thoughts since all we can do in today's
generation is predict and constantly investigate.

5. How does art provide a way out of enframing?

- Art can provide a way of "enframing" in the sense that it offers a unique perspective or
framework through which we can view and understand the world. Art often challenges our
preconceptions and encourages us to see things from different angles, fostering new ways of
thinking and feeling. It can frame experiences, ideas, and emotions in ways that prompt us to
question, explore, and appreciate the world around us in a deeper and more profound manner.

We have chosen "The Persistence of Memory" as our artwork that reveals the human person
in the midst of technology. The Persistence of Memory is a 1931 painting by the surrealist
artist Salvador Dali. The painting depicts melting clocks, symbolizing the fluidity and distortion
of time. In the digital age, our sense of time and memory has been profoundly influenced by

We think this artwork is related to Heidegger’s concept of enframing, which is the way
technology reveals the world as a standing-reserve, or a resource to be exploited. Heidegger
argues that technology imposes a uniform and calculable order on the world, and that this
enframing mode of revealing threatens to reduce humans to mere objects or functions.
Heidegger suggests that art can offer a different mode of revealing, one that respects the
mystery and dignity of beings, and that opens up new possibilities for human freedom and

The Persistence of Memory shows how technology can enframe our perception of time and
memory, and how art can challenge this enframing. By depicting melting clocks, Dali suggests
that time is not a fixed or linear measurement, but a subjective and relative experience. Dali
also implies that memory is not a stable or accurate representation, but a creative and
imaginative process. The painting invites us to question our assumptions about time and
memory, and to explore alternative ways of understanding and expressing them.

We think this artwork is relevant and important for our contemporary society, where technology
plays a significant role in shaping our identities, relationships, and values. We think this
artwork can inspire us to reflect on how we use technology, and how it affects our sense of
time and memory. We think this artwork can also help us to develop more creativity and
curiosity for the world, especially for the aspects that are beyond our rational control or




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