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Reduce And Upcycle: A Simple Approach To Minimize The Use Of Plastic Wrappers

Plastic waste has been a great factor in pollution. Poor waste management may lead to
plastics all over the place and chances are it would not get recycled. As plastics do not
decompose for almost a hundred years it remains floating in the riverbanks and oceans, buried in
the soil. It also affects wildlife as animals can ingest it or even get entangled by it. To take action,
we searched for possible ways to reduce and recycle – upcycle, the usage of plastics and what are
the possible alternative ways to avoid using plastics.

One of the possible ways is the EcoBricks. EcoBricks is a Guatamelan solution to one-
time-use plastic. EcoBricks is made by filling the inside of a used plastic water bottle, and it
must be packed. These EcoBricks can be an alternative to traditional bricks as they can also be
used to build walls, benches, and other structures, offering an eco-friendly way to repurpose
plastic waste.

Second is the Plastic bricks. Literally means that they are bricks made from burning
plastics and molding them into brick.

Lastly, the most sustainable way to reduce plastic waste is just to avoid them totally,
therefore using other things other than plastics. Paper bags, Eco bags, and other reusable bags
pose a high rate of reducing plastic wrapper waste in the community. This alternative has already
been introduced to the public and shows a positive rate of reducing plastics.

In conclusion, it is possible to reduce the use of plastic wrappers in the community. As it

can be upcycled to produce meaningful construction alternatives and innovations. It does not
only promote environmentally conscious construction practices but also holds great potential in
addressing plastic pollution. All in all, the advantages of the approach are clear and can be done
in our everyday life.

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