DKB0002 - Ed0 - ECB - III CMS

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ECB Priority III

1. General information

CMS coming out of silencer on NGP15-21-PCT

ECB Number : DKB 002
Priority : III
Applicable to : NGP15-21 PCT-units
PGC : 46GP
Responsible person : Sascha Van Laeken

2. Document overview
This document describes the following:
1. General information ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Document overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
3. Safety first ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Document Information and History ................................................................................................................................. 3
5. Subject ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
6. Reason for this ECB ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
7. Description ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
7.1. Location of the bottom strainers ............................................................................................................................... 4
7.2. Replacement of CMS ............................................................................................................................................... 6
8. Application ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
9. Required parts ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
10. Planning ordering parts at ASC ...................................................................................................................................... 7
11. Reimbursement criteria ................................................................................................................................................... 8
12. Reporting ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
13. Safety precautions .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

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3. Safety first

Identify the hazard Evaluate the risk

Take action Start work safely





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4. Document Information and History
Edition Date Description Author

00 07/07/2017 First Edition VTI-SVL

5. Subject
A new bottom strainer is released to avoid multiple failures with CMS loss.

6. Reason for this ECB

Some nitrogen generators have been reported with a failed bottom strainer.

7. Description
At the bottom of each CMS-tower a strainer is installed to avoid CMS being thrown out of the NGP through the silencer.
Only on some NGP15-21 PCT (%)-units we see the cap to the strainer breaking off. When this happens, the CMS will be
thrown out of the NGP through the silencer. As a result also the purity will drop.
That’s why we released a more rigid strainer 1629 0951 01 to replace the current one.
This failure does not occur on the PPM-variants.

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1629 0951 01

7.1. Location of the bottom strainers

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7.2. Replacement of CMS

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8. Application
NGP15-21 PCT-units with a failed bottom strainer as described above.

9. Required parts
Replace current strainer by strainer 1629 0951 01 - Two pieces for each unit is needed.
Replace the missing CMS. Depending the amount of CMS-loss and/or damage you can choose to order the kit for the
NGP15-21 or a smaller batch.

10. Planning ordering parts at ASC

Because of the high cost of the CMS premature field-actions are not allowed. Only real failures can be covered by this ECB.

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11. Reimbursement criteria
The costs for this field action can be claimed through normal monthly warranty reporting for units (WAnT). No RMA or FReT
report is required.
The standard reimbursement criteria remain valid. This means the standard warranty period of the unit as described on the
Business Portal.

12. Reporting
To have proper follow up of this action, it is absolutely required to report your actions. This means that reporting has to be
done through the normal warranty channels, mentioning the ECB number as failure category and the date of modification.
ECB actions should be finalized before 06/2018. Warranty claims that are reported after June 2018 will be rejected.

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13. Safety precautions
The operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related local work safety requirements and regulations.
• Maintenance must only be performed by authorised, trained and specialised personnel.
• Before maintenance, repair work, adjustment or any other non-routine checks, stop the compressor, switch off the
voltage, press the emergency button and depressurise the compressor. In addition, the power insolating switch must
be opened and locked.
• Use only the correct tools for maintenance and repair work.
• All maintenance work shall only be undertaken when the machine has cooled down.
• A warning sign bearing a legend such as ‘Work in progress; do not start’ shall be attached to the starting equipment.
• Persons switching on remotely controlled machines shall take adequate precautions to ensure that there is no one
checking or working on the machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be affixed to the remote start equipment.
• Close the compressor air outlet valve before connecting or disconnecting a pipe.
• Before removing any pressurized component, effectively isolate the machine from all sources of pressure and relieve
the entire system of pressure.
• Scrupulously observe cleanliness during maintenance and repair. Keep dirt away by covering the parts and exposed
openings with a clean cloth, paper or tape.
• Make sure that no tools, loose parts or rags are left in or on the machine.
• All regulating and safety devices shall be maintained with due care to ensure that they function properly. They may
not be put out of action.
• Always wear the following personal protective equipment: Work clothing, safety shoes, safety goggles, ear protection
and safety gloves when there is a cutting risk or a risk for a heat injury.

The safety guidelines are described in the instruction “Risk Assessment” with publication nr 2946 1492 00 (available on the
Business Portal in the section Safety, Quality and Environment/Safety/Safety Risk Assessment / Assessment “Risk
Assessment” maintenance).

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