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Annotating the Text

"The program has identified at least 4.6 million

poor families to help them access opportunities
so they can become self-sufficient by 2022."

"It is seen in a woman who, despite having little

educational background and being occupied with
being a housewife, is nonetheless able to express
her community’s problems because she has
found her voice in volunteering."
Copy 3-5 sentences from the article that
you think highlight the social issues and "Or in a man who, despite having only one leg, is
problems prevailing able to find the strength to serve as a
construction worker, not only so he will be able
to earn some money, but also because he sees
how his participation can help improve his
village’s condition, despite the fact that he is a
person with a disability."

How do community-driven development

programs, like Kalahi-CIDSS in the Philippines,
impact poverty alleviation in the long term?

What are the most common challenges faced by

individuals with little educational background in
Write down any questions about something
participating actively in community projects?
you would like to know more about

I wonder why the article does not delve deeper

into the specific training provided to individuals
in the Kalahi-CIDSS program, as understanding
the nature and content of this training could
Discuss a part from the article that is
shed light on how exactly people are empowered
confusing to you (not a word). Start your
to drive community development.
statement bye writing “I wonder why...”


Definition: Filled with intense emotion or


Definition: Deviations or irregularities from
what is considered normal or expected.


Definition: The action or state of being watchful

List down at least 3 unfamiliar words and write
and alert for potential dangers or difficulties.
their definitions that relate to the context of
th ti l
The resilience of individuals with little
educational background actively participating in
community projects, showcasing the
transformative power of volunteerism.

The determination of a man with a disability

working as a construction worker,
List down things that surprise you, and briefly demonstrating a commitment to community
note what it is that caught your attention. improvement despite physical challenges.

I wonder if, in the long term, the success stories

highlighted in the article could inspire a broader
cultural shift in which citizens across the
Philippines actively engage in community-driven
initiatives even without the direct involvement
of programs like Kalahi-CIDSS. The
empowerment experienced by individuals
Choose your favorite part of the article and through such initiatives might become a catalyst
explain why it is your favorite. for sustained social change, fostering a sense of
collective responsibility and participation in
addressing local challenges.

I might imagine that, if community-driven

development programs continue to gain
momentum and success, they could serve as a
model for similar initiatives in other regions or
countries facing comparable social challenges.
The lessons learned and shared experiences
Write down any connections to your life or could potentially inspire global efforts to
experiences. Start your statement by writing “I empower communities, fostering a sense of local
can connect to the article because...” agency and resilience in the face of various socio-
economic issues.

This article makes me think of real-life world

events, like when communities unite to respond
to natural disasters, showcasing the power of
local residents taking the lead in rebuilding
efforts and addressing challenges collectively.
These instances mirror the community-driven
development highlighted in the article,
emphasizing the active involvement of
individuals in addressing issues that directly
Write down any connections to the real world . impact their lives.

This article reminds me of community-driven

development initiatives highlighted in other
texts, such as grassroots movements and
participatory programs in various parts of the
world. It echoes themes of empowerment,
Write down any connections to other texts. resilience, and local engagement seen in
Start your statement by writing “This article literature discussing social change and
reminds me of...” sustainable development efforts.

This article discusses the Kalahi-CIDSS

community-driven development program in the
Philippines, which aims to combat poverty by
empowering individuals to take an active role in
addressing local challenges. It highlights real-life
stories of community members, including
individuals with limited educational
backgrounds and those with disabilities, who
become catalysts for change through
Summarize the key idea in your own words by
volunteerism and participation in small-scale
writing 3-5 sentences saying what this article
projects. The article underscores the
is about.
transformative power of community-driven
initiatives and envisions a long-term impact,
where citizens continue to drive social
development independently.

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