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Unit 4 test

Listening 3 Jason and Alan had a small ____________ but

now they have resolved it and they are friends
1  Listen to the radio programme. Who do you again.
think this programme is for? (2 marks) 4 People in West Africa used drums to
____________ people of possible danger.
5 My phone is fully charged now. Can you
____________ it, please?
2  Listen again. Answer the questions. (8 marks)
5 Complete the text. (10 marks)
1 According to the interviewer, in which four areas
are good communication skills essential? To turn on the tablet, you have to (1) ____________
this green button on the side. When it is ready, you
will see this symbol in the corner of the screen. Just
2 According to Luisa, which form of communication (2) ____________ the symbol with your finger to
do we use most? open the program. To choose a film, open the menu
and click on the type of film you like. Then
(3) ____________ down the list until you find one
3 What two activities does Luisa suggest to help that you want to see. They are in alphabetical order.
people to develop better oral communication? You can either (4) ____________ the film or
download it. There isn’t much free memory so only
download it if you need to. When you finish, please
4 What two things should you consider before (5) ____________ the tablet and leave it on my
choosing which form of communication to use? desk.

Practical English

Vocabulary 6 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)

Angela: Good morning. Angela
3 Replace the underlined words with words that (1) ____________ .
have a similar meaning. (5 marks) Chris: (2) ____________ I speak to Jerry
1 The play we saw was very funny. I can please? This is Chris. I’m
recommend it. ____________ (3) ____________ because I have a
2 The manager’s speech was very inspiring. I problem with my laptop.
really believe that if we work hard we can get the Angela: Can I (4) ____________ your surname,
results we want. ____________ please?
3 Her little sister is so irritating. I don’t know how Chris: Yes, it’s González.
she can share a room with her. ____________ Angela: (5) ____________ you mind spelling that
4 That wildlife series was very interesting. I can’t for me, please?
wait to see the next one. ____________ Chris: Yes, that’s G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z.
5 Unfortunately I find the whole process very Angela: OK; I’m afraid Jerry is busy at the
difficult to understand. I don’t think the manual is moment, but I’ll ask him to call you back
clear. ____________ as soon as possible.
Chris: Thank you very much for your help.
4 Complete the sentences. (5 marks)
1 Can you help me to ____________ the news
that tomorrow’s meeting is cancelled, please? I
haven’t got everybody’s contact details.
2 When I told Debbie the joke she ____________
out laughing.

Unit 4 test

Grammar Cumulative Review

7 Write questions using the correct form of the 10 Complete the second sentence so that it has the
verbs. Then match the questions to the same meaning as the first. Use the correct form
answers. (10 marks) of the word in brackets. (10 marks)
do happen make study write 1 I recommend that you go home if you don’t feel
well. (ought)
1 Who ____________ this essay?
You ________________________ home if you
2 Who ____________ the first computer?
don’t feel well.
3 How long ____________ you ____________ for
2 Conservation work helps elephants in Africa to
last night?
survive when they are under threat. (survive)
4 What ____________ Peter ____________ last
Conservation work is important for
________________________ of elephants
5 What ____________ after the Rihanna concert?
under threat in Africa.
A Alan Turing made the first computer. ___
3 I‘m disappointed with my new mobile phone.
B She came out to talk to her fans. ___
C I did. ___
My new mobile phone is
D I studied for two hours. ___
________________________ .
E He worked in his father’s shop. ___
4 Dad arrived home a few minutes ago. (just)
8 Write sentences and questions in the past Dad ________________________ home.
simple or the present perfect using the prompts. 5 There are five cupcakes, but there are six
Add the words in brackets in the correct place. people. (enough)
(10 marks)
There ________________________ cupcakes.
1 you / go / Brazil ? (last year)

2 my sister / buy / new / laptop (just)

3 I / eat / Indian food (never)

4 we/ finish / project (on Friday)

5 you / try / wakeboarding ? (ever)

9 Correct the mistakes. (10 marks)

1 Has David completed his engineering degree

2 We live in this country since 2008.

3 I never saw a James Bond film.

4 We already have seen that new film.

5 When have you seen it?

Unit 4 test

Reading 12 Read the text again and answer the questions.

Write complete sentences. (8 marks)
11 Read the text. Why do people use 1 Why were smoke signals so important in ancient
cryptography? (2 marks) China?

2 How did people in ancient Greece transmit

Smoke signals are one of the oldest forms of complex messages?
communication. In ancient China, soldiers on the
Great Wall told each other about possible danger by
sending smoke signals from the towers positioned 3 How did Native Americans inform the tribe about
along the wall. In this way, they could transmit a a possible attack?
message to someone as far away as 750 kilometres
in just a few hours. A Greek historian, Polybius,
invented a system of alphabetical smoke signals in 4 Give two examples of how some people still use
around 150 BC. To do this, he converted the Greek smoke signals today.
alphabet into number signals and created a system
of sending messages by holding a set of two
torches. This idea, known as the ‘Polybius Square’,
is also used in modern cryptography. This is a Writing
method of keeping written communication secret
from other people. 13 Write an email to a friend who is coming to visit
you at the weekend. Use the prompts to help
The Native Americans also communicated with you. Write about 150 words. (10 marks)
smoke signals. Each tribe had its own system. A
signaller started a fire on a high place using grass. Paragraph 1
This caused a column of smoke to rise upwards. If Talk about what you’ve done recently.
the message came from halfway up a hill, this
meant all was well, but from the top of the hill, it Paragraph 2
meant danger. Many years ago, the Aborigines of Mention your friend’s visit and give information
Australia also sent up smoke signals to spread the about interesting things to do.
news that they were entering a new place.
Paragraph 3
In some situations, people still use smoke signals
Ask your friend questions about their visit and
even today to transmit news, signal danger, or invite
arrange to meet.
people to a certain place. In Rome, for example, the
College of Cardinals uses smoke signals to indicate
the selection of a new Pope. When the American
Boy Scouts go on camping trips, they use three
quick puffs of smoke to indicate when someone is in
danger. And when people have problems at sea,
they use a special object called a flare to send
smoke into the air to ask other ships for help.
Smoke signals have saved many people over the

Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Practical English _____ / 10

Grammar _____ / 30 Cumulative Review _____ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100

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