Sop - Socmed

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To establish guidelines and procedures for managing Movenpick Hotel & Convention Centre
KLIA's social media presence to enhance brand visibility, engage with the audience, and
drive business objectives.


1. Social Media Platforms

 Identify and prioritize the social media platforms relevant to the hotel (e.g., Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn).
 Regularly evaluate new platforms and trends for potential inclusion.

2. Account Management

 Designate responsible individuals for managing each social media account.

 Maintain a centralized document with login credentials and account information.
 Regularly update profile information, including contact details and business hours.

3. Content Strategy

 Develop a content calendar outlining the frequency and types of posts.

 Create a mix of promotional, informative, and engaging content.
 Ensure content aligns with the hotel's branding and marketing objectives.
4. Monitoring and Engagement

 Regularly monitor comments, messages, and mentions on social media.

 Respond promptly to inquiries, comments, and messages.
 Address negative feedback professionally and promptly, and escalate if necessary.

5. Brand Guidelines

 Adhere to Movenpick Hotel & Convention Centre KLIA's brand guidelines in all social media
 Use approved logos, colours, and imagery.

6. Hashtags

 Create and promote relevant hashtags to encourage user-generated content.

 Monitor and engage with posts using hotel-related hashtags.

7. Advertising

 Coordinate social media advertising campaigns with the marketing team.

 Monitor ad performance and adjust strategies as needed.

8. Analytics and Reporting

 Regularly analyze social media metrics (engagement, reach, conversions).

 Provide regular reports to management with insights and recommendations for

9. Crisis Management

 Develop a crisis communication plan for social media.

 Designate individuals responsible for handling crisis situations on social media.

10. Employee Guidelines

 Train employees on social media policies and guidelines.

 Encourage employees to share positive content about the hotel while adhering to guidelines.

11. Legal and Compliance

 Stay informed about local regulations and laws governing social media use.
 Ensure all content complies with copyright and privacy laws.

12. Collaboration with Other Departments

 Collaborate with marketing, sales, and other relevant departments to align social media
efforts with broader business goals.
13. Regular Reviews

 Conduct regular reviews of the SOP to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

 Seek feedback from the social media team and adjust procedures accordingly.

14. Personnel Changes

 In the event that the individual responsible for managing social media resigns or undergoes a
change in responsibilities, it is mandatory to update access credentials immediately.
 Change the password for the social media accounts to ensure security.
 Avoid using personal accounts linked to Meta (Facebook) for social media management to
prevent potential security and ownership issues.

15. Password Management

 Use strong, unique passwords for each social media account.

 Store login credentials securely and share them only with authorized personnel.
 Regularly update passwords to enhance security.

16. Account Ownership

 Social media accounts must be owned and managed under official hotel email addresses.
 Avoid linking personal email accounts to social media profiles to maintain control and

17. Transition Plan

 Develop a transition plan for handing over social media responsibilities in case of personnel
 Document procedures for updating passwords and transferring account access securely.

18. Training for Successors

 Provide comprehensive training to any new personnel taking over social media
 Emphasize the importance of adhering to the SOP and maintaining the security of social
media accounts.

19. Exit Procedures

 Include social media account management in the exit procedures for departing employees.
 Conduct an audit of social media accounts to ensure that only authorized individuals have
20. Reporting Changes

 Promptly report any personnel changes affecting social media management to the relevant
 Ensure that the transition plan is executed smoothly to minimize disruptions in social media

21. Collaboration with IT Department

 Collaborate with the IT department to implement best practices for securing social media
account access.
 Regularly review and update security measures in alignment with IT policies.

22. User-generated Content (UGC) Guidelines

 Establish guidelines for handling user-generated content.

 Encourage guests to use designated hashtags when sharing their experiences.
 Seek permission before reposting guest content and always provide proper attribution.

23. Social Media Calendar

 Provide details on how to create and maintain a social media content calendar.
 Include information on key events, promotions, and relevant holidays to align content with
broader marketing strategies.

24. Social Media Etiquette

 Define social media etiquette guidelines for engaging with followers, partners, and other
 Encourage a positive and respectful tone in all interactions.

25. Community Engagement

 Develop strategies for engaging with the local community through social media.
 Support local initiatives and events and share community-related content.

26. Influencer Collaborations

 Establish procedures for collaborating with influencers.

 Clearly outline expectations, deliverables, and compensation agreements when working with
27. Accessibility Considerations

 Ensure that social media content is accessible to individuals with disabilities.

 Use alt text for images and consider accessibility features when creating multimedia content.

28. Emerging Trends and Technologies

 Include a section on staying updated with emerging trends and technologies in social media.
 Experiment with new features on existing platforms and explore potential opportunities on
emerging platforms.

29. Contests and Giveaways

 Develop guidelines for conducting contests and giveaways on social media.

 Ensure compliance with platform rules and legal regulations.

30. Data Privacy and GDPR Compliance

 Emphasize the importance of adhering to data privacy regulations.

 Clearly communicate how customer data is handled on social media.

31. Social Media Policy Acknowledgment

 Implement a policy acknowledgment process for all employees involved in social media
 Ensure that individuals understand and agree to abide by the established SOP.

32. Regular Training and Skill Development

 Schedule regular training sessions to update social media teams on new features, tools, and
best practices.
 Encourage ongoing skill development to stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of social

33. Social Media Crisis Communication Plan

 Elaborate on the crisis communication plan, detailing specific steps to be taken during
various types of crises.
 Assign responsibilities for monitoring and responding during critical situations.
34. Competitive Analysis

 Periodically conduct competitive analysis on social media.

 Identify successful strategies used by competitors and incorporate relevant insights into the
hotel's social media approach.

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Name: Name: Name:

Position: Position: Position:
Date: Date: Date:

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