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Programme of Events

9.30 – 10.15 Set up of Projects

10.15 – 12.30Exhibit projects and Judging
12.30 – 13.00Lunch
13.00 – 13.40Science Show
13.45 – 2.15Awards

1st , 2nd 3rd in each category
Best Communicator
Best project Display
Best Maths content

Why attend our science fair?

Promotes collaboration among students

Develops oral communication skills
Opportunity for linking an area of interest into classwork
Combines several different subjects
Preparation for Secondary school
Setting Up
Groups can be made up of a max 5 students

Senior: 5th and 6th Class
Intermediate: 2nd, 3rd, 4th Class
Junior: Junior, Senior, 1st Class

Carrying out a Science Project

Keep a Report Book
Follow the Scientific Method
Scientific Method: Step One
Make an Observation and Ask a Question
Seeds grow in the spring

Scientific Method: Step Two

Carry out some research.
Find out what key words mean

Germination is the growth of a seed into a seedling
Seeds need water, heat and oxygen to grow

Scientific Method: Step Three

Form a Hypothesis
Make an educated guess as to what may happen in the investigation.

Seeds will only grow when the weather is warm

Scientific Method: Step Four

Carry out an experiment
Design an experiment
Ensure it is a Fair Test by changing only one thing
Take measurements
Record the data

1. Place 10 seeds on cotton wool in a dish
2. Put the same amount of water on each dish
3. Place one dish in a fridge, one dish beside a radiator and one dish on a table
4. Leave each for the same length of time
5. Water regularly

This is a fair test as we only changed the temperature, everything else was kept the

Scientific Method: Step Five

Analyse your data and draw a conclusion
Include a table of results
Can be simple for younger classes
State which went further, was fastest etc
State which travelled the shortest etc
Older classes could
Use a bar chart or pie chart to show results
Plot a simple graph
Work out %
Try to give a reason for the results obtained

The seeds in the fridge did not sprout
The seeds beside the radiator sprouted after 2 days
We learned that the warmer the temperature the quicker seeds germinate

Seeds beside
Seeds in Fridge Seeds on the table
(4oC) (22oC)

Sprouted after 2
Rate of germination Did not sprout Sprouted after 4 days

Scientific Method: Step Six

Present Your Project
How to come up with a project idea
Have a chat about students interests and hobbies

What do students parents/Guardians do, this may help come up with an idea

Example Ideas

What type of food do birds prefer

Does temperature affect the rate a substance dissolves
What surface has the greatest amount of friction
What is the best way to prevent a nail from rusting
What is the best way to keep tea warm
What food do worms prefer
What type of music helps you learn

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