SISK WESTHAM Induction and Orientation Procedure

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Business Function Document Owner Document Type

Health and Safety Director - Health and Safety PROCEDURE

Induction and Orientation Procedure

Health and Safety

Induction and Orientation

Document code PR-OHS-700-01

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John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd. Induction and Orientation © John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd. 2019 Page 1 of 7
Management System Procedure All rights reserved.
PR-OHS-700-01 Document uncontrolled when printed.
Last Updated: Oct-19
Business Function Document Owner Document Type

Health and Safety Director - Health and Safety PROCEDURE

Induction and Orientation Procedure

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000 June 19 F McNeil W Metcalfe

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000 1st Issue

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Management System Procedure All rights reserved.
PR-OHS-700-01 Document uncontrolled when printed.
Last Updated: Oct-19
Business Function Document Owner Document Type

Health and Safety Director - Health and Safety PROCEDURE

Induction and Orientation Procedure

1 Scope and Applicability ........................................................................................................... 4
2 Definitions and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... 5
3 Management Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................ 5
3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Sisk Project Lead ................................................................................................................ 5
3.3 Sisk Induction and Orientation Coordinator ........................................................................ 5
3.4 Sisk Package Manager ........................................................................................................ 6
3.5 Sisk Responsible Supervisor................................................................................................ 6
3.6 Package Lead Supervisor .................................................................................................... 6
4 Sisk Essentials ......................................................................................................................... 7
5 Prohibitions ............................................................................................................................ 7
6 Applicable Forms .........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Management System Procedure All rights reserved.
PR-OHS-700-01 Document uncontrolled when printed.
Last Updated: Oct-19
Business Function Document Owner Document Type

Health and Safety Director - Health and Safety PROCEDURE

Induction and Orientation Procedure

1 Scope and Applicability

The induction and orientation process is a vital part of our Occupational Health and Safety
Management System. It is essential we effectively communicate both our general company
requirements and any site-specific information in a timely and appropriate manner to everyone on
our projects. We must also seek to ensure those completing the induction process understand what
is required of them and where to go for information and assistance.
This procedure and its associated forms and guidance apply to all of the company’s activity in the
project delivery environment. This includes activities delivered in joint venture unless the joint
venture agreement explicitly determines another management system should be adopted.
The requirements contained herein are mandatory. Any departure from either
this procedure in its entirety or part thereof should be proposed and approved
in accordance with the procedure entitled Change Management and
Derogation. Change
Management and
Projects established outside Ireland or the UK are to comply with this procedure
insofar as local legislation allows, specific local provisions should also be
controlled through the use of the Change Management and Derogation

2 Definitions and Abbreviations

2.1 Definitions
Term Definition
Site Worker A person attending the site for the purpose of working on the site. This
includes working in the site offices and/or canteen. Captured by this
definition are client’s staff, external design consultants, Clerk of Works
and others who are working on the project. This includes Work
Equipment Fitters/Engineers and others who attend site to carry out
work on an intermittent or short-term basis.
Site Visitor A person attending the site who will not be working on the construction
site or site office/welfare areas and who will always be accompanied by
a member of the project management team
On-line Induction An on-line introduction into the Sisk expectations in relation to OHS and
Environmental controls for projects managed through an online platform
Site Specific A short explanation of the main risks relating to the project or
Orientation workplace, the risk control measures that those working on the project
need to be aware of and site rules in relation to the workplace
Site Visitor Orientation A brief Orientation relaying the welfare set up and site rules for visitors
who haven’t passed the Online Induction. This can be delivered by the
visitor’s host

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Management System Procedure All rights reserved.
PR-OHS-700-01 Document uncontrolled when printed.
Last Updated: Oct-19
Business Function Document Owner Document Type

Health and Safety Director - Health and Safety PROCEDURE

Induction and Orientation Procedure

Delivery Driver A short explanation of the rules relating to Delivery Drivers and other
Orientation critical information relevant to their Health and Safety, intended to be
suitable for delivery by those controlling access to a site
Success Code/QR A unique code issued to an individual upon completion of Online
Code Induction and before orientations are presented
Non-English Speakers A person who has no understanding of the English language or very little
Worker to the extent that they cannot understand OHS information being
explained in English including ability to read OHS information where
reading is essential to understanding

2.2 Abbreviations
Abbreviations Meaning
None Used

3 Management Roles and Responsibilities

3.1 Introduction
The effective operation of this procedure relies upon the appointment of a
number of role holders from within the Sisk project management team and in
some instances the supply chain. These role holders will be appointed in PR-OHS-100-01
accordance with the Roles, Responsibilities and Competence procedure and Roles,
identified in the applicable Construction Phase Plan. The minimum competence Responsibilities
requirements for each role holder are considered within the procedure and and Competence
demonstration of the defined competence requirements is a pre-requisite to
appointment to the role.

3.2 Sisk Project Lead

The Sisk Project Lead is the Sisk representative appointed with overall responsibility for the effective
delivery of a project. They must:
▪ Appoint and support a suitable number of competent Induction and Induction and
Orientation Coordinators and deputies in accordance with the Procedure Orientation
entitled Roles, Responsibilities and Competence Coordinator GDPR
▪ Issue the Induction and Orientation Coordinators with the Induction and Letter
Orientation Coordinator GDPR Letter to sign
▪ Liaise with the Sisk Health and Safety Administrator to ensure that new Sisk staff members
receive the Online Induction
▪ Liaise with the Sisk Health and Safety Administrator to ensure that those appointed as
Induction and Orientation Coordinators have ‘Manager’ access rights in the Online Induction

3.3 Sisk Induction and Orientation Coordinator

The Sisk Induction and Orientation Coordinator is the Sisk representative(s) with responsibility for
coordinating and delivering induction and orientation in the allocated area of a project. They must:

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Management System Procedure All rights reserved.
PR-OHS-700-01 Document uncontrolled when printed.
Last Updated: Oct-19
Business Function Document Owner Document Type

Health and Safety Director - Health and Safety PROCEDURE

Induction and Orientation Procedure

▪ Prepare and update the Site Specific Orientation, Site Visitor Orientation Site Specific
and Delivery Driver Orientation as requested by the Project Lead Orientation
▪ Ensure an orientation diary is set up detailing the days and times when Site
Specific Orientations will be held, considering the maximum number of Site Visitor
people who can attend based on the size of the room Orientation
▪ Deliver applicable Site Specific Orientation sessions in accordance with GN-
OHS-1100-01 Induction and Orientation Guidance Notes
▪ Ensure inductees who have not completed the Next of Kin and Medical Delivery Driver
records on the online induction, complete the Next of Kin and Medical Orientation
Details Form
▪ Complete and maintain the Orientation Record Form Orientation
▪ Issue Site Specific Orientation hard hat stickers and First Aid as appropriate Record Form
▪ Ensure the Site Visitor Orientation and Delivery Driver Orientation
documents are issued to all those who may need to use them, for example Next of Kin and
those who will host visitors and control access for delivery drivers Medical Details

3.4 Sisk Package Manager

The Sisk Package Manager is the Sisk Representative(s) assigned to manage a particular package of
work. They must:
▪ Inform the Package Lead Supervisor of the Online Induction and the orientation process
▪ Request how many people require a Site Specific Orientation
▪ Book the required number of people in for the Site Specific Orientation in the Orientation Diary
– ensure that there are enough spaces available

3.5 Sisk Responsible Supervisor

The Sisk Responsible Supervisor is the Sisk Representative assigned to monitor, control and support
the planning of activities in an allocated area of the project or particular package of works. They
▪ Regularly check and monitor the orientation process and raise any issues appropriately
▪ Support the Induction and Orientation Coordinator in the execution of their duties

3.6 Package Lead Supervisor

The Package Lead Supervisor is the allocated individual (from either Sisk or the supply chain)
responsible for managing multiple tasks for a particular package. They must:
▪ Liaise with the Sisk Package Manager to ensure the orientation process is efficient and effective
including advising of the number of operatives who are to receive the Site Specific Orientation
before they arrive on site
▪ Liaise with their company supplier induction administrator to ensure the workers assigned to the
project are assigned the online induction in advance of arrival at the project
▪ Arrange for a translator for Non-English Speaker Workers. This includes ensuring the workers
have had the Online Induction and that it has been translated appropriately
▪ Ensure literature is made available in the requisite languages for Non-English Speaker Workers
▪ Ensure all operatives bring their unique Success Code/QR Code, detailed in their certificate of
completion, to the Site Specific Orientation for checking
▪ Ensure Site Workers who have been away from site for some time receive appropriate re-
orientation upon their return to site

John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd. Induction and Orientation © John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd. 2019 Page 6 of 7
Management System Procedure All rights reserved.
PR-OHS-700-01 Document uncontrolled when printed.
Last Updated: Oct-19
Business Function Document Owner Document Type

Health and Safety Director - Health and Safety PROCEDURE

Induction and Orientation Procedure

4 Sisk Essentials
Sisk Essentials
▪ Every Site Worker to complete the On-line ▪ Site Visitors and Delivery Drivers who
Induction before attendance to site attend site regularly to receive the full On-
▪ Every Site Worker to complete the Site line Induction and applicable Orientation
Specific Orientation before commencing ▪ Orientation content must be kept up to
work on a project date to reflect the site risks, rules and other
▪ Site Visitors must be accompanied at all constraints/changes
time by a Sisk host or the applicable ▪ Suppliers must provide interpreters for any
Package Lead Supervisor Non-English Speaking personnel

5 Prohibitions
▪ Delivery Drivers cannot leave the location ▪ Working on a project prior to completion of
of their vehicle until they have received the both the On-Line Induction and the Site
Delivery Driver Orientation Orientation

6 Reference Documents
Document ID Document Name
PR-OHS-100-01 Roles, Responsibilities and Competence
FM-OHS-100-06 Induction and Orientation Coordinator GDPR Letter
PR-OHS-200-01 Change Management and Derogation
FM-OHS-700-01 Site Specific Orientation
FM-OHS-700-02 Orientation Record
FM-OHS-700-03 Site Visitors Orientation
FM-OHS-700-04 Site Visitor Sign In Sheet
FM-OHS-700-05 Delivery Driver Orientation
FM-OHS-700-06 Vehicle Access Record
FM-OHS-700-07 Next of Kin and Medical Details
GD-OHS-700-01 Induction Guidance Notes
GD-OHS-700-02 Online Induction Guidance Notes
FM-OHS-1100-02 Orientation Record Form

John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd. Induction and Orientation © John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd. 2019 Page 7 of 7
Management System Procedure All rights reserved.
PR-OHS-700-01 Document uncontrolled when printed.
Last Updated: Oct-19

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