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i |ZANational Semiconductor LM1576-ADJ/LM2576-ADJ General Description ‘Tho LM1576-ADJ series are monolithic intograted ocuits that provide al the actve functions for a stop-down (buck) switching regulator. These devices feature an output vol age which is adjustable trom 1.23V to 37V and is capable of dhiving a 3A load with excellent ine and load regulation RRequiing & minimum number of external components, these regulators are simple to use and inciudeintornal fo. ‘quency compensation and a fixed-trequency oscillator. ‘Tho LM1576-ADS serie offers a high oficioncy roplaco- ment for popular three-terminal adjustable linear regulators. It substantial reduces the $20 of the heat sik, and in many cases no heat sink is required. {A standard series of inductors are availabe from several THEE i SLO ' 7 I ees Secale 6 oan Typical Performance Characteristics (crcut ot gure 1) (Continued) comer ete) wu vue 09 Supply Current Standby Supply Current wa Duty Cycle uescent Current » ; 1s se an 7 AAC } ee 5 rN | 3 [ : hae ah Eo fs ‘ne g * f “C11 7 | * OT veo wave con wae) Switch current Limit Saturation Voltage Erticloney “7 ‘ea 7 T * [ " _u * Ps 2-7 = 7 ta f Fe melt Ty Bul =| Sao eI 1 rs | eCLOTT ‘neo rarest) Minimum Operating Voltage (GbE soo “ne TON TREAT 5) on : omuaea rca (5) sno can 4) Line Regulation | area Weer Frequeney “ETON RMRCATIRE 2) exes rm cum ot) out vue 0 Feedback Pin Current anew areata 8) Typical Performance Characteristics (crcutot Fue 1)(Comtinved) Load Transient Response ‘put pn vonage, Sova {& ouput ncuron 28/0 © ndasor corer 20/ce De Ouput ple vga, 50 mV/s, AC counted ortzomtal Time Bee: §pa/@. and Layout Guidelines On — 100 uF, $0, Amin Bectotnc Cour = 1000, 15, Alomrum Ect Dr" Senemy! sneeze Ci toot Pee Eng PE-22108 Rr Likoois Re Sos 0018 ‘pn T0220 socket 2996 Loranger Mg, Co) {490 TO eockel-B112.A57 (apa he) oe: urbers a or the YO-220 package. FIGURE 1 ‘As in any switching regulator, layout is very important. Rapidly switching curents associated with wiring inductance generate voltage transionts which can cause problems. For minimal stray inductance and ground loops, the length ofthe leads indicated by heavy lines should be kept as short as possible. Single-point grounding (as indicated) or ground plane construction should be used for best results. Block Diagram and Typical Application Note: Pr suber ro the TO-20 package, FIGURE 2 LM1576-ADJ Series Buck Regulator Design Procedure rocedure Given: Vout = Regulated Output Voltage Vimax) = Maximum input voltage toao(ax) = Maximum load current F = Switching troquoncy (fixed at 52 KHz) 1, Programming Output Voltage (selecting Ri and Fz) Use the following formula to solact the appropriate resis- tor values. 2v R Vout = Vaee (: + R) where Ves Rt can be between tk and 10k or Best tompoatro coaticiont and stability with time, use 1% motal tim re sistors) 2. Inductor Selection (L1) A. Calculate E © T (V © us), from the following formula; Your , 1000 oy.) ET = (iy Vout oe 8. Uso tho E « T value from tho previous formula and match it with tho E # T number on the vertical ax of {he Inductor value selection guide shown in Figure 4 ©. On the horizontal axis, select the maximum load eur- rent D. Identify the region intersected bythe E* T value and tho maximum load curontvaluo, and note the induc- tor code for that region E, Match inductor code tothe inductor valve as shown in Figure 5 (and manufacturer's pat mre) 3. Output Capacitor Selection (Cour) The valuo of the output capacitor together with the in ductor defines the dominant pole-pair of the switching rogulator loop. For stablo operation, the capacitor must satisty the following requirement: Viy(max) Tour * Ui) ‘The above formula yields capacitor values between 10 uF and 2200 uF that will stisty the loop require- ‘ments for stable operation. But to achiove an accept- ‘able output ripple voltage (approximately 1% of the ‘output voltage) and wvansiont response, the output ca pacitor may need to be several times larger than the above formula yields. a Cour ® 19.900; oF Example iver: Vour = 10¥ Veimax) = 259 tuoxo(max) = 9A F = s2kHe 1, Programming Output Voltage (selecting Ry and Az) You 2) sacar, = aa(s+8) ttn =m =p, (Your )- (S-1) 2. Inductor Selection (L1) A Calculate E © T (© us) 40, 1000 BOT = (25 — 10900. si5Ve ns BEST = 115Vens. Ihoaotmax) = 3A D. Inductor code = H150 E Inductor value = 160 wH Choose from AIE part +#415.0996, Pulse Engineering part #PE-53115, or Renco part #2445. 3: Output Capactor Selection (Cour) 28 ur > 13,900 28-204 ye A Cour > 19.800 55555 ~ 221 However, for acceptable output ripple voltage select Cour = 680 uF Cour = 680 uF electrolytic Capacitor LM1576-ADJ Series Buck Regulator Design Procedure (continues) Procedure The amount of output rpple voltage is primarily a func: tion of the ESR (Equivalont Series Resistance) of the ‘output capacitor. The value and tho typo of capacitor Lsed will determine the amount of ESA it contains. Se- leciing a capacitor with a low ESR wil resut in a low output pple voltage. In general the lower capacitor val- tues have the higher ESR ratings. ‘The lower capacitor values (220 j.F-1000 jF) will allow typically 50 mV to 150 mV of outbut ripple voltage, while larger-value capacitors will reduce the ripple to approx: mately 35 mV to 50 mv. Vripptepp = 0.2 x hoapimax) x ESR ‘To further reduce the output ripple voltage, several sta dard electrolytic capacitors may be paralleled, or a high ‘er-grade capacitor may be used. Such capaciiors are of ten called “high-frequency”, “lowinductance", of "low ESA’. These wil reduce the output mppe to 10 mV to 20 mV. Howover, reducing the ESR below 0.0501 can cause instabilty. For this reason, the use of a tantalum capa tors the sole capacitors not recommended. Tantalum eapacitors (because of their good low temperature char- teristics) can be used in paralll with aluminum electro- Iytes, wih the tantalum making up 10% or 20% of the total capacitance. “The capacitors ripple current rating at 52 kHz should be at least 50% higher than the ripple component of the inductor current, Iruppictmax) 2 1.5 x 0:3 x koaplinax) 8. The capacitor’ voltage rating should be at last 1.25, times greater than the output voltage. For a 10V out ul, a rating of at least 15 is appropiato, and a 20V rating is recommended 4. Catch Diode Selection (01) ‘The catch-diode currant rating must be at least 1.2 times ‘greater than the maximum load current. Ais, ifthe pow ‘F supply design must withstand continuous shorted out- put conditions, the diode current rating should be greater than 2A. The most stressful condion fr this diode is an ‘overload or short circuit condition ‘A. The reverse voltage rating of the diode should be at least 1.25 times the maximum input voliage. B. Because of tholr fast switching speed and low for- ward voltage drop, Schottky diodes provide the best offciency, especialy in low output voltage switching regulators (less than 5V). Fast-Recovery, High-Ett ciency, or Utra-Fast Recovery diodes are also suit. able, but some types with an abrupt turn-off cherac- teristic may cause instability and EMI problems. A fast recovery diode with soft recovery characteristics is a better choice. Standard 60 Hz diodes (e.g, ‘1N4001, oF INS400, etc) are also not sultable. See Figure 3 or Schottky and “soft” fast-recovory diode selection guide, Exam Vw [__Sehorty (max) 3A iwse20 | 1N5829 zo | wenaa0e shoo 15821 wwaraco | sowaca a | s10003 | 310003 | TP | coming ‘e0e_| neo | folowng | Jouoed snseee | waRado | 909688 | trates wero | 2xb004 to 10ov ov to oov axons | sowaoe reo | HE | ey | SOMO waraso | sowans | vtace | MURer0 sov | exooos R05 waroe0 | sowcoe cov | “bane. | soso060 shave FIGURE 3. Diode Selection Guide To further simply the buck regulator design procedure, Ne tional Semiconductor is making available computer design software to be used with the Simple Switcher™ line of ‘switching regulators. Switchers Made Simple is avalabio on a (514") skort for IBM compatible computers from a ‘National Semiconductor sales office in your area. LM1576-ADJ Series Buck Regulator Design Procedure (continuea) Est (Vous) 200 12200 WS 10 KR RA rion He 150 RR KX “ 100 . SS L100) 2 29, 03 035 0404505 0.6 0. 708 091.0 MAXIMUM LOAD CURRENT (A) 2025 30 FIGURE 4. Inductor Value Selection Guide (for Continuous Mode Operation) FIGURE 5. Inductor Selection by Manufacturer's Part Number [att [ Putsetna? | Renee? | see | Peso | plz 68 aisoest | Pesan | Alas L100) ais.0990_| PEs2T08 | _ALaeea L160) 160053 | _Pesor19_| ALIO54 220 aiscez2 | Pes2626 | ALI959 _ 1390) 415-0026 | Pe-se6e7 | ALI052_ taro aiso0e7 | Pessta | ALIG6I L680) 4150828 | Pesz620 | AL1050 80 aisoes6 | Pesos | Alas 220 aoo0ess | pessie | ALzue 900 4o00605 | Pessii7 | Alas HATO ao006s4 | Pessite | _ALI961 860 aisoe05 | Pessiie | ALt960 Ht000 415-0804 | Pe-ssr20 | ALt958 11600 415-0053 | Pe-sstat_|_ALt958 12200 “aisoces | Pessize | lz Note AE Magnetes, dy, Veraton (Corp. Passe Components eu, (ei) sar 2101 2001 Toad Shoot Now, St Peteabu, ‘Mote 2: Pls Engnosting. (618) 268-2400 P.O. Box 1205, San Dogo, CA 92112 (ie 6-556 20 dtm Bi East, Over Pak, NY 11728 ° Typical Applications ++4.5V To +30¥ ‘UNREGULATED Dc INPUT. ~52¥ © 04k REGUATD oureut FIGURE 6. inverting Buck-Boost ‘exceeding the maximum switch current rating, the available ‘output current is less than the standard buck configuration Also, the Start-up input current is higher than the standard bbuck-mode regulator, and this could overioad the input pow- cr source. Using a delayed turn-on or an undervoltage lock- Cut circuit would allow the input voltage to rise to a high tenough level before the switcher would be allowed to turn fn. The circuit in Figure 7 can be modified for the buck- boost under-voltage lockout by wiring the emiter of Q1 and the fow sido of Rt, to the ground pin of the LM2576, which 's tho nogative output of the inverting buck-boost cuit ‘The buck regulator design procedure section can not be sed to select tho inductor, because of the structural dtfer- ‘ences between the buck and the buck-boost rogulatorto- eccuaTEo DC INPUT vy (M2576~ADJ m1 n ka Ferg align eciomredioe of nea cared FRGURE7. Underage Lockout Be Becks! else eto 47 yard 20 9 Inst appatoe ts esrb to Kop te ep o Fowe 6 shows an M2676 ADsina vey sme bucktoost "none spleaons is cera ane ne oad ot criguson pt a route 92V copa en's Syeagt ast Ron seme stab Positive input voltage. This circuit bootstraps the regulator's ‘shown in Figure 7. This circuit keeps the regulator off until {ound pinto th negate otpu volage, nen by grounding wn Fire 7. Ts oc Yoape the rogue We oduct rogdatercoees he Ferd pa Han aces a era votupe end roqutes 8 "524 im = Von + Ver 'A.3A power supply that features an adjustable output volt- ‘The maximum available output current in this contiguration| ee ee ee cpt TA) oenae, 20818 shown n Figure 8, An adona LC fr tat red ‘sible with input voltages greator than BV, or by increasing Co i pelea led cea ehig Nt De oot tba ‘the value of the output capacitor. Co ‘The pulsed switch currents in this buck-boost contigucation arg higher than in the standard buck-mode design. To avoid ourut voutace +12 w 35¥ Note: i number ar for T0220 Package aout vage aust pina ope Apa er FIGURE 6. 1.2V to 35V Adjustable 3A Power Supply with Low Output Ripple 10 Application Hints INPUT CAPACITOR (Cin) Because of higher switching curens, nut supply bypass- ing more importantin the LM2576 than inte UM2S75. TO maintain stat, the regulator input pin must be bypassed witha least 47 nF tow ESR olarrolyc capacitor. Capac tore wih high voltage ratings, or capactors which ae phys cally largr, generally have a lowor ESR. Tho capacitors teads must bo Kopt shor and located as close as possbo tothe reguato. I the operating temperature range incides temperatures below 25°C, tho Input capacitor vale may noed to BO largo. With most electrolytic capacitors, the capacitance value docreases and the ESR increases with ower torpor. {tres and age. Adding ceramic or sod tantalum capact tor near the input pin will increase the regulator stability at cold temperatures For maximum capacitor operating He- tine, the capact's AMS nipple curt rang shoud be rater an 12 = tow) © hoa INDUCTOR SELECTION ‘The inductor value selection guide of Figure 4 was designed for buck regulator designs of the continuous inductor cur- rent type. When using inductor values shown inthe inductor selection guide, the peak-to-peak inductor ripple curront wil bbe approximately 20% to 30% of the maximum DC current. With relatively heavy load curents, the circuit operates in the continuous mode (inductor current always flowing), but under light load conditions, the circuit wil be forced 10 the discontinuous made (inductor current falls to 26r0 fora per- (0d of ime). This discontinuous mode of operation is pertoct- 'y acceptable. For light loads (less than approximately '300 mA) it may be desirable to operate the regulator in the ‘iscontinuous mode, primarily because ofthe lower inductor ‘values required for the discontinuous mode. ‘The LM2576 can be used for both continuous and discontin- twous modes of operation. The selection guide chooses in- ‘ductor valves suttable for continuous mode operation, but it the inductor value chosen is prohibitively high, the designer should investigate the possibility of discontinuous operation. ‘The computor design software Switchers Made Simple will provide all component values for discontinuous (as well as Continuous) mode of operation Inductors are available in diferent styles such as pot core, toroid, E-frame, bobbin core, etc, a8 wall as different core materials, such as fortes and powdered iron. The least ex- pensive, the bobbin core type, consists of wire wrapped on 4 forte rod core. This type of construction makes for an inexpensive inductor, bt since the magnetic thx not com- pletely contained within the core, it gonerates more elactro- magnatic interference (EM), This EMI can cause problems in sensitive circuits, or can give incorect scope readings bbecauseof induced voltages in the scope probe “The inductors listed in the selection chart include forte pot core construction for AIE, powdered iron toroid for Pulse Engineering, and ferte bobbin core for Renco.. ‘An inductor should not be operated beyond its maximum rated current because it may saturate. When an inductor begins to saturate, the inductance decreases rapidly and the inductor begins to look mainly resistive (the DC resist lance of the winding). This can cause the switch current to rise very rapidly and the switch may not be able to tuen off fast enough to protect isl! from excessive current. Ditfer- font inductor types have diferent saturation characteristics, {and this should be kept in mind when selecting an inductor ‘The inductor manufacturers’ data sheets inchide current and energy limits to avoid inductor saturation ‘OUTPUT VOLTAGE RIPPLE AND TRANSIENTS: ‘The output voltage of a switching power supply will contain 1 sawtooth ripple voltage at the switcher frequency, and may also contain short voltage spikes at the peaks of the ‘sawtooth waveform. ‘The output ripple voltage is due mainly tothe inductor saw- ‘tooth ripple current multiplied by the ESR of the output ca- Pacitor (628 Section 3A of design procedure) ‘The voltage spikes are presant because of the fast switch- ing action of tho output switch, and the parasitic inductance of the output fiter capacitor. To minimize these voltage spikes, spacial low inductance capacitors must be used, and their lead lengths must be kept short. Wiring induc- tance, stray capacitance, as well as the scope probe used to evaluate these transients, all contribute to the amplitude of these spikes. ‘An additional small LC fiter can be added to the output to further reduce the amount of output ripple and transients, as in Figur 8. FEEDBACK CONNECTION ‘The LM2576-ADJ feedback circuitry is designed so that, when the output voltage is connected directly to the Feed- back pin, the output voltage is 1.200. ‘ON/OFF INPUT For normal operation, the ON/OFF pin should be grounded or ativan with a low-level TTL voltage (typically below 1.86). To put the roguitor into standby mode, drive tis pin with & hightovel TTL or CMOS signal GROUNDING ‘To maintain output votage stability, the power ground con- actions. must be lowsmpedance (see Figur 1). For the 03 style package, the case is ground. For the S-load 70-220 style package, both the tab and pin 3 are ground ‘nd either connection may be used, as they are both part of the same copper lead frame. HEAT SINK/THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS Inmany cases, only a small heat sink is required to keep the M2576 junction temperature within the allowed operating range. For each application, to determine whether or not a heat sink wil be required, the folowing must be identified: 4. Maximum ambient tomporature (inthe application). 2. Maximum regulator power dissipation (in application 3. Maximum allowed junction temperature (150°C. for LM1576 or 125°C forthe LM2576). For a safe, conserva- tive design, a temperature approximately 15°C cooler than the maximum temperatures should be selected 4. LM2576 package thermal resistances #4 and 8c. ‘otal power dissinated by the LM2576 can be estimated as follows: Po = (Vin la) + (Vo/Vin) (Loan) (sa) 1 Application Hints (continues) whore Ig (quiescent curront) and Vsar can be found in the Characteristic Curves shown previously, Viy is the applid minimum input voltage, Vo is the regulated output voltage, ‘and ltoaD is the load current. The dynamic losses during turn-on and turn-off are negigible if @ Schottky type catch diode is used. ‘When no heat sink is used, the junction temperature rise ‘can be determined by the folowing: AT = Pp) (yn) To arrive at the actual operating junction temperature, the junction temperature ris to the maximum ambient tom- perature, Ty ATs + Ta 1 the actual operating junction temperature is greater than ‘the selected sato operating junction temperature deter- mined in step 3, then a heat sink is required, ‘When using a heatsink. the junction temperature rise can bbe determined by the following: AT, = Pp)l@Jc + Srtertace + Oroat sek) ‘The operating junction temperature wil be: Ty= Tat aty [As above, if the actual operating junction temperature is greater than the selected safe operating junction tempera- ture, then a larger heatsink is required (one that has a lower thermal resistance). Included on the Switcher Made Simple design software is 1a more precise (norstinear) thermal model that can be used to determine junction temperature with diferent input-output parameters oF different component values. It can also calcu- lato the heat sink thermal resistance required to maintain tho regulators junction temperature below the maximum op- crating temperature. Definition of Terms BUCK REGULATOR ‘A switching regulator topology in which a higher voltage is ‘converted to a lower voltage. Also known as a step-down ‘switching regulator. ‘BUCK-BOOST REGULATOR ‘A switching regular topology in which a positive voltage is ‘converted to a negative voltage without a transformer. DUTY CYCLE (0) Ratio of the output switch's on-time to the oscillator period ae p= 18 - Your T Vin tou Nol for bu boost router = ‘24 = Ral — ‘where T is the oscillator period, typically 1/52 kHz or 19 js. ‘CATCH DIODE OR CURRENT STEERING DIODE “The diode which provides a retuin path forthe load current ‘whan the LM2576 switch is OFF. EFFICIENCY (n) “The proportion of input power actually delivered tothe load. Pour Pour. Pin Pour + Ploss EQUIVALENT SERIES INDUCTANCE (ESL) “The pure inductance component of a capacitor (see Figure {9}, Tho amount of inductance is dotermined to a large ex- tent on the capacitor’s construction. In a buck reguiato, this ‘unwanted inductance causes voltage spikes to appear on the output EQUIVALENT SERIES RESISTANCE (ESR) ‘The purely resistive component ofa real capacitor’simped- ‘ance (see Figure 9). it causes power loss resulting in capac- itor heating, which directly affects the capaciior's operating time. When used as a switching regulator output fier, higher ESR values result in higher output ripple voltages. Most standard aluminum electrolytic capacitors in tho 470 uF-2000 uF range have 0.0501 to 0.30 ESR. Higher ‘grade capacitors ("low-ESR”, “high-frequency’”, or “lowrin- ‘ductance") in the 220 uF-1000 uF range generally have ESR of less than 0.159 eR ESL = FIGURE 9. Simple Model of a Real Capacitor OUTPUT RIPPLE VOLTAGE ‘The AC component ofthe switching regulator's output vot age. Its usualy dominated by the output capacitor’s ESR ‘multiplied by the inductors ripple current. The peak-to-peak value of this sawtooth ripple current will be typically 30% of the maximum load current (when the Design Procedure in the datashest is followed), CAPACITOR RIPPLE CURRENT [RMS value of the maximum allowable alternating current at which a capacitor can be operated continuously at a speci- fed temperature. ‘STANDBY QUIESCENT CURRENT (Istay) ‘Supply current required by the LM2576 when in the standby ‘mode (ON/OFF pin is driven to TTL-high voltage), thus turn- ing the output switch OFF. INDUCTOR RIPPLE CURRENT ‘The peak-to-peak value of the inductor current waveform, typically a sawtooth waveform when the regulator is operat. Ing continuous (vs. discontinuous) ‘CONTINUOUS/DISCONTINUOUS MODE OF OPERATION Folates tothe inductor current. In the continuous mode, the inductor current is always flowing and never drops to 2010, vs. the discontinuous mode, whore tho inductor current drops to z2r0 for a period of timo. INDUCTOR SATURATION ‘The condition which exists when an inductor cannot hold ‘any more magnetic flux. When an inductor saturates, the inductor appears loss inductive and the resistive component ‘dominates. Inductor current is then limited only by the OC resistance of the wire and the available source current. 2 Physical Dimensions inchos(nitimotors) 4-Lead TO-3 (K) (Order Number LM1576K-ADJ or LM2576K-ADJ NS Package Number KO4A 13 LM1576-ADJ/LM2576-ADJ Simple Switcher 3 Amp Step-Down Voltage Regulator Physical Dimensions inches (mitimeters) (Continued) eee SEATING PLANE nm 2008 cma arene 2soee ben S-Lead 70-220 (7) (Order Number LM2576T-ADJ 'NS Package Number TO5A. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL'S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support dovices or systems are devices. or systems which, (@) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (2) support or sustain fe, and whose failure to perform, when propery used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can bo reasonably expected to result ina significant injury 2.A critical component is any component of a life ‘support device or system whose failure to perform can bbe reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety of cffectivaness. JL. i ieee AH 1 8 1002 Ae ST ST" SE Sa Cece See eee ee = Ee Ge Sie SS" See Se

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