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1.Generally total 17 types of lattice structures available which is most common type of
lattice. Three type of crystal lattice in metal

2.which alloy gives negative to corrosion protection?

A. Sulphur
B. chromium
C. carbon
D. magnesium

3.Hall effect sensor used to measure

A. flux density
B. conductivity

4.SI unit of wavelength

A. Nano meter (nm)
B. lux
C. radiometer

5.SI unit of flux density

A. Tesla
B. gauss
C. ampere per meter

6.which is correct regarding to levels in SNT TC 1 A?

B. Employer may be subdivided these three level as per employer needs

7. The term used in powder metallurgy for bonding of material solids–sintering

8.In neutron radiography which source is used

A. neutron
B. gamma co 60
C. californium 252
9.Dry developer is not used (not suitable) to which penetrant?
A. water washable
B. Ans-visible penetrant
C. post emulsification lipophilic
D. post emulsification hydrophilic

10. Material used to support the core and not melted are chaplet

11.when we see the radiographic film after 5 years, it looks like discoloring(fade),why?
Ans. More time in fixing (ie., more than twice the time of developer)
5 min of developer / 10 min of fixing and not more than 15 min

12.By using which, ACCP LEVEL 3 need to develop procedure.

A. handbook (NDT)
B. ASNT BPVC section V (boiler and pressure )
C. written instruction.

13. Porosity, misrun and cold shuts are examples of defects casting

14.which gas is used as tracers gas, which is also inert.

A. Helium
B. nitrogen
C. oxygen

15. qualification definition

16. Employer specific needs to prepare exams for yoke technique only, which content is
A. Content required magnetic particles.
B. content required yoke design.
C. content required other magnetic techniques.
D. magnetic flux densities
17. Level 2 specific exam, which is inappropriate?
A. codes standards
B. specification and procedures
C. general in methods

18. As per SNTC-1A, NDT LEVEL 3 EXAM


19. As per SNTC-1A, written practice

A. should be control and administration of training, examination, certification.
B. should be maintained on file
C. should be reviewed and approved by ndt L3
D. SHALL be reviewed and approved by employer
E. SHALL be reviewed and approved by ndt L3

20. level-2 Candidate score in general-68%, specific-88%practice-90%, if he pass the

A. No, bcz he scored in general less than 70%
B. yes,bcz over all grade more than 80%
C. Yes, he pass the exam

21. As per Snt-tc-1a, employer written practice have maximum recertification period
A. every three years
B. every five years
C.every one years
D.As per employer written practice

22. near vision exam conducted

Ans: At initially and every year thereafter

23. recommended training course outline for qualification of NDT ( CP-105 )

24. CP-105 should be approved by NDT shall approved by NDT level III
25. As per SNT TC 1A which documentation should include in certificate recorded for
level II exam of certification
A. bio data
B. expired vision record
C. current vision record

26. In fillet weld can be perform on aluminum. what is possible defect on toe of the
weld face area.
A. inclusion
B. slugging
C. overlap
D. seam

27. which removable method is used for rough surface

A. fluorescent water washable
B. solvent removable
C. post emulsifier hydrophilic

28. when the employer withdraw his level 1 , level 2 & level 3 certificate of his
employee, when: Answer: suspension, expired, revoked

29. AE Sensors are respond uniformly to range of frequency:

A. resonant band
B. broad band
C. narrow band
D. S-band sensors

30. which method is suitable for tight crack in aircraft parts

31. After age hardening aircraft part check by eddy current testing, it find some area
have low conductivity means
A. High hardness
B. Low hardness
C. toughness
D. ductility

32. In general Eddy frequency

A. 20Khz to 800 kHz
B. 100 kHz to 10 MHZ
D. 0.5 MHZ TO 10 MHZ

33. after extrusion of pipes, which method needs restore his ductility
A. annealing
B. carburizing
C. Tempering
D. galvanizing

34. aluminium boron composite which bonding used

A. pressure bond
B. diffusion bond
C. flow bond
D. adhesive bond

35. Radiogrphy testing is most suitable for which joint

B. lap joint
C. butt joint
D. corner joint

36. which are most used material in structural

A. steel
B. cast iron
C. aluminum
D. titanium
water content
37. Lipophilic max 5%

38. which corrosion will occur in moving parts and vibration

A. galvanic corrosion
B. General corrosion
C. fretting corrosion
D. intergranular corrosion

39. uses vibrating water-cooled copper tubing Continuous casting

40. A person directly appearing for Level-II exam –his previous working hours is the
sum of Level-I and Level-II hrs.

41. In accordance with SNT-TC-1A responsible for establishing and controlling of written
practice-owner /Employer

42. As per SNT-TC-1A if a candidate for Level-II failed the exam he can reappear the
exam without training-30 days or training

43. Basic level of qualification-CP-189- I, II, II Limited, Instructor, III trainee


44. ideal sampling plan is -pass good batches & reject bad batches

45. 300&400 classified based: magnetic properties

46- - Kaiser effect the absence of detectable acoustic emission until the previous
maximum load has been exceeded

47- levels of fluids in tank can with thermography by taking advantage of

Thermal capacitance

48- AET sensor water surface in pipe

a. should be keep to near to each other compared with metallic pipe meter.
b. ; ; ; only inside the FRP pipe
c. ; ; ; both side ID & OD
d. anywhere along to surface of the FRP
49- why comparison between the NDT and DT to set the acceptance standard

50- In UT varies depth EBH is there to test amplitude 50% of seen height
Reference line

51- IN which welding process filler material not required EBW

52- topic in the outlines may be delate or expanded to meet the employer

53- - accordance with the training course outline approved by level III

54- test specimen for reference block that used for NDT
electrical discharge machine

55- the bonding between filler and base metal is achieved by brazing operation
ultrasonic testing

56- - fatigue crack eddy current & fluorescent of penetrant

57- definition experience

58- Gas that damage ozone layer? R-12

59- Most sensitive method of leak testing? Helium mass spectrometer

60- time- distance- calculation

24” SFD 4 mints , what is exposure time for 12”- 1min (60sec)

61- Closed book examination definition-An examination administered without access to

any reference materials except for the material supplied in the examination

62- UNDERCUT cause of high electrode current & long arc

63- Ug- calculation- 0.23”
THICKNESS= film to object distance 1.5 inch

64- who can’t be examine self by the person

65- eddy current can detect the following:

A . heat treatment in 707 aluminums.
B. disbanding in roll cladding of aluminums.
C. thickness of over 4 inches
D. lack of root penetration in weld.

66- General 16/20, specific 68/90

For pass the examination in method
A. 40/60
B. 45/60
C. 40/45
D. 55/60

67- COLOR VISION ( initially and FIVE year)

68- As per SNT/TC/1 A trainee:

A. Should work under certified person

69- AS per SNT/TC/1A:

instructor is not defined

70- Notch heat by the pendulum by holding bar –Charpy notch toughness

71- can be magnetized martensitic & ferritic

72- Soldering temp –below 449 degrees

73- halogen content % should not use (harmful)
a. titanium
b. c.s
c. AL

74- The casting process which will improve the material density outside of the mold is-
centrifugal casting

75- the yellow colour image of RT fade after 5 years (archived)

a. less fixing time
b. high developer temperature
c. fixing time more than 2 time.
d. less or insufficient washing
e. over exposure

76- Borescope, Fiberscope of magnification glass is used test

a. indirect method (remote)
b. direct method

77- prod current calculation -500 A

78- preferential cooling is casting can be achieved using Chills

79- (NR) bunch of film is single line, which collimator need used- divergence

80- What is another name of precision and accuracy , investment casting

81- the type of thermal test is usually called - active

82- Boiling tank inside crack is there dangerous fluid is inside which method is best
a. IR
b. UT
c. PT
d. MT

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