01 English - First2019 2020

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(coli Bat) Au jatesinr at Alii edo (dy T3901) C19 Ways i aag od Jay! Lui S$ dui sxe NaieY! Aud S Glade rac pines (ed (GIS! Lal S$ laine ane Gey ALLY aid S Ge asl (lel 8) GURY Ge 5 aos (2+) SSA US 4a) Jag oa {fl ., lal og hal | Aula! od call GB hue 48 [Gy Alay pall Lal FACS Us je plated ose 5 « SLD GV) Glad) plill asi Falud dalall Me gig e GaN Leeda dalicall yb Goal Aid! ALLS tule! aie pe BSL Ala! ly Ugel S SLAY G52 peel Slane GE URN) SUSE! Sars Al La 8 oy G pe Lbs! rote 2d (B) 9} (A) ce Ga! S188. 9) Led ALY) ye tila ate Jay O) dele Ga JUIRY) Alia) Ye utile) wie 1D pe JS SS Su dance GRY le lal je) Glos all Ub Sa (C) dasa Sa re Ash Sas ce AS) he SAAN 13) (seta Gye JLESY) He pa gal 8 HG pas LEY US 1 C19 Ways i aag od (Ssh BRN) Ay Sule YAEL - Daal Ay Ast all ALS) alge Lacie! Choose the correct answer from a, b, c ord. 1- Yesterday at five past seven, 1 ........ my application to the company website. was uploading @® would upload © upload @__ have uploaded 2- In case of ., you can use the left exit . @ agency @® ~~ emergency © _ privacy @ _ fluency Be he enough money, he would buy a new car. ® it ® | Were © Should @ Had 4- Some elderly people need special care while their families are at work. Thus, they go to a........ centre. ® day camp @® = day cure © day care © day time 2 C19 Ways i aag od (tsi) ALG - Antal Ayia) yall plc) Sale GLacia! 5- You had better make up your mind on........ you need to buy. @®_ whom ® which © what @ _ that 6- Recently, Egypt has........ its latest satellite Egypt Sat A. released ®__tisen © _lunched @ launched 7- Look for your pencil in the drawer. It ........ be there next to the tuler. ® can't @® = must © have to @ ~ shouldn’t 8- To protect the environment, it is a must to ban carbon dioxide .. into the atmosphere. @® emission ® agression © | permission @_ mission 3 C19 Ways i aag od 9- It’s planned that Mona ® © © @ 10- My grandfather was a strong 21 5alet Glade! . money to help homeless children. will collect is going to collect had collected is collecting in the importance of girls’ education. ©OG®@ 11- My mother has me ... ©OG® 12- Sometimes noise leads to losing ... ©OG® pioneer believer customer stylist ... the shopping every week. do done todo doing .. on our work. preparation persuasion concentration delegation 4 C19 Ways i aag od (Ash AN) a alg ALAN Lat SDV ALD alg GLa! 13- In the last two hours, I ........ my lessons . had revised have revised revise revised ©OOG® 14- It is difficult to fight germs as they are sensible visible invisible ©OOG® suitable 15- The doctor advised Sally ........ the pills three times a day. takes would take taking to take ©OoG® 16- You would be in a gale if the weather was very windy snowy hot ©OOG® rainy 5 C19 Ways i aag od (Ssh BRN) Ay Sule YAEL - Daal Ay Ast all ALS) alge Lacie! 17- The main dish was ... good that she ordered another one. so such very too. ©OG®@ 18- The new employee knows that getting promoted quickly hard work. ® _ gives off @® works out © results in @ ~ depends on 19- I stopped the book to answer the phone. @® tohave read © reading © toread @ treads 20- An efficient teacher doesn’t silence the students but he ...1.:. them. ® _ spoils ® disciplines © — honours @ _ punishes 6 C19 Ways i aag od (AS ABN) Ag pg NI LAU DeLay SN at al pL Salgd GLa 21-I wish T........ the stamina to go on a diet in the days to come. @® could have @® had © have @ had had 22- He thought of all the . impossible ... alternatives to solve his problems. © @® ~~ unavailable © _ available @ portable 23- cesses of the twenty applicants for the job had studied abroad. Every Either Both Each 24- One of the advantages of........ work is that you can decide on how much work you can do. governmental obligatory attainable ©OOG® freelance 7 C19 ya i aag 0 (Ssh BRN) Ay Sule YAEL - Daal Ay Ast all ALS) alge Lacie! 25- What would you have done if you......... to clean the playground ? were asked had asked asked had been asked ©OG®@ 26- They really played well the whole match, but unfortunately it was i . They lost. vein vain @ ® veil © @ view s y flat is tidy. To... bother myself to get it cleaned today. needn’t mustn’t don’t have ©OG® must 8 C19 Ways i aag od (siaay SYNARAL Ay gSLA Rn)! pd) Salg Shae! 28- People seek out........ professions . respecting © © @ 29- Where ® respectable respectful respected to? To prison. the thieves were taken ® were the thieves taken © the thieves have been taken @ _ have the thieves taken 30- ©0008 youngest son enjoys ........ stories. making off making up for making up making out 9 C19 Ways i aag od 21 5alet Glade! Read the following passage, then answer the questions. Did you know you can help protect the planet? Don’t waste the things you don’t want by throwing them away! Local green companies can make those old posters and magazines into recycled paper, and they can transform your old mobile phone into a new one. You and your family can help too. Collect those T. shirts and jeans that are too small for you and give them to a charity. When you drink from plastic bottles, you won’t help the planet. It looks harmless, but plastic is a material that is difficult to recycle. And if you eat a snack, make sure it comes in just one bag or box. A lot of modern food products have many packaging and it’s a waste! Why not drink fruit juice from a glass bottle and make a sandwitch? Glass is easy to recycle and a home made sandwitch is better for you and for the environment. When you go shopping, think before you buy. Remember we don’t need to use the world’s resources to look cool. If you only buy the things that are really necessary, you'll help save the planet and your money. Don’t have a bath, have a shower. When you have a bath, you use approximately 90 litres of water, but only 30 litres when you have a shower. Water is one of our most important natural resources, and you can help save it. Will our planet survive? Well, if we all help, it will have a better chance. Why don’t you start saving the planet at home this evening? 10 C19 Ways i aag od (aiany ALR ALad SSI Aas jill pli) Sale Gaal Choose the correct answer from a, b, c ord. 31- Local green companies sell posters, magazines and mobile phones work with old paper and mobile phones consume more water ©OOG® use the world resources to be cool 32- Plastic bottles are ........ : bad for the environment good for the environment some of the natural resources ©OOG® make people look fool 33- A lot of food products come in ........ . ® ~ old recycled paper ® glass boxes © _ only one bag or box @® lots of bags and boxes il C19 Ways i aag od 34- If you have a bath, you’ll........ : ©OG®@ 35- The planet will survive if .. ® © © @ help save the world use necessary things waste water use less water we stay at home this evening it starts saving water you drink in a plastic bottle everybody participates in saving it 36- Which of the following sentences is not true? ©OG® There are companies that reuse old things. People drink in plastic and glass bottles. Modern food products help the planet. Water is the most important natural resource in the world. 12 C19 Ways i aag od (sidan ay, 3) QAM = Baad gGLN ae al ALG alg GLa! Answer the following questions. 37- What is the main idea of the passage? 38- What does the underlined word “ them ” refer to? 13 C19 Ways i aag oS 39- Find in the passage two words that mean: - nearly - gather 40- What do you think would happen if we don’t start saving the planet? 14 C19 Ways i aag oS (ASAD) Aa Sale AU BL yg tl LGN alg GLa! Choose the correct answer. 41- Regardless of Rose’s opinion, Rudolf Rassendyll has ........ : been lazy all his life. never done anything useful. studied hard and learned a lot. ©OOG® never helped his brother. 42- Why couldn’t Michael tell the truth ? @ He didn’t have a proof. ® © He would admit kidnapping the king. © The people wouldn’t believe him, @ He was afraid of Rassendyll. 43- What did Rassendyll ask Flavia to do if he didn’t come back ? @® To go after him. @® To tell his family in England. © _ To send him a letter everyday. @ Tobe a queen for him. 44- Who had the keys to the doors of the castle ? De Gautet Bersonin Detchard ©OOG® Krafstein 15 C19 Ways i aag od 21 5alet Glade! 45- Answer ONLY two (2) of the following questions. - If you were Rasserdyll, would you risk your life for Ruritania? - What did Sapt mean by “ if you disappear, the game is over” ? 16 C19 Ways i aag od (Asiaany ALR -ALad As StKI Aas jtll pli Sale Gace! - Even the weak could do brave things. Explain in the light of what happened while saving the prisoner of Zenda. 17 C19 Ways i aag od 21 5alet Glade! 46- Complete the following dialogue between a customer and cashier in a restaurant. Cashier — : Hello, may I take your order? Customer: Cashier : Sure, would you like the combo deal or just the sandwitch? Customer : Cashier _ : The combo is 20 pounds. It comes with medium fries and a drink. Customer : Cashier Customer : Coke, please. Cashier: Customer : No, that will be all. Thanks. Cashier — : In or out? Customer : Cashier _ : That will be 20 pounds, please. Customer : Thank you. Here you are. 18 C19 Ways i aag oS (Asi ARN) A Sale RL Baad gS 47- Translations. Translate into Arabic. - Online distance learning is a method of instruction, which connects learners with educational resources. - The state strives to improve life conditions for its citizens in various fields . 19 C19 Ways i aag oS (Asiana VAAL - Lad sg St0N Aust al Abad] Sag GLa! B- Translate one sentence onl. FB ge Kyle palin a Cie glaall le J pucll (g pucnll 4b wall cle etl - into English. Ay pally glad Lal wate i yey yl ule jey ol aa Se Y= 20 C19 ya i aag 0 (Ag AN) Ay ale MARIN - edad Ay SHAD all LG Falg GLackat 48- Write a paragraph of about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120) words on one (1) of the following topics. - What makes a person employable. - The role of the Egyptian woman throughout history. 21 C19 Ways i aag oS (Asi RA) Ay alg MALAI aL yg Dt Ly Sag Ghana! 22. P19 - aya i ago 5

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