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Date: 21/03/2022 Max. Marks: 40
Subject: Mathematics ANSWER KEY Time: 2 hours

1. 4√3x^2+5x-2√3=0

by middle term splitting method,

4√3x^2+8x-3x-2√3=0….................... 0.5M 2
4x(√3x+2)-√3(√3x+2) =0

(4x-√3) and (√3x+2)

4x-√3=0 and √3x+2=0… ........................ 0.5M

4x=√3 and √3x=-2

x=√3/4 and x= -2/√3… ....................... 1

Let smaller number be x and larger number be y
According to the question,
⇒ y2-x2=25 ------------ (1 )
⇒ y=2x−5 ----- (2 ) ................ 0.5m
Substituting value of y from equation (2) in ( 1 )
(2x-5)2− x2 = 25
⇒ 4x2−20x+25−x2−25=0
⇒ 3x2−20x=0
⇒ x(3x-20) =0 .......................... 0.5m
⇒ x=0 and x= 20……….
∴ Smaller number, x=0, x= 20
⇒ Larger number y= ±5 , y= 25 1m

2. 2

We have given equation 5x2 -sx+4 =0, Comparing with a 2+bx+c=0

a=5, b=-s, c=4
Discriminant (D) = 2 − 4ac…… (1) .................................................................... 0.5m

According to question
(-s)2 -4 (5) (4) = 1 s

S2 = 1+80

S2= 81 ................................................... 1m

S=±9 .................................... 0.5m

3. 2
Let a be the first term and d be the common difference of an A.P. having n terms.
We know that nth term formula as, an=a+(n−1)d
As per the question,
a=−3d ................................................................. 1m
Need to prove a25=a+24d=3(a+10d)
a25=21d -----(1)
a11=7d -- (2)
From equation (1) and (2), we get
Hence proved................................................................................................... 1m

Given that the sum of p terms of an AP is at2+bt

Now, put t=1,2, 3,..
⇒ S1=a (1)2+b (1)
∴ S1=a+b ............................................................................. 0.5m
⇒ S2=a (2)2+b (2)
∴ S2=4a+2b
∴ a1=S1=a+b
∴ a2=S2−S1=4a+2b−(a+b)
=3a+b.................................................. 0.5m
∴ Common difference =d
⇒ d=a2−a1
⇒ d=3a+b−(a+ b)
⇒ d=3a+b−a−b
∴ d=2a ........................................................ 1m
4. 2
Let height of the cone 1 be 'h' cm and the height of the cone 2 be (21 cm - h) .
Volume of cone 1/Volume of cone 1 = 2/1
⇒ {1/3πr²h}/{1/3πr²(21 cm - h)} = 2/1
⇒ 42 cm - 2h = h
⇒ 3h = 42 cm
⇒ h = 42/3
⇒ h = 14 cm ....................................................................................................... 0.5m
Height of the 1 st cone is 14 cm and the height of the 2nd cone is 21 - 14 = 7 cm.

Volume of cone 1 = 1/3*22/7*3*3*14
= 132 cm³ or Capacity = 0.132 litres

Volume of cone 2 = 1/3*22/7*3*3*7

= 66 cm³ or capacity = 0.066 litres
Volume of cylinder = πr²h
= 22/7*3*3*21
= 594 cm³ ............................................................................................. 0.5m

Remaining volume = 594 - 198

= 396 cm³ .................................. 0.5m
5. 2

Given: is chord of circle with centre O.PA and PB are tangents at extremities
of any chord AB
To Prove :∠PAC=∠PBC ................................................................................ 0.5M
Let AB be a chord of a circle with centre O, and let AP and BP be the tangents at A and B respectively.
Suppose, the tangents meet at point P. Join OP.
Suppose OP meets AB at C.
In triangles △PCA and△ PCB,......................................................................................... 0.5M
∠CAP=∠CBP (Line joining point of contact to centre is perpendicular to tangent)
PA=PB [PA and PB are equally inclined to OP]
And PC=PC [Common]
So, by SAS criteria of congruence ............................................................................. 0.5m
∠PAC=∠PBC (BY CPCT)....................... 0.5M
Hence Proved

Highest frequency =12

Modal class =60−80

l=60, F0=10, F1=12, F2=6, h=20...................................0.5m

1− 0
Mode =l+ ( )×h ................0.5m
2 1− 0− 2

=60+ ( 12−10 )×20


Mode =65............................................... 0.5m

Class 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120 120-140

Frequency 6 8 10 12 6 5 3


7. . 3


Median=32.5, then 30−40 is class interval.

⇒ l=30, cf=14+f1,f=12 and h=40−30=10.

⇒ N=40, = 20 ......................................................... 0.5


⇒ 31+f1+f2=40.

⇒ Then, f1+f2=9 ----- (1) ....................................... 0.5

⇒ Median= l + 2 × ℎ ............................. 0.5

⇒ 32.5=30+ 20−(14+ 1) × 10

Marks 0- 10 10- 20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 Total

No. of F1 5 9 12 F2 3 2 40
cf F1 5+F1 14+F1 26+F1 26+F1+ 29+F1+ 31+F1+
F2 F2 F2
2.5 = 6− 1 ×5

⇒ 15=30−5f1

⇒ 5f1=15

∴ f1=3

f1=3 ............................................................................................. 0.5

Substituting value in equation ( 1 ) we get,

⇒ 3+f2=9

∴ f2=6

∴ f1=3,f2=6 ......................................................... 0.5

Marks No. of fi xi Di=xi-a fidi
8. students 3
50-55 50 2 52.5 -10 -20
55-60 48 6 57.5 -5 -30
60-65 42 8 62.5 0 0
65-70 34 14 67.5 5 70
70-75 20 15 72.5 10 150
75-80 5 5 77.5 15 75
=50 =245

Mean = a+ Σ /
= 8+1/50× 245
= 8+4.9
= 12.9… ................................................................................................. 1.5m
9. Step 1: Draw a circle of radius 4 cm and with centre as O.
Step 2: Take a point A on the circumference of the circle and join OA. Draw a perpendicular to OA at
point A.
Step 3: Draw a radius OB, making an angle of 120o=(180 o −60 o) with OA.

Step 4: Draw a perpendicular to OB at point B. Let both the perpendiculars intersect at point P. PA and
PB are the required tangents at an angle of 60o.


10. 3

Let the Height of light-house be represented by AB = 100 m

Let the speed be x m per minute and CD be the distance travelled to change from 60˚ to 30˚

Since time taken is 2 minutes and speed are x m/min

Therefore, distance CD= speed× = x× 2= 2xm……….A1............................ 0.5m

In rt angled ∆ ABC
Tan 60˚ = = 100

√3 =

100 100
BC= = = 57.736……………1 .............................. 0.5m
√3 1.732

In rt angled ∆ ABD

Tan 30˚ = = 100

1 100

BD = 100 √3 m
BD= 100× 1.732
= 173.2m………………….2 ........................ 0.5m

Now, we know that distance travelled is CD

Therefore, CD= BD-BC
= 173.2- 57.736(From 1 and 2)

CD= 115.464 m.....3

From A1
CD= 2x
(From 3)
2x= 115.464
x= 57.732 ...............................................................1m
therefore, the speed of boat is 57.732m per minute ..................... 0.5m

Let A be the position of the bird and E and C be the positions of the girl and the boy, respectively.

Then, according to question

∠ACB=30˚, ∠AED=45˚, AC=100 m, EF=20 m.......................0.5m

In right △ACB,
we have,

2 100

AB=50 m
AD=50−20=30 m...................................1m

In right △ADE, we have,


AE=302=42.3 m ...................................... 0.5m

Therefore, the distance of bird from the girl is 42.3 m .......................... 0.5m

11. Given: Deepa runs an industry in a shed which is in the shape of a cuboid surmounted by a half
cylinder. the base of the shed is of dimensions 7 m multiply 15 m and the height of the cuboid
portion is 8m volume of Cuboid = length * breadth * Height
7 × 15 × 8 4

= 840 m²

Volume of half cylinder = 1 πr²h


Taking 7 as Diameter, r = 3.5

h = 15
π = 22/7
=1× × (3.5)2 × 15
2 7

= 11× 3.5 × 3.5 × 2.14

= 288.75 m² ............................................................... 1m

i) Volume of air that the shed can hold = 840 + 288.75

= 1128.75 m² ............................................. 1m
ii) machinery in the shed occupies a total space of 300m³
20 workers occupy = 20 ×0.08 = 1.6 m³
air in shed = 1,128.75 - 300 - 1.6 = 827.15 m³ ..................... 1m

iii) internal surface area of the shed excluding floor

= 2 ×(15 + 7) ×8 + 1 ×2πrh
= 352 + 22 × ×15
7 2

= 352 + 165

= 517 m² ................................................................................1m

12. 4

Given: A circle with centre O and two tangents TP and TQ. OP is radius of the circle.
TO prove: ∴ 2∠OPQ=∠PTQ...................... 0.5m
Sol: We know that length of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal
∴ TP=TQ−−−(1)
∴ ∠TQP=∠TPQ (angles of equal sides are equal) −−−(2)
Now, PT is tangent and OP is radius .................. 1m
∴ OP⊥TP (Tangent at any point pf circle is perpendicular to the radius through point of contact)
∴ ∠OPT=90˚
or, ∠OPQ+∠TPQ=90 ˚ ............................ 1m
or, ∠TPQ=90 ˚ −∠OPQ−−−(3)
∠TPQ+∠PQT+∠QTP=180o (∴ Sum of angles triangle is 180 ˚)
or, 90 ˚ −∠OPQ+∠TPQ+∠QTP=180 ˚
or, 2(90 ˚ −∠OPQ) +∠QTP=180 ˚ [from (2) and (3)]
or, 180 ˚ −2∠OPQ+∠PTQ=180 ˚
∴ 2∠OPQ=∠PTQ−−−− proved ............................................................ 2m

Given: the radii of two concentric circles i.e OD= 13 cm and OB= 8 cm. AB is a diameter of the
bigger circle and BD is a tangent to the smaller circle touching it at D.
To Find: the length of AD ........................ 0.5m

Sol: We know that ∠AEB = 90° [Angle in a semicircle]

OD ⊥ BE ['.' BE is tangent to the smaller circle at D and OD is its radius]
BD = DE ['.. BE is a chord of the circle and OD ⊥ BE]. ..
OD || AE [∠AEB = ∠ODB = 90°] In ΔAEB O and D are mid-points of AB and BE.
Therefore, by mid-Point theorem, we have
OD = 1 AE

AE= 2 × 8 = 16cm ................................ 2m

In ∆ , we have
OB2= OD2+BD2 (By Pythagoras theorem)
169 = 64+ BD2
BD2= 169-64= 105
BD= √105
DE= √105 ( BD=DE)
In ∆ , we have
AD = AE2+ED2

AD2= (16)2+105
AD=19 cm (length can’t be negative) ......................................... 2m



(i) Given: Satellite is vertically above the mid-point of the distance between the two
mountains ............. 0.5m
AG= 1937 km

Cos 30˚=


AF= = 2 .............. 0.5m

30˚ √3

= 1139.4 km........ 0.5m

(i) ……………..0.5m
Let the angle be Q
Tan Q= = 7816 = 1 ................... 1m

Q= 45˚ ..................... 0.5m
14. Case Study-2

T6= 800=a+5d……1
T9= 1130=a+8d…….2 .................... 0.5m
Subtract 1 from 2
D= 110 ............................................... 1m
A= 250(1st year production) ............................. 0.5m

(ii) 2
S6=n/2[ a+(n-1) d] .................... 0.5m
=3[1050] ..................... 1m
=3150… ............................ 0.5m

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