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Subject- Legal and Business Environment

Department- MBA, 1st Sem
Answer the following questions.
Sec-A 5x1=5
(Answer any 5 questions)

1. Business comprises all ______________ seeking activities and enterprises that

provides goods and services necessary to an economic system.

a) Profit.
b) Loss.
c) Production.
d) None of these.

2. ______________ are the directives to the various government and non government
agencies and are fundamental in the governance of

a) State policies.
b) Fundamental rights.
c) Directive principles.
d) Fundamental Rules.

3. The main objective of society and business is ______________.

a) economic and social objective.

b) cultural objective.
c) technological objective.
d) non objective.

4. Developments banks are otherwise called as______________.

a) LIC.
b) UTI.
c) DFI.
d) Barter.

5. Self fulfillment and immediate gratification _______________ cultural values.

a) decreases.
b) rises.
c) diminishes.
d) slow down.
6. _______________ change is a potent form for the reconfiguration of industrial

a) Technological.
b) Economical.
c) Organizational.
d) Environmental.

7. ____________________________ state can have an elected or hereditary head.

a) Democratic.
b) Autocratic.
c) Socialized.
d) None of the above.

Sec-B 3x5=15

(Answer any three questions)

1. Why scanning of business environment is important?

2. What do you mean by theory of Demand ?
3. What do you mean by SLEPT analysis?
4. Briefly discuss about FDI.
5. Define Globalisation.

Sec-C 10x1=10

Case Study : The complainant purchased a mixer grinder from Venus electronics showroom.
He received the cash memo of the purchase. Just 8 days after the purchase, the mixer grinder
developed a problem and stopped working. The matter was immediately reported to the Venus
electronics showroom. As per the advice of the showroom staff, the mixer grinder was
immediately handed over to the Service Centre, the very next day. The Mixer grinder was
returned after rectification to the purchased after 15 days. The day it was received from the
service centre, the mixer grinder was used but it again stopped just after working for 5 minutes.
The complainant immediately reported to the showroom and also to the manufacturer of the
mixer grinder. As per the advice of the showroom the mixer grinder was once again given to
the service centre. But the service centre took 2 months to respond to the customer. After this
the manufacturer directed the showroom to replace the mixer grinder to the customer. But the
showroom failed to fulfil the directions of the manufacturer.

Questions :

1. Which provisions of the law are applicable in this case?

2. What is the likely legal solution of the problem in this case?

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