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PAPERS FROM 2015-2021

1 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)


1. Which of the following is a natural sign of puberty that occurs only in boys?

A. Growth of pubic hair B. Deepening of the voice

C. Menstruation begins D. Pimples appear on the face

2. The diagram below shows the side view of the male reproductive organs.

What is the function of structure I?

A. Producing sperms B. Producing ova
C. Protecting the testes D. Storing male sex cells

2 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

3. A pregnant woman is 120 days pregnant and would like to find the approximate number of
remaining days in an average gestation period. Calculate the number of remaining days for her
before she delivers. Which of the following shows the correct answer?
A. 90 days B. 160 days C. 280 day D. 320 days

4. The table below shows symptoms and nutritional deficiency diseases.

Symptom Deficiency disease
A Poor vision in light Kwashiokor
B Swollen stomachs and thin limbs Marasmus
C Poor healing of wounds Rickets
D Unhealthy bones and teeth Scurvy
Which one correctly shows the symptom and corresponding deficiency disease?

5. Study the food nutritive substances below.

1. Bread, rice, potatoes, mealie meal 2. Butter, cheese, port, doughnuts
3. Beef, chicken, beans, liver 4. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium
Which of the following best describes carbohydrates and proteins?
Carbohydrates Proteins
A. 1 3
B 2 3
C 1 2
D 3 4

6. Which of the following statements best describes pollution? Pollution is the addition of ...
A. harmful gases in air. B. contaminating substances in water.
C. inorganic fertilizers in soil. D. harmful substances to the environment.

7. Which of the following is not a common type of pollution in rural areas of Zambia?
A. Water pollution. B. Soil pollution. C. Noise pollution. D. Land pollution.

3 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

8. The diagram below shows a microscope

Which part is adjusted to obtain a clear image?

A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

9. Study the diagram below.

The cells which were coloured blue are called

A . xylem. B . phloem. C . palisade cells. D . guard cells

10. Which of the following is not a way of reducing negative effects of inorganic fertilizers in a
maize field?
A . Using composite manure B . Keeping the soil aerated
C . Adding agricultural lime to the soil D . Rotating the crop with rice crop

4 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

11. Which of the following shows the correct structure and comparison between plant and animal cells?
Structure plant cell animal cell
A Cytoplasm Present Absent
B Cell membrane Absent Present
C Cell wall Present Absent
D Chloroplasts Absent Present

The diagram below shows a model of a molecule. The molecule is of ...

A . water. B . hydrogen. C . copper. D. nitrogen

13. Which of the following is not true about the freezing point of water? The freezing point of water is ...
A . also its point of melting. B. when water Loses heat energy and changes into solid.
C. also its boiling point. D. 0°C under normal conditions at sea level.

24 The diagram below shows the carbon cycle

5 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

Identify processes P, Q, R and S.
A Combustion Transpiration Respiration Photosynthesis
B Transpiration Combustion Respiration Transpiration
C Photosynthesis Respiration Combustion Transpiration
D Combustion Respiration Photosynthesis Respiration

25. Study the flow chart showing purification of water.

What is the function of the filter and water tower in the process of purification?

26. Which plant is not threatened by extinction in Zambia?

A. Mukwa
B. Mutondo
C. Mukula
D. Musuku

6 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

27. The diagrams below shows an experiment using two destarched plants, were exposed to sunlight
for 8 hours.

Which statement is true about the experiment? The leaf from plant...
A A stained blue-black. B B stained blue-black.
C B contained starch. D A stained brown.
28. Two experiments were set up to demonstrate transpiration.

What conclusion can be made from the observation in the experiment? Transpiration occurs
A. only in the leaves. B. only in stems.
C. mainly in the leaves. D. mainly in stems.

7 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

29. Study the word equation below.
Copper + oxygen  copper oxide
This is a good example of a chemical reaction called ... A
A decomposition. B . synthesis.
C . double replacement. D. single displacement

30. Study the diagram below.

In the diagram, which of the following will help you identify gas O as hydrogen?
A. Hydrogen is formed at the anode Q
B. Hydrogen is formed twice as much more than oxygen
C. Oxygen is formed at the cathode Q
D. Oxygen is formed twice much more than hydrogen

31. Study the diagram below carefully.

8 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

When the diagram is completed, the image formed will be ...
A. diminished, real and upside down. B. upright, real and diminished.
C. magnified, real and upside down. D. magnified, virtual and upright.

32. The diagram below shows the dispersion of white light by a glass prism.

Which colours will appear on numbered parts 4 and 5?

4 5
A. Green yellow
B. Orange green
C. Blue yellow
D. yellow green
33. The diagram below shows red, yellow and green light shone on a yellow filter.

What will be seen on the screen?

A. Red only B. Yellow only C. Red and green D. Red and yellow

9 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

Which of the following diagrams show the correct use of a voltmeter and an ammeter to measure
voltage and current respectively through resistor R.

35. The diagrams below show circuits with similar cells and bulbs of the same resistance.

Which statement is true about the bulbs? The bulbs in

A both circuits will light with the same brightness.
B circuit 1 will light brighter than In 2.
C 2 will light brighter than in 1.
D both circuits will not light up.

10 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

36. What pressure is produced when a force of 600N acts on an object of area 6m2?
A 100 N/m2 B 594N/m2
C 606 N/m2 D 3600 N/m2
37. The diagram below shows a flow chart of power production from water.

What is represented by J, K and L?

38. Which of the following is not a way of sending of messages electronically? By ...
A. facsimile B. radio message.
C. mail through post. D. short message system (SMS)
39. Which of the following is correct for both digital and analogue transmission?

40. Which of the following is not necessary during transmission of a live COSAFA
match relayed from Harare, Zimbabwe to towns in Zambia?
A. Satellite B. Microphone
C. Tape recorder D. Video camera

11 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)



The diagram below shows parts of a microscope.

12 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

(a) Which two labelled parts contain lenses which help to show the image of the specimen? [2]
(b) What name is given to the lenses in the parts identified in question (a) above? [1]
(c) Using the letters on diagram, identify the labelled part on which a person has to put his
eye in order to see the image of the specimen. [1]
(d) Describe the function of the labelled parts;
(I) J
(ii) O [2]


Dietary needs vary from person to person.

(a) Name one class of nutrients in a balanced diet necessary for;
(i) Proper skin formation.
(ii) Providing energy to do work. [2]
(b) Suggest a reason why a pregnant woman needs more of the following in her diet;
(i) Proteins
(ii) Iron [2]
(c) Explain why mothers are advised to take their children monthly to the under-five clinics. [2]

Grade 8 learners carried out an experiment by putting 100ml of hot water into three
different cups of the same thickness but made of glass, aluminum and ceramic. This was
followed by inserting thermometers in the cups as shown below.

13 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

One of the learners touched the outside of the cups and compared how hot each cup felt.
(a) Which cup felt the hottest? [1]
(b) Give a reason for your answer in question (a) above. [1]
(c) If the cups where allowed to cool For 10 minutes, and then the thermometers read, which
cup would the temperature drop;
(i) fastest?
(ii) slowest? [2]
(d) What conclusion can be drawn from the experiment above? [1]
(e) Name one device used to keep hot liquids hot and cold liquids cold. [1]


The diagram below shows three different substances salt, sand and water put together in one

(a) What was formed when the salt, sand and water were put together into one container? [1]
(b) What happened to the following when they were put with the water in the container?
(i) salt
(ii) sand [2]
(c) Explain the method that can be used to separate each of the following from the water in the
(i) sand
(ii) salt [2]
(d) What method could be used to separate two miscible liquids? [1]
14 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)
The graphs below show the composition of air before it is breathed in and after it is
breathed out.

(a) (i) Identify the gases marked P and Q. [2]

(ii) Suggest two uses of gas P identified in question (a)(i) above. [2]
(b) Which letter corresponds to a gas which is used in fire extinguishers? [1]
(c) Explain why water vapour which is a component of air has no fixed
percentage. [1]

15 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

The diagram below shows a stage during the breathing in and out in human beings.

(a) Label on the diagram the following;

(i) Nose,

(ii) Trachea. [2]

(b) (i) Which stage during breathing is illustrated (shown) in the diagram? [1]

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in question (b) (i) above. [1]

(c) Describe changes in the diaphragm and ribs which would allow air to go into the lungs. [2]

Total = 6 marks

16 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

The diagram below shows the nitrogen cycle.

(a) Name the process at T by which nitrogen moves from the air into the soil. [1]

(b) Name the organism involved in changing nitrogen from the air in the soil into the plant

roots at S. [1]

(c) Suggest the name given to plants which are able to change nitrogen from the air into the plant. [1]

(d) From the diagram, identify two ways in which animals replace nitrogen back into the soil. [2]

(e) How can human beings add more nitrogen to the soil in order to make the soil more

fertile? [1]

Total = 6 marks

17 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

The diagram below shows two potted plants (u) and (V) undergoing an experiment on

(a) Explain the purpose of enclosing the plant with the following;

(i) Petri-dish with sodium hydroxide solution, [1]

(ii) Petri-dish with sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. [1]

(b) In which potted plant would leave turn blue-black when tested for starch after 24 hours? [1]

(c) What is the name of the solution in the dropper in the final stage which is being used to

test the leaf for starch? [1]

(d) State two steps which will have to be carried out in order to test the leaf for starch, before

final stage is done in the diagram above. [2]

Total = 6 marks

18 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)


The diagram below shows a cuboid of weight 90N.

(a) Define pressure. [1]

(b) If the base of the cuboid measures 3m x 2m as shown above, calculate the;

(i) Area of the base of the cuboid, [2]

(ii) Pressure exerted by the cuboid on the floor (showing your working). [2]

(c) Explain what would happen to the pressure exerted by the cuboid shown above if the

area of its base was increased. [1]

19 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

The diagram shows parts of the television communication system (not drawn to scale).

(a) In the diagram, which device will only receive but not send signals? [1]
(b) By using a block diagram, show the two stages of television broadcasting represented in
the diagram. [2]
(c) What would be the effect of transmission if the tracking disc was removed? [1]
(d) Suggest a communication device that can be placed between the tracking disc and
television set. [1]
(e) What effect will the inclusion of the named device in question (d) above have on
transmission? [1]

20 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)


1. B 11. C 21. B 31. C

2. C 12. A 22. D 32. A
3. B 13. D 23. A 33. B
4. B 14. A 24. D 34. A
5. A 15. D 25. A 35. C
6. D 16. D 26. D 36. A
7. C 17. A 27. A 37. D
8. A 18. A 28. C 38. C
9. A 19. A 29. B 39. B
10. B 20. D 30. D 40. B

21 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)



(a) Part K and Part M
(b) Convex lens
(c) Part K
(d) Function of part J – it is turned to move the body upward and
downward to bring the image of the specimen on
the slide in focus.
Function of part O – Reflects light rays from a source through the
opening in the stage onto the slide.

(a) (i) Protein / Vitamin A
(ii) Carbohydrates
(b) (i) For the growth of the foetus
(ii) To make blood for the foetus
(c) To monitor the growth and development of the baby.
To be told the type of food to be giving to the child depending on the
weight of the child.

(a) Aluminium cup
(b) Because aluminium is a good conductor of heat
(c) Ceramic cup
(d) Metals transfers heat faster than non-metals
(d) Thermoflask

22 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)


(a) Mixture

(b) (i) Dissolved

(ii) Not dissolved

(c) (i) Filtration

(ii) Crystallization

(d) Simple distillation


(a) (i) Gas marked P: Oxygen gas

Gas marked Q: Nitrogen gas

(b) It is used in oxy-acetylene flames for welding and cutting of metals

It is used in the purification of water

It is used in incubators for premature babies

It is used in ventilators for patients on life support system

(c) Letter R

(d) Because it depends on humidity which changes due to weather pattern

of that particular time.

23 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)


(a) Labelled nose and trachea.

(b) (i) Expiration (breathing out)

(ii) Because the diaphragm is curved.
(c) The diaphragm muscles contract and pull the diaphragm downs which
The intercostal muscles contract, pulling the ribs upwards and

24 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)


(a) Lightening
(b) Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
(c) Legumes
(d) 1 – Through decaying
2 – Through excretion (defecation and urinating)
(e) By applying nitrogen –rich organic fertilizer like compost and


(a) (i) To absorb carbon dioxide

(ii) To absorb water vapour (moisture)
(b) Potted plant V
(c) Iodine solution
(d) 1 – Boil a leaf in water to kill protoplasm
2- Boil a leaf in alcohol using water bath to remove chlorophyll.

25 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

(a) Pressure is the amount of force acting per unit area of a surface.

(b) (i) Area = length x breadth = 3m x 2m = 6m2

(ii) = = = 15 N/m2 or 15Pa

(c) The pressure will be reduced.

(a) Television set

(c) No signals could be transmitted to the television set

(d) Decoder
(e) It changes the codes into signals (it does the reverse of encoding)

26 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)



1. Why is it important for one to observe personal organs?

A . Allow the organs to grow gradually. B. Avoid the organs getting infections.
C . Prevent sexually transmitted diseases. D . Help prevent HIV transmission.

2. Below is a diagram of the female reproductive system.

Which letter identifies the organ called cervix?

A. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S

27 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

3. Below is a list of activities that take place in the process of fertilization and embryo development
over a period of time.
1. fusion of sperm and ovum 2. sexual intercourse
3. formation of zygote 4. attachment of zygote to uterus
Which of the following shows the correct order of how these activities happen?
A 2 --> 1 —> 3 —> 4 B 1 —> 3 —> 4 —> 2
C 2 —> 1 —> 4 —> 3 D 1—> 4 —> 2 —> 3

4. The diagram below shows the side view of the female reproductive organs.

Identify structure H and its corresponding function.

Structure H Function
A Placenta Supplying food and oxygen to foetus
B Oviduct Passage of the ovum from ovary
C Uterus Organ where embryo develops
D Ovary To produce female sex cells

5. State the food type that you would prescribe for a manual worker. Food rich in ...
A. fats. B. proteins. C. minerals. D. carbohydrates.

6. Which of the following information may not be obtained from the children's clinic card?
A. Number of sibblings. B. Number of visits to the clinic.
C. Age of the child's mother. D. Age of the child.
7. Which pair shows correctly causes of pollution to the environment?
Caused by human Caused by nature
A burning fossil fuels volcanic eruptions
B forest fires industrial emission
C wind erosion incinerators
D pollen dispersal waste from mining plants

28 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

8. Below is a diagram of a plant cell as seen under a microscope.

Which labelled structure represents the protoplasm?

A. L and O B. L and J C. N and M D. K and M

9. The diagram below shows stages of plant growth.

Which regions of plant growth are shown by the numbered parts in the diagram?
Shoot Root Stem

A. 1 2 3
B. 3 2 1
C. 2 1 3
D. 2 3 1

10. The list below shows functions of parts of cells.

1. Protection of cell 2. Selectively permeable
3. Controls all cell activities 4. Contains chlorophyll
Which functions are only of parts found in a plant cell?
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 4 C. 3 and 2 D. 3 and 4

29 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

11. Which list correctly identifies the symbols of common atoms?
Iron Copper Hydrogen Carbon
A Fe C H Cu
B Cu Fe H2O CO2
C Fe Cu H C
D Cu C H2 Cu

12. If the substance A boils at 98°C and melts at -100°C, determine its state when the temperature is -130°C.
A. Solid B. Liquid
C. Gas and Solid D. Liquid and Gas

13. Which of the following methods of separating mixtures show a correct sequence that can be used
to obtain pure salt from sea-water?
A. Evaporation  Sublimation  Distillation
B. Filtration  Evaporation  Crystallisation
C. Evaporation  Chromatography  Crystallisation
D. Filtration  Chromatography  Sublimation

14. What is the weight of a packet of salt with a mass 500g? (Take acceleration due to gravity as (10N/kg)
A. 0.5N B. 5.0N
C. 50.0N D. 5 000.0N

15. Study the diagram below on determination of density.

Calculate the density of object F. The density of F is...

A. 1.5g/cm3 B. 2.5g/cm3 C. 4.0g/cm3 D. 4.5g/cm3

30 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

16. Study the diagram below on heat.

The hand at P feels the heat faster than that at Q. This is because...
A. metal is a poor conductor of heat. C. glass is a good conductor of heat.
B. metal is a good conductor of heat. D. glass is a better conductor of heat.

17. Study the diagrams below showing the bimetallic strip under warm condition and under very hot

In which electrical appliance would such a type of circuit be used?

A. Computer B. Electric fan
C. Electric pressing iron. D. Thermos flask
18. Study the diagram showing a person looking at a fish in a fish tank.

31 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

Which of the following statements is correct observation of the real position of the fish? The real
position of the fish is...
A. N because light is refracted as it moves from water to air.
B. N because light travels in straight lines.
C. M because light travels in straight lines.
D. M because light is refracted as it moves from water to air.

19. Which of the following correctly describes the uses of oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen?
Oxygen Carbon dioxide Hydrogen
A Used in fizzy drinks Hardening vegetable oils Used in hospitals
B Used in steel works Used In fizzy drinks Hardening vegetable oils
C Hardening vegetable oils Used in steel works Used in fizzy drinks
D Used in fire extinguishers Used in fizzy drinks Used in hospitals

20. The graph below shows the pulse rate of a person before, during and after an exercise.

Which letter shows the period of exercising?

32 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

21. The diagrams below show stages in human respiration.

Which of the stages correctly shows inspiration?

A Stage H because the diaphragm is flattened.
B Stage H because the lung space is reduced.
C Stage I because the diaphragm is dome shaped.
D Stage I because the lung space is increased.

Which of the following describes the best way of prevention of Sexually Transmitted
Infections (STI's) among adolescents?
A Consistence use of condoms.
B Correct use of condoms.
C Abstinence from sex until marriage.
D Having sex with a faithful partner only.

Which of the following diseases is transmitted mainly through sexual intercourse?
A Malaria
B. Syphilis
C. Typhoid
D. Scabies

33 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

24. The diagram below shows a cycle of the biosphere.

25. Which one of the reasons for good water management below does not help to maintain
animal and plant life? Water for ...
A agriculture purposes. B domestic supply.
C fish farming. D recreation.
26. Below is a list of some animals domesticated by man.
1. Cattle 4. Goat
2. Cat 5. Dog
3. Sheep 6. Duck
Which two animals above are domesticated for milk production?
A 1 and 3 B 3 and 4
C 4 and 6 D 1 and 4

34 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

27. The diagram below shows a stage in testing a leaf for starch.

What is the purpose of the stage in the diagram?

A Killing protoplasm B Removing chlorophyll
C Making a leaf soft D Hardening the leaf
28. A student treated four identical leaves as follows:
• Leaf 1: Petroleum jelly was applied to both lower and upper surfaces.
• Leaf 2: Petroleum jelly was applied only to lower surface.
• Leaf 3: Petroleum jelly was applied only to upper surface.
• Leaf 4: was left untreated.
Which leaf stays fresh for a long time?
A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4
29. The law that states that mass of a substance before a chemical reaction is equal to the
total mass of the substances that are produced Is called the law of
A conservation of matter B conservation of energy.
C conversion of matter. D conversion of energy.
30. Sodium and hydrogen chloride react as shown in the chemical equation below.
Sodium + hydrogen chloride  sodium chloride + hydrogen
The type of chemical reaction shown in the equation above is called …
A Synthesis B Single replacement
C Double decomposition D Double replacement

35 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

31. An object is placed 6cm from a bi-convex lens of focal length 2cm.
Which statement below shows the nature of the image formed?
A Magnified, Real and Upright.
B Virtual, Upright and Diminished.
C Real, Upside down and diminished.
D Virtual, Upside down and same size as object.
32. The diagram below shows a flag with three different colours.

If you looked at the flag through a piece of red glass, which of these colours would you see?
A Blue Red White
B Red Red Black
C Black Red Red
D Red Red Red

33. Study the diagram showing an experiment on the relationship between current and

Calculate the current reading on the ammeter. The reading will be ...
A 2A B 5A C 10A D 50A

34. Which of the following appliances used in the local environment converts electric current
into both light and sound energy?
A Heater B Cellphones
C Electric fans D Energy saving bulbs

36 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

35. The diagrams below show the same cone placed in different positions on a surface.
Which position exerts the most pressure on the surface?

Which one of the following is not the best way of conserving energy?

A Re-use waste to generate energy.

B Avoid using energy to avoid wasting.

C Reduce the amount of energy wasted.

D Recycle waste into new products.

Which pair correctly shows communication using visual signals?

A Smoke and telegraph

B Traffic lights and letters

C E-mail and messenger

D Radio and heliograph

37 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

38. Which one is not an advantage of a method of sending information through text

messaging using a cellphone?

A It is cheaper than a phone call.

B It is good for recording messages and their contents.

C It's message can be read at any time.

D It's messages are short.

39. Study the block diagram on communication shown below.

What communication devices are represented at T and W?

A Microphone Loud speaker
B Microphone Antenna
C Transmitter Loud speaker
D Transmitter Antenna
40. A geostationary satellite is one which ...
A orbits in the atmosphere as it receives information.
B is stationed on earth as it transmits information.
C moves beyond the earth exploring the space.
D moves so as to remain in the same area above the earth.

38 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)



The diagram below shows the side view of the male reproductive organs.

(a) Identify the parts marked G and I [2]

(b) State the function of part J. [1]
(c) Explain what would happen if part K was to be tied. [1]
(d) State two signs of puberty in boys. [2]

39 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

The diagram below shows an animal cell.

(a) Which letters on the diagram represents the nucleus and cytoplasm? [2]
(b) State the name of the part of an animal cell which selects what goes in and out of the cell. [1]
(c) What two parts of a plant cell are not found in animal cells? [2]
(d) What instrument is used to observe the structure of a cell? [1]

The diagram below shows a copper rod dipped into a beaker containing mercury on one side and
into a beaker containing water on the other side. The rod was then heated in the m iddle using a
Bunsen burner.

40 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

(a) (i) State the term given to the movement of heat in the copper rod. [1]
(ii) Explain why asbestos boards were placed in the positions shown. [1]
(b)(i) Which wax would melt first? [1]
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in question (b) (i) above. [1]
(iii) Explain why the wax on the other beaker did not melt at the same time as the one
mentioned in (b) (i) above. [1]
(c) Suggest a method of heat transfer not demonstrated in the experiment above. [1]

A toy boat of mass 500g made of metal, a stopper of mass 80g made of wood and an iron nail of
mass 50g were put into a container filled with water as shown below.

(a) Define density. [1]

(b) Calculate the density of the stopper if its volume was found to be 100cm .
(Show your working) [2]
(c) What term is given to objects which stay on top of water as shown by the stopper and boat?
(d) Explain why the boat stayed on top of the water but the nail went down to the bottom of the
water. [1]
(e) Predict what would happen to the boat if it was filled with water. [1]

41 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

The graph below shows changes in temperature a solid substance X
underwent when it was heated. [2016 P2]

(a) Which letters on the graph represents; the

(i) Melting point
(ii) boiling point [2]
(b) Give a reason for your answer in (a) above. [1]
(c) Identify the stage in which the substance X would be in liquid state only. [1]
(d) At which stage would substance X exist in two different states of solid and liquid at the
same time? [1]
(e) What is the term given to changes of state of substance X from T to R? [1]

42 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

The diagram below shows parts of a blood circulatory system in a human being.

(a) Identify the part labelled Y. [1]

(b) Name one blood vessel which is...
(i) an artery
(ii) a vein. [2]
(c) Suggest the part where oxygen from the air enters the blood. [1]
(d) Using the labels on the diagram, describe how blood which is in the left auricle will move
in the circulatory system and arrive back in the left auricle. [2]

43 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

The diagram below shows some water sources labelled H, I and J.

(a) Which water source is the safest for drinking by humans?

(b) State one disadvantage of obtaining drinking water from water source J.
(c) State one way water is prevented from finishing in the water sources shown in the
diagram above.
(d) Explain the role played by sand and gravel in the quality of water from the bore
(e) What term is given to the sources of water shown in the diagram above?
(f) Suggest one other source of fresh water for drinking.

44 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

The diagram below shows a simple potometer.

(a) Explain the importance of the air tight seal in the potometer. [1]
(b) State the function of the potometer. [1]
(c) What substance would you use to prove that water is being lost by the plant in the
potometer? [1]
(d) Explain the colour changes the substance mentioned in question (c) above would undergo
when testing the water from the potometer. [1]
(e) Why is transpiration necessary in plants? [1]
(f) Suggest one way by which plants reduce water loss through transpiration. [1]

45 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

Carefully study the electric circuit diagram below.

(a) How many cells are in the battery? [1]

(b) Calculate the resistance of resistor R2. (Show your working) [2]
(c) If the cells in the battery are of equal voltage, calculate the voltage of one cell. [1]
(d) If the resistor R3 is removed and the circuit with the remaining resistors (R1 and R2) is
completed by closing the switch, what will be the reading of the ammeter? [1]
(e) Calculate the total power with the remaining resistors R1 and R2 in the circuit when R3 is
not used. [1]
The table below shows the chemical reactions and their products.
1 Copper heated with oxygen Copper (II) oxide
2 Heating calcium carbonate Calcium oxide and carbon dioxide
3 Calcium reacts with hydrochloric acid Calcium chloride and hydrogen gas
4 Electrolysis of acidified water Hydrogen and oxygen gases

(a) Define a chemical reaction. [1]

(b) Identify chemical reactions which can be classified as;
(i) Single replacement.
(ii) Decomposition.
(iii) Synthesis. [3]
(c) Suggest two endothermic reactions from the table. [2]

46 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

PAPER 1 AND PAPER 2 – 2016


1. B 11.C 21. A 31. C
2. B 12. A 22. C 32. D
3. A 13. B 23. B 33. A
4. C 14. B 24. D 34. B
5. D 15. D 25. D 35. D
6. C 16. B 26. D 36. B
7. A 17. C 27. B 37. B
8. A 18. A 28. A 38. D
9. C 19. B 29. A 39. C
10.B 20. B 30. B 40. D

47 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)



(a) Part G- Urethra, part I - Scrotum
(b) Function of part J: It stores sperm cells
(c) There would be no discharge of sperm cells in the semen
(d) 1- Deepen of voice. 2- Wet-dreams.

(a) Nucleus: Letter M Cytoplasm: Letter N
(b) Cell membrane
(c) 1 - Cell wall, 2 - Chloroplast
(d) Instrument: Light microscope

(a) (i) Conduction
(ii) To prevent heat transfer by convection
(b) (i) Wax 1
(ii) Because mercury is a good conductor of heat hence the
transfer of heat by convection and conduction was easy and fast.
(iii) Because water is a bad conductor of heat.
(c) Radiation

48 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

(a) Density is mass of a substance per unit volume.
(b) Density = =
100 3 = 0.80g/cm3

(c) Floater
(d) The boat has displaced the volume of water more than its volume.
(e) The boat will sink

(a) (i) Melting point: Letter Q
(ii) Boiling point: Letter S
(b) Because the temperature is constant (temperature is not changing)
(c) Stage R
(d) Stage Q
(e) Condensation.


(a) Part Y – Tricuspid valve
(b) (i) An artery – Blood vessel Z / Blood vessel V
(ii) A vein – Blood vessel U / Blood vessel W
(c) The lungs
(d) When the left atrium is full, it contract pushing blood to the left
ventricle which contract and pump blood at high pressure via aorta to
all parts of the body. Blood will be taken back to the heart via vena
cava to the right atrium. When the right atrium is full, it contract
pushing blood to the ventricle which contracts pump blood to the
lungs via pulmonary artery. In the lungs gaseous exchange will take
place and blood will be taken to the heart in left atrium via pulmonary

49 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

(a) Source labelled H

(b) It’s contaminated with bacteria, virus and fungi hence it can cause

diseases like typhoid, cholera, etc.

(c) Because the water is connected to seepage from the oceans.

(d) They allow filtrate water.

(e) Groundwater

(f) Surface water / under river flow


(a) It help to get accurate reading as it shows how much water is lost.

(b) It measure the rate of transpiration

(c) Anhydrous cobalt (II) chloride

(d) Blue anhydrous cobalt (II) chloride turn to pink in presence of water.

(e) It brings cooling effect to the plant.

(f) Having very small thin leaves / it drops off leaves during summer.

50 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

(a) 4 cells
(b) Total resistance (R) = = = 4Ω

R1 + R2 + R3 = R » 1Ω + R2 + 2Ω = 4 Ω

R2 + 3Ω = 4 Ω » R2 = 4 – 3 = 1 Ω

(c) Voltage of each cell = = = 2V
(d) Current = = = 4A

(e) Power = voltage x Current = 8 x 2 = 16 W


(a) A chemical reaction is a reaction in which one or more substances
(reactants) are converted to one or more different substances
(b) (i) 3 – Calcium reacts with hydrochloric acid
(ii) 4 – Electrolysis of acidified water
(iii) 1 – copper heated with oxygen
(c) Reaction number 1 – copper heating with oxygen
Reaction number 2 – heating calcium carbonate.

51 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)



1. Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of travel of an unfertilised ovum from the
beginning until it leaves the female body?

A. Ovary  Uterus  Oviduct  vagina

B. Uterus  vagina  Oviduct  Ovary
C. Uterus  0viduct  vagina  Ovary
D. Ovary  Oviduct  Uterus  Vagina

2. Which body changes happen during puberty in both girls and boys?

A. Body grows rapidly.

B. Breasts grow large.
C. Pubic hair grows around the vulva.
D. Pubic hair grows at the base of the penis.

52 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

3. The diagram below shows the position of a foetus just before birth in humans.

The function of the part labelled R is to

A. prevent miscarriage.
B. protect the foetus from mechanical shock.
C. stabilise temperature around the foetus.
D. push the foetus down during childbirth.

4. A woman has a pregnancy which is 24 weeks. Now many weeks is she remaining with In order
for her to have a normal birth?
A. 10 B. 12 C. 16 D. 18

5. The table below shows nutrients and their sources.

Nutrient Source
A Fats Butter, Cassava, Cooking Oil
B Proteins Meat, Rape, Groundnuts
C Vitamin D Eggs, Milk, Apples
D Carbohydrates Maize, Potatoes, Cassava
Which of the above correctly shows the nutrient and its corresponding source?

6. The disease that occurs in children because of luck of protein in the diet is ...
A. kwashiorkor.
B. marasmus.
C. rickets.
D. scurvy.

53 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

7. Which of the following is not a natural cause of air pollution?
A. Forest fires
B. Wind erosion
C. Volcanic eruptions
D. Waste from incinerators

8. The diagram below shows parts of a microscope. Identify the parts labelled S, X and Y.

A Eyepiece Objective lens Body tube
B Body tube Eyepiece Rotating nose piece
C Eyepiece lens Rotating nose tube Body tube
D Rotating nose piece Objective lens Eyepiece

9. The process in plants that makes it possible for water and mineral salts to move from the roots to
the rest of the plant is ...
A. osmosis. B. respiration. C. transpiration. D. photosynthesis.

10. Which set correctly shows parts that are found in both plant and animal cells?
A. Nucleus, Cell wall and Cell membrane
B. Chloroplast, Nucleus and Cell membrane
C. Cytoplasm, Cell membrane and Nucleus
D. Cell wall, Cytoplasm and Cell membrane

54 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

11. Which of the following correctly gives the model of a carbon dioxide molecule?

12. The diagram below shows water being heated in a kettle. What change of state is shown at point Z?

A. Boiling
B. Condensation
C. Evaporation
D. Melting

55 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

13. The diagrams below show three sets of apparatus labelled E, F and G.

Which apparatus would be used to obtain separate samples of sand and salt from a mixture of
sand and sea water?
A. E only B. G only C. F and G D. E and G

14. Calculate the weight of a 15kg mass on the earth's surface. (Take the gravitational force to be 10N/kg)

A. 1.5N B. 5.0N C. 150.0N D. 1 500.0N

15. A beaker containing 40cm3 of liquid F weighed 90g. What is the density of liquid F if the mass
of the beaker is 30g?

A. 0.67g/cm3 B. 1.50g/cm3 C. 2.25g/cm3 D. 3.00g/cm3

16. The diagram below shows a metal pot containing water placed on a hot plate.

After some time the air at point H became hot. Which of the following gives the main ways
through which heat travels up to point H?

56 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

From hot plate to Through the water From the surface of
the pot water to point H
A Conduction Convection Convection
B Conduction Radiation Convection
C Convection Convection Conduction
D Convection Conduction Radiation

17. Study the diagram below which shows the power stroke stage of a four stroke combustion

What process causes the piston in the cylinder to move downwards?

A. Compression B. Contraction C. Convection D. Expansion

18. Study the diagram below.

The angle of reflection r is ...

A. 25°. B. 40°. C. 50°. D. 90°.
57 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)
19. The table below shows the approximate percentages by volume of gases in Air.

Gas Percentage of gas in air

I 0.03
J 0.97
K 21
L 78

Identify gases I, J, K and L.

A. Nitrogen Carbon dioxide Inert gases Oxygen
B. Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon dioxide Inert gases
C. Inert gases Carbon dioxide Nitrogen Oxygen
D. Carbon dioxide Inert gases Oxygen Nitrogen

20. Which blood vessel carries blood at high pressure with a high carbon dioxide concentration?
A Aorta B Vena Cava
C Pulmonary Artery D Pulmonary Vein

21. Study the Incomplete word equation on tissue respiration.

What substances are M, N and P to complete the equation?

22. Which pair of sexually transmitted infections (ST1s) Is caused by bacteria?

A HIV and Syphilis B HIV and Genital Warts
C Gonorrhoea and Syphilis D Gonorrhoea and Genital Warts

58 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

23. Which one of the following does NOT explain the impact of HIV and AIDS on the population?
A Increase of orphans B Increase of poverty
C Decrease of the economy D Decrease of the pressure on health services

24. Study the diagram below showing the oxygen cycle.

Identify processes 1, 2 and 3.

1 2 3
A Photosynthesis Respiration Respiration
B Transpiration Combustion Respiration
C Respiration Photosynthesis Combustion
D Combustion Transpiration Transpiration

25.Which one of the following is not an effective way of water management?

A Ensuring constant supply of water,
B Providing quality and safe drinking water.
C Purifying surface water in rivers, lakes and dams.
D Building dams and water reservoirs.

26. What is the use of chlorine in water management? This is to ...

A kill bacteria in water. B Improve the taste of water.
C make water clean to drink. D remove dirty particles from water.

27. Which process can be used to produce pure plant breed?

A Cross pollination B Self pollination
C Natural pollination D Artificial pollination

59 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

28. The diagrams below show a variegated leaf before and after it was tested for starch.

The best conclusion that can be made from the results is that the white area of the leaf lacked...
A oxygen. B sun light.
C chlorophyll. D carbon dioxide.

29. Study the diagrams below showing experiments on transpiration.

After a few days it was observed that the mass in all the experiments had decreased. Which pair
shows water loss mainly by transpiration?
A 1 and 3 B 3 and 4
C 1 and 2 D 2 and 4

60 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

30. Which of the following equations is a double displacement reaction?

Which statement below best explains the law of conservation of matter? The total mass of
substances before a chemical reaction is ...
A different from the mass of substances produced.
B equal to the mass of substances produced.
C less than the mass of substances produced.
D more than the mass of substances produced.

The diagram below shows an object placed beyond 2F in front of a converging lens.

Which of the following shows the correct position and nature of the image formed?

61 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

33. The diagram below shows white light passing through a blue filter onto a red screen in an
experiment done in the dark.

What colour of white light will be seen on the screen?

A Red B Blue C White D None

34. The diagram below shows four identical bulbs and an ammeter connected to a battery.

If the ammeter reads 2A, which of the labelled points 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the circuit is the only place
where the current is less than 2A?
A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4

62 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

35. The ice will break If a pressure on it is greater than 1N/m2. If four objects placed on the ice,
which of the following will break the ice?

36. The diagram below shows a ball as it falls from the top of a wall.

What forms of energy does the ball at point P and S.

A Potential Kinetic
B Kinetic Chemical
C Kinetic Potential
D Chemical Kinetic
37. Which of the following ways of communication disadvantages listeners from referring back
A Radio B Email C Facsimile D Tape recorder
38.Which of the following devices is not used in long distance communication?
A Cell phone B Traffic lights
C Land phone D Laptop computer
39. Which of the following makes an electrical signal from a tape recorder stronger?
A Aerial B Amplifier C Microphone D Satellite
40. Which one of the following is not necessary during the transmission of a live football match
relayed from the United Kingdom to Zambia?
A Satellite B Microphone C Video camera D Tape

63 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)



The diagram below shows parts of a female reproductive organ.

(a) Name the parts labelled P, Q and R. [3]

(b) In which labelled part does fertilization take place? [1]
(c) State one function of the part labelled R. [1]
(d) State one importance of observing personal hygiene of the reproductive organs. [1]
64 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

The diagram below shows a factory producing pollutants into the atmosphere.

(a) Suggest one pollutant produced by the factory. [1]

(b) Apart from factories, name one other source of air pollution. [1]
(c) Describe two effects of atmospheric pollution. [2]
(d) Suggest two ways of preventing pollution. [2]


The diagrams below show an experiment on tropisms.

65 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

(a) Which labelled part has demonstrated positive;
(i) Phototropism?
(ii) Geotropism? [2]
(b) Explain why these responses are important to the seedlings. [2]
(c) Suggest one reason why the cotton wool must be kept moist all the time. [1]
(d) Apart from the nutrient in the moist cotton wool, what other nutrient is needed by the
growing seedlings? [1]


The diagrams below show plant and animal cells of living organisms.

(a) Which labelled part is selectively permeable on the

(i) plant cell?
(ii) animal cell? [2]
(b) Identify the structure F and explain its function. [2]
(c) From the diagram, state one difference between a plant cell and an animal cell. [1]
(d) State one other difference between the plant cell and animal cell not in the diagram. [1]


11. (a) Define the following terms.

(i) Atom
(ii) Element [2]
(b) Describe the basic structure of an atom. [2]
(c) How many atoms are in the following molecules?
(i) CO2
(ii) H2 [2]
66 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)
The diagram below shows the human respiratory system.

(a) Name the parts labelled J and K. [2]

(b) Explain how the structure labelled M causes inhalation of air. [2]
(c) Identify one labelled structure which is affected by cigarette smoking. [1]
(d) Explain what is meant by tissue respiration. [1]

(a) Explain two ways in which one can get infected with HIV and AIDS. [2]
(b) Apart from HIV and AIDS, state two other sexually transmitted diseases. [2]
(c) Describe two impacts of HIV and AIDS on the Zambian population. [2]


In the recent past, human activities have increased the rate of extinction of species of
(a) State two kinds of human activities which can lead to extinction of species. [2]
(b) Give reasons why the species listed below are facing extinction.
(i) Elephants
(ii) Mukwa [2]
(c) Explain how loss of species affects the agriculture sector. [1]
(d) Give one benefit of protecting endangered species. [1]

67 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

The diagram below shows an electric circuit.

(a) On the circuit diagram in the answer booklet, place the correct position for the;

(b) Identify the part labelled N. [1]
(c) State the type of connection of bulbs 1 and 2 in the circuit. [1]
(d) Why is it best to connect bulbs in the type of arrangement you stated in (c) above? [1]
(e) Give one example of the use of electric current in our homes. [1]
The diagram shows charcoal burning on the brazier and used to heat water in a kettle.

(a) (i) Define energy.

(ii) What form of energy is possessed by charcoal before it is burnt? [2]
(b) Describe the energy change which takes place as the charcoal burns. [1]
(c) Explain how the environment is affected when energy is produced using;
(i) hydroelectric power station;
(ii) fossil fuel. [2]
(d) Suggest one way in which energy can be conserved. [1]

68 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

PAPER 1 AND PAPER 2 – 2017


1. D 11.C 21. B 31. B
2. A 12. B 22. D 32. B
3. B/C 13. D 23. D 33. D
4. B 14. C 24. A 34. C
5. D 15. B 25. A 35. B
6. A 16. A 26. A 36. A
7. C 17. D 27. B 37. A
8. A 18. B 28. C 38. B
9. C 19. D 29. A 39. B
10.C 20. A 30. D 40. D

69 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)



(a) Part P – Oviduct, Part Q – Uterus Part R – Cervix
(b) Part P (Oviduct)
(c) Part R – it join the uterus and vagina
(d) It prevent humans from illness

(a) Carbon monoxide
(b) Forest fire/burning of fuel
(c) 1- It causes acid rain
2- It is harmful to human respiratory organs
(d) 1– use of biodegradable products
2- Not over using pesticides and fertilizer.


(a) (i) Part X

(ii) Part Y
(b) Positive phototropism: it enable a plant to get light energy for
Positive geotropism: it enable a plant to get water and mineral salts for
growth of the plant.
(c) To provide water molecules which is needed for germination.
(d) Oxygen

70 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

(a) (i) Part D
(ii) Part F
(b) Structure F – Cell membrane
Function: Structure F allow some substances to pass through it.
(c) Plant cell has cell wall while an animal cell has no cell wall.
(d) Plant cell has chloroplast while an animal cell has no chloroplast.


(a) (i) An atom is a building block of matter.
(ii) Element is a substance made of one type of atoms
(b) An atom has three sub-atomic particles i.e protons and neutrons in
nucleus of an atom and electrons in shells around an atom.
(c) (i) CO2 : 1 carbon atom (C) plus 2 oxygen atoms (O) = 3 atoms
(ii) H2: 2 hydrogen atoms = 2 atoms


(a) Part labelled J – Lung Part labelled K – Bronchus
(b) The diaphragm muscles contract and pull the diaphragm downs which
flattens. This increase the volume of chest cavity leading the lungs to
(c) Part labelled J
(d) Tissue respiration is the release of energy from food substance inside
the living cells in the presence of oxygen.

71 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS (0979595713)

(a) 1 – Through having unprotected sex with an infected person.
2 – Exposure to infected blood through blood transfusion, when drug
addicts share needles.
(b) 1 – Syphilis
2 - Gonorrhea
(c) 1 – Increases the number of orphans in the streets.
2 - It causes poverty if breadwinner of the family gets too sick to
provide needs of the family.


(a) 1 – Poaching for bush meat.
2 – Illegal trade in elephant tusks and rhinoceros horn
(b) (i) Because it is vulnerable and are illegally killed to get its tusks
for trade.
(ii) It is being used mostly as building poles and to make canoes.
(c) They can be no production of new crops and improvement of existing
crops through cross – breeding.
(d) It conserve biological diversity thereby preserving and maintaining

72 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

(b) Part N is a Switch

(c) It is in parallel connection
(d) Because voltage is distributed equal to all the bulbs and even if one
bulb is blot off the rest will remain on.
(e) It is used for lighting up the bulbs, for heating the stove, etc.


(a) (i) Energy is the ability to do work.
(ii) Chemical energy
(b) Chemical energy is being converted to light and heat energy.
(c) (i) It changes the habitats and affects the land use.
(ii) It produces carbon dioxide gas which causes of air pollution.
(d) By alternative use of energy like solar energy.

73 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)


The diagram below shows a stage in the development of a human embryo.

74 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
(a) Identify the parts labelled H and J. [2]
(b) Explain the functions of the parts labelled K and L. [2]
(c) What term is given to the period in months or days, from the time of
fertilization up to the time of birth? [1]
(d) Suggest one important function of the fluid labelled M. [1]

The list below shows different types of foods .
1 Banana
2 Orange
3 Chicken
4 Cassava

(a) Identify a food from the list which;

(i) Provides proteins
(ii) Provides vitamins [2]
(b) Select a food, from the list which has both vitamins and carbohydrate
nutrients. [1]
(c) From the list, identify one food which can be used to prevent.
(i) Kwashiorkor
(ii) Scurvy. [2]
(d) Apart from a good balanced diet, what else should a mother do to ensure
good growth of a child between the ages of 1 and 5 years? [1]

75 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
The diagram below shows the components of a compound microscope.

(a) Identify the part labelled P. [1]

(b) Which labelled part on the microscope;
(i) magnifies the image of the specimen?
(ii) brings the image of the specimen into focus when turned? [2]
(c) Give the function of the part labelled Q. [1]
(d) Give one example of a specimen which is best seen under the microscope.
(e) Suggest one simple device used in place of a microscope. [1]

76 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
The diagram below shows the structure of an oxygen molecule.

(a) State the particles found in the,

(i) nucleus,

(ii) shells. [2]

(b) From the molecular structure above, how many electrons are being shared in

order for the atoms to combine and form a molecule? [1]

(c) Using the same principle draw a molecule of nitrogen gas.

Note: nitrogen atom has 7 electrons. [2]

(d) Explain the difference between an atom and a molecule. [1]

77 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
Two objects T and U with mass 30g were placed in mercury of density
13. 6kg/cm3. Object T displaced 2cm3 of mercury while object U displaced
1.5cm3 of mercury.
(a) Calculate the density of object T. [2]
(b) (i) Did object U sink or float in the mercury? [2]
(ii) Give a reason for your answer.
(c) Explain why two objects having the same mass displaces different amounts
of mercury. [1]
(d) What makes vessels like ship float on water? [1]


The diagrams below show two blood vessels V and W cut open to show
thickness of muscle layers.

(a) (i) Which blood vessel represents an artery?

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (a) (i) above. [2]
(b) Apart from the reason you have given in (a) (ii), what other characteristics
make the two blood vessels different. [2]
(c) Explain why blood vessel W has a thicker layer of muscles compared to
blood vessel V. [1]
(d) In the diagram, identify the blood vessel that may contain valves [1]

78 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
Study the diagram below which shows carbon cycle in the biosphere.

(a) From the diagram, name the process marked X and Y. [2]
(b) Give one example of:
(i) Decomposers
(ii) Fossil fuels [2]
(c) Name one activity not in the diagram which releases carbon dioxide to the air.
(d) In terms of oxygen cycle, explain why it is very important to plant a lot of trees.


The table below shows a list of animals.
Rabbit Giraffe Donkey Sheep Zebra Rhino

(a) Identify one animal which is:

(i) domesticated,
(ii) not domesticated. [2]
(b) Explain one importance of domesticating animals. [1]
(c) (i) From the table, identify one animal which is in danger of extinction.
(ii) Give one reason for your answer in (c) (i) above. [2]
(d) Explain how endangered animal species may be protected. [1]

79 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
A pupil carried out an experiment by heating copper powder as shown below.
A black substance was noticed after the experiment

(a) Would the mass of the product formed after heating copper be more, same or
less after the experiment had been done. [1]
(b) Give a reason for your answer in (a) above. [I]
(c) Write a word equation for the reaction in the experiment above. [1]
(d) (i) State the type of chemical reaction which took place in the experiment
(ii) Give one other type of chemical reaction apart from the one named in
(c) (i) above. [2]
(e) State the law of conservation of matter. [1]

80 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
The diagram shows equal force being applied on two different objects using a

(a) Define pressure. [1]

(b) State the unit for pressure. [1]
(c) (i) On which object will the thumb exert more pressure on the wood?
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (c) (i) above. [2]
(d) What two factors other than the one demonstrated in the diagram, affects
pressure in gases? [2]

81 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
PAPER 2 – 2018
(a) Part H: Placenta Part J: Umbilical cord
(b) Function of part K:
It connects the vagina to the uterus and forms part of the birth canal.
It secretes fluids that lubricate the vagina during sexual intercourse.
Function of part L: is responsible for enclosing the amniotic fluid.
(c) Gestation period
(d) Function of fluid M:
It allows the foetus to move freely inside the uterus.
It protects the foetus from mechanical shocks (being bumped)
It protects the foetus from dehydration.
It stabilizes the temperature around the foetus.

(a) (i) Provide protein: Chicken
(ii) Provide Vitamins: Banana / Orange
(b) Orange and cassava
(c) (i) Chicken
(ii) Orange
(d) To ensure that the child immunized.

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82 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
(a) Part P: Stage
(b) (i) Part S and Part Q
(ii) Part R
(c) Function of part Q: It enlarge the size of the image of the specimen.
(d) Onion epidermis / leaf
(e) Hand lens


(a) (i) Particles in nucleus: Protons and neutrons
(ii) Particles in shells: Electrons
(b) Four (4) electrons

(d) An atom is a building block of matter while a molecule is a substance

consisting two or more non – atoms combined (bonded) together.
An atom can be either a metal or a non – metal while a molecule is a
non – metal.

83 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
(a) Mass of object T = 30 = 15g and volume of object T = 2 cm3
= = = 7.5 g / cm3
(b) (i) Density of U = = = 10 g/cm3.

Therefore, object U sunk in mercury

(ii) Because the density of water is high than the density of mercury.
(c) Because the arrangement of particles is different i.e. in object U
particles are closely packed while in object T particle are not closely
packed. This enable objects having different volume.
(d) Vessels float because they have a larger volume and are less dense.
Their average density is less than that of water.
Vessels float because of their shape (hallow) which displaces an
amount of water equal to its mass.


(a) (i) Artery: Blood vessel W

(ii) Because it has a small lumen

(b) Blood vessel V has thin wall while blood vessel W has thick wall

(c) Because blood in blood vessel W moves at high pressure so that

prevent it from rapture.

(d) Blood vessel V

84 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
(a) Process X: Photosynthesis
Process Y: Death
(b) (i) Decomposer: Fungi / Bacteria
(ii) Fossil fuels: Coal / petroleum
(c) Burning fossil fuel
(d) Because plants produces oxygen as a waste product which animals
uses for tissue respiration.


(a) (i) Domesticated: Sheep / Donkey
(ii) Not domesticated: Giraffe / Zebra / Rhino
(b) They are the major source of protein (food)
Animals are kept as pets to beautify the homes
Some animals like dogs are kept for protection purposes
Some animals are used for transport and cultivation.
(c) (i) Rhino
(ii) Because rhino’s population was almost destroyed during 1970s
and 1980s as a results of poaching for horns.
(d) - Use of appropriate farming practices such as crop rotation
- Game cropping
- Setting up of conservation education programmes in the curriculum
- Controlling burning of charcoal
- Creation of game management area, forest reserves and game parks

85 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
(a) The mass will be more
(b) Because oxygen gas has been added to copper powder.
(c) Copper + Oxygen -------> Copper (II) oxide
(d) (i) Synthesis reaction.
(ii) Decomposition / Single replacement / Double replacement.
(e) The total mass of substances before a chemical reaction is equal to the
total mass of the substances that are produced.
Or matter cannot be made or destroyed during a chemical reaction.


(a) Pressure is the amount of force acting per unit area of a surface.
(b) Unit for Pressure: Newton per Metre squared i.e. N/m2 OR Pascal (Pa)
(c) (i) Object Z2
(ii) Because Z2 the base area is very small than Z1
(d) - Temperature
- Volume
- Amount of gas/ amount of gas particle

86 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

1. Study the diagram below on the male reproductive system in human beings.

Which numbered organ is responsible for keeping the temperature conducive for sperm
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

87 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
2. Which of the following is not a good health habit?

A Washing the reproductive organs regularly with soap and dean water.
B. Changing sanitary towels regularly during menstruation.
C Keeping the reproductive organs damp or wet.
D Changing underwear regularly and ironing them before wearing.
3. The following diagram shows a process that occurs during human reproduction.

The process shown in the diagram illustrates ...

A fertilisation.
B gestation.
C implantation.
D ovulation

4. Which of the following best describes the function of the placenta?

A Transports food nutrients and oxygen to the embryo.
B Protects the embryo against external shocks.
C Allows implantation of zygote and embryo development.
D Allows exchange of food nutrients and oxygen between the mother and the embryo.

5. The deficiency disease caused by lack of vitamin D in the diet resulting in soft and weak bone
A. kwashiorkor,
B. Marasmus.
C. rickets
D. scurfy.

88 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
6. Which of the following does not describe the importance of the children's clinic
A immunisation of the child against diseases
B Growth monitoring through weighing the child
C Monitoring if the child will have learning difficulties as it grows
D Provision of nutritional advice when there are signs of malnutrition

7. Which of the following is not an effect of air pollution? It causes ….

A unpleasant smell, B difficulties in breathing.
C lung and heart diseases- D death of aquatic animals

8. The diagram below shows the basic structures of a plant cell.

The structures that are NEVER found in the animal cell are
A 1 and 2
B 2 and 3.
C 5 and 6.
D 1 and 4.

9. What is the name of the process in plants that is negatively affected when oxygen is in limited
A. Osmosis
B. Respiration
C. Transpiration
D. Photosynthesis

89 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
10. Study the diagram below showing basic structures of an animal cell,

Identify the part(s) of the animal cell showing the site(s) where most chemical processes
take place.
A 1 only B 2 only
C 1 and 3 D 2 and 3

11. Which statement best describes a molecule? A molecule is

A. the smallest particle of an element.
B that which occupies space and has weight.
C a small group of atoms of elements joined together.
D a pure substance that cannot be split into simpler substances.

12. Pure ice was heated to a temperature of 60°C and then cooled to room temperature.
Which row shows the correct state of matter before heating, at 60°C and alter cooling?

Before heating At 60oC After cooling

A Solid Vapour Vapour
B Liquid Solid Liquid
C Solid Liquid Liquid
D Liquid Vapour Liquid

90 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
13. The diagram below shows an experiment on the separation of a mixture.

What term is used to describe liquid

A. Distillate B. Filtrate C. Residue D. Solution

14 Which of the following are used to measure mass and weight?

Mass Weight
A Beam balance spring balance
B Scale Beam balance
C Beam balance Scale
D Spring balance Beam balance

15 A learner was asked to determine the density of a stone. She made the following measurements:

1. Volume of water in the measuring cylinder before immersing the stone = 30cm3.
2. Volume of water in the measuring cylinder after immersing stone = 50cm3.
3. Mass of measuring cylinder and 30cm3 of water = 120g.
4. Mass of measuring cylinder, 30cm3 of water and the stone = 170g.

Use the information above to determine the density of the stone. The density of the stone is
A 1.6g/cm3 B. 2.5g/cm3 C. 4.0 g/cm3 D. 9.0 g/cm3

91 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
16 Study the following diagram on an experiment on heat transfer.

The experiment is demonstrating heat transfer by

A radiation. B convection.
C convection and conduction, D radiation and convection,

17 The diagrams below show different levels of mercury in a thermometer before and after it was
immersed in hot water.

What is the reason for the change in the mercury level from P to Q? This was because the
A mercury expanded.
B mercury contracted.
C glass tube expanded.
D glass tube contracted
92 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
18 Study the following diagram showing an experiment on light.

Which numbered angle shows the angle of reflection?

A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4

19 Which of the following is the second most abundant gas in clean air?
A Carbon dioxide B Nitrogen
C Oxygen D Sulphur dioxide

20 Which of the following components of blood fights disease?

A Plasma B Platelets
C Red blood cells D White blood cells
21 The diagram below shows part of the human respiratory system,

identity the gases R and S.

A Carbon dioxide Nitrogen
B Oxygen Carbon dioxide
C Carbon dioxide Oxygen
D Nitrogen Oxygen

93 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
22 Which of the following statements is true about gonorrhoea, syphilis and herpes? They all
can be
A transmitted by virus. B transmitted by bacteria.
C treated using antibiotics. D prevented by similar methods.

23 Which one of the following is not a mode of transmission of HIV?

A Sharing the same bed with an infected person.
B Infected mother to child at birth and after birth,
C Sharing needles contaminated with fresh blood.
D Having sexual contact with an infected person.

24 What changes nitrogen back into gaseous state in the nitrogen cycle?
A Denitrifying bacteria.
B Lightning.
C Nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil.
D Nitrogen fixing bacteria in legumes.

25 Chlorine is added to water at a treatment plant in Order to

A filter out small particles.
B sediment big solid particles.
C kill viruses in the water.
D kill bacteria or germs in the water.

26 Which of the following trees is in great danger of extinction due to illegal timber
A Masuku
B Mubanga
C Mukwa
D Mulornbe

94 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
27 Below is an incomplete word equation.

+ − − − − −→ +
ℎ ℎ
Identify products T and U.
A Oxygen Energy
B Starch Oxygen
C Starch Nitrogen
D Oxygen Starch

28 What term is used to describe the process by which plants lose water into the
A Expiration B Inspiration
C Respiration D Transpiration

29 Which of the following is an endothermic reaction?

A Burning B Electrolysis
C Precipitation D Rusting iron
30 Study the following equation on a chemical reaction.
Zinc + Hydrochloric acid —> Zinc chloride + Hydrogen
This is an example of
A decomposition. B double replacement.
C single replacement. D synthesis.
31 The diagram shows an object placed between F and 2F.

95 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
The image or the object shown in the diagram produced by the lens will be…
A real and inverted,
B virtual and inverted.
C real and erect,
D virtual and erect.

32 A lady wearing a red dress went into a room where there was green light. What colour
will her dress appear?
A Black B Green
C Red D White

33 The graph below shows result obtained from an experiment to determine the resistance of
a wire.

Using the information on the graph. Determine the resistance of the wire. The resistance
of the wire will be
A 0.5 Ω
B 1.0 Ω
C 2.0 Ω
D 2.5Ω

96 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
34 The following is a list of appliances that use electric current:
1 Electric fan
2 Electric cooker
3 Electric shaving machine
4 Electric kettle
5 Electric pressing iron
Which of the following numbers show appliances that mainly use electric current for
A 1, 3, 4 B 2, 4, 5
C 2, 3, 4 D 1, 2, 5

35 The diagrams below show two sealed syringes of equal volume and containing the same
amount of air.
The piston in syringe V is pushed to 1 while that in syringe W remained at 2.

Which of the following is true about the pressure of the air in syringe V and W?
Pressure of air in V Pressure of air in W
A High Low
B High High
C Low High
D Low Low

36 Which of the following is not a way of conserving energy?

A Using energy saver bulbs for lighting
B Planting trees around the house
C Reducing the amount of waste we produce
D Using mostly charcoal and wood for cooking

97 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
37 What is the disadvantage of using television as a means of communication?
A Television combines sound and pictures.
B It has a negative effect on eyesight.
C It provides a different form of entertainment.
D Television has a limited coverage and less audience.

38 Analogue signal is best defined as a signal that...

A is obtained from sounds.
B is obtained from pictures.
C changes in light levels and voltage pulses.
D continuously changes in both frequency and amplitude.

39 Study the diagram below illustrating radio transmission.

The number parts are …

1 2 3 4
A Microphone Transmission Reception Loudspeaker
antenna antenna
B Loudspeaker Reception Transmission Microphone
antenna antenna
C Reception antenna Loudspeaker Microphone Transmission
D Transmission Microphone Loudspeaker Reception
antenna antenna

40 Which one of the following is not an advantage of satellite communication?

A The systems of communication can easily be deployed.
B It is flexible as it can provide a variety of communication.
C Mobility is easy as communications are able to reach out globally.
D Operational costs and installation of satellite systems are affordable.

98 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

The diagram below shows a foetus in the uterus of a pregnant woman.

(a) Identify the structures labelled G and H. [2]

(b) State the function of structure I. [1]

(c) Complete the stages of embryo development by filling ii blank spaces 1 and 4.

1……………. 2 Embryo. 3. Foetus 4 ………………… [2]

(d) If the foetus in the diagram was conceived on 20th February this year (2019), predict the
date of delivery of the baby. [1]

99 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

Below is part of a children’s clinic card for a particular child.

(a) From the card state;

(i) the month the child was born. [1]
(ii) the month the child's growth was below normal. [1]
(b) What two reasons could have led to the child’s failure to change the weight between
September 85 and October 85? [2]
(c) State two benefits of taking a child to children's clinic. [2]


(a) Name two inorganic fertilisers. [2]
(b) State two effects of excessive use of inorganic fertilisers. [2]
(c) Give one way of reducing the adverse effects of fertiliser use. [1]
(d) Give one example of organic fertilisers. [1]

100 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

The diagrams below show determination of density of a solid.

(a) What is the mass of the liquid? [1]

(b) Determine the volume of the solid. [1]
(c) Calculate the density of the liquid. [2]
(d) Explain why the solid sunk to the bottom of the liquid. [1]
(e) What would happen if the irregular solid was replaced by another solid of density
0.5g/cm3? [1]


The pie-chart below shows the approximate composition of air in the atmosphere.

(a) Identify the gases J and K. [2]

(b) Which gas J or K dissolves in water? [1]
(c) Name two gases that make up other gases. [2]
(d) What gas is used to harden vegetable oil? [1]
101 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)
The diagram below shows blood circulatory system in the human body.

(a) Name the blood vessels labelled 1 and 3. [2]

(b) Identify the parts labelled P and M. [2]

(c) What name is given to the structures found in the heart and blood vessels 1 and 3 which
prevent blood from flowing backwards? [1]

(d) Give one difference between blood in the blood vessel 1 and that in blood vessel 4 [1]

102 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

The diagram below shows the carbon cycle.

(a) From the diagram, how many processes are

(i) removing carbon from the air? [1]
(ii) adding carbon into the air? [1]

(b) Name two other activities not in the diagram which add more carbon dioxide to
the atmosphere. [2]

(c) What would be the consequence of having too much carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere? [1]

(d) Explain how oxygen and carbon dioxide is balanced in the atmosphere. [1]

103 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

A learner conducted an experiment to demonstrate transpiration in plant. ,

(a) Explain what would be Observed after 2 hours in both set ups. [2]

(b) What substance could be used to prove the presence of water in the experiment?

(c) Give one importance of transpiration to plants. [1]

(d) What is the purpose of set up Bin the experiment? [1]

(e) State one factor other than humidity, which can affect transpiration. [1]

104 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

The diagram below shows a process of energy changes in a mobile phone.

(a) What form of energy is found in the battery in the phone? [1]

(b) State the forms of energy output at the;

(i) speaker
(ii) torch [2]

(C) State the law of conservation of energy. [1]

(d) Explain in two ways of conserving energy. [2]


The diagrams below illustrate the types of signals used in radio or television

(a) Which signal represents

(i) digital signal; [1]
(ii) analogue signal. [1]

(b) State two different between the two signals in the diagram. [2]

(c) State two advantages of digital transmission. [2]

105 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

PAPER 1 AND PAPER 2 – 2019


1. D 11.C 21. C 31. A
2. C 12. C 22. D 32. A
3. A 13. A 23. A 33. C
4. A 14. A 24. A 34. B
5. C 15. B 25. D 35. A
6. C 16. B 26. C 36. B
7. D 17. A 27. B/D 37. D
8. A/B 18. B 28. D 38. D
9. B 19. C 29. D 39. A
10.A 20. D 30. C 40. C

106 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)



(a) Structure G – Umbilical cord
Structure H – Amnion
(b) Function of I: It allows the foetus to move freely inside the uterus
while its developing.
- it ensures that the development and of the foetus is
normal and symmetrical.
- it protects the foetus from mechanical shocks.
- it stabilizes the temperature around the foetus
- it protects the foetus from dehydration.
(c) 1 – Zygote
4 – Neonate (newborn)
(d) 21st May, 2020.

(a) (i) March
(ii) April
(b) - The child is suffering from an illness (nutritional deficiency diseases).
- The child was underfed.
(c) - To monitor the growth and development of the child.
- For parents of a child to get nutritional advice.
- Clinic provide supplementary feeding for under.

107 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

(a) Inorganic fertilizer: 1 - urea,
2 - D compound,
3 - Ammonium nitrate
(b) -Inorganic fertilizer contains acids which makes the soil acidic.
- Inorganic fertilizer destroys soil micro – organisms.
(c) - Always use minimum required amount.,
- do not apply inorganic fertilizers just before the rain.


(a) Mass of liquid = 50g – 10g = 40g .
(b) volume of a stone = 50 cm3 – 30cm3 = 20cm3
(c) Density of liquid = (mass )/(volume )=40/30 = 1.33g/cm3
(d) because the stone has higher density than liquid.
(e) it would float on the liquid.


(a) Gas J – Nitrogen gas
Gas K – Oxygen gas
(b) Both gases J and K are slightly soluble in water only carbon dioxide
dissolves in water.
(c) (i) Carbon dioxide
(ii) Inert (noble) gases
(d) Hydrogen gas

108 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

(a) Blood vessel 1: Pulmonary vein
Blood vessel 3: vena cava
(b) Part P: Lungs
Part M: Left atrium
(c) Valves
(d) Blood in blood vessel 1 has more oxygen and less carbon dioxide while
blood in blood vessel 4 has more carbon dioxide and less oxygen.

(a) (i) 1 process which photosynthesis
(ii) 2 processes i.e. respiration and emissions
(b) Bush fire (burning of fuel i.e. wood) and vehicle emissions
(c) Suffocation
(d) Oxygen and carbon dioxide is balanced by photosynthesis and
respiration processes. Photosynthesis produces oxygen gas as a waste
product which respiration uses to produces carbon dioxide and again
carbon dioxide is used by photosynthesis to produce oxygen.


(a) In SET UP A will be water droplets inside surface of bell jar
In SET UP B will be clear (no water droplets) inside the surface of bell jar.
(b) Blue cobalt chloride / white anhydrous copper (II) sulphate
(c) Transpiration helps in transportation of water and mineral salts from
roots to the upper part of the plant.
(d) It is a control experiment / to show if the bell jar can produce water droplets
(e) Temperature / wind / sunlight

109 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

(a) Chemical energy
(b) (i) Speaker: sound energy
(ii) Torch: Light energy
(c) Energy cannot be destroyed or created but it can be converted from
one form to another.
(d) - Replacing light bulbs with fluorescent bulbs or LED bulbs.
- Reducing the use of outdoor lights for security purposes.
- Switching off all electrical appliances and lighting equipment
- Using natural light from the sun to brighten homes.
- Homes with summer cooling and winter heating systems.
- Conserving fuels.
- Higher use of renewable energy sources.
- Practice the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle)
(a) (i) Digital signal: Signal R
(ii) Analogue signal: Signal Q
(b) 1 – Signal Q is continuous wave signals that change with time period
while signal R is discrete signals in a form of a stream of binary numbers.
2 – Signal Q has sine waves while signal R has square waves
(c) Digital signals can convey information with less noise, distortion and
Digital signal processing is more secure because digital information
can be easily encrypted and compressed.
Digital signals can be easily stored.
Digital signals can be transmitted over long distances.

110 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)


Mark your answers with a cross (X) on the Answer Grid provided in the Answer Booklet.

1. Which one of the following changes is only associated with puberty in females?

A. Breasts grow B. Voice becomes deeper

C. Hair grows in the armpits D. Start having wet dreams

2. The following are the organs in the male reproductive system of human beings;

1. Penis 2. Urethra 3. Epididymis 4. Testes

In which order is the correct sequence of the movement of the semen during ejaculation?

111 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

3. Rickets is a nutritional deficiency disease caused by lack of …… in a diet of a growing child.
A. carbohydrates B. proteins C. vitamin A D. vitamin D

4. Which of the following is not an example of ways of preventing pollution of the environment?
A Reducing the use of plastic bottles used in soft drinks industry.
B Re–using the plastic bags for groceries at the super market.
C Recycling the plastic bags used for soft drinks.
D Burying the plastic bottles used for soft drinks.

5. The diagram below shows an animal cell. Identify the part labelled N.

A Cell wall B Chloroplast C Cytoplasm D Nucleus

6. The term “Geotropism” refers to the movement of a part of a plant in response to ….

A chemicals. B gravity. C light. D water.

7. Which one of the following is the correct symbol for Iron atom?
A. H B. I C. Fe D. Al

8. A stone of mass 10kg on earth (gravity 10m/s2) is taken to the moon for an experiment on
weight. What will be its mass and weight on the moon if the acceleration due to gravity at the
moon is 1.6m/s2?
Mass (Kg) Weight (N)
A 10 16
B 10 160
C 5 16
D 5 160

112 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

9. A metal object of mass 100g was placed in water as shown in the diagram below.

Calculate the volume and density of the metal object used in the experiment. The correct volume
and density of the metal object is?

10. Study the diagram showing a metallic bridge constructed over a river.

One end of the bridge was fixed while the other end was not fixed to the surface, at the point
marked “P”. This is to allow ….
A. water to pass when the river floods.
B. the bridge to contract during cold season.
C. the bridge to expand due to heat.

D. the rollers to move freely during contraction.

113 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

11. Which of the following is the correct function of blood plasma? It

A transports water, body waste and food nutrients.

B prevents back flow of blood in the blood vessels.

C adds oxygen to the blood and removes carbon dioxide.

D fights germs in the blood to prevent diseases.

12. The list below shows organs found in the human respiratory system.

1 Trachea

2 Bronchus

3 Bronchioles

4 Nostrils

Which of the following sequences is the correct order of passage of air during inhalation?

13. To reduce the spread of HIV and AIDS, one needs Voluntary Counselling and Treatment (VCT).

Which one of the following is not the importance of VCT? To …..

A know one’s status.

B. avoid re-infections.

C. prevent unintended pregnancy.

D. live positively with one’s status.

114 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

14. Study the diagram representing the Nitrogen cycle.

Which chemical compound is found at position marked P and R in the diagram?

A Ammonia Nitrates
B Nitrates Ammonia
C Nitrates Nitrites
D Ammonia Nitrites

Which of the following is a correct example of cross-breeding?
A Self–pollination.
B Breeding within the same family.
C Selective breeding between similar species.
D Selective breeding across completely different species.

Which of the following equations best describes the process of photosynthesis?

115 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

17.Study the following chemical reaction between sodium chloride and silver nitrate.
Sodium chloride + Silver nitrate  Silver chloride + Sodium nitrate
What name is given to such a chemical reaction?
A Decomposition B. Double replacement
C Single replacement D. Synthesis

18. The diagram below shows a type of lens.

Identify the type of lens and explain its use in daily life.
Lens Type Use
A Convex lens Camera
B Convex lens Telescope
C Concave lens Camera
D Concave lens Telescope

19.Which of the following best explains what energy is? Energy is the….
A ability to do work.
B force used per unit area.
C ability to provide power.
D potential difference between two points in a circuit.

20. Calculate the pressure exerted on the ground by a metal object on an area of 0.50m2 if its weight
is 200N. The pressure will be….
A 4000Nm2
B 400Nm2
C 0.0025Nm2
D 0.00025Nm2

116 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

Write all the answers in the spaces provided for section B in the Answer Booklet


Study the diagram illustrating a process in sexual reproduction involving gametes (sex cells) R and Q.

(a) Identify gamete R. [1]

(b) Name the organ that produces gamete Q. [1]

(c) What process occurs between gamete R and Q that results into the zygote? [1]

(d) State the organ in which the zygote is produced. [1]

(e) (i) What term is given to the period from the time the zygote is produced to the time of
birth? [1]

(ii) How long is this period of development from zygote to child birth in human beings? [1]

117 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)


Study the diagram of a cell as seen under a light microscope.

(a) Identify the type of cell shown in the diagram. [1]

(b) Which labelled features on the cell in the diagram enabled you to identify the cell in (a)
above? [1]
(c) State two features of the cell labelled in the diagram that are found in both animal and plant
cells. [2]
(d) Which two letters represent the substances which make up the protoplasm? [2]


The following are examples of nutritional deficiency diseases.

1: Marasmus
2: Kwashiorkor
3: Scurvy
(a) What shortage of nutrients results into:
(i) Marasmus?
(ii) Kwashiorkor? [2]
(b) State the symptoms of a person suffering from [2]
(i) Scurvy
(ii) marasmus.
(c) What vitamin is needed in a diet to avoid scurvy? [1]
(d) Explain the importance of children’s clinic in relation to preventing nutritional deficiency
diseases. [1]

118 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)


The diagram below illustrates a model of a tiny particle that form matter.

(a) What do you call the tiny particles that make up matter? [1]
(b) From the diagram, identify the;
(i) electron,
(ii) nucleus. [2]
(c) What is a molecule? [1]
(d) What substance is formed when hydrogen and oxygen are chemically combined? [1]
(e) Give one example of a molecule with the same type of atoms. [1]


Study the diagrams on an experiment of light with objects, P and Q.

(a) Which of the two objects P or Q

(i) is transparent? (ii) has a shinny opaque surface? [2]
(b) Give the reason that helped you identify the transparent object in (a) above [1]
(c) What name is given to the
(i) ray labelled T, (ii) angle labelled X. [2]
(d) Why does the ray R bend as it enters object P? [1]

119 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

The diagram shows blood flow in blood vessels labelled R, S and T in a human body, to and
from muscles.

(a) Identify blood vessels

(i) S,
(ii) R. [2]
(b) From the diagram, give one reason for identifying blood vessel S in (a) (i) above. [1]

(c) Which blood vessel, R, S or T will have a lot of carbon dioxide? [1]

(d) Suggest two substances which can be exchanged between blood vessels R and muscle tissue. [2]


(a) Apart from the nitrogen cycle, name two cycles in the biosphere. [2]

(b) What is the importance of the knowledge of cycles in the biosphere? [1]

(c) Give one importance of water management. [1]

(d) Suggest two ways of effective water management. [2]

120 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

The table below shows some examples of animals and plants.

(a) From the table, select

(i) one animal domesticated by man, [1]

(ii) one plant domesticated by man. [1]

(b) Which animal and plant are in danger of extinction? [2]

(c) For the animal and plant identified in (b) above, explain why each is in danger of extinction [2]


(a) What is a chemical reaction? [1]

(b) The following word equation demonstrates a type of a chemical reaction.

Copper + Oxygen  Copper Oxide

What is such a type of reaction called? [1]

(c) What type of reaction is the electrolysis of acidified water? [1]

(d) Explain the following nature of a chemical reaction.

(i) Endothermic [1]
(ii) Exothermic [1]
(e) Explain the Law of Conservation of matter in chemical reactions. [1]

121 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

Study the electric circuit diagram below showing resistors connected to cells each having equal

(a) How are the resistors in the circuit connected? [1]

(b) Calculate the total resistance offered by the resistors. [1]

(c) Calculate the voltage across the three resistors in the circuit. [2]

(d) What is the voltage of each of the cells in the circuit? [1]

(e) What would be the value of the total voltage across the resistors if the current was

4A? [1]



1. A 6. B 11. A 16. D
2. C 7. C 12. D 17. B
3. D 8. A 13. C 18. C / D
4. D 9. B 14. A 19. A
5. C 10. C 15. C 20. B

122 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)



(a) Gamete R – Sperm cells

(b) Organ that produces Q – Ovary
(c) Process: Fertilization process
(d) Oviduct / fallopian tube
(e) (i) Gestation
(ii) nine (9) months


(a) Plant cell (palisade cell)
(b) Cell wall
(c) Cytoplasm, and cell membrane
(d) 1 – Letter N 2 – Letter M

(a) (i) Carbohydrate
(ii) Proteins
(b) (i) Bleeding from mucous membrane
(ii) Swollen stomach and dry skin.
(c) Vitamin C.
(d) To be told the type of food to be giving to the child depending on the
weight of the child.
All rights reserved, hence, circulating this booklet in any social media is illegal.
Appreciate and support the work by donating any amount to Musonda Laurent -
0974794056 / 0965038377 for betterment of the work.

123 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

(a) Atoms
(b) (i) N – Electrons,
(ii) b – nucleus
(c) A molecule is a substance made up of two or more non – metals atoms
that are chemically combined.
(d) Water
(e) Oxygen gas, nitrogen gas, etc


(a) (i) Object P
(ii) Object Q
(b) On object P light ray has passed through and on object Q light ray
has bounces back.
(c) (i) T- Refracted ray
(ii) X – Angle of reflection
(d) Because it has reduced (changed) its speed.


(a) (i) Blood vessel S – Aorta
(ii) Blood vessel R – blood capillary
(b) The arrow showing the direction of blood from the heart.
(c) Blood vessel T
(d) 1 - Gases like carbon dioxide and oxygen.
2 – Nutrients like glucose.

124 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)


(a) 1 – Oxygen cycle

2 – Carbon cycle

(b) Make us to understand the importance of each and every organism in

ecosystem hence humans stop harmful activities that affects the cycles

in biospheres.

(c) It makes sure that water is constantly supplied

(d) 1- Build dams and reservoirs to ensure a constant supply of water.

2 – Build reservoirs for storage of water for use in the local area.


(a) (i) Cattle and chicken

(ii) Mango and orange

(b) Animal: Rhino / Elephant

Plant: Mukwa / Mukula

(c) Plant: It is being used mostly as building poles and to make canoes.

(e) Animal: its population was almost destroyed during 1970s and 1980s

due to poaching for horns.

125 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)


(a) A chemical reaction is a reaction in which one or more substances

(reactants) are converted to one or more different substances
(b) This is Synthetic reaction
(c) Decomposition reaction
(d) (i) Endothermic reaction is the type of reaction which absorbs heat
energy from the surrounds (system)
(ii) Exothermic reaction is a type of reaction which releases heat
energy to the surroundings (system)


(a) They are connected in series connection.
(b) Total resistance = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3Ω
(c) Voltage = Current x Resistance = 2 x 3 = 6V
(d) Voltage = Current x Resistance = 2 x 1 = 2V
(e) Voltage = Current x Resistance = 4 x 3 = 12V

126 MOUNT K PUBLISHERS(0979595713)

Time: 2 hours 30 minutes Marks: 80
Instructions to Candidates
1 Separate the inserted Answer Booklet from the question paper.
2 Write your examination number, school/centre name and code on the
Answer Sheet.
3 Ensure that you write your examination number on every page of the
Answer Booklet.
4 This paper consists of two Sections A and B. Answer all the questions in
both sections of this paper.
5 Section A: for each question, four suggested answers A, B, C and D are
given. Choose the best one and show it on the answer grid in the Booklet by
marking it with a cross (x).
Example, if the answer is C it will be marked as shown: A B C D
6 Section B: write all the answers in the spaces provided for
section B in the Answer Booklet.
7 Hand in the Answer Booklet and the rest of the question paper separately.
Information for Candidates
1. Cell phones are not allowed in the examination room.
2. Calculators are not allowed in the examination room.
Mark your answers with a cross (X) on the Answer Grid provided in the
Answer Booklet.
1 The period of sexual development in boys and girls is called
A copulation. B fertilisation.
C puberty. D reproduction.
2 The diagram below is of a female reproductive system showing the foetus in
the uterus.

Which labelled part is responsible for the exchange of nutrients, oxygen and
waste products between the embryo and the mother?
A 1 B 2
C 3 D 4

3 Which component of a balanced diet will be required in greater amounts by

a manual worker?
A Carbohydrates B Mineral salts
C Proteins D Vitamins
4 Which of the following is an effect of water pollution? It causes...
A acid rain. B outbreak of diseases.
C difficulties in breathing. D stunted growth in plants.

5 The following diagram shows the basic structures of a plant cell.

Which labelled part is responsible for controlling all cell activities?

6 Which plant showing stunted growth with very small, yellow leaves is
lacking the plant nutrient called …
A nitrogen B Oxygen
C phosphorus D potassium
7 The diagram below shows a model of a molecule.

The model is of a molecule of ...

A hydrogen.
B nitrogen.
C oxygen.
D water.
8 The graph below shows the changes in temperature of ice as it is heated.

Which two letters represent the stage when melting ice will be in form of
both liquid and solid state?
A G and H
B H and I
C I and 3
D J and K

9 Which of the following statements best describes weight? Weight is the

measure of the...
A amount of matter in an object
B force on an object per unit area
C mass of a substance per unit volume.
D force that acts on an object due to gravity.
10 Study the diagram below on an experiment on light.

If the angle M is 30°, what will be the correct value of the angles labelled N
and O?
A 15° 15°
B 30° 30°
C 15° 90°
D 30° 60°

11 Which of the following components of blood is responsible for transporting

water, body wastes and food nutrients?
A Plasma B Platelets
C Red blood cells D White blood cells

12 Which of the following shows the correct movement of inhaled air through the nose?
A Alveolus —> bronchiole —> bronchus —> trachea
B Bronchus —> alveolus —> trachea —> bronchiole
C Trachea —> bronchiole —> alveolus —> bronchus
D Trachea —> bronchus —> bronchiole —> alveolus
13 Which of the following describes the best way of prevention of Sexually
Transmitted Infections (STIs) among adolescents?
A Correct use of condoms
B Consistent use of condoms
C Abstinence from sex before marriage
D Having sex with a faithful partner only

14 Which process removes nitrogen from the atmosphere?

A Denitrification B Nitrogen fixation
C Respiration D Photosynthesis
15 A potted green plant which had been in the dark for 48 hours was later
enclosed for 6 hours in the bell jar with sodium hydroxide as shown below.

What colour would be observed when one leaf from the plant is tested for
starch using iodine solution?
A White
B Yellow
C Brown
D Blue/Black
16 The diagram below shows a fresh plant that was cut and fixed at the end of a
glass tube.
At the beginning of the experiment, the air bubble was at position P.

After some hours, the air bubble moved to point Q. What is the name of the
process that caused the bubble to move from P to Q?
A Absorption
B Photosynthesis
C Respiration
D Transpiration

17 Copper II oxide is formed by heating copper in air.

This is shown by the word equation below.
Copper + oxygen —> copper (II) oxide
This type of chemical reaction is classified as...
A decomposition.
B double replacement.
C single replacement.
D synthesis.
18 Study the electric circuit diagram below.

Which switch(es) must be closed to make bulb R to light?

A S1 only B S1 and S2
C S1 and S3 D S2 and S3

19 The law that states that mass of a substance before a chemical reaction is equal
to the total mass of the substances that are produced is called the law of ...
A conservation of energy.
B conservation of matter.
C conversion of energy.
D conversion of matter.

20 A space-craft that gathers and transmits messages as it orbits the earth is

called ...
A communication satellite.
B repeater station.
C transformer.
D transmitter.

Write all the answers in the spaces provided for section B in the Answer


The diagram below shows the human male reproductive system.

(a) Identify the structures labelled H and I. [2]

(b) State one function of the part labelled G. [1]
(c) Which structure in the diagram is responsible for the storage of male
gametes? [1]
(d) What would be the result of blocking the part labelled K at the
position marked X in the process of human reproduction? [1]
(e) Describe one way of observing personal hygiene of the male
reproductive organs. [1]
Total = 6 marks
Below are pictures of two different children suffering from different
nutritional deficiency diseases?

(a) Identify the nutritional deficiency disease in

(i) child M,
(ii) child N. [2]
(b) What symptoms in the picture does child M exhibit that helped you to
identify the disease in question (a) above? [1]
(c) Explain how the nutritional deficiency disease which child N could be
suffering from, can be controlled. [1]
(d) Name any other nutritional deficiency disease apart from the ones
shown in the pictures. [1]
(e) Describe the importance of children's clinics. [1]
Total = 6 marks

The diagrams below illustrate experiments on growth responses made by

parts of plants to stimuli.

(a) What stimulus is being demonstrated in

(i) experiment I,
(ii) experiment II? [2]

(b) State the growth response shown by the shoots in

(i) experiment I,
(ii) experiment II. [2]

(c) Apart from the shoots, which other region of growth in the plant is
shown in the diagrams? [1]

(d) Why is the wet cotton wool necessary in experiment I? [1]

Total = 6 marks

The diagram below shows an experiment on separation of a mixture of salt

and sand.

(a) State the term used to describe

(i) substance O,
(ii) solution P. [2]
(b) What does solution P contain? [2]
(c) What method could be used to separate the contents of solution P
where only the solid part is obtained? [1]
(d) State one industrial application of the method of separation of
mixtures shown in the diagram. [1]

Total = 6 marks

The bar chart below shows the approximate composition of gases in

atmospheric air.

(a) Name the gases 1 and 4. [2]

(b) Which number in the chart represents the gas that supports burning? [1]

(c) Identify the bar that shows a mixture of other gases in air.[1]

(d) State a gas that combines with the gas shown by bar 2 to form water. [1]

(e) Describe one use of the gas shown in bar 4. [1]

Total = 6 marks

The diagram below shows the human respiratory system.

(a) Identify the parts labelled Q and T. [2]

(b) In which labelled part does gaseous exchange take place? [1]

(c) What is the function of the part labelled S? [1]

(d) State whether the shape and position of the part U indicates inhalation
or exhalation. [1]

(e) What respiratory disease is caused by cigarette smoking? [1]

Total = 6 marks

The diagram below shows a simple oxygen cycle.

(a) Identify the process that occurs in

(i) plants to produce gas 1,
(ii) animals to produce gas 3. [2]

(b) Write the word equation for the process that occurs in plants to
produce gas 1. [1]

(c) Apart from the processes in plants and animals, which other process
uses oxygen? [1]

(d) What is gas 3? [1]

(e) Explain the importance of the oxygen cycle in the atmosphere. [1]

Total = 6 marks

The diagram below shows the arrangement of the apparatus used to

investigate whether carbon dioxide is given off by green plants.

(a) What is the function of the potassium hydroxide in the experiment at

stage 1? [1]

(b) What other chemical reagent can be used in place of potassium

hydroxide? [1]

(c) In the experiment, what is the purpose of the

(i) clear limewater at stage 2,
(ii) black film inside the bell jar,
(iii) thin plastic bag around the pot? [3]

(d) What change would be observed in the limewater at stage 4? [1]

Total = 6 marks

The diagram below shows some instruments connected in the circuit

diagram as well as three cells with a voltage of 2V each.

(a) Name instrument X. [1]

(b) What is the difference in the way instrument X and W are connected? [1]

(c) What does instrument W measure? [1]

(d) Write a formula used to express the relationship between current,

voltage and resistance. [1]

(e) What would be the reading on instrument W if the switch is closed? [1]

(f) Mention one use of electricity in our homes. [1]

Total = 6 marks

The diagram below illustrates transmission of radio signals.

(a) In what form do the radio signals travel from part III to part I? [1]

(b) Identify part G. [1]

(c) What are the functions of the parts labelled Y and Z? [2]

(d) What would be the effect on the radio if the structure Z at part II is
removed? [1]

(e) Explain how we are able to watch on television, a game played in

another part of the country at the same time as it is being played. [1]

Total = 6 marks

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A
6. A 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. D
11. A 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. C
16. D 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. A

(a) H – Scrotum I – Penis
(b) To produce sperm cells. To produce male sex hormone, testosterone.
(c) Structure labelled L (Epididymis)
(d) Part K is ureter which takes urine from kidneys to bladder therefore, if
it is blocked the process of human reproduction will take place normally
(e) Uncircumcised male must wash regularly the penis under the foreskin to
remove the smegma.

(a) (i) Marasmus (ii) Kwashiorkor
(b) (1) Dry skin. (2) Loose skin folds. (3) General tissue and muscle wasting.
(c) By eating enough food that contains protein.
(d) Rickets, Scurvy, etc.
(d) (1) For nutrition, growth and monitoring. (2) Providing immunization.
(3) Providing nutritional advice.
(a) (i) Gravity (ii) Sunlight (Light)
(b) (i) Negative geotropism
(ii) Positive phototropism
(c) Roots
(d) Provide moisture (water) which is used for germination.


(a) (i) Substance Q – Residue
(ii) Solution P – filtrate
(b) (1) Solute (salt)
(2) Solvent (water)
(c) Evaporation
(d) (1) In water purification.
(2) Breweries


(a) Gas 1 – Nitrogen gas
Gas 4 – Carbon dioxide gas
(b) Number 2
(c) Bar number 3 with 1.00% of gas in air
(d) Hydrogen gas
(e) It is used in fire extinguisher for put off fire.
It is used in carbonated drinks.
Its used in refrigerant.
(a) Part Q – Trachea
Part T – Intercostal muscles
(b) Part labelled R
(c) Part S is the ribs, they protect the lungs from injuries.
(d) It indicate exhalation because Part U is Diaphragm and it‘s relax and
moves upward (becomes dome shaped).
(e) Lung cancer, Bronchitis, Osteoporosis (brittleness of the bones)
Or Emphysema.


(a) (i) Photosynthesis

(ii) Aerobic respiration (Tissue respiration)

(b) + +
ℎ ℎ

(c) Burning of fuel, combustion process in motor car engine.

(d) Carbon dioxide gas.

(f) It provide oxygen which animals and plants use for tissue respiration.
(a) To absorbs carbon dioxide from air in.
(b) Potassium hydroxide or Lithium hydroxide
(c) (i) To show if carbon dioxide is removed from air entering.
(ii) To prevent light from entering the bell jar.
(iii) To prevent loss of water from the soil by evaporation.
(d) It will turn from clear to milky.


(a) Ammeter
(b) Instrument X is connected in series while instrument W is
connect in parallel.
(c) It measure voltage / potential difference
(d) = =

(e) 1 cell = 2.0V and they are 3 therefore: total voltage = 2.0V x 3 cell = 6.0V. Hence
instrument W will read 6.0V
(f) It is used in stove, oven etc. to produce heat energy.
It is used in bulb to produce light.


(a) Electromagnetic signals
(b) Microwave radio antenna
(c) Function of part Y : To receive radio signal
Function of part Z: It receives and transmits radio signals.
(d) The radio signals will suffer interference (noise) and difficult to listen.
(e) It is done using two satellites. The game will be transmitted from a programming
source to satellite which will be taken to broadcast centre. The broadcast will take
to satellite and the satellite will take the signal to the dish.

Integrated Science 502 / 1

Paper 1
SECTIONA (20 Marks)
Answer all the questions in this section. Mark your answers with a cross (X) on the
Answer Grid provided in the Answer Booklet.

1 Which of the following changes associated with puberty occurs only in boys?
A Experiencing menstruation for the first time.
B Growth of pubic hairs around genital parts and armpits.
C Hips broaden.
D Muscles becoming strong and chest enlarges.

2 Study the following diagram on the female reproductive system.

What is the function of the organ labelled E? The organ labelled E .

A accepts the penis during copulation.
B has muscles that push the foetus down during birth.
C is the one that produces Ova.
D is where fertilisation takes place.

3 The term that refers to the period from fertilisation to birth is called.
A copulation.
B gestation.
C lactation.
D menstruation.
4 Which of the following diseases is not a result of nutritional deficiency?
A Anaemia
B Kwashiokor
C Malaria
D Marasmus

5 Below is a diagram of a plant cell.

which one shows the correct labels for a plant cell

Chloroplast Cytoplasm Cell wall Nucleus
A 1 2 3 4
B 2 3 1 4
C 3 4 1 2
D 4 1 2 3

6 Study the following diagram showing the structure of an atom.

Which structure(s) is(are) found in the part marked H?

A Neutrons only
B Protons only
C Electrons and protons
D Protons and neutrons

7 Which process can be used to separate a mixture of copper II sulphate and

water where both the solvent and solute are collected?
A Distillation
B Evaporation
C Filtration
D Magnetisation
8 The experiment, four metals K, L, M and N were placed in either boiling water or melting ice for
some time. The following table shows the changes in length of the metals.

Initial length Length after experiment

(cm) (cm)
K 4.0 4.1
L 4.0 4.3
M 4.0 3.9
N 4.0 4.9

Which metal was not placed in boiling water?


9 Study the following diagram showing an experiment on the composition of air.

The candle stops burning after a short while and the water level rises to occupy the space left by
part of air used up in burning. What is the volume of the air that was used up in burning?
A 10cm3
B 20cm3
C 40cm3
D 80cm3

10 Study the following results of blood pressure and pulse rate of a person recorded at rest using a
digital blood pressure monitor.
Blood Pressure (Pa) Pulse Rate
160/80 60
which of the following results is the correct pulse rate of the same person when the test is done
again after an exercise?
Blood Pressure (Pa) Pulse Rate
A 137/86 59
B 160/80 60
C 162/84 69
D 165/82 60
11 The common Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIS) caused by a virus mainly affecting young ones are?
A genital warts and HIV/AIDS.
B gonorrhoea and HIV/AIDS.
C syphilis and genital warts.
D syphilis and gonorrhoea.

12 which of the following is not a way of preventing transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections
(STIs)? Sexually Transmitted Infections cannot be prevented by having …
A multiple sex partners.
B one faithful sexual partner
C protected sex.
D Screened blood transfusion.

13 Which one is not an industrial importance of effective water management? To provide ….

A a sustainable source of clean drinking water.
B enough water for agricultural purposes.
C adequate water in textile manufacturing.
D adequate water for electricity generation.

14 The diagram shows an experiment set up to investigate a condition necessary for photosynthesis.

Arter 48 hours, the leaf was plucked and tested for starch using iodine solution and the results
obtained are as shown.

What condition was being investigated in this experiment?

A Presence of water.
B Presence of light.
C Presence of chlorophyll.
D Absence of carbon dioxide.
15 What type of chemical reaction is the electrolysis of acidified water?
A Decomposition B Double displacement
C Single replacement D Synthesis

16 The following diagram shows a ray diagram with an object placed

Calculate the magnification of the lens used in the above diagram. magnification is …
A 0.5x B 1.0x
C 2.0x D 2.5x

17 The following diagram shows an electric circuit.

At which labelled part 1, 2, 3 or 4 should a voltmeter be placed?

A 1 B 2
C 3 D 4

18 The following diagram shows a box exerting a force of 20N on the surface.
what pressure does the box exert on the surface?
A 2.5 Pa
B 3.3 Pa
C 5.0 Pa
D 10.0 Pa

19 Which series of energy changes below shows the situation at a hydro-electric power station?
A Chemical energy ----> Kinetic energy ----> Mechanical energy --- > Heat energy
B Mechanical energy ----> Chemical energy ----> Potential energy ---- > Kinetic energy
C Potential energy ----> Kinetic energy ----> Mechanical energy ---- > Electrical energy
D Potential energy ----> Mechanical energy ----> Kinetic energy ---- > Electrical energy

20 Which of the following is an advantage of the short message service (sms) text messaging
communication system? It
A is good for brief communication.
B takes time to use and requires a lot of attention.
C is not suitable for emergency situations.
D does not involve basic typing skills and literacy.

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Write al the answers in the spaces provided for section B in the Answer Booklet.


The following diagram represents the male reproductive system.
(a) (i) Name parts V and Z.

(ii) What is the function of part W? [3]

(b) Which letter on the diagram represents the part that produces the male sex cells? [1]

(c) Describe the sexual development in

(i) boy,

(ii) girls. [Total: 6 marks]


Study the following diagram showing types of pollution

(a) identify the two types of pollution in the diagram above.

(b) Suggest two effects that are likely to be caused by acid rain.

(c) Describe two ways of preventing pollution of the environment. [Total: 6 marks]

The following diagrams show how two seedlings responded to the effect of gravity on shoots
after 48 hours. Both seedlings were covered with cardboard boxes during the experiment.

(a) (i) State one type of response shown by plant K.

(i) State one advantage of the response stated in (a) (i) above to the plant.

(b) Explain why plant J still grew horizontally.

(c) Which plant is the control experiment?

(d) Apart from gravity, name two other stimuli that plants respond to. [Total: 6 marks]


The following graph shows the temperature changes as Ice was heated until it became steam.
(a) What are the temperatures represented by the letters R and S

(b) State the physical state of matter at L and P.

(c) Describe what was happening at point M and P. [Total: 6 marks]


The following diagram shows two blocks being weighed on balances.

(a) (i) Define density.

(ii) State the unit for density.

(b) Block 1 has a volume of 4cm' and block 2 has a volume of 5cm.

Calculate the density for

(i) block 1.

(ii) block 2.

(c) (i) From the results obtained in (b) above, what conclusion can you make about the

two blocks above?

(ii) Explain your answer in (c) (i) above.

[Total: 6 marks]

(a) State one way of maintaining good personal hygiene or reproductive organs.

(b) Name two STIs caused by bacteria.

(c) Describe two reasons for avoiding getting infected with an STI.

(d) What general term is given to the drugs that sustain the life of an HIV positive person

[Total: 6 marks]


Study the Carbon Cycle that follows

(a) Which processes are represented by letters H and G?

(b) What is the importance of process I?

(c) Write a word equation to show that respiration produces carbon dioxide.

(d) Apart from the Carbon Cycle, name two other cycles in the biosphere which helps in
balancing gases.

[Total: 6 marks]

Study the following diagram showing an experimental set up to investigate the products of
photosynthesis in plants.

(a) (i) Identify gas W.

(ii) Describe a test for gas W.

(b) Explain why no gas was collected in Experiment 2.

(c) What is the role of Experiment 2

(d) What was the purpose of sodium hydrogen carbonate?

(e) Name the process that uses the products of photosynthesis in plants. [Total: 6 marks]

(a) Define the following terms;

(i) endothermic reaction,

(ii) exothermic reaction.

(b) Give one example for each of the reactions in (a) above.

(c) Complete the following word equations:

(i) Copper + …….. -----------> Copper oxide

(ii) …………. ----------> hydrogen + oxygen [Total: 6 marks]


Study the following diagram showing an experiment on light.

(a) Mention the process taking place as white light passes through the prism.

(b) where in nature can we see the process, you have mentioned in (a) above

(c) What is the name of the band of colours reaching the red filter?

(d) Name the colour(s) that are likely to be seen after passing through the filter.

(e) What would be observed on the

(i) blue object,

(ii) white object? Total = 6 marks

1. D 6. D 11. A 16. A
2. C 7. A 12. A 17. B
3. B 8. C 13. B 18. C
4. C 9. B 14. B 19. C
5. B 10. C 15. A 20. A


(a) (i) V: Urethra
Z: Sperm duct
(ii) W is penis, to depositing sperms into the vagina.
(b) Part Y
(c) (i) - the penis enlarges
- the testicles grow
- wet dreams
- chest enlarges
- Voice breaks
(ii) - The breasts grow
- The body grows in height
- The hips become wider.
- The first menstruation occurs
(a) 1 Water pollution
2 Air pollution
(b) 1 Acid rain destroy the cuticle of leaf plants thereby causing plants do wilt (dry)
2 Acid rain destroy the iron roofing by corrosion (rusting).
3 Acid rain falls on water bodies makes it to be acidic and kill the aquatic organisms.
(c) 1 make people aware of the concept of reduce, recycle and reuse
2 reduce the use of pesticide and fertilizers
3 ensure that you do litter
(a) (i) Positive phototropism
(ii) To enable a plant access sunlight for the process of photosynthesis
(b) Because it is rotating hence gravity / sunlight is acting in all angles.
(c) plant K
(d) 1 Sunlight
2 Water


(a) Temperature R: Boiling point
Temperature S: Melting point
(b) State of matter at L: Solid state
State of matter at P: Liquid and gaseous state
(c) At M: The substance was changing its state from solid to liquid.
At P: The substance was changing its state from liquid to gaseous state.


(a) (i) Density is mass per unit volume.
(ii) Grams per centimeter cubed (g/cm3) or kilogram per metre cubed (kg/m3)
(b) (i) BLOCK 1: = = = 5g/cm3
(ii) BLOCK 2: = = = 5g/cm3

(C) (i) The two blocks are made from same type of material.
(ii) Because the density is the same.
(a) - By washing the genitals with clean water.
- Do not douches into the vagina as it can damage the delicate skin
- Change the tampons each time you use the toilet and wash your hands before and after
handling a pad.
(b) 1 Syphilis
2 Gonorrhea,
(c) - Correct and consistence of condom use
- Avoid casual sex
- Abstinence from sex.
- Avoid sharing sharp instruments, i.e. needles, razor blades.
(d) ARVs (Antiretroviral drugs)
(a) Process H: Combustion (Burning)
Process G: Fossilisation
(b) For the process of photosynthesis by plants.
(c) Glucose + Oxygen ----------> Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy
(d) 1 Nitrogen Cycle
2 Carbon Cycle
(a) (i) Gas W: Oxygen gas
(ii) It relights a growing splint
(b) It is covered with dark box hence it is not carrying out the process of photosynthesis therefore, it
is not producing the gas (oxygen).
(c) To show that carbon dioxide is necessary for the process of photosynthesis.
(d) To supply carbon dioxide in the water.
(e) Tissue Respiration
(a) (i) Endothermic reaction this is a reaction which absorbs heat energy from the surroundings
(ii) Exothermic reaction this is a reaction in which energy is released to the surroundings
(b) Endothermic reaction: Photosynthesis
Exothermic reaction: Respiration
(c) (i) Copper + Oxygen -------> Copper oxide
(ii) Water --------> hydrogen + oxygen


(a) Dispersion
(b) Formation of rainbow
(c) Visible spectrum
(d) Red
(e) (i) Blue object: Black
(ii) White object: Red

Integrated Science 502 / 1

Paper 1

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions. Mark your answers with a cross (X) on the Answer Grid provided in the Answer Booklet.

1 Which of the following is not a way of observing personal hygiene of the reproductive organs in both
males and females?
A Changing sanitary towel regularly during menstruation.
B Changing underwear regularly and ironing them before use.
C Visiting the health centre each time there is an infection on the reproductive organs.
D Washing of the reproductive organs to avoid bad smel.

2 The following diagram shows the organs in the female reproductive system.

Which numbered part shows the organ where the process of implantation of the zygote occurs?
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
3 The following table shows symptoms and nutritional deficiency diseases.
Symptom Nutritional deficiency disease
1 Poor vision at night Kwashiorkor
2 Swollen stomach and thin limbs Marasmus
3 Poor healing of wounds Rickets
4 Unhealthy bones and teeth Scurvy
Which pair correctly shows the symptom and corresponding nutritional deficiency disease?
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

4 Which of the following is a natural cause of air pollution?

A Chimney emission from manufacturing industries.
B Dust from road construction sites.
C Exhaust gases from motor cars.
D Volcanic gases during an eruption.

5 The following diagram shows the structures in a plant cell.

Which structures are found in both animal and plant cells?

A 1, 2 and 3
B 1, 3 and 4
C 2,5 and 6
D 4, 5 and 6

6 Which of the following shows the nutritional deficiency symptoms in a plant lacking potassium? The plant
will have …
A leaves that will turn dark green and then purple.
B leaves that will have yellow or brown edges and eventually die.
C poorly developed root system.
D slow, stunted growth and yellow leaves.
7 The diagram shows a stone of mass 90g in a measuring cylinder containing water.

What is the density of the stone?

A 0.8g/cm3
B 3g/cm3
C 30g/cm3
D 50g/cm3

8 A small cork is fixed with wax to a metal plate placed close to an electric heater which is switched on as
shown in the diagram.

How does the heat reach the wax? By ..

A conduction and radiation.
B conduction only.
C convection and radiation.
D radiation only.

9 Which of the following is correct about the characteristics of an image formed by a plane mirror? The
image is ...
A real and bigger than the object.
B real and upright.
C virtual and same size as object.
D virtual and upright.
10 The pie chart shows composition of air.

Which of the following is correct about the composition of air?

Carbon dioxide and
Oxygen Nitrogen other gases

11 The following diagram shows dual blood circulatory system in human beings.

Which of the labelled parts A, B, C or D shows an artery carrying oxygenated blood?

12 The diagram shows part of the human respiratory system.

Identify the organ called diaphragm.

13 Which of the following STIs can be transmitted through kissing?
A Genital warts
B Gonorrhoea
D Syphilis

14 Which of the following processes does not take place at a water purification plant? Removal of ..
A biological contaminant.
B chlorine.
C suspended solids.
D undesirable chemicals.

15 The following diagram shows the stages of an experiment on starch test in a green leaf.

What ill be the colour of the leaf after stage II of the experiment?
A Blue
B Blue-black
C Green
D White

16 A learner treated four identical leaves as follows:

Leaf 1: Petroleum jelly was applied to both lower and upper surfaces
Leaf 2: Petroleum jelly was applied only to the lower surface
Leaf 3: Petroleum jelly was applied only to the upper surface
Leaf 4: Was left untreated (without applying petroleum jelly).

Which leaf will stay fresh for a long time?

A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
17 In a chemical reaction, Zinc and Copper (1) sulphate solution react to form substance P and Q as shown in
the following incomplete word equation:
Zinc + Copper (II) sulphate -----------> P + Q
What do the letters P and Q stand for in the word equation?
A Copper Zinc
B Copper Sulphate
C Zinc Sulphate
D Zinc Sulphate Copper

18 The following diagram shows an electric circuit with cells of 2 volts each connected
to two resistors (1Ω and 4Ω).

What will be the reading of V in the circuit?

A 1.2V
B 1.5V
C 4.8V
D 5.0V

19 Which equation correctly states the formula that can be used to calculate pressure?
A Pressure = Force x Distance
B Pressure = Force x Area
C Pressure = Area
D Pressure =

20 A geostationary satellite is one which

A is stationed on earth as it transmits information.
B moves beyond the earth exploring the space.
C moves so as to remain in the same area above the earth.
D orbits in the atmosphere as it receives information.
SECTION B (60 Marks)
Write al the answers in the spaces provided in the Answer Booklet.


The following diagram shows the male reproductive system.

(a) Identify the parts labelled H and J.

(b) Apart from sperms, which other substance passes through organ G? [1]

(c) State the functions of

(i) organ K,

(ii) the substance produced by organ I.

(d) Give one reason why it is important to observe personal hygiene of the reproductive organs.

Total: 6 marks

The following picture shows natural and human activities in the environment.

(a) Name the type of pollution illustrated in the picture.

(b) From the picture, identify a source of pollution caused by a

(i) natural event,

(ii) human activity.

(c) Mention one pollutant that would be produced from the human activities in the picture.

(d) Explain the effects of the type of pollution named in question (a) above on

(i) buildings,

(ii) living organisms. Total: 6 marks


The following diagrams show an experiment on an investigation of the effects of gravity on parts of a plant
using a germinating seed. After a few days the germinating seed showed some changes as shown.

(a) State the type of response shown by the

(i) shoot,

(ii) root.

(b) Explain why the shoot grew vertically after a few days.

(c) Give two advantages of the response shown by the root.

(d) Mention one major element important for plant growth. Total: 6 marks


The following diagram shows an experiment used to determine the volume of object L.
(a) What is the volume of the water used in the experiment?

(b) Calculate the

(i) volume of object L,

(ii) density of object L, if its mass is 30g. (Show your working)

(c) Write two precautions to be considered when carrying out such an experiment. Total: 6 marks


The following diagrams show two experiments used to demonstrate different types of heat transfer.

(a) What type of heat transfer is being demonstrated in

(i) experiment I,

(i) experiment II?

(b) What will happen to the candle wax and the metal pins in experiment I after some time?

(c) Explain the purpose of the potassium crystal in experiment II.

(d) What would happen to the candle wax if the metal rod is replaced by a glass rod and the
experiment is repeated?

(e) Why was the wooden shield placed between the Bunsen flame the candle wax and pin in
experiment 1? Total: 6 marks
The following diagram shows a structure in the human respiratory system.

(a) What is the name of the structure shown in the diagram?

(b) Identify the parts labelled
(i) M,
(ii) N.
(c) What is the function of the part labelled M?
(d) By what process are gases exchanged in the structure shown in the diagram?
(e) Explain one effect of tobacco and cigarette smoking on the structure shown in the diagram.
Total: 6 marks
(a) State one common Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) that is caused by a bacterium in human
(b) What is the name of the virus that causes the Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)?
(c) Apart from AIDS, what other STI is caused by a virus?
(d) Mention the Sexually Transmitted Infection that causes blindness in unborn babies if not treated
(e) Describe one way of preventing the contraction of STIs and AIDS.
(f) Explain the negative effect of HIV and AIDS on the health services of a population.
Total: 6 marks

The following diagram shows the apparatus set up to investigate factors that affect the rate of
transpiration in plants.

(a) What name is given to an apparatus shown in the diagram?

(b) What would happen to the rate of movement of the coloured water level in the narrow glass tube
if the apparatus is moved to a place with very bright light?

(c) Apart from light, state one other physical factor in the environment that affects the rate of

(d) State one biological factor that affects the rate of transpiration.

(e) Why is coloured water used in the apparatus?

(f) Why is transpiration important in plants?

Total: 6 marks

The following diagram shows the apparatus set up to determine the image formed by a lens.

(a) What type of lens is used in the ray diagram

(b) Identify the position labelled O in the diagram.

(c) Complete the construction of the ray diagram to locate the position of the image.

(d) Describe the nature of the image formed.

(e) which optical instrument uses such a lens to obtain the type or image formed in (c)?

(f) What is the name of a glass or plastic shaped piece that can be used to disperse white light into
different colours of light?

Total: 6 marks
The electric circuit diagram shows cells connected to a resistor R in an experiment.

(a) Define voltage in the electric circuit.

(b) Identify the instrument labelled S in the circuit.

(c) How many cells are shown in the circuit diagram?

(d) Calculate and state the meter reading at instrument S in the circuit diagram when the switch is

(e) What would happen to the meter reading at S if the voltage in the circuit is doubled and the
resistance R remains the same at 3Ω?

(f) What does the result in the meter reading at S in (e) show about the relationship between voltage
and current?

Total: 6 marks
1. C 5. C 9. D 13. D 17. D
2. A 6. D 10. A 14. B 18. C
3. B 7. B 11. C 15. D 19. C
4. D 8. A 12. D 16. A 20. C



(a) H – Urethra J – Scrotum
(b) Semen
(c) (i) Function of organ K: To stores sperm cells.
(ii) Sperm cells.
(d) Avoids inflections / Avoids diseases / Preventing bad odor

(a) Air pollution
(b) (i) Volcanic eruption
(ii) Emission of dangerous gases (carbon monoxide) or chemical made from hydrocarbon
from the building.
Fumes from exhausted taxi which contain carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc.
(c) carbon monoxide / chemical made from hydrocarbon / nitrogen dioxide
(d) (i) It corrodes and damages roofs of the buildings
(ii) This may cause breathlessness, headache and suffocation to death in humans.


(a) (i) Negative geotropism
(ii) Positive geotropism
(b) Because of light stimulus from the sun that caused the shoot to have positive phototropism.
(c) It able the plant to get fixated in the soil.
It is able to absorb water and mineral salts.
(d) Nitrogen / phosphorous / potassium or NPK


(a) Volume of water = 25cm3
(b) (i) Volume of object L = 40cm3 – 25cm3 =15cm3
Mass 30
(ii) Density = =
= 2g/cm3
(c) Put the measuring cylinder on the horizontal surface.
Place the eye level with the flat surface of liquid.
(a) (i) Conduction
(ii) Convection
(b) Candle wax will melt and metal pins will fall.
(c) To decolorize water so that its easy to see how water particles are moving.
(d) The candle wax may not melt, if it does then it is after long hours the glass rod being heated.
(e) so that no direct heat can heat the candle wax. (to prevent heat transfer by convection and radiation.)


(a) Air sac (alveolus)
(b) (i) M – Red blood cell
(ii) N – Oxygen gas
(c) To transport oxygen gas to all parts of the body.
(d) Diffusion
(e) It causes Emphysema, the weakening and bursting of the alveoli.

(a) Gonorrhea / Syphilis
(b) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
(c) Genital Warts
(d) Gonorrhea
(e) By abstain from sextual activities before marriage
By correct and consistent proper use of male condom
(f) It places pressure on health services and huge amount of money is used to buy drugs for treating


(a) Potometer
(b) It will increase
(c) Temperature / wind / humidity
(d) Size of leaves (number of stomata)
(e) For easily seen the (absorption) movement of water by plant.
(f) It helps in transportation of water and mineral salts from roots to the upper part of the
(a) Convex (converging) lens
(b) Optical centre

(d) It is a virtual image and stand upright on the same side with the object between 2F and F.
(e) Spectacles / magnifying glasses / cameras / microscopes
(f) Triangular prism


(a) Voltage is the change of potential energy per unit charge in a circuit.

(b) Ammeter

(c) 3 cells

(d) Current = = = 2A. Therefore, the meter is reading 2A.

(e) The meter reading would increase its reading.

(f) Voltage is inversely proportional to current provided resistance remains constant.

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