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Formation of Yogas by Parivartana

by Dr Er I K Bhatia
For attending to the predictive side of Hindu Traditional Sacred Science of Astrology, it is quite essential
as a first step to properly determine the correct strength of a birth chart. For such a determination, besides so
many other useful factors and principles, it is also quite necessary to see whether any meaningful yogas have
been formed in the birth chart by way of Parivartanas,. i.e. when two planets having lordship over two
houses have mutually interchanged places, i.e. have occupied each-other’s houses. Such interchanging of
houses or Parivartanas are termed as yogas or useful combinations and are quite handy in determining the
primary strength of a birth chart, in addition to other factors, such Parivartanas beginning with Ascendant
lord and ending with lord of the twelfth house, so caused as stated above, totaling sixty six in all, by
permutation and combination, can be good, very good; bad or very bad depending upon the lordship over
particular houses the planets hold and the houses where they (lords) are deposited. In this short article on
formation of yogas by Parivartanas we shall study the various results offered and suggested by the old
classical writers of the past with a suitable example.
A. Phaladeepika: According to sixteenth century Granthkar Mantreswara, classical author of
Phaladeepika, the celebrated author has classified such Parivartanas in these groups of houses and their
exchange of lords as grouped below:
(a) Maha Yogas: The author has flatly considered first, second fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth and
eleventh as good houses without due consideration for Kendras and Konas. Any exchange of lords between
these houses, the author considers as Maha Yogas, which total up twenty eight in number. The result ascribed
to such yogas as per Phaladeepika are: The person born with Mahayoga present in his birth chart will be the
storehouse of blessings of the goddess and will be wealthy lord. He will wear clothes of variegated color and
bedeck himself with gold ornaments. He will receive rich presents from his sovereign certain powers will be
conferred upon him. He will command vehicles, wealth and children.
(b) Khala Yogas: Second set of yogas which are formed due to parivartanas of lords of houses, which the
author has considered are only eight in number. When lord of third house occupies one of the remaining good
houses i.e. first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth or eleventh and by turn the lord of any such good
house occupies third house, the condemned Khala Yoga crops up. The author has suggested that any native in
whose birth chart Khala Yoga is present will be occasionally haughty and at certain times gentle in his speech.
Such a native will occasionally regain all kinds of prosperity while at other times, he will have to endure much
distress, poverty, misery and like that.

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(c) Dainya Yogas: The third set of Parivartana Yogas which the Phaladeepika author has presented are
thirty in number and are formed due to exchange of houses between any dusthana lord (i.e. lord of six, eight
or twelfth) and lords of other houses as shown below:
(i) 12th lord occupying any one of the other eleven houses and any lord this latter houses occupying 12th
= 11 Nos.
(ii) The lord of 6th occupying any one of the remaining 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 houses and any lord
of these latter houses occupying 6th=10 Nos.
(iii) The lord of 8th occupying any one of the remaining 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11 houses and any lord
of these latter houses occupying 8th=9 Nos. The results for above mentioned thirty Dainya Yogas have been
stated as:
The native in whose birth chart Dainya Yoga is present, will be a fool and will be abusing and insulting
others and commit sinful acts. Such a person will always be subjected to confrontation by his enemies. He will
speak woundingly and will be unsteady in his mind. His all undertakings will be hindered.
B. Uttarakalamrita: The celebrated classical writer Kalidasa of Uttarakalamrita fame completely
differs from Mantreswara and gives some of his own valuable suggestions on exchange of houses which are
really worth considering and bringing in practice. His suggestions are as below:
(a) When 9th and 10th lords interchange their place (provided they are not the owners of 8th and 11th
houses as well) they create a Raj Yoga and bring wealth and happiness to the concerned native.
(b) Following three pairs of lords which are very important are to be carefully noted and properly
examined in a birth chart. They are:
(i) Lords of 9th and 10th houses from Ascendant.
(ii) Lords of 9th and 10th houses counted from 9th house of birth chart (This means the author favours
exchange of 5th and 6th lords also).
(iii) Lords of 9th and 10th houses reckoned from 10th house of birth chart (which means the author allows
parivartana of 6th and 7th house to be good).
Note: According to above the author has condemned 11th lordship [vide—(a)] for joint ownership and
condemned the lordship of 6th (vide b-ii and iii).
(iv) Following four sets have been considered viz. Lords of Rasi and Amsa occupied by a planet and
Ascendant lord (b) Lords of 10th and 9th (c) Lords of 5, 3, 4 and 7 (d) Lords of 2 and 11: When they occupy
each other’s house they bestow on the native the following blessings viz. (a) prosperity, (b) elephants, horses
or like that, (c) happiness and children, (d) wealth.
(v) If any one of the following three interchanges of houses take place in a birth chart, thus constituted
parivartana yoga do come in existence, viz. (a) 8th lord occupying 12th or 6th (b) 6th lord occupying 8th or
12th, (c) 12th lord placed in 8th or 6th. Here vide (a) to (c) as above the concerned planets should at the same
time be free from such relation with other planets.
Above mentioned yogas of parivartana when found to be present in any birth chart, bestow on the
concerned native a great kingship, fame, name and wealth.
C. Jataka Yogavali: Venkatesa Sharma who in his later life became known as celebrated Venkatesa
Daivagnya and wrote a very valuable and authentic grantha Sarvartha Chintamani, some 375 years ago, has
written a classical work Jataka Yogavali and has given us some Privartana Yogas due to the exchange of
certain houses. The Parivartana Yogas though they are very few, but clearly hint how cautious we should be
to look other favourable conditions also for materializing the yoga phala.
(a) Chapa (bow) Yoga: Exchange of signs between lords of 2nd and 10th house whilst the Ascendant lord
is exalted, will result—Professionally the status of the native is comparable to a king. He is treasurer or a
(b) Siva Yoga: Lord of 5th placed in 9th, 9th lord placed in 10th, whereas 10th lord placed in 5th house.
Effects of this yoga are: the native engages himself in high undertakings, gets lordship over vast areas, wins
battles, professionally positions himself as a commander, controls over his senses and has vast knowledge.
(c) Kaar Mukha Yoga: Exchange of signs between lords of Ascendant and 10th, whilst amsa lords of 10th
and Ascendant falling in one and the same sign and there is Jupiter’s aspect on either 1st or 10th lords.
Effects: The native would be leader amongst learned people, highly courageous, very intelligent,

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charitable, enjoying life in high walks and very important personality in the community. The yoga phala
materializes after 9 years of age.
(d) Indra Yoga: Whilst there is exchange of signs between lords of 5th and 11th houses, the Moon should
stand in 5th house. Effects: The native will have reputation for a very long period. He will be highly
courageous having status like a king. He will enjoy life in high walks and will be liked by king.
(e) Amaraka Yoga: Exchange of houses between lords of 7th and 9th provided both the lords are quite
strong. Effects: The native will possess long hands, lotus like eyes. He will be well-versed in law, having a
magisterial post, praised by public, interested in pilgrimages, has happiness from wife and will be enjoying
greater happiness after age of 50 years.
(f) Srimanthi (wealth) Yoga: If there is exchange of houses between lords of 9th and 10th provided
Ascendant lord is with one of the above lords duly aspected by Jupiter. Effects: The native will be having
highly charitable nature and all kinds of prosperity. He will be highly respected and be learned. He will have
full span of life.
D. Some other Granthakaras: Here are some Parivartana Yogas suggested by some other writers, culled
out from various classical text books:
(a) Exchange between 1st and 2nd lords suggests that the native will be getting wealth and his earnings by
personal efforts and will be supporting many people.
(b) Exchange between 1st and 3rd lords (involving a common sign) indicates that native’s some brother is
one of twin.
(c) Exchange of 1st and 4th houses will result in native enjoying his own conveyance, children and
prosperity. This is Bhagya Vahana Yoga.
(d) Exchange between 1st and 5th lords will cause sure birth of children and happiness.
(e) Exchange between 1st and 7th lords indicates intense love between the native and his wife/husband
and very early marriage.
(f) Exchange of 1st lord with 10th lord is highly praised. The native becomes reputed, victorious and a
king or his equal.
(g) Exchange of houses between 1st and 11th lord will cause much wealth to the native by about 33rd
year of his life, while if the said Parivartana is prevalent and Venus is placed in house 5/9, the naïve will be
highly reputed and respected by kings.
(h) Exchange between houses 1st and 12th with conjunction or aspect of 8th lord will cause much
poverty. Whereas in the same Parivartana if Venus is found in 12th house, there will be heavy expenses on
charitable works. In the said yoga, if malefic is placed in Ascendant, the native will pass sickly life. In the
same yoga if there is aspect by or conjunction of 7th lord, it is Daridra Yoga (severe type of poverty).
(i) Exchange between Ascendant lord and his enemy, provided Ascendant lord is in conjunction with or
under aspect of maraka lord, the yoga will cause poverty to the native. Simple exchange also gives poverty as
suggested by Maharishi Parasar.
(j) Exchange between 2nd and 11th lords will cause good wealth and cattle. Signs thus exchanged should
be friendly or in exaltation to above lords. Other opinion without any condition is that financial prosperity
after early marriage will result.
(k) Exchange between 2nd and 12th lords is bad and will cause loss of wealth and heavy expenses (in bad
or good directions depending upon the nature of planets involved) provided 11th lord is in any dusthana. In
an ordinary birth chart this exchange suggests that the native will suffer from poverty.
(l) Exchange of 2nd and 9th lords will cause the to enjoy reputation, high class prosperity and kingly
paraphernalia after 32nd year of life.
(m) Exchange between 2nd and 6th lords will cause financial losses on large scale.
(n) Exchange between 2nd and 5th houses indicates earning of much wealth by the native (this is a dhana
yoga). Note: Some classical writers of the opinion that in the above parivartana, if Sun and Mars get
involved, the native is bestowed with influential sons and keen perception of public good. In this exchange if
Sun is related to 2nd lord the native becomes capable of public good. He gets wealth and education.
(o) Exchange between 3rd and 11th lords may cause financial gains through brothers. His brothers will
also prosper.

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(p) Exchange between 3rd and 9th houses (provided Mars is in the 3rd house) indicates gain of wealth
from distant relatives.
(q) Exchange of houses between 4th and 5th, 4th and 9th, 4th and 10th, 4th and 11th houses respectively
(all Bhagya Vahana Yogas) will result in happiness, birth of children, conveyance and prosperity.
(r) Exchange of 4th and 10th lords will result in having many houses and landed property depending on
the strength of Mars.
(s) Exchange of 5th and 8th lords if takes without benefic aspect, causes loss of children.
(t) Exchange of 5th lord and Jupiter is good for issues. A son will be born during major period of 5th lord
and sub-period of Jupiter.
(u) Exchange between 6th and 12th lord indicates that the native will be incurring heavy debts, besides
loss of honour and losses in gambling. The native will also suffer from rheumatic disorders, while in 3rd year
of life there will be stomach disorders. Stupidity on the part of native is hinted.

(Condensed from Planets & Forecast, July, 1990.)

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