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The events in the primary source is

related to the author as it happened
chronologically. While the secondary
source, events are not solely in
chronological order. There is an infusion
of multiple sources. Thereby, presenting
the events thematically. The author's
ideas were added in describing the

In PS, the author, as insider, vividly
described the unfolding of events in
the convention. While in SS, the
author, as an outsider, is merely
relating to the events.

PS was mostly written shortly after
the actual event.
Alvarez wrote it in his 50s (1927) - issue on credibility because it took years for him to write- and
published in 1992.

Alvarez made mention of names
who attended the convention as
far as he can remember thus,
mentioned fewer personalities.
Agoncillo mentioned more names
by soliciting more ideas on the
event (has gathered from more sources than Alvarez)

In PS, Alvarez did not employ
the historical method (criticism).
He was a Katipunero not a
historian. On the other hand,
Agoncillo employed technicalities
in writing history.

Which is better?
primary source - limited
secondary source - better because it is reconstructed from sources
it depends on which one is useful in understanding of our past. we need not only facts, but also

Over - all observation (content)

Primary source: Santiago V. Alvarez
The Katipunan and the Revolution: Memoirs of a

Issues of factions througout history *Rizal and Marcelo Del Pilar - inaway sa president of La
smth smth

* Magdalo-Magdiwang faction (Magdalene- patron saint of Cavite- where aguinaldo came from -
meaning “to attend”)
* Magdiwang as dominant group (Supports Bonifacio - meaning “to celebrate”)

in Tejeros convention
*Mr. Daniel Tirona was set to undermine
the proceedings of the assembly and that he
had already succeeded in enjoining many
among Magdiwang leaders to ally with him
(intelligence report?)

* Leaders were seated at presidential table, others standing in groups on both sides (there is no
unity in the KKK)
* Main topic: how to bolster defenses (major issue?)
* (major? Issue) - what kind of government we should have, how to establish it? (questions the
legitimacy of govt - an insult)

a challenge for Bonifacio - show his leadership- but he failed and wasnt able to control the

even if mdiwang is the more dominant, they lost to mdalo- this convention changed the ways of
KKK, even established a new govt

Answer to the previous question:* «the Katipunan now holds authority over the islands. It has
government of law and a definite program. It is obeyed and respected by all because it stands
for freedom, brotherly love, and a well. organized and well-run government"
* the "K” in the middle of the sun of the Katipunan flag stands for kalayaan
(if indi pa ni ma chindihan ka mgdalo, then there is a different intention)

*Those who are against are arrested?

*Josephine as member of Katipunan
* Is the Katipunan revolutionary government, dictatorial or democratic?

revolituonary cannot be democratic - democracy is a slow process and you cannot really use it -
its not practical - but it depends on the context- but you should define what is democracy and
dictatorship - a limited kind of democracy

democracy evolves

Cory Aquino - appointed as pres- there are months where she was a dictator- and they just
appointed the govt officers

the tact that Bonifacio agreed- its like he already agreed that the govt needs to be changed

nothing has changed in the philippines history

* Aguinaldo won as president in absencia (March 25 (22?), 1897) (22 - bday ni aguinaldo - this
is why he had so many supporters because he proved his worth as a military leader - always
won battles)
*Bonifacio as V-president (no approval or disapproval)? (it means that there is something
As Secretary of Interior his election was
contested by Daniel Tirona (insult- but this means they have no plans of making Bonifacio an
* Bonifacio pulled out his revolver and
took aim, declared proceedings null and
void (bonifacio himself did not respect the principle that everyone

In PS, the author, as insider, vividly
described the unfolding of events in
the convention. While in SS, the
author, as an outsider, is merely
relating to the events.
PS was mostly written shortly after
the actual event.

* to settle the issue, otherwise they

are bandits, mindless animals
* bortherhood, equality, struggle
against the king, in order to establish
a sovereign and free government.
* It stood for people's sovereignty
not led by one or two

Over - all observation (content)

* the Supremo presides, to respect all
decisions in meetings
* ballots distributed were already filled
out not by voters (electoral fraud? First
in Philippine history)

Seed of Discontent
- Failure to get the presidency and untortunate encounter with Tirona

is it necessary to kill Bonifacio? would he have become a rebel, always fighting their

there is no change in the government, whoever is in the position, has power

necessary evil - the end justifies the means (aguinaldo, marcos, duterte, hitler)

this is why politics is considered dirty and even nowour govt there is still factions, abuse of
power, killings

primary source - interesting enough to let us see what happened

Andres Bonifacio - could have been considered the first president esp if we consider KKK as the
government of the Phillipines during that time but Aguinaldo was proclaimed pres- and history is
written by the victors, thus andres bonifacio was erased from history

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