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Midterm AP Computer Sciences



Read carefully all the questions. Select the best answer.

1. Which of the following best describes how computing devices represent


A. A computer will either represent information as bits or bytes but not both

B. A computer represents data as a byte which is either a 0 or a 1

C. A computer represents data as bits which is either a 0 or a 1

D. A computer represents information as bits which contain 8 bytes.

2. Which of the following is NOT true of how computers represent complex


A. Computing devices use patterns of bits to represent complex information

B. Abstraction helps represent complex information by surfacing complexity that might

otherwise be hidden

C. Depending on context the same sequence of bits may represent different types of

D. Common abstractions that are represented by computing devices include numbers,

characters, and color.

3. When visiting a museum Lian takes a photo of a painting with a smartphone

which stores the photo as an image file. Which of the following best describes the
differences between the painting itself and the photo of the painting stored on the

A. Both the painting and the photo are analog

B. The photo is a digital representation of the analog painting

C. Sampling can be used to determine whether the analog image is an accurate

representation of the painting

D. The phone can represent the photo in either digital or analog formats depending on the
sampling technique that is used

4. Convert the binary (base-2) number 1001 to decimal (base-10).

A. 9

B. 10

C. 16

D. 17

5. Convert the decimal (base-10) number 20 to binary (base-2).

A. 10010

B. 00101

C. 11000

D. 10100

6. Which of the following binary (base-2) numbers is LARGEST

A. 11000000
B. 01111111

C. 00000001

D. 10111111

7. How many total numbers can be represented with an 8-bit binary (base-2)

A. 127

B. 128

C. 255

D. 256

8. Which of the following is true of lossy and lossless compression algorithms?

A. Lossy compression algorithms are used when perfect reconstruction of the original data
is important.

B. Lossy compression algorithms are typically better than lossless compression algorithms
at reducing the number of bits needed to represent a piece of data.

C. Lossless compression algorithms are only used to compress text data.

D. Lossless compression algorithms only allow for an approximate reconstruction of the

original data.

9. Jorge is sending a large image file to a friend as part of a shared classroom

project. Which of the following is most likely true if Jorge opts to compress the image before
sending it?

A. The image can no longer be represented using bits.

B. The image will have been converted into an analog form.

C. The image will require more pixels to display it on the screen.

D. The image will require fewer bits in order to be represented.

10. Lucy is completing a project as part of a science class using materials she found
online. Which of the following is MOST LIKELY to lead to legal consequences?

A. Modifying a piece of open source software.

B. Using open access research for which she does not acquire a license.

C. Failing to publish her work under a Creative Commons license.

D. Using images posted online by another student without permission or citation.

11. What are difference between Lossy and Lossless Compression?, Give some examples of
each onde

12, What is the Internet and How does it work?

13. Why is the IP Address important?

14. What is Cybersecurity?

15. Define the term Computer Network

16. What is the difference between Bite and Bit?

17. Why do computers use binary systems instead of decimal systems?

18. Information travel does not travel in 0ne piece, but rather as a datastream of packets

True or False

19. Why is it important to use a router?

20. Define the terms. Give one example of each one

User Interface



21. What elements collect input

22. What elements display outputs

23. After designing your app, how talking with users impacted your design decisions ?

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(40 points)

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