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Name ______________________________________ Class______________________________

Review 1B
1 Complete the sentences with verbs from the box.
ride / cook / listen / do / watch / meet
0 My brother’s only four but he can ___ride___ a bike.

1 I usually __________ my homework in the kitchen.

2 I often __________ to music on the radio.

3 Do you want to __________ dinner? I’m not hungry.

4 On Saturdays I often __________ friends in town.

5 I want to __________ this film.

2 Circle the different word.
0 volleyball tennis cinema cycling

1 café rugby fast food place restaurant

2 library basketball rollerblading skateboarding

3 sports centre post office swimming pool motor racing

4 hotel theatre cricket supermarket

5 theatre swimming football gymnastics


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3 Match the two parts of the sentences. There are two extra parts.
0 I’ve got some money a) gloves.

1 I wear glasses b) in my diary.

2 I’ve got my homework c) when I read.

3 I don’t eat d) to the door.

4 In winter I often wear e) a hairbrush.

5 I haven’t got the keys f) in my purse.

g) many sweets.

h) in this folder.

4 Complete the sentences with words in the box. There are two extra words.
rice / cheese / salt / carrots / strawberries / sausages / sugar / honey
0 Butter and _cheese_____ are dairy foods.

1 What do you want on your bread – jam or __________ ?

2 How much __________ do you want in your coffee?

3 Dad’s cooking the chicken and __________ on the barbecue.

4 I love __________ and cream.

5 Potatoes, beans and __________ are all vegetables.


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5 Complete the dialogue.
A: You / like / football? _Do you like football?__

B: Yes / I / _ 1

A: your brother / like / football? ____________________

B: No / he / _ 3

A: What / your brother / do / in his free time? ____________________
B: He / play / computer games. ____________________

6 Put the verbs in the present simple or the present continuous.
Luigi is Italian. He 0 ___lives__ (live) in a small village called called Budrio and he 1 __________
(go) to school in Bologna. In Budrio the people 2 __________ (not/speak) much English. But
today Luigi 3 __________ (speak) English because an American student 4 __________ (visit) his
school and he 5 __________ (not speak) Italian.

7 Complete the sentences.
I 0 _prefer playing_ (prefer / play) volleyball to
_______________ (play) football.

I 2 _______________ (like / play) football but I 3 _______________ (not like / watch) it.

My brother Rob 4 _______________ (not like / do) homework but he 5_______________ (love /
listen to) music.


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8 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. There is one extra word.
yours / mine (x 2) / hers / his / theirs / ours
Rachel: Whose is this mobile? Is it 0 ___yours__ Nick?

Nick: No, it isn’t 1 __________

Rachel: Do you think it’s Lisa’s?

Nick: No, it isn’t 2 __________ and it isn’t Tom’s. 3 __________ are both Nokias.

I think it’s John’s. 4 __________ looks like that.

Jonah: No, it isn’t John’s. It’s 5 __________ !

9 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.
an / a / any / some / any / some
A: Have you got 0 ___any____ apples?

B: Yes, there are 1 __________ apples over there.

A: And I’d like 2 __________ banana please.

B: I’m sorry we haven’t got 3 __________ bananas.

A: Oh well, can I have 4 __________ grapes please and 5 __________ oranges.

B: Yes, of course.


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10 Complete the conversation with much, many or a lot of.

Daniel: I eat 0 _a lot of__ pasta. But I don’t eat

____________________ potatoes. How about you?

Do you eat 2 ____________________ pasta.

Matt: Not, not 3 ____________________ I prefer potatoes.

Daniel: How 4 ____________________ potatoes do you eat?

Matt: Oh, I eat 5 ____________________ potatoes.


Vocabulary 20

Grammar 30

Total 50

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