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Assignment 7:

1. What is a channel in a convolu6onal network?

2. Explain the meaning and reason of overfiBng?

3. Explain dropout and why this can help with overfiBng?

4. Chose another method to mi6gate overfiBng and explain why this should help.

5. Why is imbalance of the training set a problem and how can this be mi6gated?

6. Given the choices of two loss func6on L1=(y-y*)^2 and L2=(y-y*)^4, which of these loss func6on do you
recommend to use and why?

7. Briefly explain a LSTM.

8. Why is a gated recurrent neural network recommended over a basic RNN?

9. Explain a\en6on in the context of recurrent neural networks.

10. Give the density func6on 𝑝(𝑥; 𝜆) = 𝜆𝑒 !"# for 𝑥 > 0, what is the MLE for the parameter 𝜆.

11. Why is a cross entropy a good choice for the loss func6on of a neural network?

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