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Received: 28 August 2021 | Revised: 23 November 2021 | Accepted: 9 December 2021

DOI: 10.1111/pce.14250


Finding a breather for Oryza sativa: Understanding hormone

signalling pathways involved in rice plants to submergence

Lavanya Mittal | Sumaira Tayyeba | Alok K. Sinha

National Institute of Plant Genome Research,

New Delhi, India Abstract
During the course of evolution, different ecotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) have
Alok K. Sinha, National Institute of Plant evolved distinct strategies to cope with submergence stress. Such contrasting re-
Genome Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Rd, sponses are mediated by plant hormones that are principle regulators of growth,
New Delhi 110067, India.
Email: development and responses to various biotic and abiotic stresses. These hormones
act cooperatively and show extensive crosstalk which is mediated by key regulatory
genes that serve as nodes of molecular communication. The presence or absence of
such genes leads to significant changes in hormone signalling pathways and hence,
governs the type of response that the plant will exhibit. As flooding is one of the
leading causes of crop loss across all the major rice‐producing countries, it is crucial
to deeply understand the molecular nexus governing the response to submergence
to produce flood resilient varieties. This review focuses on the hormonal signalling
pathways that mediate two contrasting responses of the rice plant to submergence
stress namely, rapid internode elongation to escape flood waters and quiescence
response that enables the plant to survive under complete submergence. The sig-
nificance of several key genes such as Sub1A‐1, SLR1, SD1 and SK1/SK2, in defining
the ultimate response to submergence has also been discussed.

deepwater rice, eongation response, hormone signalling, lowland rice, quiescence response,
signalling crosstalk, SK1/SK2, SUB1A1, submergence

1 | INTRODUCTION productivity of 0.5–0.8 t h−1 as compared to 3–6 t h−1 in irrigated

areas (Bhowmick et al., 2014).
Rice is the major food crop for more than half of the world's po- Submergence refers to the condition where the entire aerial part
pulation. 92% of the world's rice is grown in the Asian continent of the plant is completely submerged underwater. During sub-
(Gnanamanickam, 2009). However, monsoon floods that cause mergence, plants experience low oxygen conditions due to impeded
complete submergence of plants are one of the major causes of diffusion of gases in water. This is accompanied by a decline in
crop failure in rice cultivation. South‐ and South‐East Asian photosynthesis rates owing to low light penetration (Winkel
countries are frequently affected by floods every year due to et al., 2013). One of the main reasons why rice plants succumb
heavy monsoon rainfall. Among them, India and China, the world's to submergence is due to exhaustion of carbohydrate reserves
largest producers of rice, experience floods most frequently. 30% and severe starvation in low light and low oxygen conditions
of Indian rice lands are prone to flash flooding with an average (Das et al., 2005; Jackson et al., 1987).

Plant Cell Environ. 2022;45:279–295. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | 279

Rice has two major ecotypes based on flooding regimes, namely, from crop losses in flood‐prone areas where the amount of rainfall
rainfed lowland rice which experiences shallow submergence or during monsoons is unpredictable. The preliminary step for devel-
partial submergence, and deepwater rice that experiences medium to oping such varieties is to gain a deep understanding of the molecular
deep submergence during the monsoon season. Among these, the mechanisms underlying the complex adaptive responses of rice plants
deepwater rice exhibits the potential of rapid internode elongation to submergence stress.
upon submergence so that the upper leaves rise above the water Hormones are the central regulators of growth, development and
level. In contrast, certain landraces of lowland rice (e.g., FR13A) show responses of plants to changing environments. Signalling pathways of
flooding tolerance up to 2 weeks by entering into an energy con- various hormones show crosstalk. Therefore, even a slight change in
servation mode (Sarkar et al., 2001; Setter et al., 1987). hormone levels leads to a change in the expression of thousands of
Even though the deepwater and the lowland rice have the ability genes. During the past three decades, studies on the mechanisms of
to survive floods, these landraces are not resistant to all kinds of submergence tolerance in rice have revealed that hormones are the
flooding regimes (Figure 1). When the water level of the flood is too master regulators of responses of rice plants to submergence stress.
high, in spite of all the efforts to elongate, the plants are not able to This paper reviews the hormonal signalling pathways that mediate
emerge above the water level, resulting in the death of plants due to the elongation and the quiescence response in deepwater and low-
exhaustion of energy reserves used up in growth (Jackson land rice, respectively. It highlights the crosstalk between various
et al., 1987). Similarly, lowland rice is only able to tolerate complete hormones during submergence and how these hormones co-
submergence for up to 2 weeks and succumbs to death in case of ordinately mediate distinct responses of the plant to submergence
prolonged flooding (Figure 1). Therefore, developing varieties toler- stress. We give emphasis to the crucial roles of key transcription
ant to a wide range of flooding regimes would protect the farmers factors that are the master regulators to two contrasting strategies

F I G U R E 1 Comparison of phenotype between deepwater and lowland rice in response to two types of flooding regimes. (a) In case of flash
flooding when the water level rises suddenly the deepwater rice plants are not able to emerge above the water level, resulting in the death of
plants when flood recedes due to exhaustion of energy reserves used up in growth. Lowland varieties (harbouring Sub1A‐1) on the other hand
are able to cope up with complete submergence by saving the energy reserves by ceasing interned elongation and shut down sugar metabolism
and grow well when normal conditions are achieved. (b) In the case of long‐term flooding as water levels rise gradually the deepwater rice are
able to elongate the stem internodes to maintain some leaves above the water surface to maintain normal oxygen levels and hence they can
survive. In contrast, lowland rice is only able to tolerate complete submergence for up to 2 weeks and succumbs to death in case of prolonged

that rice has evolved to cope with different kinds of flooding regimes. These findings imply that the downregulation of SD1 is repressed
Finally, we discuss the presence of additional unknown mechanisms in deepwater rice by the ethylene mediated inhibition of the re-
and novel QTLs involved in submergence tolerance. pressor protein, SLR1. Additionally, another ethylene response
transcription factor OsEIL1b directly binds to the promoter of two
ethylene response factors SNORKEL1 and SNORKEL2 (SK1 and
2 | H O R M O NE SI G N A L L I N G P A T H W A Y S SK2) that directly or indirectly induce GA and trigger the elonga-
I N V OL V E D I N E S C A P E R E S P O N S E I N tion response (Hattori et al., 2009; Kuroha et al., 2018). The
DEEPWATER RICE pathway for GA induction by SK1/SK2 is independent of SD1, and
both these pathways act synergistically to enhance GA accumu-
During submergence, the deepwater rice varieties have the ability to lation (Kuroha et al., 2018). Interestingly, the functional SK1 and
elongate at rates that are 25‐fold higher than air grown plants SK2 genes are only present in deepwater rice and are upregulated
(Stünzi & Kende, 1989). At such high rates, the plant is quickly able to by submergence induced ethylene accumulation. These genes are
attain height and make contact with air. It enables the plant to in- either absent or nonfunctional in non‐deepwater rice (Hattori
crease the rate of photosynthesis by the above water leaves and at et al., 2009; Oe et al., 2021). Ethylene also promotes GA accu-
the same time secure an oxygen supply for the rest of the plant. This mulation by downregulating the GA biosynthesis inhibitor
strategy is known as 'Flood Avoidance' or 'Escape strategy' as the OsEATB. It is an ethylene response transcription factor that in-
plant is successful in escaping the severe conditions imposed by hibits OsCPS2, a key gene involved in GA biosynthetic pathway (Qi
complete submergence. It is a well‐known fact that hormones med- et al., 2011). Therefore, ethylene increases the levels of en-
iate all the growth and stress responses in plants. In the following dogenous GAs by upregulation of GA the stimulating genes, SD1,
paragraphs, we summarize the hormone signalling networks that SK1, SK2, GA20ox4 and GA3ox2 and by downregulation of the GA
mediate the escape response of deepwater rice. inhibitors SLR1 and OsEATB (Figure 2).
Likewise, GA also induces ethylene biosynthesis during sub-
mergence resulting in a positive feedback loop between ethylene and
2.1 | Positive feedback regulation between GA. Ethylene is synthesized from methionine via S‐adenosyl‐
ethylene and gibberellic acid methionine (AdoMet) and 1‐Amino‐cyclopropane‐1‐carboxylic acid
(ACC). The enzymes AdoMet synthetase (SAM), ACC synthase (ACS)
Ethylene levels rapidly increase upon submergence, partly due to and ACC oxidase (ACO) are sequentially involved in this pathway
accumulation in intercellular spaces owing to reduced gas diffusion (Yang & Hoffman, 1984). Induction of ethylene synthesis during
in water and partly, by de‐novo synthesis (Métraux & Kende, 1983). submergence occurs at both, ACS and ACO levels, both of which may
Its concentration increases 100‐fold in the internodal lacunae within play a rate‐limiting role in this pathway (Rzewuski & Sauter, 2008;
6 h of submergence (Raskin & Kende, 1984a). Métraux and Kende Van Der Straeten et al., 2001; Yang & Hoffman, 1984). Among rice
(1983) reported that the accumulation of ethylene during sub- ACC synthases, OsACS‐5 is induced during submergence (Van Der
mergence induces internode elongation in deepwater rice. More- Straeten et al., 2001; Zhou et al., 2001). The levels of OsACS‐5 mRNA
over, it was found that ethylene does not directly regulate the increase fivefold upon GA treatment (Van Der Straeten et al., 2001).
growth of internodes, but rather mediates internode elongation by Another ACC synthase, OsACS‐1 is slightly induced within 6–12 h of
increasing the activity of endogenous gibberellic acids (GAs; Raskin submergence but there are no reports on its regulation by GA
& Kende, 1984b). (Zarembinski & Theologis, 1997). In addition to ACC synthesis, oxi-
A fourfold increase in the levels of bio‐active GAs is observed dation of ACC to ethylene is also enhanced by GA treatment, sug-
within 3 h of submergence (Hoffmann‐Benning & Kende, 1992). gesting that GA stimulates ACO activity as well (Azuma et al., 1994).
Ethylene increases levels of endogenous GAs by inducing the ex- Among rice ACC oxidases, the activity of OsACO1 and OsACO7
pression of GA metabolic enzymes, GA20ox2 (also called SD1), significantly increases in the internodes of deepwater rice during
GA20ox4 and GA3ox2 that convert GA20 into biologically active GAs submergence, indicating that GA probably induces either OsACO1 or
(Choi, 2007). The transcription of the SD1 gene, encoding the GA20 OsACO7 or possibly both of them (Mekhedov & Kende, 1996;
oxidase is activated by direct binding of an ethylene‐responsive Minami et al., 2018; Van Der Straeten et al., 2001). Whether GA
transcription factor OsEIL1a to its promoter upon ethylene accumu- augments ethylene biosynthesis at the level of methionine to Ado-
lation. This phenomenon is restricted only to deepwater rice, as SD1 Met conversion, has not been reported in rice. However, in wheat
transcription is not induced by ethylene treatment in non‐deepwater aleurones GA is known to induce two AdoMet synthetases SAM1 and
rice (Kuroha et al., 2018). GA20 oxidases are also under negative SAM2, by threefold, bringing out the possibility that this phenomenon
feedback regulation of DELLA proteins, the repressors of the GA might occur in rice also (Mathur et al., 1992). Therefore, it is likely
signalling pathway (Fukazawa et al., 2017; Hussain & Peng, 2003; that GA enhances ethylene biosynthesis at each step of the ethylene
Vera‐Sirera et al., 2016). Interestingly, SLR1, the only known biosynthesis pathway. Talking about ethylene sensing, OsERL1 an
DELLA protein in rice is also inhibited by ethylene specifically in ethylene receptor is upregulated during submergence by GA, sug-
deepwater rice (Fukao & Bailey‐Serres, 2008; Fukazawa et al., 2017). gesting that, apart from increasing ethylene biosynthesis, GA also

F I G U R E 2 Hormone signalling networks

involved in escape response of deepwater rice
during submergence. Submergence induced
ethylene accumulation leads to an increase in
GA and a decrease in ABA levels. GA in turn
induces ethylene biosynthesis resulting in a
positive feedback loop between ethylene and
GA. GA is the final hormone that mediates
internode elongation and carbohydrate
degradation in concert with the low oxygen
and sugar starvation sensing system (escape
response). Furthermore, downregulation of
ABA is essential for GA accumulation and also
leads to an increase in auxin levels which
mediate internode elongation along with GA.
Red/orange colour represents
downregulation/inhibition, whereas black/
blue colour represents upregulation/induction.
Black dashed arrows indicate the presence of
an unknown relationship [Color figure can be
viewed at]

increases ethylene sensitivity during submergence (Watanabe that are involved in DNA replication, which occurs in the S phase of the
et al., 2004). cell cycle (van der Knaap & Kende, 1995; Van Der Knaap et al., 1997).
In conclusion, both ethylene and GA are induced during sub- After the cells of IM have sufficiently elongated the hormone induces
mergence in deepwater rice and these hormones induce biosynthesis cell division at the G2‐M phase checkpoint, thereby initiating mitosis
of one another by a positive feedback mechanism (Figure 2). (Sauter & Kende, 1992).
Cell growth is an energy‐consuming process where 65% of starch
is mobilized within 3 days of submergence, to meet the energy re-
2.2 | GA is essential for elongation response quirements to support rapid internode elongation (Raskin &
Kende, 1984a). Mobilization of starch is accompanied by a 70‐fold
One of the primary roles of endogenous GAs in plant development is increase in the expression of the starch degrading enzyme, α‐amylase
stem growth and any defect in GA biosynthesis or signalling path- which is induced by GA (Chen et al., 2006; Das et al., 2005; Lu
ways causes a dwarf phenotype in the plant. Consistent with its role et al., 2002; Raskin & Kende, 1984a). The promoter of α‐amylases is
in growth, the treatment of plants with exogenous GA leads to en- under the control of two MYB transcriptional factors, MYBGA and
hanced stem elongation. Although ethylene is induced in both MYBS1 (Hong et al., 2012). GAMYB is a transcriptional activator of
deepwater and non‐deepwater rice upon submergence, GA is spe- GA regulated genes and mediates a variety of GA responses (Aya
cifically induced in deepwater rice (Minami et al., 2018). No internode et al., 2009, 2011; Hong et al., 2012; Kaneko et al., 2004; Woodger
elongation is observed in submerged deepwater rice plants treated et al., 2003). MYBS1, on the other hand, activates the expression of
with a GA inhibitor (Suge, 1985). This implies that an increase in GA α‐amylases in response to sugar starvation by the formation of Sugar
levels is essential for the growth response, and GA is the ultimate Response Complex (Lu et al., 1998). It has been found that both these
hormone that elicits stem elongation in submerged deepwater rice. transcription factors cooperatively function to integrate the sugar
Intercalary meristem (IM) is the primary site for GA action, as it starvation and the GA signalling pathways by co‐nuclear localization
does not promote elongation of deepwater rice internodes from which and formation of a stable bi‐partite MYB‐DNA complex at the pro-
IM has been excised (Sauter et al., 1993). GA first promotes cell moter of starch hydrolases (Hong et al., 2012). Therefore, apart from
elongation in IM by inducing the expression of genes involved in cell induction of the IM, GA mediates carbohydrate degradation in con-
wall loosening and synthesis (Cho & Kende, 1997, 1998; Métraux & cert with the sugar sensing system to meet the energy requirements
Kende, 1984; Sauter & Kende, 1992). While the cell is elongating it for the elongation response. In addition, GA is also known to mediate
simultaneously induces genes (e.g., histones and replication proteins) sugar translocation, growth of sink tissues and maintenance of

source‐sink relationships in stressful conditions (Iqbal et al., 2011). behind it are poorly understood (Azuma et al., 1990). Surprisingly,
Taken together, we conclude that GA is the ultimate hormone that treatment of submerged rice plants with auxin transport inhibitors
executes the 'Escape Strategy' of deepwater rice upon submergence resulted in a threefold decrease in elongation response, suggesting
(Figure 2). that auxin signalling has a major role in rapid internode elongation in
deepwater rice (Wu & Yang, 2020). Transcriptomic analysis of sub-
merged rice plants treated with TIBA (2,3,5‐triiodobenzoic acid), an
2.3 | Downregulation of ABA is a prerequisite for auxin transport inhibitor, revealed that, during submergence, auxin
elongation response increases the expression of genes involved in cell wall modification
and cell division (Wu & Yang, 2020). The hormone probably mediates
ABA levels in the internodal region of deepwater rice decrease by elongation by increasing the concentration of bioactive GAs, as auxin
75% during submergence. It is a negative regulator of growth and the treatment had no effect on internode elongation in presence of a GA
application of exogenous ABA inhibits submergence induced elon- inhibitor (Azuma et al., 1990). According to Ross et al. (2003), auxin
gation (Hoffmann‐Benning & Kende, 1992). Inhibition of internode mediates internode elongation by promoting GA biosynthesis and by
elongation by ABA treatment is reversed on GA application, sug- preventing the de‐activation of bioactive GAs in pea plants. Also, the
gesting that it inhibits growth by decreasing the biosynthesis of GA application of auxin transport inhibitors on pea plants significantly
(Hoffmann‐Benning & Kende, 1992). Also, time taken in reduction of reduced stem elongation along with the reduction in levels of
ABA levels and the time lag between the onset of elongation re- bioactive GAs (Ross, 1998). Whether the same happens in deepwater
sponse implies that decrease in ABA levels precedes submergence rice, needs to be experimentally verified. Such an experiment would
induced growth (Hoffmann‐Benning & Kende, 1992). It is now well give more clarity on the mechanism by which auxins and GAs mediate
established that ABA is involved in the suppression of GA biosyn- internode elongation in rice.
thetic genes (Liu & Hou, 2018). Thus, the downregulation of ABA is Auxin signalling is mediated by TIR1/AFB family proteins which
essential for GA biosynthesis. are auxin receptors. These receptors trigger an auxin response by
Ethylene, which increases 100‐fold during submergence, induces posttranslational degradation of the auxin response inhibitors AUX/
the expression of CYP707A5 gene, which encodes ABA 8' hydro- IAAs. AUX/IAAs inhibit auxin responses by binding to the promoter
xylase (OsABA8'ox1). This enzyme catabolizes ABA into phaseic of auxin response transcription factors (ARFs), which ultimately
acid, thereby decreasing ABA concentrations in the plant (Saika mediate auxin responses (Quint & Grey, 2006). A microRNA miR393
et al., 2007; Yang & Choi, 2006). Also, Choi (2007) reported that is involved in auxin homoeostasis, as it negatively regulates auxin
ethylene downregulates the expression of key ABA biosynthetic response by targeted degradation of the mRNAs of TIR1/AFBs
genes, OsZEP, OsNCED1, OsNCED2 and OsNCED5, specifically in (Navarro et al., 2006). Guo et al. (2016) reported that in deepwater
deepwater rice, upon submergence. On the other hand, in lowland rice, ABA treatment increased miR393 transcript levels and inhibited
rice, the downregulation of these ABA biosynthetic genes is mediated coleoptile growth, whereas submergence led to downregulation
by some other unknown factor and not by ethylene (Saika of miR393 expression and increase in coleoptile length. The
et al., 2007). Thus, in deepwater rice, submergence induced ethylene submergence‐induced decrease in miR393 transcript correlated with
accumulation decreases ABA levels in two ways, one, by its catabo- an increased expression of the auxin receptors OsTIR1 and OsAFB2.
lism and the other through the inhibition of its biosynthesis. Also, it is known that ABA is downregulated during submergence.
ABA shows antagonistic regulation with ethylene during sub- Taken together, we suggest a signalling pathway that activates auxin
mergence. Just like ethylene inhibits ABA during submergence, ABA response during submergence in deepwater rice. Ethylene accumu-
also inhibits ethylene by downregulating the ethylene biosynthetic lation decreases the concentration of ABA causing a decrease in
gene OsACS5 which is induced upto 8 folds during submergence (Van expression of miR393a, a negative regulator of the auxin receptors
Der Straeten et al., 2001). Therefore, in addition to GA mediated OsTIR1 and OsAFB2. This leads to an increase in levels of these auxin
positive feedback regulation, the downregulation of ABA further receptors which then target the auxin signalling inhibitors AUX/IAA
augments ethylene biosynthesis during submergence. In conclusion, bound to the promoters of ARFs. Degradation of AUX/IAA proteins
ABA is downregulated in deepwater rice by submergence‐induced switches on the expression of ARFs that ultimately mediate auxin
ethylene accumulation and the decrease in ABA levels is a pre- response probably by increasing the accumulation of bioactive GAs
requisite for the GA mediated elongation response (Figure 2). (Figure 2).
Auxin positively regulates ethylene by inducing the ethylene
biosynthetic gene OsACS1 (Zarembinski & Theologis, 1993). There-
2.4 | Synergistic effect of ethylene and auxin fore, in addition to GA, ethylene also shares a positive feedback
on GA regulation with auxin. Thus, we conclude that in deepwater rice,
auxins and ethylene act synergistically in increasing the activity of
Although it is known that auxins are involved in submergence in- GAs which ultimately mediate internode elongation during sub-
duced internode elongation in deepwater rice, the mechanisms mergence (Figure 2).

3 | H O R M O N E SI G N A L L I N G NE T W O R K S Sinha, 2016). Septiningsih et al. (2008) confirmed that the Sub1A‐1

R E G U L A T I N G S U B M E RG E N C E TO L E R A N C E gene is the primary determinant of submergence tolerance in rice.
I N L O W L A N D RI C E They also reported that the level of Sub1A‐1 transcript strongly
correlates with the degree of submergence tolerance as hetero-
By definition, rice plants that can survive complete submergence up zygotes of the Sub1A‐1 allele had lesser mRNA levels and were
to 14 days are considered to be submergence tolerant. Such plants significantly less tolerant as compared to the homozygotes (Fukao &
temporarily suspend all their growth‐related activities to minimize Bailey‐Serres, 2008; Septiningsih et al., 2008). Sub1C on the other
their sugar consumption to use the energy for resuming normal hand has no association with the tolerant phenotype (Septiningsih
growth‐related activities after the flood waters recede. The tolerant et al., 2008).
phenotype is associated with the ability to restrict stem elongation, Both Sub1A‐1 and Sub1C are induced upon submergence or by
reduce carbohydrate consumption, oxidative damage and chlorophyll ethylene treatment, whereas Sub1B, in spite of being an ERF, is not
degradation (Fukao et al., 2006; Sarkar et al., 2001). This strategy is responsive to ethylene or submergence (Fukao et al., 2006). Studies
also known as 'Quiescence', a kind of metabolic adaptation, where show that Sub1C acts downstream of GA and positively regulates
the plant goes into an energy‐saving mode. Not all lowland rice responses like internode elongation and carbohydrate degradation
varieties show submergence tolerance. Therefore, the words deep- (Figure 2; Fukao et al., 2006; Kudahettige et al., 2011). Sub1C acti-
water and lowland are the names of rice ecotypes based on habitat vates α‐amylases in concert with the low oxygen and low sugar
and flooding regimes and are not representative of the tolerance sensing system by the CIPK15‐SnRK1A‐MYBS1 pathway, which is
ability/mechanism of the variety. Since, most of the deepwater not discussed in detail, as it is beyond the scope of this review
rice varieties show elongation response, for ease in usage, we use the (Figures 2 and 3; Kudahettige et al., 2011). The transcript levels of
words elongating rice and deepwater rice synonymously in this re- Sub1C are upregulated in deepwater rice and downregulated in the
view. To further eliminate the confusion, there are certain rice vari- Sub1A‐1 genotype (Fukao et al., 2006; Xu et al., 2006). This might be
eties such as Taichung 65, that neither show enhanced elongation, due to the downregulation of GA by Sub1A‐1 (as discussed below).
nor show tolerance due to the lack of the Sub1A‐1 gene. Such Therefore, Sub1A‐1 mediates quiescence response, whereas Sub1C
varieties are mostly non‐deepwater with respect to their ecotype mediates the elongation response to submergence in rice.
(Fukushima et al., 2020; Minami et al., 2018). In the coming sections, we summarize the hormone signalling
networks that mediate submergence tolerance in lowland rice and
how the presence or absence of a single gene defines the response of
3.1 | A single gene SUB1A‐1 mediates the rice plant to submergence stress.
submergence tolerance

Genetic mapping studies associated the tolerant phenotype to a 3.2 | A negative feedback loop between ethylene
single QTL on chromosome 9 named Sub1 (Fukao et al., 2006; Nandi and SUB1A‐1
et al., 1997; Siangliw et al., 2003; Sripongpangkul et al., 2000;
Toojinda et al., 2003; Xu & Mackill, 1996). The Sub1 locus contains In tolerant varieties, ethylene levels show a transient peak upon the
three genes, Sub1A, Sub1B and Sub1C which encode ERFs belonging onset of submergence, following which their levels reduce gradually.
to the subfamily of AP2‐like transcription factors (AP2/ERF; Xu This is in contrast to deepwater rice where ethylene levels are main-
et al., 2006). Out of the three genes, Sub1B and Sub1C are present tained throughout submergence (Van Der Straeten et al., 2001). This
invariably in all the varieties harbouring the Sub1 locus, whereas initial peak of ethylene is sufficient to induce Sub1A‐1, the levels of
Sub1A gene is restricted to only some varieties of the indica germ- which are subsequently maintained by ethylene independent mechan-
plasm that show tolerance to submergence. Genetic analysis revealed isms (Fukao et al., 2006). Interestingly, Sub1A‐1 is the gene that inhibits,
that the populations carrying the Sub1A gene had two alleles, its own activator, that is, ethylene, by a negative feedback loop that
Sub1A‐1 and Sub1A‐2. The tolerant trait is associated with the strong involves OsERF3. OsERF3 belongs to a group of AP2/ERF transcription
upregulation of Sub1A‐1, whereas the Sub1A‐2 allele is poorly in- factors that negatively regulate ethylene signalling pathways as well as
duced during submergence, and plants carrying it are intolerant (Xu ethylene mediated activation of GA (Ohta et al., 2001). OsERF3 is in-
et al., 2006). The only difference between the two alleles is the duced during submergence specifically in tolerant rice varieties and in a
presence of a proline residue at position 186 in Sub1A‐2 instead of a Sub1A‐1 dependent manner (Jung et al., 2010).
serine, in the tolerant allele Sub1A‐1 (Xu et al., 2006). This serine The decrease in ethylene results in the downregulation of all the
residue is a MAP kinase target site and it was observed that it is ethylene regulated genes as well as responses, including GA medi-
phosphorylated by MPK3 which leads to the activation of Sub1A‐1 as ated internode elongation and carbohydrate degradation. This implies
a transcriptional regulator, resulting in subsequent upregulation of its that the downregulation of ethylene leads to the subsequent de-
target genes. On the other hand, due to mutation at the MPK3 crease in GA levels. In other words, we can say that Sub1A‐1 restricts
phosphorylation site, Sub1A‐2 is incapable of activation and there- growth, by breaking the ethylene‐GA positive feedback loop, which is
fore is unable to induce any tolerance related genes (Singh & the initial driving force for the elongation response (Figure 3).

varieties, GA is naturally downregulated by Sub1A‐1 (Fukao &

Bailey‐Serres, 2008). It negatively impacts GA mediated processes
by decreasing GA responsiveness of the tissue. This is done by the
activation of the two GA signalling repressors, SLR1 and SLRL1. As
stated previously, SLR1 is a known DELLA protein, whereas SLRL1,
is distinguished from SLR1 by the lack of DELLA domain (Fukao &
Bailey‐Serres, 2008; Fukazawa et al., 2017). Therefore, in addition
to the disruption of GA‐ethylene feedback regulation, Sub1A‐1
further decreases GA sensitivity by inhibiting the GA signalling
pathway. Another level at which Sub1A‐1 inhibits GA mediated
responses is by the induction of a GA2 oxidase, GA2ox7. GA2
oxidases inhibit GA accumulation by the degradation of bioactive
GAs (Chen, 2018). The activation of GA2ox7 is mediated by a
Sub1A‐1 binding protein called SAB18 (Sub1A binding‐18;
Chen, 2018; Locke et al., 2018). SAB18 is a transcription factor
that is specifically induced in Sub1A‐1 containing genotypes and has
been predicted to function in chromatin remodelling (Chen, 2018).
Surprisingly, SAB18 also interacts with Sub1C, suggesting that this
transcription factor might be an important link, between Sub1A‐1
and Sub1C (Locke et al., 2018). It would be interesting to know the
mechanisms by which SAB18 mediates the crosstalk between two
ERFs having antagonistic functions.
The resulting downregulation of GA would spontaneously lead to
the inhibition of GA mediated responses like carbohydrate degrada-
tion and internode elongation. It is already known that Sub1A‐1 re-
stricts carbohydrate consumption in shoots during submergence
stress (Barding et al., 2012). Also, Fukao et al. (2006) reported a
F I G U R E 3 Hormone signalling networks involved in SUB1A‐ decrease in the expression of genes involved in carbohydrate cata-
mediated quiescence response in rice during submergence. The bolism (e.g., α‐amylase and sucrose synthase) and cell elongation (i.e.,
submergence induced ethylene accumulation is restricted in the expansins) specifically in tolerant varieties. Taken together, it appears
presence of the Sub1A‐1 gene which is an ERF. This leads to a
that in lowland rice, ethylene mediated GA accumulation is reversed
decrease in levels of GA due to the disruption of ethylene‐GA
by the presence of Sub1A‐1, which inhibits GA responses at 3 levels,
feedback loop. Sub1A‐1 also induces BRs which further inhibit GA
accumulation and signalling. With the decrease in GA, there is a namely, biosynthesis, catabolism and signalling. As a result, instead of
decrease in the levels of GA regulated genes that mediate stem GA induction, the submergence induced accumulation of ethylene
elongation and carbohydrate degradation resulting in restricted leads to the downregulation of GA.
growth and sugar consumption (quiescence response). Apart from
this Sub1A‐1 also increases submergence tolerance by
downregulating the senescence‐associated hormones, JA, SA and
ethylene. Red/orange colour represents downregulation/ 3.4 | Synergistic action of Sub1A and
inhibition, whereas black/blue colour represents upregulation/ brassinosteroids
induction. Black dashed arrows indicate the presence of an
unknown relationship [Color figure can be viewed at Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a relatively recent class of plant hor-]
mones that regulate a vast array of genes involved in the growth
and development of plants (Clouse, 2011). They are generally con-
sidered as growth promoters and have been known to promote
3.3 | SUB1A‐1 reverses the effect of ethylene stem elongation in a variety of plants (Mandava, 1988). Further-
mediated GA accumulation more, mutants that have defects in BR biosynthesis or signalling
pathways display dwarf phenotypes (Li & Chory, 1999). However, in
An increase in GA negatively impacts submergence tolerance in rice BRs only induce stem elongation when present in appropriate
environments where elongation ability is not required. This is be- amounts (10−6 to 10−8 M) and inhibit growth at high concentrations
cause GA mediated elongation leads to exhaustion of carbohydrate (>10−8 M; Jeong et al., 2007). Exogenous treatment with brassino-
reserves resulting in severe starvation and hence, low survival lide, an active form of BR, leads to the inhibition of stem elongation
rate (Das et al., 2005; Setter & Laureles, 1996). In tolerant in rice (Schmitz et al., 2013).

During submergence, BRs are specifically upregulated in the toler- A decrease in ABA levels is also a prerequisite for Sub1A‐1
ant rice variety by the Sub1A‐1 gene, whereas no significant change in accumulation as treatment with exogenous ABA resulted in a
its levels is detected in rice lacking Sub1A‐1 (Schmitz et al., 2013). Two decrease in Sub1A‐1 expression (Fukao & Bailey‐Serres, 2008;
BR biosynthetic genes, DWARF1 (DWF1) and DWARF4 (DWF4) are Fukao et al., 2011). In conclusion, ABA is downregulated in both,
upregulated in tolerant rice in a Sub1A‐1 dependent manner (Schmitz elongating as well as tolerant rice varieties, by same mechanisms,
et al., 2013). Also, the BR related genes OsBZR3 and BZS1, are differ- but by different signalling pathways, and the decrease in ABA
entially expressed in Sub1A‐1‐containing and intolerant genotypes. levels is a prerequisite for both the type of flooding responses
OsBZR3 is the rice ortholog of Arabidopsis BZR1, which is involved in the (Figures 2 and 3).
BR signalling pathway (Bai et al., 2007), whereas BZS1 gene of Arabi-
dopsis is a known suppressor of the BR signalling pathway (Sun
et al., 2010). BZR1 is known to suppress BZS1 however, whether the 3.6 | Sub1A‐1 downregulates the expression of
same happens in rice is not known, as functions of both BZR3 and BZS1 salicylic acid and jasmonic acid
have not been well studied in rice. Consistent with the above facts, the
expression of OsBZR3 is upregulated and that of BZS1 is downregulated The plant hormones, ethylene, jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid
by Sub1A‐1 during submergence (Schmitz et al., 2013). Thus in rice, the (SA) are growth inhibitors and have been implicated to be in-
Sub1A‐1 gene induces BRs by increasing their biosynthesis, upregulat- volved in leaf senescence (Zhang & Zhou, 2013). These hormones
ing the genes involved in their signalling pathway and downregulating are known to regulate a number of senescence‐associated genes
the genes that are suppressors of their signalling. (SAGs) that mediate processes like starch and protein hydrolysis
BRs restrict stem elongation by increasing the expression of two and chlorophyll breakdown which are characteristic of senescing
GA inhibitors, SLR1 and GA2ox7. Both these genes and the me- leaves (Morris et al., 2000; Qiu et al., 2015; Reinbothe
chanisms by which they inhibit GA have been discussed above. It et al., 2009). The production of these hormones during biotic and
seems that SLR1 and GA2ox7 are important nodes of crosstalk be- abiotic stresses leads to the induction of SAGs thereby accel-
tween the three hormones; ethylene, GA and BRs. In conclusion, erating the process of senescence. It is known that the high
Sub1A‐1 restricts stem elongation and energy consumption by in- survival rate of the plants tolerant to submergence stress is due to
creasing the levels of BRs, which inhibit GA accumulation as well as their ability to reduce stress‐induced chlorophyll degradation
responsiveness. BRs also induce the expression of Sub1A‐1 by a (Fukao et al., 2006; Sarkar et al., 2001). Consistent with this, the
positive feedback loop. This feedback regulation could further aug- levels of chlorophyll were higher in Sub1A‐1 containing genotype
ment Sub1A‐1 and BR responses, that is, the inhibition of GA which is as compared to the one lacking it, suggesting that Sub1A‐1
the ultimate hormone that mediates stem elongation and carbohy- somehow restricts chlorophyll degradation and leaf senescence
drate degradation (Figure 3). during submergence (Fukao et al., 2006). It inhibits the expression
of SAGs by inhibiting ethylene accumulation as well as down-
regulating JA and SA mediated responses (Fukao et al., 2012).
3.5 | Downregulation of ABA by unknown factors JA is also downregulated in deepwater as well as non‐deepwater
rice varieties that lack the Sub1A‐1 gene, suggesting that it is
ABA is downregulated during submergence in all rice varieties, irre- downregulated during submergence in all rice varieties by
spective of their ability to tolerate/avoid floods. But the signalling Sub1A‐1 dependent as well as independent pathways (Minami
pathways involved in its inhibition may differ among lowland and et al., 2018). One of the known mechanisms by which the en-
deepwater rice. As already mentioned earlier the downregulation of dogenous levels of bioactive JAs are reduced is by the induction
ABA in deepwater rice is mediated by ethylene accumulation. of a JA inactive enzyme, CYP94C4 (Kurotani et al., 2015a; Minami
Whereas, the decrease in ABA levels in tolerant lowland rice is nei- et al., 2018). This gene encodes a cytochrome P450 enzyme that
ther mediated by Sub1A‐1 nor ethylene, but by some other unknown converts JA‐Ile to its inactive form. The overexpression of
factors (Fukao & Bailey‐Serres, 2008; Fukao et al., 2006). We pro- CYP94C2b, a gene from the same family of cytochrome P450
pose that different signalling pathways might be involved in ABA enzymes (CYP94 gene family) leads to enhanced internode elon-
inhibition in deepwater and lowland rice. gation in rice (Kurotani et al., 2015b). Coherently, JA is known to
Although signalling may be different, but the mechanism of ABA suppress GA mediated internode elongation during submergence,
downregulation is the same in both varieties. One is by hydroxylation possibly by the increase in the levels of SLR1 in rice (Minami
of ABA into phaseic acid, and secondly, by the inhibition of ABA et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2012). Moreover, JA also inhibits the
biosynthetic genes. Both of these mechanisms are mediated by accumulation of Sub1A‐1 transcript (Fukao et al., 2012). Thus we
ethylene in deepwater rice, whereas in lowland rice these are medi- propose that, like ABA, the downregulation of JA is also a pre-
ated by some other unknown factor (Fukao & Bailey‐Serres, 2008; requisite for both the tolerance and the escape response to
Saika et al., 2007; Yang & Choi, 2006). submergence stress in rice.

F I G U R E 4 Comparison of the hormone levels in lowland (SUB1A1) and deepwater rice before and after submergence. In air ethylene, GA,
ABA, auxin, BR, JA and SA are at normal levels which are required for normal growth and development. Upon submergence, there is a change in
the levels of these hormones, but they are regulated differently between the SUB1A1 containing lowland rice, and deepwater rice. In lowland
rice, there is an initial increase in ethylene due to entrapment of the gas in the intercellular spaces (highlighted in red). Ethylene triggers the
expression of SUB1A1 which inhibits ethylene expression by a negative feedback loop (highlighted in red). Additionally, the hormones, GA, ABA,
JA and SA are downregulated whereas BR is upregulated in a SUB1A1‐dependent manner. The downregulation of ethylene and GA majorly
contributes to the inhibition of growth‐related activities in lowland rice and the upregulation of BR leads to the activation of SUB1A1 mediated
quiescence response. On the other hand, in deepwater rice, the levels of the growth stimulating hormones ethylene, GA and auxins increase
many folds leading to enhanced stem elongation, whereas the inhibition of ABA and JA is necessary for the GA‐ and ethylene‐mediated escape
response. Hormones in the green box represent upregulated, and those in the orange box represent downregulated ones [Color figure can
be viewed at]

4 | C ONC LUS I ON The plant hormones have the ability to communicate with each
other and collectively mediate plant responses to specific environ-
Rice has devised flood avoidance and flood tolerance as the two mental cues. This communication is established by a set of molecules
strategies to cope with submergence stress. Both these strategies that interact among themselves leading to the formation of a complex
are based on contrasting physiological mechanisms which are network that is tightly regulated. The formation of such a highly
regulated by a set of plant hormones. The hormones ethylene, regulated network means that a change in the level of even a single
auxin and GA positively regulate the elongation response, protein would lead to the change in the dynamics of all the players
whereas, BRs at high concentrations inhibit it. ABA and JA on the involved in the hormonal crosstalk, resulting in distinct phenotypic
other hand inhibit both the type of responses to submergence responses. One such protein that is the point of crosstalk between
stress and their levels are kept low by distinct signalling pathways several hormones is, Sub1A‐1 which is specifically involved in sub-
in deepwater and Sub1A‐1 containing rice. We now know that GA mergence tolerance, having no role in normal growth‐related pro-
is the ultimate hormone whose levels define the type of response cesses (Fukao et al., 2006). It is induced by submergence‐induced
of the rice plant to submergence stress. The role of this hormone ethylene accumulation and it directly or indirectly regulates the levels
becomes pivotal because it directly mediates the two responses of the hormones: ethylene, BRs, GA, JA and SA. Sub1A‐1 is only
that are critical to the survival of the plant during submergence, found in some varieties of low land rice and is associated with the
that is, internode elongation and carbohydrate degradation. Both tolerant phenotype (Table 1). Due to its crosstalk with so many
ethylene and auxin induce GA accumulation as well as sensing, hormones, the presence or absence of Sub1A‐1 entirely defines the
whereas BRs, ABA and JA inhibit it. If the levels of GA are high in type of response that the plant will exhibit during submergence
the internodal tissue, the plant will show rapid internode elon- (Fukao et al., 2006; Xu et al., 2006; Figure 3).
gation and massive carbohydrate mobilization. On the other hand, In deepwater rice, where Sub1A‐1 is absent, submergence cau-
if the levels of the hormone are low, the plant shows restricted ses the accumulation of ethylene, which induces GAs and auxins and
growth and metabolic activities. A simplified pictorial re- inhibits ABA. The increase in levels of GA and auxin and decrease in
presentation of roles of different plant growth hormones before ABA levels further augments ethylene synthesis by feedback
and after submergence in lowland and deepwater rice is depicted regulation. The net result of the crosstalk is an increase in the
in Figure 4. levels of GA, hence, resulting in an elongation response (Figure 2).

TABLE 1 List of genes mediating hormonal crosstalk during submergence

Hormones Induced/ Relationship between

Gene showing crosstalk Function involved Repressed by Target genes identified Effect of Cross talk hormones References

OsEIL1a ERF Ethylene, GA Induced by SD1 (GA Biosynthesis) GA accumulation Synergistic Kuroha et al. (2018)

OsEIL1b ERF Ethylene, GA Induced by SK1, SK2 GA accumulation Synergistic Hattori et al. (2009)

OsEATB ERF Ethylene, GA Inhibited by OsCPS2 (GA GA accumulation Synergistic Qi et al. (2011)
ethylene Biosynthesis)

OsABA8ox1 Degradation of ABA Ethylene, ABA Induced by – ABA decreases Antagonistic Yang and Choi (2006), Saika
ethylene et al. (2007)

OsZEP OsNCED1 ABA biosynthesis Ethylene, ABA Inhibited by – ABA decrease Antagonistic Choi (2007)
OsNCED2 ethylene

OsACS5 Ethylene biosynthesis Ethylene, Inhibited by ABA – Ethylene decreases Antagonistic Van der Straetn et al. (2001)
Induced by GA – Ethylene Synergistic

OsACS1 Ethylene biosynthesis Ethylene, Auxin Induced by auxin – Ethylene accumulation Synergistic Zarembinski and Theologis (1993)

miR393 Degradation of auxin Auxin, ABA induced by ABA OsTIR1/OsAFB2 (auxin Inhibition of auxin Antagonistic Guo et al. (2016), Navarro
receptors receptors) signalling et al. (2006)

OsSLR1 Repressed GA Ethylene, BR, GA Inhibited by – Positive effect on GA Synergistic Fukao and Bailey‐Serres (2008),
signalling ethylene signalling Fukao et al. (2006), Schmitz
et al. (2013)

Induced by BR – Negative effect on GA Antagonistic Schmitz et al. (2013)


GA2ox7 Degradation of BR, GA Induced by BR – Decrease in GA Antagonistic Chen (2018), Schmitz et al. (2013)
bioactive GA

SUB1A ERF Ethylene, GA, BR Induced by – Decrease in GA Antagonistic Fukao and Bailey‐Serres (2008),
ethylene Fukao et al. (2006)

DWF1, DWF4, BR accumulation and Synergistic Schmitz et al. (2013)

OsBZR3, BZS1 signalling

To manifest this hormone‐mediated elongation response, the deep- are observed to inhibit stem elongation at concentrations more than
water varieties have evolved many mechanisms at the molecular level 10−8 M. BRs, negatively regulate GA by inducing an enzyme that
during the course of evolution. Firstly, SD1, the GA biosynthetic gene degrades bioactive GAs. Furthermore, they inhibit GA responses by
is specifically induced by ethylene, only in deepwater rice, and not in inducing the GA signalling repressor SLR1. The DELLA protein SLR1
non‐deepwater rice varieties, even though ethylene is induced in is a major point of crosstalk between ethylene, JA, GA and BRs
both (Kuroha et al., 2018; Minami et al., 2018). These findings are (Table 1). It is inhibited by ethylene in deepwater rice, whereas, in
suggestive of the existence of an unknown suppressor of ethylene‐ lowland rice not only SLR1 is released from ethylene inhibition, but is
inducible (OsEIL1a mediated) activation of SD1 which was probably further induced by BRs. Both of these mechanisms occur in a
lost from the deepwater rice germplasm during the course of evo- Sub1A‐1 dependent manner. BRs are not induced in genotypes
lution as a consequence of selection (Kuroha et al., 2018). Secondly, lacking Sub1A‐1. This differential regulation of BRs significantly
the group VII ERFs, SK1 and SK2 genes that mediate internode contributes to the differences in hormone signalling networks be-
elongation are expressed only in deepwater rice and are either lost or tween deepwater and lowland rice. In conclusion, the presence of
have a loss of function mutation in non‐deepwater varieties (Hattori Sub1A‐1 leads to inhibition of GAs, resulting in restricted growth and
et al., 2009). Their specificity to the elongation response in deep- low energy consumption.
water varieties and their high similarity to the SUB1A gene (Hattori What happens to auxins in presence of Sub1A‐1? We know that
et al., 2009), mark them as important candidates for further in- the increase in ethylene levels and decrease in ABA concentrations
vestigation on the associated molecular pathways and mechanisms. lead to the upregulation of auxins, in deepwater rice. Auxins favour
Thirdly, two novel genes ACCELERATOR OF INTERNODE ELONGA- the elongation response by increasing the activity of GAs. Due to
TION1 (AEC1) and DECELERATOR OF INTERNODE ELONGATION1 their role in stem elongation, one would expect them to be down-
(DEC1) have been recently identified, that antagonistically regulated regulated in varieties of lowland rice that show restricted growth. But
internode elongation in concert with GA in rice. As the name suggests we do not know what actually happens to auxins in the presence of
ACE1 promotes internode elongation by making the IM cells com- Sub1A‐1. According to the known crosstalk of auxins with ethylene,
petent for cell division in presence of GA, whereas the DEC1 is a ABA and GA, the decrease in ethylene levels should lead to the de-
suppressor of internode elongation. The full‐length functional allele crease in auxins, whereas the decrease in ABA should induce auxin
of AEC1 is essential for internodal elongation at the vegetative stage accumulation. Owing to the fact that GA levels are low in lowland
and any mutation in this gene leads to a shorter phenotype. On the rice, we give more weightage to the possibility of auxins being
other hand, the GA mediated downregulation of DEC1 promotes downregulated in the presence of Sub1A‐1. Adding more to the
internode elongation irrespective of the presence or absence of a complexity, even if auxin levels do not decrease in lowland rice, their
functional allele of this gene (Nagai et al., 2020). It is believed that the effect on internode elongation might be neutralized by the presence
functional version of ACE1 along with the GA repressed DEC1 are of BRs. In Arabidopsis, BZR1, directly binds to the promoter of ARF7,
present in deepwater rice varieties, contributing to the escape an auxin response factor that mediates auxin responses. The binding
strategy. In parallel, the inactive form of ACE1 and the active form of of BZR1 leads to the inhibition of transcription of ARF7 resulting in
DEC1 were selected during the domestication of rice growing in non‐ repression of auxin responses (Zhou et al., 2013). Even though
deepwater conditions (Bailey‐Serres & Voesenek, 2020). It is already OsBZR3, the rice ortholog of BZR1, is induced by Sub1A‐1, we do
reported that AEC1 is induced both by deepwater conditions and not know if the same regulates any ARFs in rice (Bai et al., 2007;
upon GA treatment (Nagai et al., 2020). To get more insight into their Schmitz et al., 2013). Therefore, it is difficult to predict the changes in
role in elongation response, it would be interesting to know how auxin signalling pathways in presence of Sub1A‐1. It would be in-
AEC1 and DEC1 are regulated by GA and whether these genes are teresting to know, how the Sub1A‐1 mediated changes in hormone
associated with ethylene. These results highlight the significance of signal pathways affect auxin signalling.
genes that serve as a node for crosstalk between plant hormones, in Since Sub1A‐1 is the master regulator of the quiescence re-
responses of plants to developmental and environmental cues. Such sponse to submergence stress in rice, it becomes imperative to
genes when subjected to forces of natural selection and domestica- highlight the molecular aspects of the mechanisms and the pathways
tion show adaptive radiation and provide flexibility to the plants to involved. One such striking feature is that the gene (along with SK1
cope with diverse environmental conditions. Mutations or deletions and SK2) belongs to the subgroup VII of ERF transcription factors
of these genes lead to the activation of distinct signalling pathways that act as oxygen sensors via the N‐end rule pathway (Gibbs
thereby resulting in different responses (Table 2). et al., 2011; Licausi et al., 2011). The N‐end rule pathway substrates
Similarly, in lowland rice, the presence of Sub1A‐1 leads to a contain destabilizing residues in their amino terminal, known as
drastic change in the signalling pathways. Firstly, Sub1A‐1 restricts N‐degron that makes them targets of proteolysis by E3 ubiquitin
ethylene synthesis, resulting in a gradual decrease in ethylene levels ligases (Graciet & Wellmer, 2010). It is believed that these proteins
with time. Since ethylene is the perpetrator of GA and GA mediated sense oxygen by oxidation of the tertiary destabilizing cysteine re-
responses, the inhibition of ethylene leads to the attenuation of the sidue at the second position of the N‐terminal leading to its targeted
ethylene—GA feedback loop. The final outcome of ethylene inhibition proteolysis. Stabilization of these proteins during hypoxic conditions
is the decrease in GA levels. Secondly, Sub1A‐1 induces BRs, which leads to activation of downstream hypoxia response genes and

T A B L E 2 Differential regulation of genes involved in biosynthesis and signalling of various hormones between deepwater and Sub1A‐1
containing rice

Effect on
Hormone Gene Function Hormone Deepwater Sub1A‐1 rice References

Ethylene OsACS5 Biosynthesis Positive Upregulated – Van der Straetn et al. (2001), Zhou
et al. (2001)

OsACS1 Biosynthesis Positive Upregulated – Zarembinski and Theologis (1997)

OsACO1 Biosynthesis Positive Upregulated – Mekhedov and Kende (1996),

Van der Straetn et al. (2001)

OsERL1 Signalling Positive Upregulated – Watanabe et al. (2004)

OsERF3 Signalling Negative – Upregulated Jung et al. (2010), Ohta et al. (2001)

GA SD1 (GA20ox2) Biosynthesis Positive Upregulated – Choi (2007)

GA20ox4 Biosynthesis Positive Upregulated – Choi (2007)

GA3ox1 Biosynthesis Positive Upregulated – Choi (2007)

SLR1 Signalling Negative Downregulated Upregulated Fukao and Bailey‐Serres (2008),

Fukao et al. (2006), Schmitz
et al. (2013)

SLRL1 Signalling Negative Downregulated – Fukao et al. (2006)

SK1 Transcription Positive Upregulated – Hattori et al. (2009)


SK2 Transcription Positive Upregulated – Hattori et al. (2009)


OsCPS2 Biosynthesis Positive Upregulated – Qi et al. (2011)

GA2ox7 Biosynthesis Negative – Upregulated Chen (2018), Schmitz et al. (2013)

ABA ABA8ox1 Biosynthesis Negative Upregulated – Yang and Choi (2006),

Saika et al. (2007)

OsZEP Biosynthesis Positive Downregulated – Choi (2007), Saika et al. (2007)

OsNCED1 Biosynthesis Positive Downregulated – Choi (2007), Saika et al. (2007)

OsNCED2 Biosynthesis Positive Downregulated – Choi (2007), Saika et al. (2007)

OsNCED3 Biosynthesis Positive Downregulated – Choi (2007), Saika et al. (2007)

OsNCED5 Biosynthesis Positive Downregulated – Choi (2007), Saika et al. (2007)

Auxin OsTIR1/ Signalling Positive Upregulated – Guo et al. (2016)


BR OsDWARF1 Biosynthesis Positive Upregulated (slightly) Upregulated Schmitz et al. (2013)

OsDWARF4 Biosynthesis Positive No change Upregulated Schmitz et al. (2013)

OsBZR3 Signalling Positive No change Upregulated Schmitz et al. (2013)

BZS1 Signalling Negative Downregulated Downregulated Schmitz et al. (2013)


therefore enhanced survival of the plant subjected to low‐oxygen transcript is induced by other abiotic stresses like, prolonged dark-
stress. Interestingly, in spite of having the characteristic N‐degron ness, osmotic and drought stress and enhances recovery from these
sequence, Sub1A‐1 is not a substrate of the N‐end rule pathway and stresses (Fukao et al., 2011, 2012). It delays dark‐induced senescence
is therefore stable in normoxic conditions also. This is because the and dampens damage caused during de‐submergence (Alpuerto
C‐terminal region directly interacts with the N‐terminal region, and et al., 2016; Fukao et al., 2012). When the plants are submerged they
protects it from degradation (Lin et al., 2019). The uncoupling of encounter multiple stresses, including low light, low oxygen and os-
Sub1A‐1 from the N‐end rule pathway and its enhanced stability motic stress. Moreover, as floodwaters recede the plants are abruptly
during normal conditions, suggests that it might have a role in other subjected to another set of stresses like, high oxygen, high light and
plant responses. Consistently, it has been reported that Sub1A‐1 dehydration. Therefore the high stability of Sub1A‐1 due to escape

from the N‐end rule pathway serves as an evolutionary mechanism only gene conferring tolerance to plants. Some highly tolerant vari-
for enhanced flood tolerance at many levels (further justified below). eties like Auspachali and Pelbeda and moderately tolerant varieties
Given the significance of this gene in submergence tolerance and its like Lathipatni, Katrangi, Gitanjalipatni, Gopalbhog and Dorsal III do
interaction with numerous proteins as reported by Seo et al. (2011), not possess the Sub1A‐1 gene (Samal et al., 2014). Similarly, some
Sub1A‐1 and its downstream targets have important implications in wild rice genotypes belonging to the C genome group lack this gene
studies involving the development of flood‐tolerant varieties. For and show Sub1A‐1 independent tolerance to submergence stress
example, ERF66 and ERF67 are two group VII ERF transcription (Niroula et al., 2012; Okishio et al., 2015). While studying the allelic
factors that act downstream of Sub1A‐1, but unlike Sub1A‐1 they are diversity at the Sub1 locus from the gene bank of BRRI (Bangladesh
under the regulation of N‐end rule pathway during hypoxia (Lin Rice Research Institute) it was found that the cultivars, DG1‐349,
et al., 2019). Subsequent analysis revealed that the Sub1A‐1 regu- Kalojoma, DSL‐78‐8, Damsi and Putidepa show greater submergence
lated genes could be divided into two groups, one including genes tolerance than FR13A, the tolerant check. These cultivars also lacked
whose regulation is dependent on ERF66/67 and the other which the Sub1A‐1 allele, and the Sub1A variant present in these cultivars
includes genes that are solely regulated by Sub1A‐1 (Lin et al., 2019). showed poor induction during submergence (Iftekharuddaula
Accordingly, ERF66 and ERF67 individual overexpression lines were et al., 2016). All these results suggest the presence of additional
also submergence tolerant. These results suggest that the presence mechanisms of submergence tolerance in rice that must be in-
of ERF66/67 is essential for Sub1A‐1 mediated submergence toler- vestigated and understood. Also, such genotypes can be used as
ance response making these genes equally important as Sub1A‐1 potential genetic sources for identifying novel signalling pathways
and additional targets for further molecular studies and breeding and genes that mediate submergence tolerance.
programs. Furthermore, the difference in the tolerance ability of FR13A, the
variety from which the Sub1A‐1 gene was discovered, and various
Sub1 introgression lines indicates the presence of additional QTLs
5 | F UT UR E P R O S PE C TS that contribute to the tolerant phenotype (Singh et al., 2014; Xu
et al., 2006). In a similar study, it was observed that the lowland rice
Due to the unpredictable nature of monsoon rainfall and climate variety Goda Heenati showed lower tolerance in comparison to
change, developing rice varieties that are tolerant to a wide range of FR13A, in spite of the presence of the Sub1A‐1 gene. Transcriptomic
flooding regimes is the need of the hour. To successfully breed such analysis revealed that 2 genes were oppositely regulated between
varieties, it is important to gain a clear picture on the various me- FR13A and Goda Heenati and 324 genes were expressed only in one
chanisms of submergence tolerance in rice. Earlier it was believed of the two genotypes, whereas their expression remained unchanged
that Sub1A‐1 is only expressed during submergence and its role is in the other (Xiong et al., 2012). Genetic mapping studies aiming at
limited to submergence tolerance in rice. With further studies, it was QTL mining for submergence tolerance, identified several non‐SUB1
found that the gene is involved in various physiological processes and QTLs from diverse rice germplasms, having significant contributions
enhances tolerance of the rice plant to other abiotic stresses also. to the tolerant phenotype (Gonzaga et al., 2016, 2017; Septiningsih
Given the diverse roles of this gene in stress responses and the large et al., 2012; Singh et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2017). Identification and
number of Sub1A‐1 interacting proteins predicted by Seo functional characterization of the genes associated with these QTLs
et al. (2011), investigation of its role in other biotic and abiotic would help us to identify additional physiological mechanisms that
stresses that have not been reported would help in establishing it as a enhance the survival of the plants during submergence. Furthermore,
candidate gene for producing highly resilient crops. Moreover, introgression and pyramiding of such genes in high yielding varieties
characterization of its interacting proteins would help us understand would provide food security and benefit to farmers.
the molecular mechanisms underlying Sub1A‐1 mediated responses. As compared to the amount of rice germplasm present in nature,
Also, the ERF transcription factors, SK1/SK2 and ERF66/67, have the genotypes that we have studied till now are only the tip of the
emerged as key submergence response genes that belong to the iceberg. Scanning diverse rice genotypes for their submergence tol-
same class of ERF transcription factors but mediate two entirely erance abilities would not only help us identify genotypes with high
different responses of the rice plant to submergence stress. How- tolerance ability to a broad range of flooding types but also discover
ever, too little is known about the mechanisms and the downstream unique physiological mechanisms by which rice plants adapt to sub-
targets of these transcription factors. Molecular studies aiming to mergence stress. Such genotypes could be further used to under-
find their target genes and their association with various plant hor- stand the signalling pathways and molecular mechanisms by which
mones would give a clear picture of the submergence tolerance plant hormones mediate these adaptive responses in rice.
mechanisms in rice. This would also help us gain an insight into how
rice has evolved different strategies to cope with different kinds of ACKNOWLEDGME NT S
flooding regimes. LM thanks the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Govern-
Our current knowledge of submergence tolerance mechanisms in ment of India while ST thanks the University Grants Commission,
rice is based on the limited number of genotypes that have been Government of India for fellowships. AKS thanks TATA Innovation
studied so far. Recent studies suggest that Sub1A‐1 might not be the fellowship from the Department of Biotechnology and Sir J.C. Bose

fellowship from the Science and Engineering Research Board, Cho, H.T. & Kende, H. (1998) Tissue localization of expansins in
Government of India. The authors thank Surender Mittal for critical deepwater rice. The Plant Journal, 15(6), 805–812.
Choi, D. (2007) Ethylene‐induced stem growth of deepwater rice is correlated
reading and editing the manuscript.
with expression of gibberellin‐and abscisic acid‐biosynthetic genes.
Journal of Plant Biology, 50(5), 595–599.
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