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Enclosure D.

Contest Rules and Mechanics


I. Participants in the Quiz Bee

1. The contest is open to any bona fide students of Parklane Elementary
2. (2) Two representatives per section from Grades 4 to 6 will participate
in the Elimination round.
3. The top 10 participants will compete in the final round.

II. Scope and Coverage

1. The quiz bee will focus on the Edsa People Power Revolution.
2. Questions will cover the historical background, key events, significant
personalities, and the impact of the revolution.
3. There shall be two (2) rounds in the contest: Elimination and Final

III. Guidelines and Mechanics of the Contest

A. Elimination Round
1. The Elimination Round is written in nature and shall be participated
in by all registered students.
2. The Elimination Round shall be conducted on Monday, 26 February
2024 at 10:00-11:00 AM and 1:00 – 2:00 PM in _________________.
3. There shall be twenty (20) questions to be answered by the
participants within thirty (30) minutes.
4. The papers will be evaluated and verified by the Quiz Bee Committee
5. The top ten (10) participants shall join in the Final Round.

B. Final Round
1. The Final Round shall be conducted on Tuesday, 27 February 2024
from 1:00-2:00 pm.
2. During the contest proper the following materials will be used:
 Show me board
 Writing material (Marker/ chalk)
 Eraser
3. A Quiz Master, a Timer, and a Scorer shall be assigned to facilitate
the competition.
4. Participants will be given a total of twenty (20) questions, of which
eight (8) are easy, six (6) are average and six (6) are difficult.
5. Points for every correct answer shall be given as follows: One point (1)
for easy questions (multiple choice), Two (2) points for average
questions (identification), and Three (3) points for difficult questions
In case of a tie, 3 clincher questions will be asked until a winner
6. Participants shall be given ten (10) seconds for Easy, twelve (12)
seconds for Average, and fifteen (15) seconds for difficult round to
answer the questions.
7. The Quizmaster shall read each question twice while the question
itself will be flashed on a screen for the contestant to see. After the
second reading, the quizmaster shall say the word “GO”. Only then
the contestants shall begin writing their answers on their Show Me
After the time limit the quizmaster will say “Raise your board”. Then
the contestants must raise their answers to the audience and the
Quiz Bee committee until such time that the facilitators have verified
or confirmed the answer.
Wrong spelling is wrong, and an incomplete answer will also be
marked as wrong.
8. The scores in the three (3) rounds will be added. The highest scorer
after the third round will be declared the 1st place winner with the two
succeeding scorers as 2nd and 3rd placer.
9. The committee’s decision during the contest is final and non-

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