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PLANT SCIENCE Equal inheritance and dilution of KRP4

Dilution of the retinoblastoma (RB) protein or
Cell size controlled in plants using DNA content the functionally equivalent Whi5 protein links
the G1/S transition to cell size in mammals
as an internal scale and yeast, respectively (6, 14). In plants, RB is
conserved (17, 18) and its function in delaying
S-phase is promoted by Kip-related proteins
Marco D'Ario1, Rafael Tavares1, Katharina Schiessl1†, Bénédicte Desvoyes3, Crisanto Gutierrez3,
(KRPs), which inhibit D-type cyclins (19). Un-
Martin Howard2, Robert Sablowski1*
like in mammals and yeast, an Arabidopsis RB
reporter (RBR1-GFP) (20) was not diluted by
How eukaryotic cells assess and maintain sizes specific for their species and cell type remains unclear. growth of meristem cells; instead, we saw that
We show that in the Arabidopsis shoot stem cell niche, cell size variability caused by asymmetric concentration of a functional KRP4-GFP fusion
divisions is corrected by adjusting the growth period before DNA synthesis. KIP-related protein 4 (KRP4) (21) was negatively correlated with cell size (fig.
inhibits progression to DNA synthesis and associates with mitotic chromosomes. The F BOX-LIKE 17 S2). Moreover, a comparable KRP4-mCherry
(FBL17) protein removes excess KRP4. Consequently, daughter cells are born with comparable amounts reporter (fig. S3) was present in similar amounts
of KRP4. Inhibitor dilution models predicted that KRP4 inherited through chromatin would robustly in sister cells of equal size but was more con-
regulate size, whereas inheritance of excess free KRP4 would disrupt size homeostasis, as confirmed by centrated in the small sister cells of asymmetric
mutant analyses. We propose that a cell cycle regulator, stabilized by association with mitotic pairs (Fig. 2, A and C). Similar results were seen
chromosomes, reads DNA content as a cell size–independent scale. using KRP4-GFP and sister cell pairs assigned
based on cell geometry (fig. S4, A to F). Thus, we

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hypothesized that asynchronous G1/S progres-
ell size affects cell physiology, signaling, also responds to meristem cell size (13). Here, we sion in sister cells could be mediated by an
and tissue mechanics (1, 2). During pro- show that meristem cells link their size to the G1/S asymmetric concentration of KRP4, which delays
liferation, cell size depends on the balance progression using chromosomes as a template to progression to the G1/S transition.
between cell growth and cell division. allow inheritance of a cell cycle regulator in a KRP4 concentration would reflect size at
From bacteria to humans, feedback be- quantity independent of cell size. birth if sister cells had comparable numbers of
tween these two processes enforces predicta- KRP4 proteins. A mechanism for equal distribu-
ble and uniform cell sizes, counteracting the Size asymmetry is corrected in G1 tion was apparent from the association of KRP4
individual variability introduced, for example, Frequent asymmetric divisions introduce cell with chromosomes during mitosis (Fig. 2B and
by imprecise divisions. The molecular basis for size variability in the meristem (11, 12). If the fig. S7) (22). Accordingly, total KRP4 did not
these feedbacks remains uncertain (2, 3). progression from G1 to S phase were linked to correlate strongly with the asymmetry of sis-
Most proteins and cellular components ac- cell size, then asymmetrically sized sister cells ter cell volumes (Fig. 2D and fig. S4G). Time
cumulate in proportion to cell size and there- should enter the S phase at different times. To courses aligned at cell division showed that
fore cannot be used as internal standards to test this prediction, we monitored G1 progres- the overall levels of KRP4-mCherry rose in the
measure growth (4–6). Several models for cell sion in relation to cell size using a reporter based last few hours before mitosis, continued to in-
size control are based on cell cycle regulators on the prereplication factor CDC10 Target1 crease in early G1, then declined to a minimum
that break this rule and do not scale linearly (CDT1)-like protein a (CDT1a), which increases at the G1/S transition (Fig. 2, B, E, and F).
with cell size, such as Whi5 in budding yeast during G1 and drops at the G1/S transition (16) Together, these results suggested a mechanism
(6), CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE G1 (CDKG1) (Fig. 1 and fig. S1D). Cell growth and prolifer- in which equal inheritance of KRP4 associated
in Chlamydomonas (7), and Cell Division Cycle ation were not adversely affected by imaging with chromosomes results in a higher KRP4
25 (Cdc25) in fission yeast (8). Other models over 48 hours (fig. S1, A to C). Live tracking of concentration at birth in smaller cells. Consid-
suggest accumulation of regulators in structures CDT1a-CFP expression during this time showed ering that nuclear volume increases in propor-
that do not scale with cell volume, as proposed that larger sister cells went more rapidly through tion to cell size (fig. S5) (12), smaller cells would
for binding of Cyclin 3 (Cln3) to promoters in G1, both in individual cell pairs (Fig. 1, E to H) then require a longer period of growth to di-
budding yeast (9) and accumulation of Cell and at the population level (Fig. 1I). Mitosis lute KRP4 sufficiently to overcome its inhibi-
Division Response 2 (Cdr2) in the medial cortex increased the coefficient of variation of cell tory effect on G1 progression.
of fission yeast (10). volumes (11), but by the G1/S transition, var- To ensure equal inheritance, the accumu-
The plant cell cycle includes DNA synthesis iability returned to that seen just before mitosis lation of KRP4 by the end of G2 should not
(S) and mitotic (M) phases separated by two gap (Fig. 1J). Correction of variability might result exceed the amount that can be carried on the
phases (G1 and G2), typical of eukaryotic cells. from faster growth of smaller sister cells, which replicated chromatin. The levels of KRP pro-
Progression through the cell cycle is adjusted to was seen after normalization to cancel local teins are regulated by targeted proteolysis as
cell size in the shoot meristem, a self-renewing growth heterogeneity (12), but we could not mediated by the F-box protein FBL17, which
structure that originates and patterns all new detect a correlation between relative growth physically interacts with KRP4 (23). A func-
aerial organs (11–13). As in budding yeast and rates and either birth size asymmetry or cell tional FBL17-GFP fusion driven by the FBL17
mammals (6, 14), meristem cell size is coordinated size in general (fig. S1, F and G). Faster growth promoter (23) was seen in nuclei with low
with the G1/S transition (15), although G2 length of small sister cells could have been obscured levels of KRP4-mCherry in cells within the size
by noise in our data but would still have range expected for G2 (Fig. 3, A and B). To test
gradually reduced size differences. However, whether FBL17 lowers KRP4 levels, we used
Cell and Developmental Biology, John Innes Centre, Norwich the volume coefficient of variation remained plants with FBL17 function inhibited by an
NR4 7UH, UK. 2Computational and Systems Biology, John
Innes Centre, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK. 3Centro de Biología constant over time after mitosis (Fig. 1K). We inducible microRNA (miRNA) (24) (fig. S6)
Molecular Severo Ochoa, CSIC-UAM, Cantoblanco, 28049 conclude that meristem cells counteract size because homozygous fbl17 mutants can only
Madrid, Spain. variability caused by asymmetric divisions be recovered at a very low frequency (25). In
*Corresponding author. Email:
†Present address: Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge University, primarily by linking the timing of progres- those that we could recover, the KRP4 reporters
Cambridge CB2 1LR, UK. sion through G1 to birth size. appeared to be silenced beyond the seedling

D'Ario et al., Science 372, 1176–1181 (2021) 11 June 2021 1 of 6


Fig. 1. Size-dependent G1/S pro-

gression in the shoot meristem.
(A to D) Tracking of cell growth and
division: Three-dimensional (3D)
confocal images of a representative
inflorescence meristem expressing
the plasma membrane marker
pUBQ10::acyl-YFP (12) at 0 (A) and
48 (C) hours, with corresponding
segmented images [(B) and (D)];
selected cells within 40 mm of
the meristem center in (D) are
shown in the same color as their
progenitors in (B). Scale bars,
50 mm. (E to H) Size-dependent
G1/S progression shown by
CDT1a-CFP expression in
symmetrical [(E) and (F)] and
asymmetrical [(G) and (H)] sister
cells. In (E) and (G), top panels

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show confocal images of
CDT1a-CFP expression (cyan
signal) in sister cells (circled) at
different time points, with the
corresponding segmented
images below. Scale bars, 50 mm.
In (F) and (H), volume (green
triangles) and CDT1a concentra-
tion (magenta circles) over
time for the sisters shown in (E)
and (G), respectively; arrowheads
indicate mitosis (M) and the
start of S-phase (G1-S). (I) Differ-
ence in CDT1a signal density
(nuclear signal divided by nuclear
volume) between larger and
smaller sister cells plotted against
asymmetry in sister volumes,
measured within 6 hours of mitosis
(271 sister pairs from four
meristems); green bars indicate
the 95% confidence interval for
the mean difference in each
interval. (J) Distribution of the
relative deviation from mean
volume and overall coefficient of
variance (CV) for cells just before
mitosis (blue), at birth (green),
and at G1/S (magenta); dark colors
correspond to the subset of cells
that could be tracked from M to
G1/S. (K) Boxplots and individual
CV values (four biological replicates) for cells just before mitosis (blue), at progressive times after birth (green), and at G1/S (magenta).

stage. Meristems with inhibited FBL17 had ab- from mother cells. The KRP4-GFP signal re- Quantitative models of KRP4 function
normally large cells (as seen in the fbl17 mutant; mained comparable in mitotic chromosomes of As described above, KRP4 inherited in equal
Figs. 3, D and E, and 4) with excess KRP4-GFP the wild-type and miRNA lines, implying that amounts on chromatin is expected to constrain
more evident in larger cells (Fig. 3, D and E). excess KRP4 inherited through mitosis would cell size variability at G1/S. Conversely, free
miRNA inhibition of FBL17 also increased be diluted in the cytoplasm, although the expected KRP4 would be transmitted to daughter cells
KRP4-GFP in cells <150 mm3, which were ex- increase in concentration would be difficult to in proportion to their volume and should am-
pected to be in G1 and therefore not to express detect (fig. S7). We conclude that FBL17 prevents plify size differences during exponential cell
FBL17, suggesting that excess KRP4 was inherited excessive accumulation of KRP4 during G2. growth, which occurs in the meristem (fig. S1E)

D'Ario et al., Science 372, 1176–1181 (2021) 11 June 2021 2 of 6


(12). To predict the outcome of these opposing KRP4 were chromatin bound, then population size variability but could be overwhelmed by
effects, we initially used numerical simulations cell sizes would be stable and proportional to excess free KRP4. These predictions follow
with values for division asymmetry, cell growth total KRP4 levels. Second, if cells inherited only from the summarizing equation in Fig. 4A:
rates, and variation in KRP4 accumulation free KRP4, then cell sizes would be unstable KRP4 bound to chromatin (magenta term)
sampled from experimental data (Fig. 4A, and spiral either up or down to ever smaller made a constant contribution to cell volume at
fig. S8, and dataset S3). The simulations made cells. Third, if cells inherited both bound and G1/S (VS), whereas the contribution of KRP4
three predictions (Fig. 4B). First, if all inherited free KRP4, then bound KRP4 would buffer cell inherited in the nucleoplasm (green term) was
proportional to volume at birth (V0) and thus
could not correct size variation. Production of
KRP4 in early G1 did not scale up with cell size
and was comparable between sister cells (fig.
S4, H and I), so on average, the black term was
also independent of V0. The reason that size-
independent accumulation of KRP4 extended
from late G2 into early G1 remains unknown.
However, because most of the KRP4 pres-
ent in G1 was inherited from mother cells,
we consider that production of KRP4 in G2
has the primary role in linking G1 duration
to cell size.

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An assumption of our model is that KRP4
accumulates on chromosomes in late G2, whereas
the steady-state levels of free KRP4 are kept
low. This might happen if association with con-
densing chromosomes renders KRP4 inaccessible
to FBL17-promoted degradation. Another as-
sumption is that some of the chromatin-bound
KRP4 is released to the nucleoplasm during G1.
To understand how changes in the dynamics of
KRP4 accumulation and binding to chromatin
could generate the behavior described in Fig.
4A, we developed a mathematical model based
on differential equations for the association,
dissociation, production, and degradation of
KRP4 (Fig. 4C and fig. S8). Assuming that the
pool of chromatin-bound KRP4 is in quasi–
steady state with respect to the concentration
of free KRP4 and ignoring the contribution of
KRP4 synthesis and degradation in early G1
(which can be assumed to add a constant
value to VS; see the supplementary materials),
the model yields an equation for VS compa-
rable to the one used in the numerical sim-
ulations (fig. S8). Thus, our conceptual model
(Fig. 4A) can be derived from changes in KRP4
turnover and affinity for chromatin during the
cell cycle. The mathematical model also illus-
trated (Fig. 4C) how decreased dissociation
from chromatin could result in a rapid increase
in KRP4 at the end of the cell cycle (as seen
in Fig. 2E) and how a reduction of the KRP4
Fig. 2. Equal inheritance and subsequent dilution of a KRP4 reporter. (A and B) Optical sections degradation rate could approximately double
through meristems expressing KRP4-mCherry (magenta), CDT1a-CFP (green), and pUBQ10::acyl-YFP (white). the total amount of KRP4, with little effect on
In (A), note the higher intensity in the smaller sister of asymmetrical pairs (arrows) and equal signal in the chromatin-bound pool, as seen after in-
symmetrical pairs (asterisks). In the 4-hour time course in (B), arrows and dotted circles mark cells that hibition of FBL17 (fig. S7F).
went through mitosis and G1/S, respectively. Scale bars, 10 mm. (C and D) Difference between larger and
smaller sisters for KRP4-mCherry signal density (C) and total amount of signal (D) within 6 hours of mitosis Model predictions matched mutant
plotted against asymmetry in sister volumes (101 sister pairs from three meristems); green bars indicate phenotypes
95% confidence interval for the mean difference. (E) Volume (gray), KRP4-mCherry signal density (dark Both the numerical simulations and the math-
magenta), and total KRP4-mCherry signal (light magenta) for cells with their time courses aligned at ematical model made specific predictions
mitosis (101 sister pairs from three meristems); note the increase in total KRP4-mCherry during the last about the cumulative effects of altered KRP4
6 hours and first 6 hours of the cell cycle and the dilution of KRP4-mCherry starting around 16 hours after and FBL17 levels over multiple cell cycles. First,
birth. (F) Signal density for CDT1a-CFP (green) and KRP4-mCherry (magenta) for cells with their time a change in overall KRP4 levels should affect
courses aligned at G1/S (36 cells from five meristems). the average, but not the distribution, of cell

D'Ario et al., Science 372, 1176–1181 (2021) 11 June 2021 3 of 6


sizes in the meristem (Fig. 4B, top panel). Ac-

cordingly, the loss-of-function krp4-2 mutant
had a slight reduction in cell sizes, whereas
overexpression resulted in very large cells;
however, in both cases, there was no obvious
increase in size variability (11) (fig. S9). The
modest effect of krp4-2 suggested genetic re-
dundancy; likely candidates were the closest
homologs KRP3 and KRP5, which are expressed
in the meristem and also bind to mitotic chro-
mosomes (22). To test this, we generated a krp3
loss-of-function allele by CRISPR-Cas9 muta-
genesis and saw that the krp4-2 krp3-11 double
mutant had a stronger reduction in cell size
but a size distribution similar to the wild type
(fig. S9), as predicted by the model. For krp5,
we could only obtain in-frame deletions, sug-
gesting that null mutants are lethal. These
results confirmed that KRP activity is limit-
ing for meristem cell size. Furthermore, if an

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additional, independent mechanism links G2/M
progression to cell size (13), then this mecha-
nism must not be based on a size threshold
because if it was, it would have masked the
effect of krp mutants.
The second prediction was that an increase
in nucleoplasmic KRP4 relative to chromatin-
bound KRP4 at the end of the cell cycle should
disrupt size homeostasis, with a distribution
skewed toward large sizes; this was confirmed
in the fbl17 mutant (Fig. 4, D to F). A caveat of
this experiment was that the fbl17 mutant has
pleiotropic effects on gametophyte develop-
ment and shoot growth (23, 25), and genetic
confirmation that the fbl17 cell size defects
required KRP function was precluded by the
likely lethality of full loss of function. However,
we could exclude indirect effects of FBL17 loss
of function. First, the abnormal, very large
cells in the fbl17 meristem were not quiescent
or differentiated; they were cytoplasmically
dense, as expected for meristematic cells, and
continued to divide (fig. S10). Second, large
cells did not arise from polyploidy caused
by defects in G1/S control: 4′,6-diamidino-2-
phenylindole (DAPI) staining showed that the
large cells had proportionately large nuclei but
dilute DNA, unlike control polyploid cells
(fig. S10).

Wider relevance of mechanism

Our results support a three-component model
in which KRP links cell cycle progression to
DNA content, whereas FBL17 ensures that KRP4 Fig. 3. FBL17 is expressed during G2 and inhibits accumulation of a KRP4 reporter. (A) Optical section
is transmitted to newborn cells predominantly through meristem showing nuclei expressing FBL17-GFP (top left), KRP4-mCherry (bottom right), and a
in association with chromosomes. Cellular DNA merged image (bottom left). The top right panel shows background signal from a meristem imaged with
content, discrete and predictable, has been FBL17-GFP settings but lacking the reporter. Scale bars, 10 mm. (B) Expression in relation to cell volume for
proposed as a molecular standard against FBL17-GFP (green) (104 cells from five meristems) compared with CDT1a-CFP (magenta) (217 cells from one
which chromatin-binding proteins are titrated, meristem). (C and D) 3D reconstructions from confocal image stacks showing, respectively, KRP4-GFP
for example, to set the number of cell cycles be- expression (green) in a control meristem and in a meristem with miRNA-inhibited FBL17 (see fig. S6). Cell
fore the mid-blastula transition in animals outlines were stained with FM4-64 (magenta signal) and images were taken with the same settings. Note the
(26) or the number of mitoses during dark stronger signal and larger cells in (D). Scale bars, 50 mm. (E) Boxplots showing total KRP4-GFP signal in cells
conditions in Chlamydomonas (7). Here, we within different volume ranges from control plants (blue; 618 cells from three meristems) or after miRNA
show how the relevant molecules are loaded inhibition of FBL17 (orange; 598 cells from three meristems).

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Fig. 4. Model for cell size control using chromatin contents as a ruler. (C) Simulation of KRP4 dynamics in G2. The diagram represents KRP4
(A) Conceptual model. Each sister cell inherits half the amount of KRP bound binding and unbinding to chromatin, production, and degradation, with rate
to chromatin in the mother cell (Nkc2) and the same concentration of free constants b, g, f, and m, respectively; graphs show the number of chromatin-
KRP in nucleoplasm (rF). During G1, KRP is released from chromatin and bound (Nkc) and free (Nk) KRP4 molecules and cell volume (V) during G2,
diluted by growth until a threshold concentration (rks) triggers the S phase calculated from the mathematical model explained in fig. S8. Starting conditions
(indicated by duplicated chromatin). In G2, KRP is made again and associates were Nk2 – Nkc2 = Nc2 = 100 and V2 = 250 mm3. To simulate the wild type (top)
with chromatin, whereas FBL17-mediated proteolysis maintains rF low. The and fbl17 mutant (bottom), m (min−1) was set as indicated. In both, g (min−1) was
equation describes how volume in the S phase (VS) depends on volume at decreased at 120 min to simulate the effects of higher chromosome-bound
birth (V0) and on the variables above; the additional term Nk1/rks accounts KRP4; the remaining parameter values were b = 1.0 mm3 min−1, f = 0.1 mm−3
for the size-independent KRP4 synthesis in early G1. (B) Cell size distribution min−1, and relative growth rate = 1.00025 min−1. (D) Distribution of the relative
in numerical simulations compared with the experimental (exp) size deviation from mean volume and volume CV in wild type (blue) and fbl17
distribution (984 cells from four meristems). Nkc2 is relative to the median mutants (orange) measured in meristems (exp; 263 cells from three wild-type
wild-type value and rF is relative to rkS. Cell division ratios and growth rates meristems; 406 cells from seven fbl17 meristems) or from simulations (sim)
were sampled from experimental data (details in fig. S8). Magenta: with low based on the mathematical model (see the supplementary materials) and run for
rF, cell sizes are stable and proportional to Nkc2. Green: without Nkc2, size is 10 cell cycles with parameters set as in (C). (E and F) Segmented 3D images
unstable and critically dependent on rF. Orange: with Nkc2 and rF combined, of wild-type (E) and fbl17 meristems (F), with cells colored by volume (color bar
Nkc2 stabilized cell sizes but could be overwhelmed by increasing rF. on the left). Scale bars, 50 mm.

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13. A. R Jones et al., Nat. Commun. 8, 15060 (2017). 29. Image analysis scripts for: M. D’Ario et al., Cell size controlled provided materials. M.H. supervised development of the
14. E. Zatulovskiy, S. Zhang, D. F. Berenson, B. R. Topacio, in plants using DNA content as an internal scale, Figshare mathematical model. R.S. conceived and supervised the project,
J. M. Skotheim, Science 369, 466–471 (2020). (2021); performed experiments, analyzed data, and wrote the
15. K. Schiessl, S. Kausika, P. Southam, M. Bush, R. Sablowski, 30. Simulations for: M. D’Ario et al., Cell size controlled in plants manuscript with contributions from all authors. Competing
Curr. Biol. 22, 1739–1746 (2012). using DNA content as an internal scale, Figshare (2021); interests: The authors declare no competing interests. Data
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Nat. Plants 6, 1330–1334 (2020). text or in the supplementary materials. Source images (28),
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18. H. Harashima, K. Sugimoto, Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 29, 95–103 ACKN OWLED GMEN TS FigShare, along with instructions and supporting files. Materials
(2016). We thank D. Twell for FBL17-GFP and fbl17 seeds, H. Jönsson for are available from R.S. upon request.
19. X. Zhao et al., PLOS Genet. 8, e1002847 (2012). pUBQ10::acyl-YFP seeds, K. Tamura for NUP136-GFP seeds,
20. Z. Magyar et al., EMBO J. 31, 1480–1493 (2012). G. Calder and E. Wegel for microscopy support, and members of
the Sablowski laboratory for critical comments. Funding: M.D. was SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
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supported by a John Innes Foundation studentship. R.S. and M.H.
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Research Council Institute Strategic Programme Grant (BB/
23. H. J. Kim et al., Nature 455, 1134–1137 (2008). Figs. S1 to S10
J004588/1). R.T. received a European Commission Marie-Curie
24. R. Schwab, S. Ossowski, M. Riester, N. Warthmann, D. Weigel, References (31–41)
Fellowship (838718). C.G. received grants from the European
Plant Cell 18, 1121–1133 (2006). Datasets S1 to S3
Commission (ERC-2018-AdG_833617) and the Ministry of
25. S. Noir et al., Plant Cell 27, 1461–1476 (2015). MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
Science and Innovation (RTI2018-094793-B-I00) and
26. K. N. Schulz, M. M. Harrison, Nat. Rev. Genet. 20, 221–234 (2019). institutional grants from Fundación Ramón Areces and Banco View/request a protocol for this paper from Bio-protocol.
27. S. Cuylen et al., Nature 535, 308–312 (2016). de Santander to the Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa.
28. Imaging data for: M. D’Ario et al., Cell size controlled in plants Author contributions: M.D. designed and performed 2 May 2020; resubmitted 16 March 2021
using DNA content as an internal scale, Figshare (2021); experiments, analyzed data, and developed the mathematical Accepted 6 May 2021 model. R.T. performed experiments. K.S., B.D., and C.G. 10.1126/science.abb4348

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D'Ario et al., Science 372, 1176–1181 (2021) 11 June 2021 6 of 6

Cell size controlled in plants using DNA content as an internal scale
Marco D'Ario, Rafael Tavares, Katharina Schiessl, Bénédicte Desvoyes, Crisanto Gutierrez, Martin Howard and Robert

Science 372 (6547), 1176-1181.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abb4348

Cell size set by cell cycle regulation

In the Arabidopsis meristem, cell sizes are regularized despite asymmetric cell divisions. D'Ario et al. describe a
balanced regulatory system that controls the duration of the growth phase of the cell cycle preceding DNA synthesis.
KIP-related protein 4 (KRP4) inhibits progression to DNA synthesis. Because the amount of KRP4, which binds to mitotic

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chromosomes, is titrated to the amount of chromosomal DNA, daughter cells begin with similar amounts of KRP4 despite
possible asymmetric cell divisions. Deviations are adjusted as excess KRP4 is degraded and the cell size is normalized.
Science, abb4348, this issue p. 1176



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