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Mega Goal 2

Mega Goal Book 2 Unit 1: Connected by Technology


Question type: Matching Questions

Match each definition in Column 1 with a word or phrase in Column 2.

Column 1 Column 2
1. Someone who likes to be alone is a ___. A. funny
2. Someone who does not get upset easily is ___. B. adventurous
3. Someone who makes other people laugh is ___. C. laid back
4. Someone who doesn’t like to plan things is ___. D. straightforward
5. Someone who is not afraid to tell the truth is ___. E. loner
6. Someone who is practical and realistic is ___. F. spontaneous
7. Someone who likes to do exciting things is ___. G. down-to-earth


1. Someone who likes to be alone is a loner. E

2. Someone who does not get upset easily is laid back. C
3. Someone who makes other people laugh is funny. A
4. Someone who doesn’t like to plan things is spontaneous. F
5. Someone who is not afraid to tell the truth is straightforward. D
6. Someone who is practical and realistic is down-to-earth. G
7. Someone who likes to do exciting things is adventurous. B

Learning Objective: Vocabulary]


Question type: Fill in the Blank

Fill in the blank with the correct form of do, have, or be.

8. _______________ you still go to the gym every day?

[Answer: Do
Learning Objective: Grammar]

9. Jenna _______________ been studying in the library since this morning.

[Answer: has
Learning Objective: Grammar]

10. Fahd _______________ like talking on the phone. He would rather send text messages.
[Answer: doesn’t
Learning Objective: Grammar]

11. Jack _______________ using my computer yesterday. Now, it’s not working properly.

[Answer: was
Learning Objective: Grammar]

12. We _______________ been chatting online for two hours.

[Answer: have
Learning Objective: Grammar]

Question type: Transformation

Change each sentence to a yes/no question.

13. I sent her a message yesterday.


[Answer: Did you send her a message yesterday

Learning Objective: Grammar]

14. Matt has turned off the computer.


[Answer: Has Matt turned off the computer

Learning Objective: Grammar]

15. We are driving to school today.


[Answer: Are we driving to school today

Learning Objective: Grammar]

Question type: Multiple Choice

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

Is Email Good for Social Relationships?

Most people think email is a helpful invention. It allows friends and family who are far apart to keep in touch
with each other easily. Before email, it was more difficult to stay in touch with friends who lived far away.
Long-distance telephone calls were expensive. And letters took so long to send and receive that they didn't let
people talk" to each other. Most people agree that email has been very helpful in allowing people to remain
friends with people they do not see very often.
However, some people think that email is changing people's social networks. In the past, a person's friends
usually lived nearby. Often your best friend was your next-door neighbor. This is because you could see and
talk to this person quickly and easily. When you needed help, it was easy to walk next door. This is not the case
anymore. Now, when you need help, it is just as easy to email a friend about a problem.
Some people are afraid that this is harmful to local communities. People who live near each other do not know
each other as well as they used to. In the U.S., some groups are trying to change this trend. These groups are
trying to organize community events to get people together and make life in neighborhoods more like it used to
be. These people don't think email is a bad thing. They just want to make sure that people interact with each
other in real life, too.

16. Email helps people _____.

A. call people who are far away
B. keep in touch with people who live far away
C. meet their neighbors
D. do their shopping

[Answer: B
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: main idea]

17. Email does not help people _____.

A. learn to do new things
B. shop online
C. stay in touch with old friends
D. become friends with their neighbors

[Answer: D
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: main idea]

18. In the past, people’s best friends usually _____.

A. had fewer problems
B. had more problems
C. lived nearby
D. lived far away

[Answer: C
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: supporting detail]
19. Which sentence does the writer probably agree with?
A. People should use email to keep in touch with old friends but still try to make new friends in their
B. People should email only people who live nearby and write letters to people who live far away.
C. People should only have close friends who live nearby.
D. People should only have close friends who live far away.

[Answer: A
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: inference]

20. Some groups are trying to _____.

A. stop people from using email
B. stop people from talking to people on the street
C. help people get to know their neighbors
D. help people learn to write letters

[Answer: C
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: supporting detail]


Question type: True/False

Listen to the text and answer the questions. Write T or F at the end of each question/ statement.

[AUDIO: CD1 Track10]

Learning Face-to-Face and Online

There have been significant changes in education due to technology. The Internet has played a determining role
in transforming the face of education as we used to know it. More and more universities and colleges offer face-
to-face and Online course modes or blended versions that combine classroom face-to-face and email, social
networking, or synchronous e-learning.

Research has shown that students choose different options, depending on individual preferences, learning styles,
and practical considerations. For example, working adult students prefer online courses as they offer the
flexibility that they need to combine learning with work. In other words, individuals, whose time and/or
mobility are restricted, are happier with online courses.

On the other hand, a large number of students enroll in face-to-face courses as they feel that face-to-face
instruction and communication with peers will help them understand concepts better and learn more effectively.
They are not opposed to using email or social networks to communicate with peers but not with their instructor.
On the contrary, online students find it easier to communicate with instructors by email as it frees them of
inhibitions they might have about asking questions or raising issues face-to-face.

Both groups defend their respective choice wholeheartedly. This is further demonstrated by success rates and
learning outcomes. So, given a positive attitude to technology and the necessary skills, students will benefit
from online courses as much as their counterparts in face-to-face contexts. What remains to be seen is if such
courses will also benefit interpersonal skills and help people perform as members of a team.

21. Blended courses combine face-to-face and email, social networking, or synchronous e-learning.
[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: main idea]

22. Working adult students prefer face-to-face courses.

[Answer: False
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: supporting detail]

23. Some students prefer face-to-face courses because they believe that face-to-face instructions and interaction
with peers contribute to effective learning.

[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: paraphrase]

24. Online students object to communicating with instructors by email.

[Answer: False
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: supporting detail]

25. In order for online courses to be successful, students need to have a positive attitude to technology and
appropriate computer skills.

[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: inference]

Form, Meaning and Function

Question type: Multiple Choice

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

26. Using translation technology is ___________ way of communicating than using a common language.
A. a less popular
B. the most popular
C. the least popular
D. a popular

[Answer: A
Learning Objective: FMF]

27. The Khalifa Tower in Dubai is 830 meters tall. It is _____________ man-made building in the world.
A. the most
B. taller than
C. the tallest
D. tall

[Answer: C
Learning Objective: FMF]
MegaGoal Book 2 Unit 2: Crime Doesn’t Pay

Question type: Fill in the Blank

Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

1. A man tried to ____________________ my car today! He told me to get out of the car, but I locked the door
and sped away.

[Answer: hijack
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

2. The crime was a ____________________, so he will probably not go to jail.

[Answer: misdemeanor
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

3. The criminals had to ____________________ the car because it was too small to hold all of the money they
had stolen!

[Answer: abandon
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

4. He has been an ____________________ at that prison for ten years.

[Answer: inmate
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

5. When I tried to use my credit card today, it was ____________________. I guess I’ve spent too much money
this month.

[Answer: declined
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

6. The sign on the beach says, “No ____________________ vehicles.” That means we can’t drive on the beach
without permission.

[Answer: unauthorized
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]


Question type: Fill in the Blank

Complete each sentence with the correct passive form of the verb in parentheses.
7. Yesterday, the stolen jewels ____________________ in a child’s backpack. (find)

[Answer: were found

Learning Objective: Grammar]

8. Tomorrow, the thief ____________________ to prison. (send)

[Answer: will be sent

Learning Objective: Grammar]

9. The painting ____________________ from the museum two years ago. (steal)

[Answer: was stolen

Learning Objective: Grammar]

10. In the future, this crime ____________________ as an amazing robbery. (remember)

[Answer: will be remembered

Learning Objective: Grammar]

11. The speeding driver ____________________ a warning by the police officer. (give)

[Answer: was given

Learning Objective: Grammar]

Complete each sentence with the past perfect or past perfect progressive form of the verb in parentheses.

12. I ____________________ lunch when I heard a strange noise. (eat)

[Answer: had been eating

Learning Objective: Grammar]

13. She ____________________ when she was woken by the telephone. (sleep)

[Answer: had been sleeping

Learning Objective: Grammar]

14. We ____________________ to study for the test, and we failed it. (forget)
[Answer: had forgotten
Learning Objective: Grammar]

15. He ____________________ the letter, but it never arrived. (send)

[Answer: had sent

Learning Objective: Grammar]

Question type: Multiple Choice

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

A Silly Criminal

A man had driven to the local grocery store, parked his car, and gone into the store to do some shopping. When
he came out of the store, carrying his bags, he saw that his car was missing from the parking lot. He called the
police and reported that his car had been stolen. He told the police that he had left his cell phone in the car. The
police thought hard about how to use the cell phone to find the stolen car. Finally, one of the police officers had
a brilliant idea.

A police officer called the man’s cell phone, and the thief answered the phone. The officer explained that he had
seen the ad in the newspaper about the car for sale and that he was interested in buying the car. The officer
asked a few information questions about the car and arranged a meeting for him to take a look at the car later
that day.

A few hours later, the thief drove the car to the meeting place, expecting to be paid for the car that he had just
stolen. He was arrested on the spot and the car was returned to its owner. What a silly criminal.

16. Which sentence is correct?

A. The car was stolen from the woman’s home.
B. The car was stolen from a friend’s house.
C. The car was stolen from the police station.
D. The car was stolen from a grocery store parking lot.

[Answer: D
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: main idea]

17. The woman had left _____ in the car.

A. her cell phone
B. her groceries
C. her appointment book
D. a newspaper ad

[Answer: A
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: supporting detail]

18. The police officer pretended that _____.

A. he knew the car was stolen
B. he wanted to buy the car
C. his car had been stolen
D. he had an appointment with the woman

[Answer: B
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: supporting detail]

19. Which sentence is true?

A. The police were arrested when they called the thief.
B. The thief arrested the police while stealing the car.
C. The thief was arrested while he was trying to sell the stolen car.
D. The thief was arrested at the grocery store.

[Answer: C
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: grammar]

20. The phrase “on the spot” probably means _____.

A. immediately
B. at a later date
C. on the hand
D. in a circle

[Answer: A
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: vocabulary]


Question type: True/False

Listen to the text and answer the questions. Write T or F at the end of each question/statement.

[AUDIO: CD1 Track 16]


A burglar was arrested after leaving his cell phone at the house that he broke into. The man was going through
the rooms, looking for valuables, when he heard someone unlock the door and enter the house. So, he jumped
out of a window and fled to avoid getting caught.

The police searched the house later, looking for prints and other clues to help them identify the man. All of a
sudden, one of the owners pointed to a cell phone plugged into one of the sockets, charging, and said that he had
never seen it before and did not know who it belonged to. The police checked with the rest of the family and
confirmed that it did not belong to any of them.

One of the police officers had an idea. He called a contact listed in the phone memory and told the person that
the owner of the phone had been in an accident, so the police were trying to get in touch with friends and
family. The man was identified. He was later arrested and charged with a total of 12 burglaries!

21. The burglar was arrested while he was going through the rooms, looking for valuables.

[Answer: False
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: main idea]

22. The man ran through the door to get away.

[Answer: False
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: supporting detail]

23. One of the owners found the burglar’s cell phone plugged into one of the sockets.

[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: main idea]
24. The police tried to get in touch with the man’s friends and family.

[Answer: False
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: supporting detail]

25. The burglar was charged with more than 10 burglaries.

[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: paraphrase, supporting detail]

Form, Meaning and Function

Question type: Multiple Choice

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

26. When she was younger, she ________ afraid of the dark.
A. used to be
B. would be
C used to
D. use to be

[Answer: A
Learning Objective: FMF]

27. What were you doing_______ you were living in Riyadh?

A. when
B. where
C. while
D. which

[Answer: C
Learning Objective: FMF]
Mega Goal Book 2 Unit 3: Far and Away


Question type: Fill in the Blank

Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

1. There has been a decrease in the amount of green space in the city because of ____________________

[Answer: widespread
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

2. Too many tourists can harm the rainforest’s natural ____________________.

[Answer: ecosystem
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

3. That treetop hotel is totally ____________________. There is not another hotel like it.

[Answer: unique
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

4. Ecotourism is an ____________________ to traditional tourism.

[Answer: alternative
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

5. The goal of ecotourism is to experience nature while leaving it ____________________.

[Answer: undisturbed
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

6. The underwater hotel is located six meters below the ____________________.

[Answer: surface
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

7. Hotels in this city are ____________________ inexpensive. They cost a lot more in other large cities.

[Answer: relatively
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]

8. Ecotourism is important to ____________________ development in Brazil.

[Answer: commercial
Learning Objective: Vocabulary]


Question type: Multiple Choice

Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the underlined sentence in each question.

9. Traveler: I’d like to book a hotel room for the night.

Clerk: Unfortunately, we do not have any rooms available tonight.
A. We’re very happy that you are staying with us at the Fairmont Hotel.
B. It is lucky that we do not have a hotel room for you.
C. We’re sorry, but we do not have a hotel room for you.
D. It is obvious that we have many rooms for you.

[Answer: C
Learning Objective: Grammar]

10. John: Where are you going on vacation?

Sam: Presumably, we’ll go to the beach.
A. It is most likely that we’ll go to the beach.
B. It is unlikely that we’ll go to the beach.
C. It is possible that we’ll go to the beach.
D. We never go to the beach.

[Answer: A
Learning Objective: Grammar]

11. Adel: Where is our taxi? I called for it over an hour ago.
Liam: Evidently, it is not coming. Let’s walk home.
A. It is unlucky that the taxi is not here yet.
B. It is clear that the taxi is not going to come.
C. It is surprising that the taxi is not here yet.
D. The taxi might not come.

[Answer: B
Learning Objective: Grammar]

12. Jack: I can’t believe this hotel costs $300 a night!

Ray: It is undoubtedly the most expensive hotel in town.
A. It is unlucky that we are paying a lot of money for this hotel.
B. It is surprising that we are paying a lot of money for this hotel.
C. I think it might be the most expensive hotel.
D. I am completely sure that it is the most expensive hotel.

[Answer: D
Learning Objective: Grammar]

Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the statement in each question.

13. Whew! We nearly missed our flight!

A. It is clear that we are going to miss our flight.
B. I’m glad we didn’t miss our flight!
C. It’s too bad we missed our flight.
D. I can’t believe our flight left without us!

[Answer: B
Learning Objective: Grammar]

14. The northern part of the country is scarcely populated.

A. Not many people live in the northern part of the country.
B. More and more people are going to live in the northern part of the country.
C. The northern part of the country is very crowded with people.
D. People only live in the northern part of the country in summer.

[Answer: A
Learning Objective: Grammar]

15. This hotel room is rather small.

A. This hotel room is too big for us.
B. This hotel room is extremely large.
C. This hotel room is very small.
D. This hotel room is a little bit small.

[Answer: D
Learning Objective: Grammar]


Question type: Multiple Choice

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

A Unique Hotel
There is a unique hotel that is located in Ottensheim, Austria, on the banks of the Danube River. It is called the
Dasparkhotel. This hotel was created for travelers on a low budget. Travelers who stay at the Dasparkhotel are
not looking for luxury and convenience. They are just looking for an interesting and inexpensive place to spend
the night.
The hotel has three “suites.” What is unique about the suites is that they are actually old sewer pipes. Naturally,
the sewer pipes have been completely cleaned. Each pipe has also been furnished with a bed, a light, an
electrical outlet, and a window. The pipes are 6 feet (2 meters) across and 8 feet (2.5 meters) long.
However, there are no toilets or showers at the Dasparkhotel. Guests must use public showers and restrooms in
town. The sewer pipes are located in a park, and they are available from spring through autumn. Interestingly,
there is no set nightly fee at the Dasparkhotel. It was created for people who travel on a budget, and guests may
decide what they want to pay for their night's accommodations. How much money do you think you would pay
to spend the night in an old sewer pipe?
16. The Dasparkhotel is located in _____.
A. Germany
B. Austria
C. Hungary
D. Slovakia
[Answer: B
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: main idea]

17. The hotel has _____ “suites.”

A. three
B. six
C. eight
D. twelve

[Answer: A
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: supporting detail]

18. The hotel is unique because _____.

A. it is located in a park
B. it is not very expensive
C. it is located near sewer pipes
D. the rooms are in old sewer pipes

[Answer: D
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: vocabulary]

19. The Dasparkhotel does not have _____.

A. lights
B. beds
C. electricity
D. toilets

[Answer: D
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: supporting detail]

20. Which sentence is true?

A. The hotel charges each guest the same fee.
B. There is a rather expensive fee to stay at the hotel.
C. There is no set fee to stay at the hotel.
D. There is a very small fee to stay at the hotel.

[Answer: C
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: grammar]


Question type: True/False

Listen to the text and answer the questions. Write T or F at the end of each question/ statement.

[AUDIO: CD1 Track 21, the last three paragraphs]

Ecotourism: See the World While Saving It

1. Stacy Davison is one of the million-plus tourists who chose to visit Costa Rica this year. “We wanted to
explore a country that was largely unspoiled by development. And, boy, did we get what we were looking for.
We saw beautiful beaches, lush rainforest, and exotic wildlife.” Stacy is especially enthusiastic about a wildlife
refuge she and her husband visited during their trip. “Getting there took four hours by bus along an unpaved
road. But it was so beautiful that it was worth it. We hiked the trails and took a tour through the rainforest
canopy. Our guide showed us how to poke a stick into a termite nest to get a snack (They have a nutty flavor!),
and how to use live leaf-cutter ants to create stitches for a cut. It was quite an amazing experience!”
3. Stacy also enjoyed knowing that the money she was spending on her vacation was being used in
environmentally responsible ways. She stayed in locally-owned, environmentally-friendly hotels that grow their
own fruits and vegetables, and use renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power.
5. Undoubtedly, ecotourism plays a critical role in preserving the land in Costa Rica as well as in other
ecotourism destinations around the globe. At the same time, ecotourism provides visitors with a unique,
unforgettable, and educational vacation. Basically, ecotourism is a win-win situation for both the tourist and the
countries they visit.

21. Stacy wanted to visit a country with a lot of development.

[Answer: False
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: supporting detail]

22. Stacy and her husband were really happy about their visit to the wildlife refuge.

[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: main idea]

23. Stacy and her husband snacked on termites.

[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: main idea]

24. Stacy thought that the leaf-cutter ants tasted nutty.

[Answer: False
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: supporting detail, reference]

25. Stacy stayed in hotels that used renewable sources of energy and cultivated their own fruit and vegetables.

[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: main idea]

26. Ecotourism is beneficial for the countries but not the tourists.

[Answer: False
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: main idea]
Form, Meaning and Function

Question type: Multiple Choice

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

27. Mom: ____ are you going to travel?

Ali: We are going to go by train.
A. When
B. Why
C. How long
D. How

[Answer: D
Learning Objective: FMF]

28. Mom: Where are you staying?

Ali: _______ stay at a hotel in the central square. I have to call and make a room reservation.
A. We are going to
B. Maybe we’ll
C. Probably we won’t
D. We are

[Answer: B
Learning Objective: FMF]

Mega Goal Book 2 Unit 4: TV Around the World


Question type: Matching Questions

Match each word in Column 1 with a definition in Column 2.

Column 1 Column 2
1. broadcast ___ A. to make a secret plan
2. contestant ___ B. having or making a lot of money
3. fictional ___ C. hard to understand
4. plot ___ D. person who is in a contest
5. prosperous ___ E. to transmit to an audience by radio or TV
6. puzzling ___ F. a variation
7. version ___ G. not real


1. broadcast: to transmit to an audience by radio or TV E

2. contestant: person who is in a contest D
3. fictional: not real G
4. plot: to make a secret plan A
5. prosperous: having or making a lot of money B
6. puzzling: hard to understand C
7. version: a variation F

Learning Objective: Vocabulary]


Question type: Short Answer

Fill in the blank in each question with to or for.

8. Imad: Can I listen to that joke again on your smartphone?

Ryan: I downloaded it _______________ you. Here you go.

[Answer: for
Learning Objective: Grammar]

9. Imad: Can I use your laptop again? Mine is broken.

Ryan: I fixed it _______________ you. Here you go.

[Answer: for
Learning Objective: Grammar]

10. Please give that book _______________ me.

[Answer: to
Learning Objective: Grammar]

11. Could you buy some fruit _______________ me at the store?

[Answer: for
Learning Objective: Grammar]

12. I promise that I’ll write an email _______________ you every day that I’m away.

[Answer: to
Learning Objective: Grammar]

Read the sentences. Write C for correct or I for incorrect at the end of each sentence.

13. Please translate me what they are saying. ____

[Answer: incorrect
Learning Objective: Grammar]

14. Please pronounce me this word. ____

[Answer: incorrect
Learning Objective: Grammar]

15. Please open the door for me. ____

[Answer: correct
Learning Objective: Grammar]

Question type: Multiple Choice

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose the best answer to each question.


What do you like to do for entertainment? A research company recently asked this question to thousands of
people in different cities and towns. The top four answers in order were: 1) watch TV; 2) use the Internet; 3)
watch films; and 4) read books.

Many people were surprised by these results. They thought that more people liked to go out to restaurants and
parks or spend time in the mall. But an increasing number of people prefer to stay home and watch TV and
films in their own living room. “Going out with friends is too expensive,” one respondent said. “And it is more
comfortable to be at home on your own couch, watching TV. Also, there are many films available on TV now,
so we don’t have to go out and rent a DVD from a video store.”

Many restaurants and video stores offer all kinds of small gifts and discounts to attract customers, but the
amount of people who prefer to stay at home rather than go out continues to increase. As the Internet takes over
and viewers have access to more channels and programs, even more people will be staying home for their

16. Research showed that people’s entertainment preferences, in order, are _____.
A. Internet, TV, books, films
B. Internet, TV, films, books
C. TV, Internet, books, films
D. TV, Internet, films, books

[Answer: D
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: main idea]

17. Restaurants and video stores want to _____.

A. reward customers
B. to rent films
C. to attract more people
D. give people gifts

[Answer: C
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: main idea]

18. Now, more people _____.

A. connect their TVs to the Internet
B. have more DVDs
C. rent DVDs
D. read books on TV

[Answer: A
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: supporting detail, vocabulary]

19. One reason that people stay at home and watch TV is _____.
A. it is more expensive
B. it is more comfortable
C. there are better games on TV
D. you can also read while watching TV

[Answer: B
Learning Objective: Reading Comprehension: supporting detail]


Question type: True/False

Listen to the text and answer the questions. Write T or F at the end of each question/statement.

[AUDIO: CD 1 Track 28]

A terrifying adventure on water

Moby Dick (1956), directed by John Huston and starring Gregory Peck, Richard Badehart, and Leo Genn, is a
TV fantasy film adapted from the bestselling novel by Herman Melville. The story takes place in 19th century
England on a whaling ship. The captain of the ship is Captain Ahab. Ahab has a fantastic story to tell about a
“great white whale” which mutilated his body and almost killed him on a previous voyage. Now the captain
leads his men back into the sea to take revenge. However, Ahab becomes so obsessed with vengeance that he
makes some very bad decisions. The TV film takes us on a grand adventure over the waves as Captain Ahab
and his crew seeks out the great sea mammal. As Ahab becomes more and more consumed by hatred, his
doomed men are flung into dangerous situations.

Does Captain Ahab eventually find the big whale? To find out you will have to watch the film! If you choose to
watch one film version of the novel Moby Dick, you should choose this 1956 version. The acting is good, it is
well-directed and the use of color and imagery is superb. I think it is far superior to more recently released TV
film versions. Everyone who read the book and those who enjoy adventure and tales of great battles between
man and beast should see this TV film. I definitely recommend it as one of the best of our times. It is
staggeringly good.

20. The TV film is adapted from a documentary about great white whales.

[Answer: False
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: supporting detail]

21. The TV film is as good as the original story told in the novel.

[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: inference]

22. The writer tells us that Captain Ahab and his crew eventually find the whale.

[Answer: False
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: supporting detail]

23. There are many film versions of the original novel.

[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: supporting detail]

24. The writer likes the TV film and the 1956 version is the best one.

[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: main idea]

25. The writer recommends that the reader watches the TV film.
[Answer: True
Learning Objective: Listening Comprehension: main idea]

Form, Meaning and Function

Question type: Multiple Choice

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

26. The global language ______ around the world today is English.
A. is used
B. that is used
C. which used
D. use

[Answer: B
Learning Objective: FMF]

27. He is someone ______ can easily persuade others.

A. who
B. which
C. whom
D. he

[Answer: A
Learning Objective: FMF]

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