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3 Enlist and explain important events taking place from Third June Plan to the creation
of Pakistan.
Ans. Both Simla Conference and Cabinet Mission Plan failed to produce an amicable solution
of the constitutional and political problem India. I Lord Wavell could not unite the parties,
and the British government had to replace him with Lord Mountbatten.
Meeting with political Leaders
Soon after taking over the charge, the last Viceroy started meeting with the leaders of the
political parties. In his meeting with the Viceroy, the Quaid-e-Azam told him in clear cut
terms that the Muslim League would never accept any formula except the partition of India.
The 1945- 46 elections had strengthened the position of the Muslim League. The Lord began
to persue the leaders of Indian National Congress for the partition. After a series of
meetings, he promised them to create a weak and moth-eaten Pakistan that would never be
able to survive for a long time. Lord Mountbatten prepared a plan to leave the sub
continent. He managed to get the consent of both the parties and sent the plan to London
for the approval of the British Cabinet.
Important Points of the Plan
The June 3, 1947 Plan was an elaborate one. It covered the whole of the subcontinent. The
government took final decision to divide it into two independent states. The principle of
partition was approved. Now the details were laid down to decide the future of the
provinces and small states.
i. Competent Leadership:
C.P., U.P., Urrisa, Bombay, Madras and Bihar were non-Muslim majority provinces. All these
provinces were to be included in Bharat.
ii. Province of the Provinces
The decision was taken to divide Punjab province into two parts. The Muslim majority area
would go to Pakistan and non-Muslim majority area to Bharat, respectively. A Commission
was created to draw the line of demarcation between Pakistani Punjab and Bharati Punjab.
iii. Province of Bengal:
The principle approved For Punjab was also approved for Bengal. The province was to be
divided into East Bengal and West Bengal. East Bengal was pre-dominantly a Muslim area
while Hindus were in majority in West Bengal. A Boundary Commission for the demarcation
of the boundary was created by the British government.
iv. Province of Sindh
The members of the Sindh Provincial Assembly got the right to join Pakistan or Bharat by a
majority vote.
v. Balochistan
Balochistan had not yet been given the status of a full-fledged province. It was decided that
Shahi Jirga and Municipal Committee Quetta would decide the future of Balochistan by the
majority votes of their members.
vi. Sylhet
Sylhet was one of the districts of Assam. A very large majority of the district was Muslim.
The people living in the District, Sylhet had to decide their own future through a
referendum. They had to opt either for Pakistan or Bharat
vii. North Western Frontier Province
The people of NWFP had to decide their fate by a refrandom. They could either join Pakistan
or Bharat.
viii. States
There were 635 states in the sub-continent where Nawabs and Rajas were ruling over their
areas and people with internal sovereignty. The external sovereignty was lying with the
British government. Each state was given the right to join Pakistan or Bharat, keeping its
geographical position and special circumstances in view.

 The non-Muslim majority provinces were included in Bharat. In the district Sylhat the
people took part in a referendum. A very large majority favoured Pakistan and Sylhet
was included in Pakistan. Sylhat became a district of East.
 The members of the Sindh Assembly voted for Pakistan and Sindh became a province
of Pakistan. The Shahi Jirga and Quetta Municipality voted for Pakistan and
Balochistan became a part of Pakistan.
 A referendum was held in NWFP the people had to voted for Pakistan and NWFP
joined Pakistan.
 The Provinces of the Punjab and Bengal were to be divided into two parts.
 The princely states themselves decided in favour of either Pakistan or Bharat. While
taking the decision, every state kept its geographical position and special
circumstances in view.
Creation of Pakistan:
Mountbatten transfer power to the newly created state of Pakistan on August 14,
1947.Muhammad Ali Jinnah became the first governor general of Pakistan and Liaquat
Ali Khan took over as the first Prime Minister. Pakistan was divided in to two parts
known as East Pakistan and West Pakistan, were separated by thousands of miles of
hostile Indian land.

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