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Reference # 10393772

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CSC Round Year 2024

Choose the CSC theme under which Science and technology for development
your chosen course is categorised

Choose the University and Course Robert Gordon University : MSc Cyber Security
for Science and technology for

Candidate's ID 10393772

Is this email address correct? yes

By September 2024, will you hold Yes

either:- a first university degree of at
least upper second class (2:1)
honours standard, or;- a second
class (2:2) university degree and a
relevant postgraduate qualification
(usually a Master's degree)? Your
personal information will be used to
conduct necessary due diligence
checks to CSC’s satisfaction, before
CSC proceeds with any type of
formal agreement or contractual
relationship. In most cases, the due
diligence checks will be
straightforward, however further
information may be requested, so we
ask for your full co-operation to
speed up the process. If you do not
agree to your personal data being
used for the purpose of conducting
due diligence, unfortunately CSC will
not be able to proceed further with
the application process.Do you meet
the academic eligibility criteria and
agree to the due diligence checks?

Title Mr.

Given Names (as shown on your Ibrahim Dazeen

passport or official ID)

Surname (as shown on your passport Danjuma

or official ID)

Address line 1 No. 26A Kofar Mazugal Gwammaja, Kano State

Town/City Gwammaja

State/Province/County Kano

PostCode/Zip 700252

Country Nigeria

Mobile Phone number +2348138291420

Candidate's email address

Nationality/Citizenship (or country in Nigeria

which you have been given refugee

Date of Birth 01/01/1994

Gender Male

Are you currently registered for a no

university qualification?

Institution Name Bayero University, Kaano

Country Nigeria

Subject Computer Science

Month 12

Year: 2017

Month 9

Year: 2021

Qualifications Awarded BSc

Class of Award I

Date of Award 22/09/2021

Add a second university No


Academic distinctions and prizes African Coding Network. Cybersecurity Scholarship by

Google 2023
Ingressive For Good & Cisco Cybersecurity Scholarship
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Machine Learning Engineer
Scholarship 2022
The Michael Taiwo Scholarship 2022
Best Programmer Award by Nigerian Association of
Computing Students (NACOS) Bayero university, Kano
Chapter -- Jun 2021
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)/Shell
Nigeria Exploration & Production Company Limited
(SNEPCo) National University STEM Scholarship Award.
Feb 2018
Federal Government Scholarship (Nigerian Award) 2018

Sector Private or corporate

Area of your current employment Science, engineering and technology (e.g. chemist,
geologist, social scientist, software engineer)

Employer Name Rumbu Industries Limited

Job Title Database Manager

Date From 04/10/2021

Country Nigeria

Main Responsibilities As a Database Manager, I specialize in the installation and

configuration of Database Management Systems (DBMS).
My responsibilities include managing user access and
permissions, implementing robust security measures, and
overseeing routine maintenance tasks to ensure the
integrity and availability of data. I stay updated on
emerging technologies to enhance the efficiency and
security of the organization's database infrastructure..

Add a second employment? Yes

Employer Name Bayero University Kano

Job Title Teaching Assistant

Date From 01/11/2022

Country Nigeria

Main Responsibilities As a Teaching Assistant, my role involves providing support

to faculty in various aspects of classroom instruction,
including handling records and assignments. I also engage
with students during office hours, offering assistance and
guidance to enhance their learning experience.

Add a third employment? Yes

Employer Name Kano State Polytechnic

Job Title Teaching Assistant

Date From 01/10/2021

Date To 31/10/2022

Country Nigeria

Main Responsibilities Trained and developed students' skills in object-oriented

programming such as Java, C++, Python, etc.
Taught correct hand placement for typing and basic
computer skills
Add a fourth employment? Yes

Employer Name Queen Amina Secondary School

Job Title Computer Science Teacher

Date From 11/10/2021

Date To 29/04/2022

Country Nigeria

Main Responsibilities Taught correct hand placement for typing and basic
computer skills

Add a fifth employment? No

Full Name Balarabe Nasiru Usman

Job Title Department Head, Administration

Email Address

Referee relationship to you Supervisor

Full Name Ibrahim Alkali Sanusi

Job Title Manager, Admin

Email Address

Referee relationship to you Manager

Full Name Saminu Aliyu

Job Title Lecturer

Email Address

Referee relationship to you Level coordinator

First Sustainable Development Goal Quality Education

Second Sustainable Development Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


Third Sustainable Development Goal Sustainable Cities and Communities

Development Impact part 1 In an interconnected world where digital systems underpin

every facet of society, the study of Cybersecurity
transcends individual interest and becomes a paramount
concern for global stability. At the global level, my research
and knowledge dissemination will contribute to the
collective efforts to fortify digital infrastructures, promoting
global cyber resilience.

On a national level, I intend to apply the knowledge and

skills I've gained to address the escalating cybersecurity
challenges in my home country. Cybersecurity challenges
in Nigeria are on the rise, with over 12 million cyberattacks
recorded during recent elections. Global statistics show a
cyberattack occurring every 39 seconds, impacting both
public and private sectors. Nigeria's rapid internet growth,
with 122.5 million users in the first quarter of 2023, has
made more people, governments, and businesses
vulnerable to cyber threats. Remote work adoption has
increased susceptibility to attacks like phishing and
impersonation (Partner, 2023).

At the local level, the impact is tangible and immediate.

Communities, especially in developing regions, are
increasingly reliant on digital platforms for various services.
My research will contribute to building a secure digital
environment, ensuring that the benefits of technological
advancement reach even the most remote areas.

Development Impact part 2 Upon completing my MSc in Cybersecurity, I am committed

to applying my newfound skills to innovatively address
cybersecurity challenges. Globally, I plan to engage in
collaborative research with international organizations,
focusing on cyber threat intelligence and mitigation.
Nationally, I aim to contribute to the efforts of federal and
state governments in addressing various cybersecurity
challenges in my home country. Locally, I will establish
cybersecurity awareness campaigns and training
programs, empowering individuals to secure their digital
presence. Additionally, I will implement cost-effective, high-
impact cybersecurity solutions tailored to the needs of local
businesses and organizations.

Development Impact part 3 Following my MSc in Cybersecurity, I anticipate several

positive changes in development terms:,
a) Outcomes: I aim to achieve enhanced cybersecurity
resilience across different sectors, reducing cyber threats
and vulnerabilities. Strengthening digital infrastructures,
improving incident response capabilities, and fostering a
culture of cybersecurity awareness are key outcomes. I
anticipate contributing research and practical solutions to
mitigate risks associated with cyberattacks.

b) Timeframe: Initially, within the first two years, I aim to

focus on conducting comprehensive research and
establishing partnerships with government bodies and
international organizations. Subsequently, the
implementation phase will span the following three to five
years, incorporating cybersecurity awareness campaigns
and training programs at the national and local levels. The
development of tailored, cost-effective cybersecurity
solutions will be an ongoing process, adaptable to evolving

c) Beneficiaries: The primary beneficiaries will be

government entities, businesses, organizations, and
individuals across my home country. This includes federal
and state governments, local businesses, educational
institutions, and individuals seeking to safeguard their
digital presence. Through collaboration and proactive
measures, these stakeholders will benefit from
strengthened cybersecurity frameworks, reduced cyber
risks, and increased awareness, ultimately fostering a
more secure digital environment.
Development Impact part 4 Following my MSc in Cybersecurity, I aim to achieve a
global impact by engaging in collaborative research on
cyber threat intelligence. At the national level, I plan to
contribute to government efforts in addressing escalating
cybersecurity challenges. Locally, I intend to establish
awareness campaigns, training programs, and implement
tailored, cost-effective cybersecurity solutions for
businesses. The expected outcomes include reduced
cyber threats, increased adoption of security practices,
faster incident response times, and economic benefits.
Measuring impact involves tracking incident reduction,
assessing training effectiveness, and evaluating economic
losses, providing a comprehensive evaluation framework.

Study outline My proposed study in MSc Cyber Security focuses on

safeguarding digital systems and user information from
online threats. In a digitally interconnected world, my
research aims to understand and address the evolving
landscape of cyber threats, such as phishing and malware
attacks. By exploring effective strategies for securing
networks and implementing user-friendly cybersecurity
measures, my goal is to contribute to creating a safer
online environment for individuals and organizations. The
research will involve practical applications, considering the
human factor in cybersecurity, and developing user-friendly
solutions to enhance overall digital security for a broad

Detailed Plan of Study I have chosen to pursue an MSc in Cyber Security at

Robert Gordon University for several compelling reasons.
Firstly, the university is renowned for its comprehensive
and cutting-edge curriculum in Cyber Security, providing a
balanced blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on
practical experience. The faculty includes esteemed
experts in the field, and the university's commitment to
research excellence aligns with my academic aspirations.
Studying in the UK offers a unique opportunity to engage
with a diverse and vibrant academic community, exposing
me to a range of perspectives and experiences. This
international exposure is crucial in understanding global
cybersecurity challenges and solutions.
My interest in Cyber Security stems from a desire to
contribute to the ongoing efforts in creating a secure digital
environment. The chosen course at Robert Gordon
University perfectly aligns with my career objectives by
providing a solid foundation in cryptography, network
security, and risk management – essential aspects of
The course's emphasis on practical applications and real-
world scenarios resonates with my learning preferences. I
believe that gaining hands-on experience will equip me
with the skills needed to address contemporary
cybersecurity challenges effectively.
As for my dissertation topic, I am keen to explore the
intersection of human behavior and cybersecurity.
Specifically, I aim to investigate how understanding user
psychology can enhance the effectiveness of cybersecurity
measures. This interdisciplinary approach aligns with
Robert Gordon University's ethos of fostering holistic
learning and addressing complex challenges from multiple
In summary, the MSc in Cyber Security at Robert Gordon
University offers the ideal platform to further my academic
and professional goals. The comprehensive curriculum,
experienced faculty, and the international academic
environment make it the perfect choice for my
postgraduate studies. My dissertation focus on the human
aspect of cybersecurity reflects my commitment to
contributing valuable insights to the field.

Objectives during the Award Through this scholarship, I anticipate gaining advanced
expertise in cryptography, network security, and risk
management, which are pivotal areas in the realm of Cyber
Specifically, I aim to develop practical skills in implementing
security measures, analyzing and mitigating cyber threats,
and devising strategies to safeguard digital environments.
The scholarship's emphasis on a well-rounded curriculum,
including both theoretical and practical aspects, aligns with
my career goals of becoming a proficient Cyber Security
professional capable of addressing the evolving challenges
in the field.
Upon completion of the program, I plan to return to my
home country and apply the acquired skills to contribute to
the enhancement of cybersecurity measures. I aspire to
play a role in securing digital infrastructures, particularly in
critical sectors such as finance, healthcare, and
government. Additionally, I aim to engage in cybersecurity
awareness initiatives to educate organizations and
individuals about the importance of cybersecurity practices.
The Commonwealth Shared Scholarship will not only equip
me with technical skills but also enhance my ability to
critically analyze cybersecurity issues, formulate effective
solutions, and communicate these findings to diverse
stakeholders. These skills are essential for success in the
dynamic field of Cyber Security.
In summary, the skills gained through the Commonwealth
Shared Scholarship will empower me to make substantial
contributions to the cybersecurity landscape in my home
country. I envision a career path where I actively participate
in securing digital environments, raising awareness, and
contributing to the development of robust cybersecurity
policies and practices.

Career Plans in the 5 years following In the five years following the award of the Commonwealth
the Award Shared Scholarship, my career trajectory will be driven by
a commitment to leveraging my enhanced skills and
knowledge in Cyber Security for impactful contributions to
both public and private sectors in my home country.
Given the increasing importance of cybersecurity at the
national level, I plan to collaborate with government
agencies involved in cybersecurity initiatives. This may
include contributing to the development of national
cybersecurity frameworks, policies, and strategies aimed at
protecting critical infrastructure and sensitive information.
My goal within this period is to secure employment with the
Nigeria Data Protection Commission (NDPC) and work
closely with other agencies under the same Federal
Ministry of Communications, Innovation, and Digital
Economy like the National Information Technology
Development Agency (NITDA), the Nigerian
Communications Commission (NCC), other private
enterprises, and educational institutions to enhance
cybersecurity awareness, policy development, and incident
response mechanisms. I am also passionate about
education and mentoring, I intend to engage in mentoring
and educational initiatives, particularly in the field of
I also intend to deepen my expertise by pursuing a Ph.D. in
Cybersecurity. This advanced degree will equip me with the
research skills needed to contribute to innovative
cybersecurity solutions and strategies. I aim to become a
thought leader and researcher in the field, actively
engaging in projects that address Nigeria's evolving cyber
threat landscape.

Long-term Career Plans Over the long term (within ten-plus years), as my expertise
deepens, I aspire to assume leadership roles in national
and international cybersecurity governance bodies. This
could involve contributing to the formulation of policies,
standards, and regulations that guide cybersecurity
practices on a broader scale. I aspire to play a pivotal role
in elevating Nigeria's cybersecurity resilience. I envision
myself as a cybersecurity professor, combining academic
excellence with practical experience to educate the next
generation of cybersecurity professionals. By actively
participating in cybersecurity research, policy advocacy,
and capacity building, I aim to foster a culture of cyber
awareness, data protection, and trust in Nigeria's digital
landscape. Also, I plan on establishing my technology
startup in Nigeria which will focus on developing cutting-
edge cybersecurity solutions to safeguard digital assets
and mitigate risks. In the long run, I plan to become the
chief executive of NDPC to make favorable policies.
My career plan aligns with Commonwealth Shared
Scholarship's emphasis on leadership, influence, and
networking. I intend to collaborate with international
experts, share best practices, and leverage my UK
education to drive meaningful change in Nigeria's
cybersecurity ecosystem. By bridging the knowledge gap
and actively engaging with stakeholders, I hope to
contribute significantly to national cybersecurity efforts, in
harmony with the UK government's initiatives.
Commonwealth's support will be instrumental in realizing
these career goals, enabling me to make a lasting impact
on Nigeria's cybersecurity landscape.

Personal Statement Hailing from the town of Tal Balong in the economically
depressed Pankshin Local Government Area of Plateau
State, Nigeria, I witnessed the historical
underrepresentation of my community in higher education.
Growing up in this small town, I observed firsthand the
financial hardships that prevented the majority of youths
from pursuing college education. This reality fueled a
sense of determination within me, compelling me to break
free from the confines of an underrepresented environment
and make a meaningful difference.
As the second son among four children in my immediate
family and from a broader family of six, I became the first to
venture into higher education. This significant step,
however, was not without its challenges. Despite my
father's desire for his children to attend university, financial
constraints posed a formidable barrier.
My journey through college was marked by formidable
challenges that tested my resilience and determination. In
the face of financial constraints, I often found myself relying
on a single meal a day, experiencing periods of
homelessness, and taking on menial jobs to sustain
myself. There were moments when the burden of financial
hardship threatened to force me out of school, but my
unwavering commitment and focus on my goals kept me
on track.
Overcoming this barrier not only represents a personal
achievement but also underscores my determination to
break the cycle of limited educational opportunities in my
In my undergraduate years, I encountered periods of
homelessness and relied on scholarships to sustain my
education. These experiences, while challenging, fueled
my motivation to excel academically and contribute to
positive change. My outstanding academic performance,
including achieving First Class Honors and a cumulative
GPA of 4.74 out of 5.00, is a testament to my perseverance
and commitment to overcoming barriers.
Beyond academic achievements, I actively engaged in
community initiatives to address the underrepresentation of
my community in higher education. As the second son
among four children in my family and from a broader family
of six, I became a trailblazer by pursuing a college
education. My journey has inspired and paved the way for
younger relatives and community members to recognize
the transformative power of education.
In my role as Vice President of the National Association of
Computing Students (NACOS), I spearheaded initiatives to
increase STEM enrollment in local high schools. This
addressed a significant barrier to education by advocating
for the establishment of a science laboratory. The
successful implementation of this project not only improved
STEM facilities but also contributed to increased
enrollment, demonstrating the impact of community-driven
My experiences have shaped my commitment to promoting
educational opportunities, particularly in fields where
underrepresentation is prevalent. Whether through
academic achievements, community projects, or
overcoming personal barriers, my background has fueled a
desire to create positive change and contribute to breaking
down systemic barriers to higher education in my home
country. The CSC's encouragement of candidates with
diverse backgrounds aligns with my own journey and
aspirations to make a lasting impact on educational access
and representation.

Voluntary and Leadership Experience The beginning of my leadership journey was when I was
elected as the School Prefect in high school. During this
time, I recognized a critical issue hindering STEM
enrollment which was the absence of a functional science
laboratory. To address this challenge, I wrote a formal letter
to the Head of the Education Board highlighting the
situation. My advocacy led to the conversion of an unused
building located in the school premises into a fully
equipped science laboratory. This initiative not only
increased STEM course enrollment but also demonstrated
my potential as a catalyst for positive change.
Upon becoming the Vice President of the National
Association of Computing Students (NACOS), I organized
seminars in various high schools to inform students about
the vast educational opportunities within STEM fields.
Simultaneously, I took on the role of a mentor, guiding over
500 students in their transition from high school to college
and offering insights into the abundant possibilities within
STEM disciplines. And these increased STEM enrolment in
my community.
During my tenure as the Vice President of NACOS, my
community faced a surge in cybercrimes, particularly
phishing and social engineering. To address this growing
problem, I collaborated with the prestigious HiiT Plc, a
renowned IT organization. Together, we conducted series
of free cybercrime sensitization programs. Resulting in
cybercrime incidents reduction by over 60%, solidifying my
determination to advance my studies in cybersecurity.
While pursuing my undergraduate studies, a fire outbreak
devastated the Geography department, resulting in the
destruction of vital student records. Recognizing the need
for a secure solution to protect these essential documents,
I proposed the implementation of a cloud storage system
for the Computer Science department. This safeguarded
the records, ensuring their security even in cases of fire
outbreaks. With approval from the department head, I
oversaw the successful creation and uploading of records
to the cloud, significantly enhancing their safety and
During a period when the Computer Science department
was faced with a high number of failures in programming
courses like Java, C++, and Python, I formed a free tutorial
group to support struggling students in improving their
understanding and self-confidence in these courses. This
effort, resulted in a remarkable reduction in failure rates, by
approximately 90%.
As a staff at Rumbu Industries Limited, I detected a
significant reduction in router speed due to an excessive
number of connected devices, adversely affecting
productivity. In response, I promptly communicated the
issue to management and suggested the altering of access
passwords and network segmentation for individual
departments. The management entrusted me with the
responsibility of implementing these changes, which I
executed successfully. This resulted in a substantial
improvement in network security and overall productivity,
effectively safeguarding the organization's data.
Throughout these experiences, I consistently applied
critical thinking, effective communication, and unwavering
commitment to addressing challenges in my community,
educational settings, and professional environments.
These diverse leadership roles have profoundly shaped my
philosophy, emphasizing the importance of inspiring and
guiding others to collectively achieve shared objectives and
create lasting positive impacts.

Personal information page of Passport.pdf (340 KB)

passport or national identity card

Full transcripts detailing all higher My_Transcript.pdf (1.69 MB)

education qualifications

All university degree certificates BUK_Certificate.pdf (1.10 MB)

Years in country of residence (please 29

leave blank if you prefer not to say)

Ethnicity (please leave blank if you Hausa

prefer not to say)

Religion or Belief Muslim

Marital Status Married (including civil partnership and common law)

Do you have children? No

Do you have any caring No caring responsibilities
responsibilities? (select all that

Do you have a longer-term physical, No known impairment, health condition, or learning

mental or sensory impairment that difficulty
has a significant impact on your
ability to carry out day-to-day tasks?
(select all that apply)

Occupation of your father/guardian Retired

Highest level of education of your Secondary level education


Occupation of your mother/guardian Deceased

Highest level of education of your Primary level education


Compared to others in your local Poor

community, do you consider your
family to be

Have you ever been granted refugee No


How did you find out about A current or former Commonwealth Scholar/Fellow
Commonwealth Scholarships? CSC social media channels
(select all options that apply)

What sources did you use to find out University in the UK

more about Commonwealth CSC website
Scholarships? (select all options that
CSC social media channels

General Conditions I have read and understood the 'General Conditions'

Citizenship I confirm I am a Commonwealth citizen of/or have been

granted refugee status in:

Country Nigeria

Living in high-income country I am not at present living or studying in a high-income


Studied in high-income country I have not undertaken studies or employment lasting one
year or more in a high-income country

Funds I confirm that I am unable to afford to study in the UK

without this scholarship

Post-award I shall return to my country of permanent residence to seek

employment or to work or to study as soon as the
proposed Commonwealth Shared Scholarship award ends

Own work I confirm that all information in this application is true to the
best of my knowledge, and unless otherwise stated is my
own work

Date 19/11/2023

Last Update 2023-12-08 16:52:20

Start Time 2023-12-08 10:11:19

Finish Time 2023-12-08 16:52:20


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