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Hi, Good Morning….YOUR NAME

Coming to my professional career, I am having overall 10 years of experience in IT
Industry and currenlty working as a Devops Lead Engineer in XYZ Company from last

In the initial days of my career I started as a Build-Release Engineer and slowly moved
to DevOps Technology.

I am having 6 years of relevant experience as a DevOps Engineer and as a devops


I worked on multiple DevOps Tools for deployments and integrations like GIT/
MAVEN/Jenkins as CI Tools and Docker/Kubernetes as a CD Tools And I involved in
developing end-to-end CICD pipelines using Jenkins and involved in deploying
applications on on-premises & cloud platform as well.

Also I am having ADD YOUR EXP YEARS of experience on docker as a

containerisation & kubernetes as a Orchestration tool.

I involved in implementing docker files for creating images and created kubernates
YAML files for deployments and managing containers.

Also from last one year I got an oppurtunity to work on Cloud Platform like AWS and
AZURE. In AWS, I worked on few Services like VPC, EC2 creations and S3 bucket for
storage data And also worked with EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Services) for deploying few
micro-services applications on AWS Cloud.

Explain about your current roles & responsibilities:

Coming to my roles & resposibilites are

I act as a Individual contributor and also as a Devops Lead Engineer, I will be mentoring
the devops team of size 4 members.

I will be taking care of all devops activities, implementations and involve in deployments.
and also I will be helping my devops team incase of any deployment issues,
troubleshooting and finding the root cause on issues.

Explain about your current project:

My current project is YOUR Client, it is an retial domain and e-commerce application
So here we will be having few java micro-services as backend applications and reactjs
applications as frontend applications.

So we will be deploying these microservices on on-premises and cloud platfrom. REG

Azure Resource Manager template – JSON to define one or more resources to deploy
to a resource group.

I was responsible for adding accounts and resource partners, mapping partner claims,
adding and configuring account stores, and identifying and configuring applications
using SSO and multifactor authentication and recently started.

Created virtual machines, created serverless API using azure functions, Azure service
fabric to deploy, manage scalable microservices and containers, blobs for storage and
mainly responsible for connecting azure to on-premise data center using express route.

Explain about Day-To-Day Activities:

So my day-to-day activities are like

we are following Agile methodology, so for every sprint we will be assigning with JIRA
Tasks. We have 2 sprints per month.

And I will be interaacting with client meetings, sprint planning and grooming sessions.
And also invovling in Status calls to provide daily updates.

So I will be part of handling all the devops activities and deployment activities.

Generally I involve in handling and managing the git repositories and creating new
repos incase of any new requirments comes.
And also involving in creating CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins Tool.
And finally I will also involve in handling containers using docker and managing/
orchestrating those containers by using Kubernetes.
And also implements docker files, kubernetes yaml files for application deployments.

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