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JUNE 2017



Advisor Sign
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Examiner Sign
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First and for most I would like to express my gratitude for God for helping me to succeed in my
academic life and for being me all the time to bless my effort and next my appreciation goes to my
Advisor Tadesse for this providing me professional advice that encourage me.

Thirdly my gratitude thanks goes to friends who provide with his support to prepare this paper,
finally my gratitude was my families who provide with financial support to prepare this paper as
well as support educational life and moral support succeed the academic life.
Executive summary
The abstract of this research are identifying the contribution and problem of civil service reform
to combat corruption and assess the nature, extent and magnitude of corruption in general and
particular in Mizan Aman town Administration.
Back ground of the study is civil service is one of the most important component of public
management which can be seen basic instrument the government to fulfill its obligation to the
general public in responsive, efficient and effective manner.

The objective of this study is to assess the civil service reform in combating corruption in mizan
Aman town, the research is designed to identify the problem related to assessment of civil service
reform in combating corruption in mizan Aman town.

In this research the researcher would use both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools.

The contribute of civil service reform in combating corruption is not as much as enough, but it
plays important role in fighting corruption by creating awareness to the society.
This study is to identify the assessment of civil service reform to combat corruption and the nature
extent and magnitude of corruption in general and particular in mizan aman town.

The method of gathering information is mainly focused on analyzing on primary and secondary
The research is aim to analyzing an assessment of civil service reform .impact and challenge of
the ethics to combat corruption.
It is prepared with the intention of assessing the contribution of civil service reform against
corruption and its major challenge of the ethics to combating corruption.
Table content
Contents Page
Execute summary.................................................................................................
Table contents......................................................................................................
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................
1.1. Background of the study. .............................................................................
1.2 statement of the problem...................................... ................. .....................
1.3. Research question.........................................................................................
1.4. Objective of the study....................................................................................
1.4.1 General objectives.......................................................................................
1.4.2 Specific objective…………………………………………………………
1.5. Significance of the study..............................................................................
1.6. Scope of the study........................................................................................
2. Review of related literature..............................................................................
2.1. Concept of the study....................................................................................
2.2. Types of corruption......................................................................................
2.2.1. Bribary.......................................................................................................
2.2.2. Nepotism..................................................................................................
2.2.3. Embezzlement.........................................................................................
2.2.4. Fraud.........................................................................................................
2.3. Ways of combating corruption...................................................................
2.3.1. Establishing international convection.....................................................
2.3.2. Creating transparency and openness in government spending.............
2.3.3. Reform public administration and finance management......................
2.3.4. The civil service reform...........................................................................
2.4. The objective of civil service reform..........................................................
2.5. Contribution of civil service reform in combating corruption...................
2.5.1 Increasing code of ethics.........................................................................
2.5.2. Enhance community participation...........................................................
2.5.3. Promoting civil society and free media...................................................
2.5.4. Encouraging accountability......................................................................
2.6. Challenge of civil service reform in combating corruption.......................
2.6.1. Political challenge....................................................................................
2.6.2. Managerial challenge..............................................................................
2.6.3 Economic challenge..................................................................................
3. Research design and methodology......................................... ......................
3.1. Study area description.................................................................................
3.2. Research design...........................................................................................
3.3. Study participants........................................................................................
3.4. Source of data.............................................................................................
3.5. Sample size and sampling techniques......................................................
3.6. Data analysis..............................................................................................

4. Data analysis and enterpretation...........................................................................

4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................
4.2 General characteristics of the respondents.........................................................
4.3 Good governance...............................................................................................
4.4 The main actors of corruption.............................................................................
4.5 The major source and measurement of corruption...........................................
4,6 The contribution of civil service reform..............................................................
4.7 The purpose and time o civil service reform.......................................................
4.8 The standard living of civil servants...................................................................
4.9 The challenge that obstacle of the implementation.....................................
Of the civil service reform..............................................................................
5. Conclusion and recommendations......................................................................
5.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................
5.2 Recommendation.............................................................................................
1.1 Background of the study
Civil service reform was begun in the mid nineteenth century in response to developments. The
growing need for skilled administrators is to carry on the increasingly complex functions of
government and revulsion at the failure of earlier. Less formal systems to provide sufficiently
honest and qualified public employees it replaced the so called spoils system, which filled
government administrative positions through patronage, giving out public jobs as a reward for
support in elections. By the late nineteenth century the state government had assumed increasingly
complex tasks. They administered agricultural research programs, factory inspections laws,
educational institutions, and public health programs were more technically In the Jacksonian era
the spoils system seemed a Democratic means to avoid elite bureaucratic control of civil offices.
Reformers had defended the rotation of Demotrativefrudft holders as refreshing through depressed
(feries 2006)

In Ethiopian context the country civil service has a history many years for mainly linked with the
establishment of the first ministries during the emperor menelik second But it was controlled and
managed by the rules and regulation that were relevant for the ruling class (Tesfaye 2003).

The constitution of 1931 was established rational civil servant and Parliaments. Different
measures were taken to formulate a modern civil service administration at that time, those reform
measures lower the power of regional leader and they become salaried officials. However, the
assessment of civil service reform to the countries social and economic progress was very low
because lack of strong civil services rule and regulation and undesirable political interference in
the system which lead to bad administrative practice and social instability in the life of the society
as a whole(Paulo's 2000). More over the civil service was tool in which the living used to
centralize his regime and expands his authority. The civil service was taken to operate under
different order and decreases issued in the emperor period (Ibid).

During the Derg regime also there were few reform measures like change of ideology and
distribution of land to peasant radical alternative was made in the civil service. Party loyalty
affiliation for recruitment and promotion is highly pronounced during the military government this
result was wide spread of corruption bribery was being of resource and misuse of public property

With change in government in 1991, basic change in economic, political, socio cultural and
ideology were taken place. The major administrative perform measures were under taken to enable
the civil service system to play a more dynamic and active role that establish an effective civil
servant to enhance democracy through accountability and transparency (Myine, 2000).

IN civil service reform is the combating corruption authorities which was start in 2002 (SNNPR
CSR proclamation No 148|1994).Beginning from its establishment the effort to fight against
corruption. However, this institution is under its effort to be more participatory and to bring it
more nearer to the society and its people. In bench maji zone especially mizan Aman town
administration there are combating corruption is come to the current issue but there are un
observation problems this are lack of work ethics to words making public policy and
accountability, fear of implementation public authority, de professionalism and political of civil
service. After the completion of this study it assess to understand the role of civil service reform in
fighting corruption ( Arsema, 2001).

1.2 Statement of the problem

Civil service reform is to show high moral and trust in performing their duties which can indicated
in responsiveness and openness in their doing activities of the government operations. Un
desirable practice of corruption a concern of civil servant job that can lead them to miss
understanding and handling the public interest. In the present even if the Ethiopian civil service
reform assess to brings the effective and efficient civil service in general and particular to combat
corruption. Its attempts might limited because of certain factors, there are including political
insecurity, lack of work ethics and accountability and de professionalism (Minister of capacity
building: 2004).

In the mizan aman town there are combating and fighting corruption is wide pronounced but there
are un observation problems this are lack of work ethics irrational approach to wards making
public policy and accountabilities, and political of civil service, after the successful completion of
this study the researcher review that, it will sustainable assess for leaders to understand the role of
civil service reform in fighting corruption.

1.3 Research questions

o What are the causes of behind corruption in the study area?
o What are the mechanisms to reduce corruption in the study area?
o What is the role of civil service reform in combating corruption?
o What is the possible promotion of civil service reform in combating corruption?
1.4 Objective of the study
1.4.1 General objective
The objective of the study is to assess the civil service reform in combating corruption in
mizan Aman town.

1.4.2.Specific objectives
 To identify the causes of behind corruption in this area.
 To discuss the mechanism to reduce corruption in this area.
 To explain the role of civil service reform in combating corruption in this area.
 To identify the possible promotion of civil service reform in combating corruption in
this study area.

1.5 Significance of the study.

The significance of this study has a number of benefit which indicate the following
 It helps as a base for other researcher.
 The study would help other stake holders how to maximize the role of civil
service reform in combating corruption in the study area.
 The department may use the study paper as a review literature in conducting
different activities related to this study.
 It may help others the direction how to reduce corruption in public service and
promoting good governance in the future of the study area.

1.6 Scope of the study.

The study was focus on bench maji zone, mizan Aman town. This research is
regarding to the assessment of the civil service reform in combating corruption in
mizan Aman town administration.

1.7 Limitation of the study

To conduct this study the researcher would be challenged by the following
obstacles, financial constraint, lack of adequate and sufficient data related to the
topic of the study

1.8 Organization of the study

The study would be structured in five chapters. In the first chapter deals with
introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem , objectives of
the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study and
organization of the study. Chapter two, deals with review of literature. Chapter
three deals with methodology of the study, and Chapter four is about data
analysis and presentation and Chapter five deals with conclusion and
2. Review of related literature.
2.1 Concept of corruption.
Corruption is an ancient in social evil and anti-corruption law have been laid down since ancient
time. It remains political and property corruption is often a world problem from ancient to
contemporary time. It remains is crucial political concern both developed and developing
countries (Bye Joseph 2001).

Corruption is found in the entire world whether they are rich and poor. Developed or developing
not the case. It is not particular property of the third world. But it is continues feature at the
political and administrative land escape developing (David Hume and Mark Timer 2009).

There is no universal accepted approach in defining the term corruption no consensus which
regard to its gradients. Corruption is the abuse of public trust for private gain and a form of
stealing. There are five perspectives that are used to define corruption as identified. There are
public office perspective, public interest, market centered view, legal perspectives and public
opinion (Bye Joseph 2001).

The public office expert stress that misuse the public office by government officials for private
gain through Bribery , Nepotism, and mid appropriation are the main type of corrupt practice

The public interest supporters believe that corruption is the destructive of the public interest in
terms of the subversion of common good for private purpose. Here corruption can exist when
power holder who is involved with doing certain things by monetary or other rewards that are not
legally allowed which result to the deterioration of the public interest (William 1999).

Market centered view definition of corruption mainly shares the application of social or public
choice and the use of public economic method and the analysis of politics, For market centered
support, corruption means that evil servant abuse their power in order to obtain an additional
income from the public (Ibid).

The legal approach of defining corruption concern the violation of particular rules and regulation
which control the public interest behavior low are not essential consistent interpretation or
application across different countries of the world (Paulos2000).

The public opinion proponent argues that corruption is socially defined and public opinion is used
as an appropriate standard and for assessing for conduct. This view implies that corruption is what
the public police and governments public servants were done in any a given state (William 1999).
2.2 Types of corruption
2.2.1 Bribery
Bribery is the form of corruption that receives the greatest shares of reference. It is the essence of
corruption. Bribery is an offer of money or favors to influence public officials and can some in the
form of a fixed sum. A certain percentage of a contrast or any other favor in money or kind usually
paid to state officials or business person who can make contrasts on behalf of the state or business
or otherwise distribute benefits to companies or individuals, businessman and clients. Sometimes
the gratuities, sweeteners, commercial arrangements, hush money, payoff, and milking (Blein
Germa 2012).

2.2.2 Nepotism
Nepotism is the form of corruption that when officials favor relatives or close friends for position
in which they hold some decision making authority. This types of favoritism is the natural human
proclivity to give preferential treatment to friends and families and occurs in both the public and
private sectors (Charep and Harm 20013).

2.2.3 Embezzlement
It occurs when public official steal money or other government property or when disloyal
employees steal from their employers in the public and private sectors. Embezzlement is not
limited to money but includes all goods that were meant for the people. Embezzlement presents
serious threat corruption countries, as it is sometimes ones of the quickest ways to gain their
private business interest (lasiandra 2014).
2.2.4 Fraud
Fraud is also another form of corruption that occurs when a person cheats another through deceit.
It is usually a financial crime in which someone manipulates or distorts information and Acts such
as false advertising, forgery, smuggling, confidence tricks and other action of deceit are example
of fraud. In the public domain, a public official who commits fraud manipulates the flow of
information for his personal profit (Blein 2012).

2.3. Ways of combating corruption.

There are many international and national ways to prevent and combat corruption. The inter-
American convention against corruption was the first international convention aimed at combating
and there by marked the beginning of an international legal regime to combat corruption
(Ackerman 2011).

2.3.1 Establishing international conventions.

In a globalized economy corruption increasingly has across border dimension. The international
legal frame work for corruption control is a key element among the options open to governments.
This frame work has improved significantly over the past decade. In addition to anti-corruption
Convention. In 2005 the UN convention against corruption entered into force and by late 2013 had
been ratified by the vast majority of its 140 signatories and placed its business community in a
disadvantageous position (Snider 2013).

2.3.2 Creating transparency and openness in government spending.

Subsidies, tax exemption, public procurement of goods and service and extra budgetary funds
under the control of politicians. All are element of the various ways in which governments collect
taxes, tap the capital markets to raise money, receive foreign aid and develop mechanism to all
allocate these resources to satisfy a multiplicity of needs, some countries do this in ways that are
relatively transparent and make efforts to ensure that resources will be used in the public interest.
The more open and transparent process the less opportunity it would provide for (malsifane and
collier 2007)

2.3.3 Reform public administration and finance management.

Reform focusing on improving financial management and strengthening the role of aiding
agencies have in many countries achieved greater impact than public sector reforms on curbing
corruption On such reform is the disclosure of budget information which prevents waste and
misappropriation of resources(Ibid).

2.3.4 The civil service reform.

Civil service reform is one of the most important components of the new public management
which can be seen the entire basic instrument in the government to fulfill its obligation to the
general public in responsive efficient and effective manner. It shows that developing the capacity
of the civil servants to recruitment and promotion pay member of employees, performance
appraisal and related manner (ministry of capacity building 2004).

2.4 Objective of civil service reform.

The overall objective of civil service reform program is to build a civil service capable of
promoting democracy, federalism and good government providing client or service delivery and
supportive of the governance, social and economic development policies and private sector
development. (Geber Egziabher 2004).

2.5 Contribution of civil service reform in combating corruption.

The contribution of civil service reform in combating corruption is not as much as enough it plays
important role in fighting corruption and made the public servants responsive, efficient, effective,
accountable and transparent to the people indeed. Civil service reform has the following
contributing in combating corruption (Michael 2000).

2.5.1 Increasing code of ethics.

The growth of civil service with enough payment and salaries for the civil servants can avoid the
most important essential causes of corruption and focus to increase a professional code of ethics
among service servant where there is absence of public work ethics and misunderstanding of the
concept of accountability and responsibility. Most of the time corruption increase quickly code of
ethics. These condition enhance and faster a culture of ethical public life and are expected to be
honest accountability, transparent and responsive to the general public (Ibid).
2.5.2 Enhancing community participation.
One of the important contributions of the civil service reform is increasing accountability and
transparency of the public officials to the needs and the demands of the society. Participation by
all section of the society will be active with important reform in the civil service in which the civil
servants base on professionalism and neutrality has a great role not only in policy and decision
making but also in its implementation and raised community involvement in all aspects that
affects their life. In a Democratic form of government the civil servants enacts on behalf of the
public needs and interests without having the political affection and loyalties to the party. To the
community can participate and gate involved in whatever they wish to without any fear and
interference (Paulo’s 2000).
2. 5.3. Promoting Civil Society and Free Media.
Interest group civil service and free media are among the agencies or asterism Democratic and
democratization. Civil society and free media are crucial asterism creating and maintain an
atmosphere on the public life that discourage frauds and corruption which involves creating public
awareness about effects of corruption. Civil societies are an instrument that mediating between the
state and the public which involves citizens groups NGOs trade Unions, business associations,
think tanks, religion organization civil city is the more effectives when government treats it as a
lobbying or influencing and work friend not as an enemy (Ibid).

2.5.4 Encouraging accountability.

Accountability is compiled concept and its achievement is the basic goals of civil service reform
in Ethiopia and evolves more than simply tacking corruption. It is deriving force that generates the
pressure for key factors involved to responsible for and ensures good public service performance.
For key factors were public servant are expected to follow

The formal rules and regulation of bureaucratic system more recently the nation of performance
accountability has embraced effect and the achievement to the objectives of the public in general
(Hume and Tuner 2009).

2.6 Challenges of civil service reform in combating corruption.

The challenges in civil service reform are headache in developing countries. Particularly nation in
translon these countries those under take economic and political reformate to make strong
commitment to tackle the problem of corruption. Corruption has become pervasive and found
everywhere in these countries including Ethiopia. It is distorted the formal and informal rule of the
game to transfer the advantage of particular group into new institutions environment (World Bank

2.6.1 Political challenges.

Civil service reform has been challenges and politically controlled by level elites and has no
political neutrality of public servants. The developing and establishing techniques for
accountability and ethics that is external to the public administrative branches. In previous time
this was done mainly through political control of public servants through patronage appointments,
now a days political approach depend on the legislative over sight, budgetary control rotation in
office to prevent and avoid misperception in public interest due to much specialization in one
agency or function representative and public participation a serious anti-corruption program
cannot be imposed from outside. It requires committed leadership from internal and within (World
bank 2000).

2.6.2 Managerial challenges

This stresses the need for institutional and organizational unity as a means for creating and
promoting accountabilities and work ethics. Emphasizes that authority and burden must be clearly
assigned and defined over lapping functions which tend obscure responsibilities and consequently
frustrate accountability and ethics should be reduced the line of hierarchical authority should be
open and comprehensive. The civil servants should be loyal to their organization and subordinates.
This approach relies on forma, disciplinary system to a force accountability work ethics and
subordination of civil servants to identify branches of paper conduct due to in subordination
typically high ranks on the list of misbehavior (Fercies 2006).

2.6.3 Economic challenge

Corruption and other harmful practice are challenging because of improper ways of economic and
political reform in public service, through high state intervention has been abolished. In
transitional economic the state determine suppliers, set practice and wages, provide finance
controlled distribution of resources and over saw most aspect of public enterprise behavior.

Political power which created a fertile ground for corruption in countries where national weal this
is concern trade in a few hands high productive assess and potential wind fall gains have
encourage powerful individuals or economic groups to take part in corruption (World Bank 2000).
3. Research design and methodology.
3.1. Study area description.
This study was conducted in South Nation nationality and peoples in mizan Aman town which
was found around 561km away from Addis Ababa. The geographical and astronomical location of
mizan Aman town was accurately between 7 0'N and 35 36'E latitude and 7 oo'N and 85 583'E
longitude and elevation of 1451meters above sea(http| march 29.2017).

3.2. Research Design

The research was to identify the civil service reform in combating corruption in mizan Aman
town. In this research, the researcher used both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The
researcher used quantitative to explain data collection in numbers to find out how much, how
often, and how many numbers of respondent would give data for further and deeper into the

3.3 study participants

The participants under this study are government official and civil servants of the Mizan Aman
town. The participants of the study were selected by purposive and simple random sampling
technique to solve time and budget

3.4. Source of data

To accomplish this study, the researcher used both primary and secondary source of data. Primary
data the researcher was collects data by direct interactions through questionnaires and interview.
In addition to primary data, the researcher used secondary data collect from official statics,
documented materials, and reports available documents.

3.5 Sample size and sampling techniques

For the purpose of the study, the researcher used simple random sampling techniques to solve time
and budget. There are 556 civil servants in mizan Aman civil service (mizan Aman civil service
bureau).among this 338 were male and 218 of them were female. In this study the researcher
would selected 30 key respondents by educational level such as degree, diploma, and certificate
from 556 of the total civil servants of Mizan Aman town.The researcher selected respondent
official and civil servants.

3.6. Data Analysis

After gathered important information from different data collection the study used both
quantitative and qualitative method of analysis while tables and percentages use to present the
result. Data obtain from primary source would be analysis in description.
4. Data analysis and interpretation
This chapter is concerned with data presentation analysis and interpretations of the data were
collected through questionnaires and interviews. Analysis is presented analyzed and interpreted in
research questions.

Data collected through questionnaire is analyzed by using descriptive stoical tools such as tables
and percentage and then interpreted quantitatively and qualitatively. Those data gathered through
interviews from management official of Mizan Aman civil service has been analyzed using
narration argument.

4.2 General characteristics of the respondents

This part presents background information of the respondents which classify the sex, age,
educational level and year of living and service.

Table.1. Sex distribution of respondents.

No Sex Frequency Percentage
1 Male 18 60
2 Female 12 40
3 Total 30 100%
Source own survey 2017
As the distribution of the respondents shows that the respondents were about 18(60%) male and
12(40%) female of respondents were females.

Table. 2. Age distribution of the respondents

No Age categories Frequency Percentage
1 15-20 - -
2 20-35 26 86
3 35-50 4 14
4 Total 30 100%
Source own survey 2017.
As indicated in the above table 26(86%) of respondents have 20-35 age were exists and 4(14%)of
respondents were exist between the age of 35-50.From this data the researcher understood that the
employees were almost young and middle man age. Because of 86% of the respondents were
below 35 years.
Table. 3. Distribution of respondents by educational level.
No Educational level Frequency Percentage
1 7-10 - -
2 10-12 - -
3 Certificate 5 17
4 Diploma 7 23
5 Degree 16 53
6 Other 2 7
7 Total 30 100%
Source own survey 2017
As indicated in the above table 5(17%) of respondents have taken certificate, 7(23%) of
respondents were diploma, 16(53%) of respondents were finished degree and 2(7%) of the
respondents were above degree.

Table. 4. Distribution of respondents by position.

No Position of Frequency Percentage

1 Government worker 30 100
2 Private - -
3 Total 30 100%
Source own survey 2017.
As indicated in the above table 30(100%) of the respondents have the government workers.

Table 5. Distribution of respondents by year of living

No Year of living Frequency Percentage

1 2 2 7
2 3-5 12 40
3 6-11 10 33
4 12 and above 6 20
5 Total 30 100%
Source own survey of 2017
As indicated in the table 2(7%) of respondents were served 2 years, 12(40%) were served for 3-5
years, 10(33%) were served for 6-12 years and 6(20%) served for 12 and above years.
4.3 Good governance
Table 6 view of respondents on good governance system administration

No Items Response
1 How do you Very Good Satisfactory Poor V.poor Total
explain the good
level of good 6(20) 12(40) 8(27) 4(13) - 30(100)
system in
Mizan aman
2 How do you Very High Medium Low V.low Total
explain the high
degree of 2(7%) 5(16) 15(50%) 6(20%) 2(7%) 30(100)
corruption in
Mizan aman
Source own survey 2017
As can be seen table 6 concerning regarding good governance system in Mizan aman town
administration the respondents have related in the following., out of 30 despondent 27% related
satisfactory while 13%responded replied poor and 40 of despondent replied good. According to
the data obtained from the despondent in table 6 Mizan aman town administration is good
administration and good governance system. The administration is too much committed fair
accountable and transparent system as good and satisfactory. Therefore, the town administration
needs to work hard to improve more its image and to further advance its efficiency.

In similarly, respondent have rated the degree of corruption of the town as follows 7% replied very
low on the hand 20% of replied low 50%responded a medium, 16% responded high and 7%
responded very high. From these the researcher understands that the degree of corruption in Mizan
aman town administration is medium.
4.4 The main actors of corruption.
Table 7. View of the respondents on the actors of corruption
No Items Response Percentage
1 Who are main actors in the action of
2 Government officials 13 43
3 The society 8 27
4 NGOs 6 20
5 Lower officials 3 10
6 Total 30 100
Source own survey 2017

As we understand from the above table the main actor of corruption according to respondents
responded that as follows 43% as government official, 27% the society,20% as NGOS and 10%
respondents as lower officials. According to the data obtained from the respondent in table 7
Mizan Aman town government officials have the more actor in the action of corruption and the
society of the town also the more actor of corruption.

4.5 The major source and measurement of corruption

Table 8 view of respondents on the major source of corruption

No Items Response
1 What are the major Poverty Lack of Lack of Total
factors of corruption knowledge money
done by individuals No (%) No (%) No (%) No (%)
6(20) 16(53) 8(27) 30(100)
2 Based on the Punishment Creating Stringing anti- Total
experience of mizan corruption awareness corruption
aman civil service officials institution
on what action No (%) No (%) No (%) No (%)
should to combat 7(23) 12(40) 11(37) 30(100)
Source own survey 2017
According to the obtained from the respondents in table 8 with regard to the major source of
corruption 20% replied poverty, 53% is due to lack of knowledge and 27% is lack of money.

The measurement action to combat corruption 23%punishment corruption official, 40%responded

creating awareness were as 37% replied increasing anti-corruption institution.

Generally the question include all the based and source of corruption so that the researcher
grasped that if the action is petty it is raised from government that need to fulfill the personal
demands of knowledge and awareness of the individuals were as if the action is grand it is raised
from greedy, accumulation first the government must be committed in the creation of awareness
among the society and public officials as well as strengthen the institution of state, punishment of
the actors according to the rule of law is a big lesson to all and other who have A plan to do.
4.6 The contribution of civil service reform
Table 8 view of the respondents on the contribution of civil service reform
No Items Response
1 What is the Increasing Giving Enhancing Encouraging total
contribution of code of proper community accountability
civil service ethics service for participation
reform in community
combating No (%) No (%) No (%) No (%) NO(%)
corruption 6(20) 9(30) 10(33) 5(17) 30(100)

Source own survey 2017

From the above table the researcher understand that the 20 respondents replied increasing code of
ethics, 30% of respondents replied promoting civil society and free media,33% respondents
replied enhancing community participation and 17% as encouraging accountability. So that the
Mizan Aman town administration civil service reform increasing awareness of enhancing
community participation in government policies plan, strategies and program.

This in turn plays the important role in corruption. The civil service reform has its own many
contribution and achievement on improving quality of service by promoting civil society and free
media in change in the mind set of public administration and civil servant regarding public

4.7 The purpose and time of civil service reform implementation

From this it is clear that the civil service reform implemented in two times for different purposes
like comprehensive advertisements for the society in different civil service, creating awareness of
the society in this service. expressed the reduce of corruption in this office, satisfaction of the
customers in different service like infrastructure building, rood and electricity achieved to the
society, to improve and solve problem of civil service according to the society questions of
receiving the service.

4. 8. The Standard living of Civil Servants

According to the interviews the town administration should recognize the need and the important
of to improve incentive for employees. Low payment of civil servants the most serious problem or
constraining factor for ineffective operations of civil service reform.
Therefore, the researcher understand that payment of good salary is acritical to success civil
service reform program on one hand and diminished the action of corruption an the other hand.
4,9. The challenge that obstacle for the implementation of the civil service reform.
Based on the interview the main challenge to implementation of civil service reform are lacks of
government commitment lack of professionalism the case of selfishness and careless with regard
to the questions of challenges to implementation of civil service reform. Lack of awareness of the
society. Therefore the researchers understand that careless and negligence from the employees and
lack of government commitment became the major cases for the weakness of civil service reform
in addition lack of professionalism and problem of bureaucracy the exacerbated factor for the
weakness of civil service reform program.(civil service bureau).

5. Conclusion and recommendations
This chapter which is the final chapter contains some conclusion that are drawn from the research
results and recommendation based on the factors found from the information gathered from
different written materials and other primary sources through questionnaires and interviews

5.1. Conclusion
The purpose of this study was to assess the assessment of civil service reform in combating
corruption in mizan aman town.
In this town there are much of corruption is here, hence to reduce the rate of corruption, the
researcher conducted and passed different stages, back ground to data analysis.
Corruption has improper behaviors the government made reform in civil service system. Even
though the current government.

Started taking the practice of corruption especially through its civil service reform program which
is encouraging accountability, increasing code of ethics, enhancing community participation and
giving proper service for the government

5.2 Recommendation
For remarkable future achievement of the civil service reform finally to eradicate the prevalence
of corruption for wards the following problem recommendation to the concerned body

Corruption is the serious obstacle to effective government, economic growth and stability so as
there should be comprehensive anti-corruption politics and legislation, starting from the ground up
to the national level.

The society should be join hand with the commission of anti-corruption policies and legislation
starting from the ground up to the national level.
Developing our culture of service delivery to the public should be to eradicate corruption and its
culture the different cross selection of honesty, helpfulness and using feedback mechanism of
The civil service reform program should change the mind of the public administration and the
civil servants regarding public programs and the resources do not before to them as personal
The government should reduce the over politicization of the civil service and work closely with

 Arsema Tamayalew (2001) A reviewed effectiveness of the federal ethics and ant
corruption commission of Ethiopia published by European Union and world bank more
 Blein German (2012) united nation convection against corruption in Ethiopia compliance
 David Hume and Mark Timer(2009) governance administration and development making
state works
 Ewan fertiles (2006) civil service in great Britain the public management in action
 Geber Egziabher(2004) monitoring progress towards good governance Ethiopian report
submitted to regional and local development in Africa studies, Addis Ababa university
and UN economic commission for Africa
 Lasiandra(2014) cause and effects of corruption in the economic analysis, Asia Pacific
development journal vol 7 No2)
 Minister of capacity building (2004) civil service reform program strategies planning and
management Addis Ababa Ethiopia
 Nye Joseph(2001) corruption and development cost benefit analysis American political
science review
 Paulo’s Chanies (2000) the challenge of civil service in Ethiopia
 Snider(2013) the experience of corruption in Ethiopia and the establishment of anti-
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 William Robert(1999) political corruption in Africa great Britain’s

Please choose an appropriate one and precise clearly as possible. I will like to thanks you
for your cooperation to fulfilled this questioner.
Personal Information
1. Sex - male female
2. Age-15-20. 21-35. 36-5o
3. Educational level. 7-10. 10-12. Certificate
Diploma. Degree. Other
4. Position. Government workers Private


1. How do you explain the level of good governance system in Mizan aman town administration?

A. Very high. B. good

C. Satisfactory. D poor
2. How do you explain the degree of corruption in Mizan aman town administration?
A. very high B. good.
C. Medium. D. low E very low

3. Who are the main actors in the corruption?

A. Government officials. B Society
C. NGOs. D .lower officials
4. What is the major source of corruption done by individuals?
A. Poverty. B. lack of knowledge. C. lack of money
5. How many and which purpose of civil service reform implemented in Mizan aman
6. Based on the experience of Mizan Aman town civil service on what action should
To combat corruption
A. Punishment corruption officials
B. Creating awareness
C. Increasing anti-corruption institution

7. What is the contribution of civil service reform in combating corruption?

A. Increasing code of ethics
B. Enhancing community participation
C. Giving proper service for the community
D. Encouraging accountability

1. What is the standard living of civil service reform in Mizan aman town?
2. What is the challenge that obstacle for the implementation of civil service reform in mizan
aman town?

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