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NAME: _________________________________________ DATE: ______________________


Self-Reflection: Let’s Talk About It!

This is your time to self-reflect or look back at your experience with your project.
There are no wrong or right answers. Be honest.

1) Color in the stars. How would you rate this

project on a scale from 1-5, with 1 being the lowest
and 5 being the highest?

2) What was your favorite part about your project? Why? _My
favorite part was when I explained the skills required for this job, because
my audience who would like to have my dream job already knows the skills
3) What was your least favorite part about your project? Why?My
least favorite part was having to explain what I wanted to achieve
with this job because there were so many options or ways to explain
it in a way that others would

4) What is one thing you learned while doing this project?

Comunicación aprendi a expresarme mejor al momento de exponer mi projecto frente a
mas gente.

5) Were there any conflicts or problems that you encountered while

working on your project? If so, were you able to resolve or fix the
problem? Mi parte mas dificil fue la parte de donde podria encontrar
experiencia para el trabajo pero encontre que construyendo cosas
por tu propia cuenta puedes aprender ciertas cosas.

6) What is one thing you particularly want people to notice about

your project when they look back at your work? Una cosa que
particularmente quiero que la gente note sobre mi trabajo como
arquitecto es la capacidad de transformar visiones creativas en
estructuras tangibles que tienen un impacto duradero en la vida
de las personas durante generaciones.

7)What would you change if you had a chance to improve your

project or if you had a chance to present your project over again?

explicar más claramente cuál es el trabajo y las cosas necesarias que se

necesitan también hablar más claro y sin tartamudear.

8) What is one thing you have seen another classmate do that you
would like to try on future projects and assignments?

Me gustaria expresarme mejor ala manera de hablar como mis otros

companeros sin ninguna distraccion y enfocado en su projecto.

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