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Where ever there is wave motion, there must be:

 A Source of Oscillation
 A Material or Field which can transmit oscillations
Wave Motion

It is the mechanism through which energy is transferred from one point to


Types of Waves

 Mechanical Waves: Waves that require certain material medium for

their propagation (travel).
Examples: Water Waves
Sound Waves
 Electromagnetic Waves: Waves that do not require certain material
medium for their propagation.
Examples: Visible Light
Gamma Waves
Radio Waves
 Matter Waves: Waves associated with particle in motion.
Examples: Motion of Electrons ad Waves
Terminologies in Waves
 Displacement: Distance of the object moving from its equilibrium
Symbol: x
Unit: Metre (m)
 Amplitude: Maximum displacement of any point on the wave from
its undisturbed or rest position
Symbol: A or x0
Unit: Metre (m)
 Period: Time taken for one complete oscillation of a point in wave
Symbol: T
Unit: Second (s)
Formula: T = OR T =
 Frequency: Number of oscillations or vibrations per unit time of a
point in a wave
Unit: Hertz (Hz) [Hz = s-1]

Formula: = OR =

 Wavelength: It is shortest distance between any two similar points

on the wave which are in same phase of vibration.
It is the distance between two successive crest or
Symbol: λ
Unit: Metre (m)
 Wave Speed: It is the distance travelled by a wave per second
Symbol: v
Unit: Metre Per Second (ms-1)
Transverse Waves & Longitudinal Waves
Transverse Waves
Transverse Waves have moving crests (or peaks) and troughs.

A crest is a point on the wave where the displacement of the medium is at a


A point on the wave is a trough if the displacement of the medium at that

point is at a minimum.

Examples: Water Waves

Electromagnetic Waves

Waves made by a Rope

Longitudinal Waves
Longitudinal Waves haves regions where the medium is compressed and
other regions where the medium is spread out.

A compression is a region in a longitudinal wave where the particles are

closest together. They are regions of high particle density.

A rarefaction is a region in a longitudinal wave where the particles are

furthest apart. They are regions of low particle density.

Examples: Sound Waves

We know,


A Wave would travel a distance of 1 whole Wavelength in a time equal to 1



Wave Speed =




Phase & Phase Difference

The term "phase" is meaningful for waves that repeat themselves over

The Phase of a particular point in an oscillation is the fraction of the

oscillation measured from an initial point.

Symbol: Φ

Unit: Degree ( ) OR Radian Per Second (rad s-1)

The Phase Difference of two waves is the horizontal distance a similar part
of one wave leads or lags the other wave.

It is measured in terms of a cycle or in terms of angles.

An oscillation that has the same period but reaches its peak at a different
time to that shown above is said to oscillate out of phase.
Wave Energy

It is the rate of energy transmitted (power) per unit area perpendicular to

the direction of wave propagation.
Symbol: I
Unit: Watts Per Square Metre (W m-2)
Formula: Intensity


Intensity & Amplitude

There are two reasons for this:

 The wave may ‘spread’ out

 The wave maybe absorbed or scattered

In Fact,

Determination of the Frequency of Sound Using CRO
The Doppler Effect is the change in frequency of waves due to the relative
motion of the wave source and the observer.

The Figures (shown below) show why this change in frequency is observed.

It shows a source of sound emitting waves with a constant frequency ( )

together with two observers A and B.

If the Source is stationary, waves arrive at A and B at the same rate, and so
both observers hear sounds of the same frequency ( ).
If the source is moving towards A and away from B, the waves are squashed
together in the direction of A and spread apart in the direction of B.

Observer A will observe waves whose wavelength is shortened. More

waves per second arrive at A, and so A observes a sound of higher
frequency than .

Observer B will observe waves whose wavelength is lengthened. The waves

arriving at B has been stretched out, and so B sound of lower frequency
than .

Equation for Observed Frequency

In this wave train, the source is stationary. The length of the train is equal
to the wave speed since this is the distance the first wave travels away
from the source in 1 second.


Wavelength Observed by the Observer, λ0

In this wave train, the situation is a little different as the source is moving
away from the observer. In 1 second, the source moves a distance of .
Now the train of waves will have a length equal to .


Wavelength Observed by the Observer, λ0

We can then surmise the Observed Frequency from these equations.

We know,

Here, = Observed Frequency


f0 Observed Frequency when the Source is Moving Away from Observer


f0 Observed Frequency when the Source is Moving Towards the Observer

By Combining the TWO Equations we get a SINGLE Equation for the

Doppler Shift in Frequency due to a Moving Source.


Observed Frequency, f0


POSITIVE (+VE) Sign Receding Source [Increased Frequency]

NEGATIVE (-VE) Sign Approaching Source [Decreased Frequency]


For all Electromagnetic Waves have the following Properties:

Electromagnetic Spectrum

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