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1. What is octet rule?
2. Which of the ions ca+2 or zn+2 is more stable and why?
3. Why H2O has higher BP then HF?
4. What type of bonds are present in NH4Cl? Write its structure.
5. How many sigma and Pi Bonds are present in
a) C2H2 b) C2H4

1. What is Boltzmann’s constant? Give its value.
2. Which of the gases diffuses faster among N 2 , O2 and CH 4 Why?

3. Calculate Kinetic energy of 5 moles of nitrogen at 270 C

4. Why pressure cooker is used for cooking food on hills?
5. Calculate the ratio of kinetic energies of 3g of H2 and 4 g of O2 at given temperature.
6. What is surface tension?
7. What is an ideal gas?


1. What are Lewis acid & base? Give suitable example.
2. What is homogeneous equilibrium? Write two homogeneous reactions.
3. Calculate the pH of 0.05M H 2 SO4 solution

4. What is the effect of pressure on a gaseous chemical equilibrium

5. What is Bronsted base? Give an example.
6. All Lewis acids are not Bronsted acids. why?
7. Why does BF3 behave as Lewis acid?
8. Calculate the chemical equilibrium reaction for which Kp >Kc

1. Which oxides cause acid rain? and what is its value?
2. What is chemical oxygen demand (COD)?
3. Define the terms sink, TLV & Receptor?
4. What is Greenhouse effect? It is caused by ........and .... gases
5. Mention the harmful effects caused by Global warming
6. Name the common components of photo chemical smog?
7. Mention the harmful effects caused due to depletion of ozone layer
8. Name two adverse effects caused by acid rains
9. What is Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)?
10. Give the possible BOD values for clean water and polluted water.
11. What is PAN? What effects is caused by it
12. What agrochemicals are responsible for water pollution?

1. The empirical formula of compound is CH 2O . Its molecular weight is 90. Calculate the molecular

formula of the compound

2. What volume of CO2 is obtained at STP by heating 4g of CaCO3 36) What is a redox concept ?

3. How many number of moles of glucose are present in 540 gms of glucose?

4. Calculate the oxidation number of Cr in K2Cr2O7 Or Cr2O7-2Assign oxidation number to the underlined

elements in each of the following species.

i) K2MnO4 ii) H2S2O7 iii) H2O2 iii) NO3

5. Calculate the weight of 0.1 mole of Sodium Carbonate.

1. What are intensive and extensive properties.
2. State the third law of thermodynamics.
3. What is entropy? Explain with examples.

4. Enthalpy of combustion of carbon to CO2 is –393.5 kJ mol–1. Calculate the heat released upon

formation of 35.2 g of CO2 from carbon and dioxygen gas.

5. What is the relationship between Cp and Cv?

6. Define a system. Give an example.


1. What happens when magnesium metal is burnt in air?
2. Lithium react with water less vigorously than sodium. Give your reasons?
3. Describe the importance of plaster of paris? write its uses
4. Why are alkali metals not found in the free state in nature
5. Describe the important uses of sodium carbonate?
6. Lithium salts are mostly hydrated. Why?
7. What are the characteristic colours imported by the IInd A Elements?
8. Why is gypsum added to cement?
9. Which is called milk of magnesia? Give its uses?

1. Give the formula of borazine. What is its common name?
2. Explain Inert Pair Effect?
3. Give two uses of Aluminium?
4. Explain why atomic radius of Ga is less than that of Al.

1. Why is CO poisonous?
2. Write the Hybridisation of carbon in the following a) CO2 b) diamond c) Graphite d) Fullerene?
3. How does graphite function as a lubricant
4. Diamond has high melting point – explain
5. Write the hybridisation of carbon in the following
(a) Diamond (b) Graphite
6. Graphite is a good conductor-explain
7. Name any two man-made silicates
8. How is water gas or blue gas prepared?
9. Write the use of ZSM-5
10. What is allotropy? Give the crystalline allotropes of carbon.
11. Write the hybridisation of carbon in the following
(a) CO2 (b) Fullerene
12. Write any four uses of CO2 gas.?


1. Explain the term ‘SYNGAS’
2. Define the term hydride? How they are classified

1. How is nitrobenzene prepared
2. Write the conformations of ethane.
3. Write a short note on a) Wurtz reaction b) Friedel craft alkylation
4. Write the structural formula of the given compounds -
(a) 3,4,4,5 - Tetramethyl heptane (b) 2-Methyl -1-butene
5. Write the IUPAC names of
(a) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH  CH 2 (b) 
CH 3  C  CH 3

CH 3  C H  CH 2  CH 2  CH 3
(c) I

6. Write the functional isomers of organic compound C3 H 6O.

7. Write the IUPAC names of

8. Write the IUPAC names of

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