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Installation of OpenVMS 7.

3 into Personal Alpha


 aprox. 1.5 GB of free space

 Daemon Tools 3.46
 Personal Alpha Emulator 1.1.1
 OpenVMS 7.3 image from distribution site

Overview of the installation process

1. Installation of the Daemon Tools

2. Installation of the Personal Alpha (PA)
3. Creation of the image and configuration of the PA
4. Installation of the OpenVMS
5. Configuration of the TCP/IP Services
6. Creating a new user account

Installation of the Daemon Tools

Download the Daemon Tools from the web1 or use version distributed on the training. The
version must be at most 3.46. Installation means just execution of the installation binary. After
the installation, you will be asked to reboot the machine, after this step Daemon Tools are
accessible through the icon in the system tray.

Click with the right button on the icon and choose menu item “Virtual CD/DVD-ROM”, then
choose “Set number of devices...” a in the last submenu click on the “1 drive” option
(previously checked option was “Disable”. This will enable the virtual drive. This drive will
be accessed from Personal Alpha as \\.\Cdrom1.

Now we need to mount the unzipped installation image of OpenVMS. Click with the right
button on the icon of Daemon Tools and choose menu item “Virtual CD/DVD-ROM”, then
choose first menu item “Device 0: ...” and in the last submenu click on the “Mount image”
item. In the new window locate the image and click Open button.

Installation of the Personal Alpha Emulator

Download the PA from the site of the vendor2 or use the version distributed on the training3.
Execute the PAlpha.msi binary. You will see the following screen (Picture 1).

If you decide to download the latest version of the PA, the manual will probably not correspond to your

Picture 1

Click next. On next screen the release information is displayed. Click next. On the next
window you can change the location of the installed binaries. Check if you have enough disk
space using “Disk Cost” button and click Next to continue with the installation.

Picture 2

In the last window clicking Next will start the installation process. After the installation is
done, click on Close button.

Creation of the image and configuration of the PA

Execute the PA by clicking on the icon on desktop. You will see the following window

Picture 3

In this window, we need to modify several settings according Picture 5.

 First we will adjust the Disks settings. We will use only one disk for the system
installation (disk DKA0).
 We create a new image using Make Empty Disk button. Nothing need to be changed in
the new window (see Picture 4) so just click Make button.

Picture 4

 For the DKA0 disk by clicking on two dots button we will locate the newly create
image and change the disk to use this new image.
 Second disk will be mounted virtual CDROM drive (created by Daemon Tools
application and named DKA100). Change the name from \\.\Cdrom0 (physical
CDROM drive in your computer) to \\.\Cdrom1 (virtual CDROM drive created by
Daemon Tools)
 Because we need to boot from the image of the OpenVMS we change the Boot Device
from DKA0 to DKA100.

 Now the window should look like on Picture 5.

Picture 5

Before we start the VM, it is a good idea to save the configuration using “Save As” button to
the same location there we created image of the system.

Now click on Start button and virtual machine (VM) will be started. The window of the PA
will display the log of the activities of the VM (see Picture 6) and also console window of the
VM will be displayed (see Picture 7).

Console window is in fact PuTTY4 terminal application, which is delivered as a part of

Personal Alpha. In the main configuration window of PA, you can choose your own terminal
application in the “OPA” area (see Picture 5). We are going to use the default.


Picture 6

Picture 7

After the OS will detect the HW of the VM you will be asked about next action (Picture 8).
Because we started VM for a first time, we want to install the OS. So our choice is “1”,
which you should confirm with the Enter button.

Picture 8

Now you will be asked about type if installation (see Picture 9). The possibilities are

Picture 9

On the following screen we are asked about drive to use for the installation. First we check
the possibilities with the question mark character and then we choose DKA0 what was the
name of the virtual drive we created on the beginning (see Picture 10).

Picture 10

Now we define the label for the new disk (See Picture 11). There is a reasonable default,
which we will use, so just press Enter.

Picture 11

Following question requires us to define type of the filesystem. There are two possibilities
level 2 and level 5. Our choice is level 5 (see Picture 12).

Picture 12

Now we enable using of hardlinks (see Picture 13).

Picture 13

And the last question is confirmation of the previous options (see Picture 14).

Picture 14

Before the installation starts, we need to define password for the SYSTEM account. Use
“Lcmanager” (see Picture 15). The password must be typed twice for verification. You will
be asked two times.

Picture 15

We also need to specify if the system will be part of cluster and OpenVMS Galaxy. Answer is
“No” for both cases (see Picture 16).

Picture 16

Now we are asked about SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID parameters and whether the node
will be part of DECnet network. We will ignore it and just specify “X” as a value for
SCSNODE, default value for SCSSYSTEMID and No for DECnet (see Picture17).

Picture 17

Now we are asked about timezone. We will choose option number 0 which represents GMT
(see Picture 18).

Picture 18

Now we specify GMT-0 (option “1”) and confirm selected timezone (see Picture 19).

Picture 19

And also we need to specify time difference against GMT. We will use – 2. At the end we
confirm these settings (See Picture 20).

Picture 20

Next question is about PAKs. We answer “No” (see Picture 21).

Picture 21

Now continues series of questions about various products. First we are asked about Motif
library. We don’t want it, so answer is “No” (see Picture 22).

Picture 22

Next questions are about DECnet-Plus, DECnet Phase IV and TCP/IP Services. Answers are
No, No, Yes (see Picture 23).

Picture 23

Now is the installation about to start. We are provided with the possibility to see brief or
detailed description of process. Out option is “No” for detailed description (see Picture 24).

Picture 24

Now we have the opportunity to change some specific settings for various products. We
choose to use defaults (see Picture 25).

Picture 25

The last step is review of the options. We are not interested in this point so we choose “No”
(see Picture 26) and installation will start (see Picture 27). We can watch the progress bar.

Picture 26

Picture 27

After the installation if finished, we will receive the message as on Picture 28. When we press
Enter/Return we will get back to the main screen (same as on beginning after the first boot of
the image). Now we choose not to install the system (option”1”), but to shutdown this system
(option “8”). This will shutdown the OS and the VM.

Picture 28

When the OS is down also the console window will disappear. Now the only remaining
window is the log of the VM, where we can Stop the VM (see Picture 29).

Picture 29

After we stop the VM, we must change the booting disk from DKA100 (OpenVMS
installation image in virtual CDROM) to DKA0 (virtual hard drive) (see Picture 30).

Picture 30

After we start the VM again, console window will be opened and OS will be booted from disk
DKA0. AUTOGEN application will generate various new parameters for the system and we
will be asked to reboot the system (see Picture 31). Click in the PA window on Stop and
power off the VM. Then Start the machine again.

Picture 31

After several minutes the OS will be up and you can see the screen similar on the Picture 32.

Picture 32

If you press Enter/Return you will get the login prompt and you can login as “SYSTEM” user
with the previously entered password “Lcmanager” (see Picture 33).

Picture 33

The installation is done.

Configuration of the TCP/IP Services

To enable the TCP/IP Services we need to open the license file in text editor and copy&paste
the content to the text console of the system. The license file is in fact the DCL script which
will enable the necessary features.

After this action the system must be stopped with the command SHUTDOWN.

Before we start the VM we also need to modify settings of VM. In the Configuration tab in
Network settings host Ethernet adapter must be mapped to the actual physical interface on the
hosting OS. In this menu we will choose the network interface, which is up and connected to
the network. Also we need to specify Mapping mode as “Shared”, so the interface is shared
between hosting OS and OpenVMS (see Picture 34).

Picture 34

Now we can start the VM.

After the boot is over we can start to configure the TCP/IP Services and Enable the Telnet and
SSH daemon. Please login and execute the


command (see Picture 35).

We are going to configure IP address, Netmask, Broadcast, default gateway, hostname,
domain name and enable telnet and SSH services.

Picture 35

In the main menu we will first configure Core Environment. So our choice is “1”. After this
choice is made the menu on Picture 36 is displayed.

Picture 36

First we set up the domain. After we type “1” and press Enter/Return, we are asked for
domain and we answer

DOMAIN Configuration

Enter Internet domain:

Next we configure the interface. Type “2” and we can see the screen as on Picture 37.

Picture 37

We are not going to use DHCP now, so out choice is “1” (manual configuration). We are
asked then for a FQDN of the machine, what is “”. Then we are asked for IP
address (use some). Then follows the netmask (usually and broadcast
(usually .255).

After these settings are specified we just need to confirm them with Enter/Return (see Picture

Picture 38

After these we are asked for a “failSAFE IP”. We answer “No” and we are back in the menu
from Picture 36.

Now we need to configure default route. We can do it from menu item number “3” (Routing).
First we are asked if we want to “configure dynamic ROUTED or GATED routing”. The
answer is “No” as our system is not going to be router. Then we are asked if we want to
configure default gateway, what we really want. So answer is “Yes” and then we just type the
IP address of the default gateway (usually .1). Then we can optionally specify the hostname
for this gateway. At the end we will leave this menu using “e” and use another “e” to leave
top-most menu as well and we are back in command line.

Now we can finally startup the TCP/IP Services. Use the command


and after the startup is over use command


to verify the connection (stop with Control-C).

Now we also enable SSH Service. Execute


Choose menu item “3” (Server components) and the menu as on the Picture 39 is displayed.
Choose item “19” (SSH) and new menu is displayed (see Picture 40). In this menu choose “2”
(Enable & Start service on this node) and you are asked whether new default server key
should be generated (see Picture 41). Answer is “Yes”.

Picture 39

Picture 40

Picture 41

Creating a new user account

We are going to create regular user account for testing purposes. Execute command



and new prompt UAF> will be displayed. Use following command to add a new user



“_UAF>” substring on the beginning of the line is so-called “Continuation prompt” and is not
part of inserted data also “-“ (minus character) at the end of the line is so-called “Continuation
character” and instructs the shell to wait for a data as the input continues on the next line 5.

Now we will create and directory for this user, use command


Now logout using command LOGOUT and try to login using user TEST01 with the password
TEST01. System will first ask you for a new password (see Picture 42). Type “Lcmanager”
twice and you are logged in.

Picture 42

same as continuation character in Unix shell bash is backslash “\” or continuation character in Visual Basic is
underscore “_”


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