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* Definition
→ The
process of realising energy from food is called respiration .

Glucose is the best source

of energy


Respiration % Breathing
R e s p i r a t i o n B r e a t h i n g

9) It is the
process of breakdown of It is the
process of inhaling and

glucose to produce energy .

exhaling the air in and out of lungs .

2) It takes place in cells . It takes place in

lungs .

3) It is a chemical involuntary price . It is a physical voluntary process .

4) Energy is released in ATP

form . No
produced during process .

5) It is an intercellular
process , as it It is an extracellular process ,
as it

occurs inside the cells .

occurs outside the cells .

Aerobic Anaerobic
( In presence of Oz) ( In the absence of Oz)

Aerobic % Anaerobic
A- e r o b i e A n a e r o b i e

9) Respiration in which oxygen Respiration which takes place without

is used .

oxygen .

2) Produces considerable amount Produces much less energy which

of energy for use by the gets stored in ATP molecules .

organism which gets stored in

ATP molecules .

3) Eixample : Humans Example : Yeast , Bacteria

9) Breaking down glucose into pyruvate

This step happens in the

cytoplasm .

Glucose molecule is broken down into pyruvate .

Glucose molecule is
composed of 6 carbon atoms , while pyruvate
is composed of carbon atoms .

2) The pyruvate maybe converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide .

This takes places in yeast during fermentation


Since this
process takes place in the absence of air ( oxygen) ,
it is

called anaerobic respiration .

3) Breakdown of pyruvate using oxygen takes place in the mitochondria .

4) This process breaks

up the three -
carbon pyruvate molecule to
three molecules of carbon dioxide .

The other product is water


5) Since oxygen) it
this process takes place in the presence of air ( ,
is called
aerobic respiration .

The release in this aerobic is lot greater

of energy process a

than in the anaerobic

process .

* Pain in
Leg Muscles on

When someone runs too fast ,
may experience a
pain in the leg muscles .

happens because
of anaerobic respiration taking place in the
muscles .

During running ,
the energy demand from the muscle cells increases .

This is compensated by anaerobic respiration and lactic acid is

formed in the
process .

The deposition of lactic acid causes the pain the leg muscles .

The pain subsides
after taking nest
for some time .
Exchange of Gases
for of oxygen
respiration ; organisms need continuous supply

and dioxide produced the needs to

during process be removed

from the body .

Different organisms different methods for intake

of oxygen and

expulsion of carbon dioxide .

Diffusion is the method which is utilised by unicellular and some


simple organisms for this purpose .

In plants also , diffusion is utilised for exchange of gases .

animals does the of

In complex respiratory system job exchange of

gases .

* Gills are the respiratory organs for fishes .

fishes take in dissolved in water ;

oxygen ; which is through gills

Since availability of oxygen is less in the aquatic environment so


the breathing .

of aquatic organisms is
faster .

Insects have a system of spiracles and tracheae which is used


for taking in
oxygen .

Terrestrial organisms have developed lungs for exchange of gases .

Availability of oxygen is not a

problem in the terrestrial environment

so breathing rate is slower compared to what it is in

fishes .


4 The human respiratory system Is composed of a
pair of lungs .

These are attached to a system of tubes which the outside

open on

through the nostrils .

following are the main structures in the human respiratory system .

4 There are two nostrils which converge to form a nasal
passage .

The inner
lining of the nostrils is lined buy hairs and remains

to the hairs help dust

wet due mucus and in
filtering the

particles out
from inhaled air .

further , air is warmed when it enters the nasal

up passage

GIT is a tube like structure which continues after the nasal


4 This the
part comes
after pharynx .

This is also called the voice bow .

4 This is
composed of rings of cartilage .

Cartilaginous rings prevent the

collapse of trachea in the absence

of air .

A from the trachea ; with
pair of bronchi comes out one

bronchus going to each

lung .

DA bronchus divides into branches and sub -
branches ; inside the
lung .
These are air -
sacs at the end of bronchioles .

Alveolus is
composed of a thin membrane and is the place where

blood capillaries open


This is alveolus ; where mixes with the blood and carbon dioxide

exists from the blood .

exchange of gases ; in alveoli ; takes place due to
differential .

Mechanism of Breathing
Breathing : Inhalation of Oz and exhalation of CO2 is
breathing .

Breathing completes in two steps -

9) Chest muscles contract upward .

ii) Volume of rib increases

cage .

iii) Air pressure decreases inside the lung cavity .

iv) To maintain the rushes inside from outside

pressure .
i) chest muscles downward
expand .

%) Volume of ribcage decreases .

Air pressure increases inside the

lung cavity .

iv) To maintain pressure air rushed outside

from inside .

Answer .

9) The that terrestrial have

advantage a
organism over an aquatic
these terrestrial take
organism is that organisms oxygen the

rich atmosphere through respiratory organs and have less breathing rate
than aquatic organism .

Whereas aquatic organisms use dissolved in

surrounding water

As dissolved water has low

air in
fairly concentration of onygen

, ,

faster rate
of breathing .

First step of breakdown of glucose in of of

cytoplasm cells

organism .

procedure capitulates a three carbon molecule compound known as

pyruvate .

Further breakdown of pyruvate takes in

different in
place ways various

organisms :

a) Anaerobic respiration
This dioxide

type of respiration in
plants produces carbon and ethanol
as end
products .
b) Aerobic respiration
→ In this
respiration pyruvate breakdown
happens in
presence of oxygen
to give rise three molecules
of carbon dioxide and water .

Release of energy Is much more in this compare to anaerobic
respiration .

3) Oxygen Transportation
In human
beings haemoglobin is
present in the blood that takes
up oxygen

from air to lungs .

Before releasing it carries the oxygen to deficient tissues


Carbon dioxide
In humans , it is transported from body tissues in dissolved form in our

blood to
plasma lungs ,
as carbon dioxide is more soluble in water .

And here it difuses from blood to air in
lungs .

4)The passage of air gets divided into smaller and smaller tubes known , as

bronchi which then form bronchioles .

Then the formed bronchioles terminate in balloon like-

structures ,
known as alveoli .

These alevoli present in the
lungs provide maximum surface for gases exchange .

The alveoli contains thin walls and extensive network

of blood vessels to

facilitate exchange of gases .


Excretion is a
biological process by which an
organism gets rid of
nitrogenous waste
products from body .

* Waste Product of a Plant !

Oxygen can be looked upon as a waste product of photosynthesis and
carbon dioxide a waste product of respiration whereas water is a waste

product of both . e :*

. .

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