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B) Turn the sentences into question.

Singular Was I 1. Erick was at the concert with his father.
Were you right? __________________________________?
Was he/she/it 2. Joseph and Lisa were on holiday last year.
Plural Were we/you/they right? 3. Kian was at school at 7 o’clock.
4. Christian was the photographer last month.
A) Make Julia some questions about her last ___________________________________?
trip. 5. My friends were in Ireland this weekend.
(your hotel/good) ___________________________________?
6. The bedrooms were colorful.
(The weather/nice)
(Your trip/OK)
7. The children were happy.
_____________________________________ ________________________________?
8. Susan was sick, yesterday.

C) Put was-were or wasn’t-weren’t in the gaps in these conversation.

Peter: ________Paul at work today?
Julie: no he __________ in the office. I think he’s sick.
Harry: ________ you on holiday last month?
Mary: yes, I _______ in Peru and it ______Wonderful because I visited Macchu Pichu.
Steve: Nick and I ________ at home playing videogames, why you didn’t come?
Bryan: because I ________Sick, I had to stay at home all day.
Jhon:________ you in Asia last year?
Frank: yes, I ________ in Japan on business, and then my wife and I ________ in Korea for
a short holyday.

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