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Unit 3 Websites (17)

Before we made a decision
browse (v) to look at information on the internet we spent hours browsing /braʊz/ переглядати
various websites.
a web page's actual download time is The website needs to have
the time it takes for a full web page these features: good
download time (phr) /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd//taɪm/ час завантаження
(including graphic images, style sheets, interactivity, audio and fast
scripts, etc.) to be delivered to users. download times.

the meta tag contains information about

the document. Google understands a
standard set of meta tags. You can use
Meta tag- invisible
custom meta tags to provide Google with
meta tag (phr) information (e.g. a hidden /ˈmet.ə/ /tæɡ/ метатег
additional information about your pages.
keyword) on a website c
Google can use this information to create
rich snippets or enable sorting of search
to look for information on a computer, the I searched the internet for
search (v) /sɜːtʃ/ шукати
internet, etc. the best deal.
Page optimisation is
someone who goes to a website on the
visitor (n) increasing the number of /ˈvɪz.ɪ.tər/ відвідувач
visitors to your site
information about where the visitors to Visitor Map shows number
visitor map (phr) ˈ/vɪz.ɪ.tər//mæp/ карта відвідувачів
your site are from of online users
Since the mid-1990s, web
the amount of data sent and received by /ˈweb.saɪt/
website traffic (phr) traffic has been the largest трафік веб-сай ту
visitors to a website. /ˈtræf.ɪk/
portion of Internet traffic.
to put a value in a particular position in the IP addresses are virtual and
* assign (v) /əˈsaɪn/ установлювати, доручати
memory of a computer. are assigned via software.
A commercial product can
* commercial (adj) related to buying and selling things. /kəˈmɜː.ʃəl/ комерцій ний
be bought.
analyse the information
* customer (n) a person who buys goods or a service. /ˈkʌs.tə.mər/ покупець
from the customer.
After you publish the
website, update and
* maintain (v) to keep something in good condition. /meɪnˈteɪn/ підтримувати
maintain it on an ongoing
a computer screen or a device with
She was staring at her
* monitor (v) a screen on which words or pictures can /ˈmɒn.ɪ.tər/ монітор
computer monitor.
be shown.
a piece of planned work or activity that is
The cost of the project has
* project (n) completed over a period of time and /ˈprɒdʒ.ekt/ проект
intended to achieve a particular aim

It needs a new website to

promote its courses,
to encourage or support something, or to
* promote (v) materials and learning /prəˈməʊt/ сприяти
help something become successful.
resources and provide online
language-learning services.

a formal suggestion, plan, or idea, often a Investors approved the

* proposal (n) /prəˈpəʊ.zəl/ пропозиція
written one. merger proposal.
After you publish the
to make available to the public, usually by
website, update and
* publish (v) printing, a book, magazine, newspaper, or /ˈpʌb.lɪʃ/ публікувати
maintain it on an ongoing
other document.
First, discuss with the
an official rule about something that it is customer their
* requirement (n) /rɪˈkwaɪə.mənt/ вимога
necessary to have or to do. requirements and the
target audience.

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