The Book That Saved The Earth

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The Book That Saved the Earth by Claire Boiko

(i) Where are Omega, Oop and Iota in this conversation?
A. Mars Space Control
B. Centerville State Library
C. Centerville Public Library
D. Centreville Museum
(ii) (A) Martians thought of books as sandwiches.
(B) Think Tank suggested to hear those ‘sandwiches’.
a. A is right, B is wrong
b. A is wrong, B is right.
c. Both are wrong
d. Both are right
(iii) The word ‘puzzled’ in the extract means
A. cleared
B. confused
C. satisfied
D. deadly
(iv) Who made the next guess about what the sandwiches actually were?
Answer: Noodle made the next guess about what the sandwiches actually
(v) Who does ‘Them’ in the extract refer to?
Ans: ‘Them’ in the extract refers to books.
1. Why was the twentieth century called the ‘Era of the Books’?
Answer: The twentieth century was called ‘the era of the books’ because the
books were very important in people’s lives. They were the source of
important information. They had everything from anteaters to Zulus.
2. What guesses are made by Think Tank about the books found on the
Answer: Think-Tank guessed that the books were sandwiches the earthlings
loved to eat. He made another guess that the books were about some
communication device used by the earthlings.
3. What was the ‘strangest thing’ that a book from the twentieth century
did? Why was it strange?
Answer: The ‘strangest thing’ that a book from the twentieth century did was
to avert the Martian invasion of 2040 on Earth. It was strange because books
are storehouses of knowledge and information. They are not weapons or
armours to be used to stall invasions.
4. What was the invasion of 2040? How was it stopped?

Answer: The invasion of 2040 was an unsuccessful attempt by the Martians to
bring Earth under their ‘generous rulership’. It was stopped by a book of
English nursery rhymes, ‘Mother Goose’.

5. What is a historiscope? Why does the historian use it?

Answer: A ‘historiscope’ seems to be a scientific device like the microscope
which is used to probe the microorganisms very minutely. The historian uses it
to show in detail what happened in the year 2040.

6. What was Oop’s opinion about the ‘sandwiches’ he had eaten?

Answer: Oop found a book in the library. He thought it was a sandwich. He was
ordered to eat it. He found it absolutely tasteless and useless. He could not
understand how such things could be eaten by the earthlings without water.
They were as dry as Martian dust.
Q7. What alarms Think-Tank after the third rhyme is transcribed to him?
Answer: Think-Tank is alarmed because Oop shows him the picture of Humpty
Dumpty printed alongside the third rhyme. Think-Tank concludes that it is his
picture and he has been seen by the Earthlings. He fears that they now plan to
capture Mars Central Control, invade Mars and bring his downfall.
Q8. Noodle avoids offending Think-Tank but at the same time he corrects his
mistakes. How does he manage to do it?
Answer: Noodle is quite humble and wise. He tries to keep Think-Tank in good
humour. When he feels that his boss is wrong, he throws a corrective hint in
such a manner that the entire credit of the new idea can be easily taken by his
Q.In what ways does Think-Tank misinterpret all the three rhymes that are
transcribed for him?
Answer: The first rhyme, ‘Mistress Mary..’ is interpreted as an indication of
scientific advancement made by Earthlings by combining the fields of
agriculture and mining. He further concludes that Earthlings will grow high
explosives and crops of rare metals like silver and cockle shells.
The second rhyme, ‘Hey diddle diddle..’ is inferred as evidence of the high level
of civilization reached by Earthlings. He feels that even their dogs have a sense
of humour and they might be launching an interplanetary attack of millions of
The third rhyme, ‘Humpty Dumpty…’ alarms Think-Tank. He looks at the
picture of Humpty Dumpty given alongside the rhyme and concludes that it is
his picture. He gets scared and believes that Earthlings have seen him and
want to invade Mars.


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