Design of RC Beams For Bending

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University of Sheffield Slide No.

Design of RC beams for bending

• Aim:
– To learn how to design RC beams to sustain:
• Design bending moments and
• Design shear forces (next week)
• Overview of the lecture
– Video presentation of various modes of failure of RC beams
• Video shows various modes of failure in bending and in shear. Why?
• We design beams to fail
– How come? Don’t we want beams not to fail?
» Any beam will fail under increasing load. However, we want beams to fail exactly under the
design load in a fully controlled manner by achieving the most wanted failure mode.
– Development of design equations
• Design for ULS of bending
• Design for ULS of shear (next week)

Department of Civil & Structural Engineering

University of Sheffield Slide No. 2

Concrete stress-strain design curve

f 

at 0.0035 st rain
αfcd = 0.85 ck 

Concret e compressive st ress

Visible cracking
 1.5  Horizont al line
Parabolic curve
St ress (N/mm )




0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.0020 0.0035
St rain Concret e compressive st rain
• Experimental stress-strain diagram • Idealised design stress-strain diagram
– Curve A: highest strength concrete • Describes all strengths of concrete
– Curve B: medium strength concrete • Maximum stresses are factored i.e design
– Curve C: lowest strength concrete stresses are used
• May be further simplified into rectangular
stress-strain block
Department of Civil & Structural Engineering
University of Sheffield Slide No. 3

Concrete compressive stress blocks

approx. 0.8fcu 0.85fck/γc 0.85fck/γc

x 0.8x
Neutral axis

Actual ultimate Parabolic Simplified

εs stress block rectangular rectangular
design stress block

Department of Civil & Structural Engineering

University of Sheffield Slide No. 4

Steel stress-strain design curve

• Es= 200GPa

St ress
from 1.05 to 1.08
t ension γs • Stresses are factored
fyk inclined t op bra
– Stresses are design
horizont al t op branch stresses
• EC2 allows steel
St rain
stress-strain diagrams
– With horizontal top
fyk γ s = 1.15 branch
γs – With inclined top branch
compression • Reinforcement
savings can be up to
8%, but calculations
are considerably more
• UK recommendation:
use horizontal top
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University of Sheffield Slide No. 5

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ULS of bending
• First principles
1. Plane sections remain plane
2. The strain in bonded reinforcement is the same as that in the
surrounding concrete
3. The tensile strength of concrete is ignored
4. The compressive stresses in the concrete may be derived from
concrete stress-strain design curve
– No tensile stresses
5. The stresses (compressive and tensile) in the reinforcement may
be derived from steel stress-strain design curve
– Steel in RC section can be under tensile as well as compressive
Department of Civil & Structural Engineering
University of Sheffield Slide No. 11

Equilibrium of horizontal forces

Concrete in compression:
Neut ral fck
axis Eq. 1: Fc 0.85
= = (0.8 x)b 0.453 fck bx
Steel in tension (assumed to have yielded):
Eq. 2: Fs1 = fyk As1
∑H = 0 :
Eq. 3: Fc = Fs1 and divide both sides by bd
x fyk As1
Eq. 4: = 1.919
d fck bd
∑ M= 0 : M=
u Fc=
z M

Department of Civil & Structural Engineering

University of Sheffield Slide No. 12

Equilibrium of moments Lever arm:

Eq. 5: z= d- = d − 0.4 x
Neut ral
Ultimate moment of resistance:
Mu = Fc z and divide both sides by fckbd2
Mu 1
= 2 2
0.453 fck bx ( d − 0.4 x )
fck bd fck bd
Eq. 6: 2
= K 0 , where
fck bd
x x
Eq. 7: K0 -0.1812   + 0.453  
d d
∑M = 0: M u =M
Mu M
= 2
= 2
fck bd fck bd
Department of Civil & Structural Engineering
University of Sheffield Slide No. 13

x fyk As1 Factor K0

Eq. 4: = 1.919
d fck bd • Mu increases as (x/d) increases
Mu – and hence with As1, see Eq. 4.
Eq. 6: 2
= K 0 , where
fck bd – This means that more tensile steel
x x increases (x/d) and K0, and
Eq. 7: K 0 -0.1812   + 0.453  
d  d  therefore moment capacity Mu
Plot of factor K0 vs.(x/d) – However, (x/d) can increase only
up to a certain limit to avoid
unannounced (with less rotation
0.2 and deflection) and brittle failure
Factor K0

0.15 • (x/d)max =0.45 for ≤ C50/60

0.1 • (x/d)max =0.35 for > C50/60
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Ratio (x/d)
Department of Civil & Structural Engineering
University of Sheffield Slide No. 14

Maximum moment of resistance

Plot of factor K0 vs.(x/d)
• For ≤ C50/60
(x/d)lim=0.45 and K0=0.167
0.25 Eq. 6a : Mu = 0.167fck bd2
0.2 0.167
Factor K0

• For > C50/60

0.05 (x/d)lim=0.35 and K0=0.136
0 Eq. 6b : Mu = 0.136fck bd2
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Ratio (x/d) ‘Balanced’ section for high-yield steel
0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035



d x

0.00018 0.001 0.002 0.0035 0.0043 0.0065 0.01

‘Over reinforced’ ‘Under reinforced’

Department of Civil & Structural Engineering
University of Sheffield Slide No. 15


Department of Civil & Structural Engineering

University of Sheffield Slide No. 16

Lever arm calculation

Eq. 5: z= d- = d − 0.4 x and divide both sides by d
x  z x x
= 2.5  1 −  → Eq.7 : K 0= -0.1812   + 0.453  
d  d  d  d
z z
K0 -1.1325   + 1.1325  
 d d
 z  z K0
 d   d  1.1325 =→
− + 0 solve quadratic equation
   
 K0 
Eq. 8a: z d  0.5 + 0.25- 
 1.1325 

Note that Eq. 8a is the same as Eq. (8.22) given in Arya as:
 3K 0 
Eq. 8b: z d  0.5 + 0.25- 
 3.4 

Department of Civil & Structural Engineering
University of Sheffield Slide No. 17

Area of tensile steel calculation

Design moment : M
∑M = 0 :
Eq. 9 : M = Fs z
Assu min g that tensile steel has yielded :
fyk A s1
Fs = → Eq. 9
M = 0.87fyk A s1z
Eq. 10 : A s1 = , where z is calculated from Eq. 8a (or 8b)
0.87fyk z
• Two types of steel in the UK:
– High-yield steel (ribbed bars): fyk=460MPa
• Main reinforcement
– Mild steel (plain round bars): fyk=250MPa
• Secondary reinforcement, links/stirrups
Department of Civil & Structural Engineering
University of Sheffield Slide No. 18

Doubly reinforced beams

0.0035 0.85fck/1.5 Question:
– What happens when the
xlim=0.45d As2 εs2 Fs2
Fc 0.8x
(xlim=0.35d) d
design moment M is greater
than the maximum moment
axis zlim
of resistance Mu?

Fs1 Mu=0.167fckbd2 when x/d=0.45
for ≤ C50/60
Mu=0.136fckbd2 when x/d=0.35
for > C50/60

Department of Civil & Structural Engineering

University of Sheffield Slide No. 19

Design equations for doubly reinforced section

If M > Mu and ( d'/x ) ≤ 0.43 (i.e. compression steel has yielded):
The area of compression reinforcement is given by:
M − ( Mu )lim
Eq. 11: A s2 =
0.87 fyk ( d − d ' )
The area of tensile reinforcement is given by:
( Mu )lim ( Mu )lim
Eq. 12 : As1 = + As2 , where is the area of tensile reinforcement
0.87 fyk zlim 0.87 fyk zlim
corresponding to maximum (x/d)lim of a singly reinforced RC section.

Department of Civil & Structural Engineering

University of Sheffield Slide No. 20

Flanged sections
• T-sections and L-sections which have their flanges in
compression can be analysed using design equations derived
for rectangular cross sections
– Question: What is the width of the compressed area of cross section?
Equivalent uniform st ress over
effect ive flange widt h, b

Dist ribut ion of

Effect ive flange widt h longit udinal st ress
great est at point of
maximum moment

Lines of cont raflexure

(posit ions of zero moment )

Department of Civil & Structural Engineering

University of Sheffield Slide No. 21

Effective width
beff =bw + beff ,1 + beff ,2
beff ,1= ( 0.2 ⋅ b1 + 0.1 ⋅ l0 ) ≤ 0.2 ⋅ l0 and ≤ b1
beff ,2 = ( 0.2 ⋅ b2 + 0.1 ⋅ l0 ) ≤ 0.2 ⋅ l0 and ≤ b2

beff beff

bw bw


Department of Civil & Structural Engineering

University of Sheffield Slide No. 22

Flanged sections: design procedure

• Condition
– The neutral axis should remain within a flange, but it is satisfactory if
x is up to 1.25hf as then 0.8x=hf
– Experience shows that in good designs it will only very infrequently
be necessary to do other than consider a flanged beam as
rectangular where b=beff
– If x>1.25hf an alternative simplified approach is to assume that Fc
acts in the mid-depth of the flange and calculate tensile steel as:
A s1 =
 hf 
fyd  d − 
 2
Department of Civil & Structural Engineering
University of Sheffield Slide No. 23

General RC beam design procedure

• Perform initial beam sizing, if possible
– Typically based on past experience
– To satisfy fire resistance and durability requirements
• Design for ULS of bending and ULS of shear
• Check deflections
• Ensure that cracking is limited
• Perform good detailing
• Minimum and maximum reinforcement percentages
• Spacing of reinforcement (cracking and buildability)
• Anchorage (bond, curtailment of bars)

Department of Civil & Structural Engineering

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