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c create_null_p__void: val = -564350512

Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564350096
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564349552
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 92
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 94
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564090832
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564089808
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564090032
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 109
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 111
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565401520
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565400944
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565401200
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 109
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 111
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564080944
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564081776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564081008
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 106
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 111
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564351920
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564351440
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564352752
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 107
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 111
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566716272
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566716752
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566716112
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 107
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 111
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566967920
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566968048
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566968976
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 101
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566714896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566714768
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566715408
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 109
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 111
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566714704
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566715728
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566715088
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 107
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 111
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567763120
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567763856
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567763088
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 101
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'c0:15:9c:6b:2b:b1:cb:9d:49:15:89:72:2f:aa:2f:e4' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '33'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20140201T195143.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567707312
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567707568
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706160
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706960
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706928
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705840
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705360
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706576
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706096
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705808
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705520
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706480
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706832
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706608
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706032
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706512
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706544
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705648
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706224
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706448
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705584
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706352
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706384
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706768
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567703600
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567703824
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567703952
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567704688
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567703920
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567704208
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567704496
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567704080
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567704592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567703696
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567704848
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567704336
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705200
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567704400
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567704016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567705136
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567704912
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567706192
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000001, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '33'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20140201T195144.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567691280
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T103915.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '33'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T103915.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567613200
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567613744
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -568410176, jresult = -568410176
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567746992
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -568446080, jresult = -568446080
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567599760
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -568432448, jresult = -568432448
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567743504
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -568369424, jresult = -568369424
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567747504
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567592912
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000001, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '33'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T104005.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567671120
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde1ca930
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/)
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde1ca930
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde1ca930//
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Folder / contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde1e4010/store_00020001
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-port Getting timeout...
gphoto2-port Current timeout: 20000 milliseconds
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 60000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1846
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp Unpacking MTP OPL, size 1846 (prop_count 91)
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x3001
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 0
ptp2/mtpfast filename DCIM
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x2
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20140201T000230
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20140201T000236
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300d
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 11826745
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20140201_000230_V.MOV
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x3
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300d
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 22805819
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20140201_194802_V.MOV
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20140201T194802
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20140201T194814
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x4
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 6196522
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20140201_194820.MOV
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20140201T194820
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20140201T194830
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300d
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x5
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x3801
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 2359368
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20140201_194835.JPG
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20140201T194834
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20140201T194836
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x6
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20140201T194838
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x3801
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 2103720
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20140201_194838.JPG
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20140201T194838
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde1e4010/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001 contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001/DCIM...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde1fc550/DCIM
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20140201_000230_V.MOV'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20140201_000230_V.MOV to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20140201_194802_V.MOV'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20140201_194802_V.MOV to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20140201_194820.MOV'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20140201_194820.MOV to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20140201_194835.JPG'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20140201_194835.JPG to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20140201_194838.JPG'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20140201_194838.JPG to folder DCIM
filesys Listed '20140201_000230_V.MOV'
filesys Listed '20140201_194802_V.MOV'
filesys Listed '20140201_194820.MOV'
filesys Listed '20140201_194835.JPG'
filesys Listed '20140201_194838.JPG'
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde1fc550/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001/DCIM contains 0 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
filesys Listed '20140201_000230_V.MOV'
filesys Listed '20140201_194802_V.MOV'
filesys Listed '20140201_194820.MOV'
filesys Listed '20140201_194835.JPG'
filesys Listed '20140201_194838.JPG'
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20140201_000230_V.MOV' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20140201_000230_V.MOV' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_000230_V.MOV
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20140201_194802_V.MOV' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20140201_194802_V.MOV' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_194802_V.MOV
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20140201_194820.MOV' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20140201_194820.MOV' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_194820.MOV
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20140201_194835.JPG' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20140201_194835.JPG' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_194835.JPG
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
ptp2/strcpymimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20140201_194838.JPG' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20140201_194838.JPG' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_194838.JPG
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
ptp2/strcpymimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20140201_194838.JPG' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20140201_194838.JPG' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_194838.JPG
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20140201_194838.JPG' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 7838
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -574748160 vs 7838
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'image/jpeg'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20140201_194838.jpg'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 7838
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20140201_194835.JPG' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20140201_194835.JPG' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_194835.JPG
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20140201_194835.JPG' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 7714
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -574748160 vs 7714
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'image/jpeg'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20140201_194835.jpg'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 7714
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20140201_194820.MOV' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20140201_194820.MOV' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_194820.MOV
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20140201_194820.MOV' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 9288
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -574748160 vs 9288
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/quicktime'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20140201_194820.MOV'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 9288
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20140201_194802_V.MOV' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20140201_194802_V.MOV' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_194802_V.MOV
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20140201_194802_V.MOV' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 5827
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -574748160 vs 5827
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/quicktime'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20140201_194802_V.MOV'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 5827
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20140201_000230_V.MOV' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20140201_000230_V.MOV' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_000230_V.MOV
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20140201_000230_V.MOV' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 4866
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -574748160 vs 4866
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/quicktime'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20140201_000230_V.MOV'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 4866
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20140201_194838.JPG' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20140201_194838.JPG' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 1)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_194838.JPG
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20140201_194838.JPG' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 2103720
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata curread = 524300, toread = 2103720
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata curread = 1048600, toread = 2103720
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata curread = 1572900, toread = 2103720
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata curread = 2097200, toread = 2103720
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size =
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20140201_194835.JPG' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20140201_194835.JPG' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 1)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20140201_194835.JPG
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20140201_194835.JPG' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 2359368
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata curread = 524300, toread = 2359368
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata curread = 1048600, toread = 2359368
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata curread = 1572900, toread = 2359368
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata curread = 2097200, toread = 2359368
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size =
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567577584
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -568418576, jresult = -568418576
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '33'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T104016.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567608944
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T104017.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '33'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T104017.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567547248
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1073740208
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567628528
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000001, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '33'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T104025.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567567984
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T104026.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '33'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T104026.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1073726544
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1073716080
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567569424
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000001, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567568400
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -567558416
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -1058527856, jresult = -1058527856
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Exiting camera ('PTP/IP Camera')...
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata event received failed, result = 8194

ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =18 but ret=-1

ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/disconnect disconnecting, cmdfd = 95, evtfd = 101
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde1ca930
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde1ca930//
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde1e4010/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde1fc550/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Delete one folder 0xde1fc550/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde1fc550/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Delete one folder 0xde1e4010/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde1e4010/store_00020001
gp-camera Freeing camera...
gphoto2-port Freeing port...
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde1ca930
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde1ca930//
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 112
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 125
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566976400
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566977040
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566976912
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 101
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'14:ad:57:f9:c6:43:42:30:22:b7:1d:e5:ef:53:c7:88' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132739.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920656
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918992
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919056
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920176
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920400
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919248
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920112
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920080
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919888
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919024
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920432
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919152
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919696
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919824
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920336
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919184
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918800
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918192
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917520
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917680
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918576
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918032
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917424
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917840
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917648
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918160
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917264
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918416
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917904
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918832
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918704
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918512
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918640
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918864
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917872
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917616
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566916432
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566916048
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566915632
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566915696
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566916272
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566916752
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566916208
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917104
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132740.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566900560
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132741.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132741.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566841008
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566834256
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -566637040, jresult = -566637040
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132752.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132752.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566829072
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132753.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566821200
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566827120
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -566691760, jresult = -566691760
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132756.0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566908400
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000007, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566814064
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400c

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400c, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132757.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566809008
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566809008
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000007, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132757.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566805040
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566821008
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -566590576, jresult = -566590576
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132819.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566781520
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 24
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132819.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566764912
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132823.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566771120
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 24
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132823.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1084735824
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1084742608
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -566540368, jresult = -566540368
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_sd_format start
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_sd_format Start: storageId = 20001, fileSysFmt = 3
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_sd_format Resp=2001, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_sd_format ret = 8193

gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1084726512
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400c

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400c, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde3894f0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde3894f0//
PTP_EC_StorageInfoChanged Foramt Finished...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132828.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1084719760
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1084726000
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132837.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1084714960
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132837.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1084705808
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566775952
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -566523568, jresult = -566523568
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132840.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1084705040
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde3894f0
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/)
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde3894f0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde3894f0//
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Folder / contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde3a85d0/store_00020001
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-port Getting timeout...
gphoto2-port Current timeout: 20000 milliseconds
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 60000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 126
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp Unpacking MTP OPL, size 126 (prop_count 145)
ptp short MTP Object Property List at property 8 (of 145)
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x3001
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 0
ptp2/mtpfast filename DCIM
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde3a85d0/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001 contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001/DCIM...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde38c070/DCIM
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde38c070/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001/DCIM contains 0 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132842.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1084689008
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132843.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1084675216
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132844.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566813744
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '4'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Exiting camera ('PTP/IP Camera')...
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/disconnect disconnecting, cmdfd = 95, evtfd = 101
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde3894f0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde3894f0//
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde3a85d0/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde38c070/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Delete one folder 0xde38c070/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde38c070/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Delete one folder 0xde3a85d0/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde3a85d0/store_00020001
gp-camera Freeing camera...
gphoto2-port Freeing port...
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde3894f0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde3894f0//
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566966288
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566967248
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566965520
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'6c:e2:d1:29:fb:bb:73:d7:dd:55:c2:9c:bd:31:11:c6' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132846.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919408
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920144
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918960
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920400
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919056
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920560
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920080
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919600
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919216
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919440
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919280
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919856
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919696
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919824
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566920336
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919184
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918448
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917392
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918320
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917680
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918576
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918032
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917200
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917840
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917360
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917328
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918608
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917712
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917968
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917744
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918480
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566918384
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566917136
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566916432
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566915504
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566915632
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566915696
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566916272
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566916752
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566919024
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132847.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566858992
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132847.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566842256
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566840656
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -567640400, jresult = -567640400
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132857.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566812656
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132857.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566806288
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132905.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566779568
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 24
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132905.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566774032
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132907.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566769680
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 24
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132907.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566762416
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566867952
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -567594656, jresult = -567594656
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132910.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132910.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101785392
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132911.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101778672
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132918.0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101770608
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000002, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101778128
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400c

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400c, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132921.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101759184
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101759184
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000002, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132921.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101754160
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132923.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101747728
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 24
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132923.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101739952
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101760464
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -567614912, jresult = -567614912
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132925.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132925.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566836272
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132927.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -566853712
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132934.0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101734320
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000003, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101727376
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400c
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish
ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400c, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132935.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101722160
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101722160
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000003, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132935.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101714832
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132939.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101708720
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 24
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132939.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101696336
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101704656
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -567760544, jresult = -567760544
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_sd_format start
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_sd_format Start: storageId = 20001, fileSysFmt = 3
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_sd_format Resp=2001, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_sd_format ret = 8193

gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101696464
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400c

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400c, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde28ae40
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde28ae40//
PTP_EC_StorageInfoChanged Foramt Finished...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20220927T132943.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101684560
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1101684560
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577720080
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577719152
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577718928
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 96
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 100
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577714768
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577721488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577714896
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 101
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'1d:35:19:ab:29:26:36:7a:5d:4a:01:12:2a:89:96:b7' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T150542.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577665008
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577664240
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577664016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577664176
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577663344
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577664464
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577663600
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577663792
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662128
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662384
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662704
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662064
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661712
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577663056
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661808
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662768
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577663152
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662160
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662608
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662576
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662672
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577663088
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662032
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662928
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661680
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662960
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662800
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662416
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661648
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661200
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661328
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660112
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660976
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661232
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660784
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577659984
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660272
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660080
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660528
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660688
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577645008
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T150543.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577651696
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140536.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140536.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577569008
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577567760
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578434528, jresult = -578434528
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577632848
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578385424, jresult = -578385424
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577568976
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578508064, jresult = -578508064
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577591472
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578431600, jresult = -578431600
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140618.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577708784
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '4'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Exiting camera ('PTP/IP Camera')...
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/disconnect disconnecting, cmdfd = 95, evtfd = 101
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd84a630
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd84a630//
gp-camera Freeing camera...
gphoto2-port Freeing port...
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd84a630
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd84a630//
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577709456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577708368
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577708400
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'5d:7c:68:9a:73:1c:f0:c6:f6:8f:50:3f:2b:c5:fb:52' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140634.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577664016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577664464
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662544
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662064
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662512
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577663184
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662224
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661936
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661808
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662256
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662608
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662576
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577663088
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662032
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662928
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661680
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662736
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662640
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662192
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577662352
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577663120
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661264
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577659664
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577659728
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577659792
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661392
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661104
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660944
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577661168
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660720
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577659920
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660688
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660816
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660880
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577659952
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577659856
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660752
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577659760
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577660912
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577656400
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140635.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577643632
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140636.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140636.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577587824
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577635888
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578507968, jresult = -578507968
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577576752
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578385856, jresult = -578385856
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577705136
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578343136, jresult = -578343136
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140722.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577574320
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '4'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Exiting camera ('PTP/IP Camera')...
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/disconnect disconnecting, cmdfd = 95, evtfd = 99
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd84aea0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd84aea0//
gp-camera Freeing camera...
gphoto2-port Freeing port...
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd84aea0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd84aea0//
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577971792
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577971888
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577970864
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 93
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 101
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'94:66:9f:41:a6:cb:9f:0c:91:cc:dd:2e:5e:70:d4:f1' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140743.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577926896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577925488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924528
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924688
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924272
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924656
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923856
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923920
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923952
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924912
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924368
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577925296
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924304
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924400
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577925008
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923728
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924816
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924112
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923888
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577925360
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923664
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924880
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923760
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924784
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924560
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923600
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577925264
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923408
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923440
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923504
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923120
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923376
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923248
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923088
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923312
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922864
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922480
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922064
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922832
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922992
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577921968
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922352
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922288
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922320
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922032
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577918416
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00004001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 16385, jresult = 16385
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577929936
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x0000d001, param2 0x00000011, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 53249, jresult = 53249
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 17, jresult = 17
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 17, jresult = 17
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577906224
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140743.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577869936
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140743.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577851152
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577910768
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish
ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -701981536, jresult = -701981536
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577845296
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578620784, jresult = -578620784
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '17'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140804.0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577834128
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000002, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577833232
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400c

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400c, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140805.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577826416
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577826416
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000002, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20221227T140805.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577817904
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -579032560
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -579029744
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -579030384
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 96
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 100
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'ca:b7:b4:08:56:22:0e:4f:85:72:f8:e5:83:f1:99:f8' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203054.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578973264
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972496
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578973872
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972976
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578973712
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578973328
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578973392
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972304
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972752
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578973808
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972240
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972208
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578973456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578973520
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972912
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578973072
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972176
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578973840
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971984
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971920
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972016
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972080
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578970832
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971376
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972112
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971952
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971216
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578972144
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578970768
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971312
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971056
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971248
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971280
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971184
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578970928
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578970576
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578970608
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971632
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971856
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578971344
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578968880
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578970096
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578969456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578970000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578969968
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578973936
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578953968
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203055.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578934928
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203055.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578901392
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578891216
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -579749376, jresult = -579749376
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578947312
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -579675840, jresult = -579675840
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203113.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578855472
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd708b00
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/)
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd708b00
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd708b00//
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Folder / contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xdd722900/store_00020001
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-port Getting timeout...
gphoto2-port Current timeout: 20000 milliseconds
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 60000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1974
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp Unpacking MTP OPL, size 1974 (prop_count 103)
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x3001
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 0
ptp2/mtpfast filename DCIM
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x2
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20221227T140728
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20221227T140804
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 68285828
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20221227_140728_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x3
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230101T114356
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 361917960
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230101_112900.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230101T112900
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x4
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230101T114400
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 280532916
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230101_114400.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230101T115552
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x5
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 377609888
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230101_163200.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230101T163200
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230101T164656
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x6
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230101T165926
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 319901388
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230101_164700.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230101T164700
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd722900/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001 contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001/DCIM...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xdd71b0a0/DCIM
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20221227_140728_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20221227_140728_V.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230101_112900.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230101_112900.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230101_114400.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230101_114400.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230101_163200.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230101_163200.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230101_164700.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230101_164700.AVI to folder DCIM
filesys Listed '20221227_140728_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_112900.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_114400.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_163200.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_164700.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd71b0a0/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001/DCIM contains 0 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
filesys Listed '20221227_140728_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_112900.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_114400.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_163200.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_164700.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20221227_140728_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20221227_140728_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20221227_140728_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_112900.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_112900.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_112900.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_114400.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_114400.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_114400.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_163200.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_163200.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_163200.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_164700.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_164700.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_164700.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578897136
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish
ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230101_164700.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230101_164700.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_164700.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230101_164700.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 14901
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -586020352 vs 14901
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230101_164700.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 14901
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230101_163200.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230101_163200.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_163200.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230101_163200.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 6699
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -586020352 vs 6699
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230101_163200.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 6699
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230101_114400.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230101_114400.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_114400.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230101_114400.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 14602
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -586020352 vs 14602
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230101_114400.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 14602
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230101_112900.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230101_112900.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_112900.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230101_112900.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 10267
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -586020352 vs 10267
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230101_112900.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 10267
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20221227_140728_V.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20221227_140728_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20221227_140728_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20221227_140728_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 5518
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -586020352 vs 5518
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20221227_140728_V.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 5518
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578925872
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -579663504, jresult = -579663504
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203127.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578999824
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203128.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203128.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578833776
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578820368
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Deleting file '20221227_140728_V.AVI' in folder
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20221227_140728_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Deleting '20221227_140728_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578828208
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578826032
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400c

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400c, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203135.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578850128
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203138.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096537936
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203138.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578824176
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096543504
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578831984
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096534640
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578836784
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096534448
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 5, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 5
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096534672
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096535408
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096534768
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096535568
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578827056
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096534736
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096534704
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578882640
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096533072
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096532624
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 5, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 5
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096533712
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578952048
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096535312
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096534896
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578832528
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096536944
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096535760
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish
ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096533904
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -579624336, jresult = -579624336
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578957072
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203207.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096519312
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203208.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203208.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096546000
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578830224
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096536368
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096517488
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578827920
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096530576
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096517264
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578918224
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096533200
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096514320
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096515600
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578855376
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 6, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 6
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096513648
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096512560
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578817968
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096513104
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096513232
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096513136
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 5, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 5
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096513072
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578867344
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096547440
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578921008
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096511824
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096516816
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096513968
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096514192
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096530544
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish
ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096514800
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578893808
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 5, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 5
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096512272
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -579655968, jresult = -579655968
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578843856
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096511312
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578865168
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578905200
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096511344
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096511856
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096509584
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish
ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096509040
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 6, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 6
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096513360
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096512784
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096517392
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096511504
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578898960
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578904400
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578923920
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578905936
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578895056
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203236.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096490096
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203237.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096480528
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578843664
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578817424
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096506832
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203239.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096546832
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 32
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203239.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578905008
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203244.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578948048
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd708b00
gphoto2-filesystem Folder / contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001 contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
filesys Listed '20230101_112900.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_114400.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_163200.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_164700.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001/DCIM contains 0 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
filesys Listed '20230101_112900.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_114400.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_163200.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_164700.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_112900.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_112900.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_112900.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_114400.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_114400.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_114400.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_163200.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_163200.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_163200.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_164700.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_164700.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_164700.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096487728
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203250.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096450224
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203250.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096525808
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096525808
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096458224
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096446864
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096447472
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096508368
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish
ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096516304
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203258.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096430800
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203258.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096479504
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578830736
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096428112
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096436432
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_get_file start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
ftpc_getfile ftpc_getfile(,21,DCIM/20230101_164700.AVI,-
ftpc_getfile ftp connected!

ftpc_getfile fullpathname = /20230101_164700.AVI

ftpc_getfile cmd = CWD DCIM

ftpc_getfile cmd = SIZE 20230101_164700.AVI

ftpc_getfile target size = 319901388

ftpc_getfile cmd = RETR 20230101_164700.AVI

gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 1607460
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096415792
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -1088915872, jresult = -1088915872
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096416912
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096427952
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 2915620
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 4730400
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 6270700
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 7965760
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 9838940
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 10771880
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 12107780
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 13630560
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 15221960
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096427760
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -579611472, jresult = -579611472
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096445840
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -1088937664, jresult = -1088937664
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203338.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1096443472
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '4'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Exiting camera ('PTP/IP Camera')...
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/disconnect disconnecting, cmdfd = 96, evtfd = 100
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd708b00
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd708b00//
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd722900/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd71b0a0/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Delete one folder 0xdd71b0a0/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xdd71b0a0/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Delete one folder 0xdd722900/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xdd722900/store_00020001
gp-camera Freeing camera...
gphoto2-port Freeing port...
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd708b00
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd708b00//
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577972912
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577971632
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577971888
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 101
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'90:c0:9c:88:f0:f9:9f:81:78:8b:b7:7a:b8:24:95:74' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203417.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577926768
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577925328
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923984
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577925200
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924144
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577925136
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577925168
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577925008
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924720
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924400
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924112
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923696
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577963504
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577963952
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577930928
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577932496
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577932304
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577932016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577930896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577931184
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923632
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923760
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924944
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924336
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577924496
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923600
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577925264
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922448
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923440
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923504
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922800
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922384
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922640
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923568
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922192
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922736
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922480
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922672
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922704
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922960
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577923024
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922096
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577922896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577921904
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577905936
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203417.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577905456
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203418.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203418.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577847248
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203419.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577830640
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd80a540
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/)
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd80a540
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd80a540//
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Folder / contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xdd80b830/store_00020001
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-port Getting timeout...
gphoto2-port Current timeout: 20000 milliseconds
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 60000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1598
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp Unpacking MTP OPL, size 1598 (prop_count 84)
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x3001
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 0
ptp2/mtpfast filename DCIM
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x3
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230101T112900
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230101T114356
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 361917960
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230101_112900.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x4
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 280532916
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230101_114400.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230101T114400
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230101T115552
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x5
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 377609888
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230101_163200.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230101T163200
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230101T164656
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x6
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230101T165926
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 319901388
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230101_164700.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230101T164700
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd80b830/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001 contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001/DCIM...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xdd822030/DCIM
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230101_112900.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230101_112900.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230101_114400.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230101_114400.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230101_163200.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230101_163200.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230101_164700.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230101_164700.AVI to folder DCIM
filesys Listed '20230101_112900.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_114400.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_163200.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_164700.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd822030/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001/DCIM contains 0 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
filesys Listed '20230101_112900.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_114400.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_163200.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230101_164700.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_112900.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_112900.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_112900.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_114400.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_114400.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_114400.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_163200.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_163200.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_163200.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230101_164700.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230101_164700.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230101_164700.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577828432
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203422.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577806896
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203423.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230101T203423.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577884048
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577895792
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577802224
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577882800
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577883568
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_get_file start
ftpc_getfile ftpc_getfile(,21,DCIM/20230101_164700.AVI,-
ftpc_getfile ftp connected!

ftpc_getfile fullpathname = /20230101_164700.AVI

ftpc_getfile cmd = CWD DCIM

ftpc_getfile cmd = SIZE 20230101_164700.AVI

ftpc_getfile target size = 319901388

ftpc_getfile cmd = RETR 20230101_164700.AVI

gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 1100840
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577821328
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 2873280
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 4347880
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 5618080
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -577810320
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578698544, jresult = -578698544
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 6837180
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 7959920
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 9130840
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578244976
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578245360
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578245008
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 96
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 100
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'83:0d:ba:75:35:f9:49:b3:bb:6d:ed:af:cb:c0:e2:22' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230103T083055.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578186416
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578187120
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578187472
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578186224
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578186128
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578186288
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578186544
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578187280
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578185872
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578187184
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578186896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578186160
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578186320
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578187216
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578185968
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578185776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578187024
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578187088
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578186480
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578186640
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578185744
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578187408
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578185552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578185488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578185584
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184400
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184944
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184528
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184784
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578185712
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184336
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184880
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184624
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184816
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184848
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184752
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184496
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184144
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184176
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578185296
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578184656
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578185424
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578183984
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578182736
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578183056
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578186736
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000002, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 2, jresult = 2
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230103T083056.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578144880
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230103T083056.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578120208
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578125264
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578925024, jresult = -578925024
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578090736
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578968176, jresult = -578968176
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230103T083111.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578230096
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 24
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230103T083112.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578074864
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230103T083121.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578046448
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 24
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230103T083121.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578041680
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230103T083123.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578031120
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 24
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230103T083123.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1109389872
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578038384
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -578883072, jresult = -578883072
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_sd_format start
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_sd_format Start: storageId = 20001, fileSysFmt = 3
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_sd_format Resp=2001, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_sd_format ret = 8193

gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 2, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 2
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -232854512
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400c

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400c, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd7c7f60
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd7c7f60//
PTP_EC_StorageInfoChanged Foramt Finished...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230103T083135.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1109382864
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1109382864
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1109385008
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -232605968, jresult = -232605968
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '66'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230103T083149.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -578169040
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '4'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Exiting camera ('PTP/IP Camera')...
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/disconnect disconnecting, cmdfd = 96, evtfd = 100
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd7c7f60
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd7c7f60//
gp-camera Freeing camera...
gphoto2-port Freeing port...
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xdd7c7f60
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xdd7c7f60//
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642210640
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642211312
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642210864
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 96
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 100
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'07:87:4d:77:5e:9a:16:00:10:04:e3:af:36:b7:e3:f4' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230105T214002.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642151760
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642151120
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642150576
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149200
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642150064
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642150384
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149840
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149072
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642150160
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642148880
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642148912
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642150032
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149680
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149904
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149392
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642150448
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149360
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149168
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642150544
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642150352
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149744
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149648
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149872
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149104
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642149232
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642150640
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642148592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642148176
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642147952
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642148112
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642147792
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642147184
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642147760
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642148848
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642148624
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642147824
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642147728
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642148400
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642148816
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642147312
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642147664
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642147152
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642148560
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642148144
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642146672
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230105T214003.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642079664
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230105T214005.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230105T214005.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642065936
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642123152
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -641877648, jresult = -641877648
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230105T214008.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642136400
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xcfe771e0
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/)
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xcfe771e0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xcfe771e0//
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Folder / contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xd9be8600/store_00020001
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-port Getting timeout...
gphoto2-port Current timeout: 20000 milliseconds
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 60000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 4182
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp Unpacking MTP OPL, size 4182 (prop_count 217)
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 0
ptp2/mtpfast filename DCIM
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x3001
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x2
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230103T085158
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230103T090454
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 316352896
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230103_085158.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x3
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230103T161206
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 6276538
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230103_161157.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230103T161158
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x4
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230103T161208
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 2065532
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230103_161208.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230103T161208
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x5
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 4128598
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230103_161212.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230103T161212
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230103T161218
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x6
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230103T161234
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 5559552
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230103_161231_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230103T161232
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x7
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 62102716
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230103_161242.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230103T161242
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230103T161512
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x8
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 4264138
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230105_102533.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230105T102532
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230105T102538
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x9
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230105T111312
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 348080988
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230105_105816.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230105T105816
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0xa
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 240715882
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230105_111316.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230105T111316
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230105T112334
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0xb
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 367787332
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230105_211029.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230105T211030
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230105T212524
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0xc
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230105T213812
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 318748354
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230105_212529.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230105T212530
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xd9be8600/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001 contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001/DCIM...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xd9be74c0/DCIM
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_085158.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_085158.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_161157.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_161157.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_161208.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_161208.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_161212.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_161212.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_161231_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_161231_V.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_161242.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_161242.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230105_102533.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230105_102533.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230105_105816.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230105_105816.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230105_111316.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230105_111316.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230105_211029.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230105_211029.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230105_212529.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230105_212529.AVI to folder DCIM
filesys Listed '20230103_085158.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161157.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161208.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161212.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161231_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161242.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_102533.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_105816.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_111316.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_211029.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_212529.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xd9be74c0/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001/DCIM contains 0 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
filesys Listed '20230103_085158.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161157.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161208.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161212.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161231_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161242.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_102533.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_105816.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_111316.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_211029.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_212529.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_085158.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_085158.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_085158.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_161157.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_161157.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161157.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_161208.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_161208.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161208.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_161212.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_161212.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161212.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_161231_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_161231_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161231_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_161242.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_161242.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161242.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230105_102533.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230105_102533.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_102533.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230105_105816.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230105_105816.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_105816.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230105_111316.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230105_111316.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_111316.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230105_211029.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230105_211029.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_211029.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230105_212529.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230105_212529.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_212529.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230105_212529.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230105_212529.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_212529.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230105_212529.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 14392
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -648427008 vs 14392
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230105_212529.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 14392
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230105_211029.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230105_211029.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_211029.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230105_211029.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 13237
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -648427008 vs 13237
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230105_211029.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 13237
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230105_111316.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230105_111316.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_111316.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230105_111316.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 12105
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -648427008 vs 12105
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230105_111316.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 12105
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230105_105816.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230105_105816.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_105816.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230105_105816.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 12765
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -648427008 vs 12765
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230105_105816.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 12765
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230105_102533.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230105_102533.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_102533.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230105_102533.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 7629
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -648427008 vs 7629
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230105_102533.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 7629
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230103_161242.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230103_161242.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161242.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230103_161242.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 10695
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -648427008 vs 10695
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230103_161242.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 10695
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230103_161231_V.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230103_161231_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161231_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230103_161231_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 5674
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -648427008 vs 5674
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230103_161231_V.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 5674
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230103_161212.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230103_161212.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161212.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230103_161212.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 10788
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -648427008 vs 10788
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230103_161212.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 10788
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230103_161208.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230103_161208.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161208.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230103_161208.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 10934
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -648427008 vs 10934
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230103_161208.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 10934
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230103_161157.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230103_161157.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161157.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230103_161157.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 7487
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -648427008 vs 7487
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230103_161157.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 7487
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230103_085158.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230103_085158.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_085158.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230103_085158.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 14597
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -648427008 vs 14597
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230103_085158.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 14597
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230105T214019.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642035216
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230105T214019.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642051280
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642074768
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -641871504, jresult = -641871504
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230105T214029.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642008336
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230105T214029.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642192272
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642008720
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -641771760, jresult = -641771760
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230105T214036.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -642194608
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230105T214036.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1133771344
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =18 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
gphoto2-camera Operation failed!
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =18 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Camera Date and Time' /
0x5011: ret -1
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Image Size' / 0x5003: ret -1
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptp/get_generic16 no enumeration/range in 16bit table code
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013:
ret -1
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1133770288
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 0.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =18 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
gphoto2-camera Operation failed!
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564088368
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564087632
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564088592
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 101
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'dc:29:47:3a:b1:3b:6e:15:21:9e:44:87:ee:4a:8a:4b' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T095148.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564074864
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564038128
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564037488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564038064
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564038800
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564038256
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564031056
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030288
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030352
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030096
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030416
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030064
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564031568
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030320
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564031728
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030800
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030704
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030576
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030128
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564031152
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030768
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564031472
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564030864
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564031632
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564031248
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564031504
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564029488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564028848
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564029872
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564028528
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564028880
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564029776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564029936
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564028368
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564029616
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564029808
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564028560
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564028208
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564029520
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564029424
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564028976
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564028176
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564029104
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564029392
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564028592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564028624
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564013392
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T095148.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564014800
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T095146.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T095146.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563955184
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564073808
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -563714576, jresult = -563714576
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T095148.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564010224
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde649250
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/)
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde649250
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde649250//
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Folder / contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde6661a0/store_00020001
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-port Getting timeout...
gphoto2-port Current timeout: 20000 milliseconds
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 60000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 4558
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp Unpacking MTP OPL, size 4558 (prop_count 236)
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast filename DCIM
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x0
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ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x3001
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 0
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x2
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ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230103T085158
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ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 316352896
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ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 6276538
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ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230105T212524
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0xc
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ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
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ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 793348352
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230106_094229_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230106T094230
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde6661a0/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001 contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001/DCIM...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde661910/DCIM
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_085158.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_085158.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_161157.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_161157.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_161208.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_161208.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_161212.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_161212.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_161231_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_161231_V.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230103_161242.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230103_161242.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230105_102533.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230105_102533.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230105_105816.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230105_105816.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230105_111316.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230105_111316.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230105_211029.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230105_211029.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230105_212529.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230105_212529.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230106_094229_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230106_094229_V.AVI to folder DCIM
filesys Listed '20230103_085158.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161157.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161208.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161212.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161231_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161242.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_102533.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_105816.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_111316.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_211029.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_212529.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230106_094229_V.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde661910/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001/DCIM contains 0 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
filesys Listed '20230103_085158.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161157.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161208.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161212.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161231_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230103_161242.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_102533.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_105816.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_111316.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_211029.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230105_212529.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230106_094229_V.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_085158.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_085158.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_085158.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_161157.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_161157.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161157.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_161208.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_161208.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161208.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_161212.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_161212.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161212.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_161231_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_161231_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161231_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230103_161242.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230103_161242.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230103_161242.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230105_102533.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230105_102533.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_102533.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230105_105816.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230105_105816.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_105816.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230105_111316.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230105_111316.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_111316.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230105_211029.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230105_211029.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_211029.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230105_212529.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230105_212529.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230105_212529.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230106_094229_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230106_094229_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230106_094229_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230106_094229_V.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230106_094229_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230106_094229_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230106_094229_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 4136
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -570234368 vs 4136
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230106_094229_V.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 4136
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T095152.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563924240
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T095152.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563919344
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c gp_camera_ftp_get_file(,21,DCIM/20230106_094229_V.AVI,/
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_get_file start
ftpc_getfile ftpc_getfile(,21,DCIM/20230106_094229_V.AVI,-
ftpc_getfile ftp connected!

gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
ptp2/camera_ftpc_get_file data rate = 0 kbps

gp_camera_ftp_get_file ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =18 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
gphoto2-camera Operation failed!
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =18 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Camera Date and Time' /
0x5011: ret -1
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Image Size' / 0x5003: ret -1
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptp/get_generic16 no enumeration/range in 16bit table code
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013:
ret -1
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563904624
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 0.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '4'...
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565136688
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565136016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565137488
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 101
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'be:25:4b:0b:fd:9c:48:5c:da:3c:45:55:3a:28:16:99' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170301.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079760
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565080112
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565078992
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565078672
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079792
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079472
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565080144
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079120
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565080304
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079312
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079216
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079664
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079152
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079984
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565078576
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079856
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565080176
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079568
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565078960
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565078832
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565079536
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077264
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077712
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565078448
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077072
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565076976
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077872
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077808
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077648
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565078256
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565076912
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077232
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077040
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077584
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077936
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077968
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077296
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077520
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565077488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565078032
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565076528
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565076144
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565075408
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565075824
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170302.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565086000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170303.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170303.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565000400
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564993072
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -564760464, jresult = -564760464
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170305.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565042224
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde5480b0
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/)
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde5480b0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde5480b0//
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Folder / contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde55d3b0/store_00020001
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-port Getting timeout...
gphoto2-port Current timeout: 20000 milliseconds
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 60000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 502
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp Unpacking MTP OPL, size 502 (prop_count 27)
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x3001
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 0
ptp2/mtpfast filename DCIM
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x2
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230106T112502
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230106T114914
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 2742622192
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230106_112503_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde55d3b0/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001 contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001/DCIM...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde55d350/DCIM
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230106_112503_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230106_112503_V.AVI to folder DCIM
filesys Listed '20230106_112503_V.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde55d350/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001/DCIM contains 0 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
filesys Listed '20230106_112503_V.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230106_112503_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230106_112503_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230106_112503_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230106_112503_V.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230106_112503_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230106_112503_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230106_112503_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 7471
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -571254272 vs 7471
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230106_112503_V.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 7471
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230106_112503_V.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230106_112503_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230106_112503_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230106_112503_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 7472
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -571254272 vs 7472
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230106_112503_V.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 7472
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170308.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -565030640
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170309.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170309.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564970800
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564343312
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564342928
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564343024
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
ptpip/connect connect cmd error
ptpip Failed to connect.

gphoto2-port Closing port...

gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
ptpip/connect connect cmd error
ptpip Failed to connect.

gphoto2-port Closing port...

gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
ptpip/connect connect cmd error
ptpip Failed to connect.

gphoto2-port Closing port...

gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
ptpip/connect connect cmd error
ptpip Failed to connect.

gphoto2-port Closing port...

gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
ptpip/connect connect cmd error
ptpip Failed to connect.

gphoto2-port Closing port...

gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
ptpip/connect connect cmd error
ptpip Failed to connect.

gphoto2-port Closing port...

gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564343472
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564344048
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -564342288
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 101
ptpip/connect connect cmd error
ptpip Failed to connect.

gphoto2-port Closing port...

gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 74
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 124
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563294352
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563295056
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563295088
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 101
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'0a:ac:76:d2:5f:33:26:87:f2:56:47:6c:08:4c:56:37' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170518.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244080
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244048
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563245264
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244624
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243664
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244784
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244112
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243632
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244464
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563245296
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244304
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243792
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244240
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244656
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244976
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243568
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244848
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563245168
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244560
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243952
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243824
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563244528
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242256
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242704
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243440
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242064
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243312
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243152
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242800
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242640
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243248
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242768
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563241904
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242224
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242032
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242576
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242544
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242928
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243280
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242384
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242288
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563242480
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563243024
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563238864
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170519.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563172816
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170520.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170520.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563159856
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563283824
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -728979728, jresult = -728979728
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170524.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563156976
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde70a420
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/)
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xde70a420
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde70a420//
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Folder / contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde70c010/store_00020001
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-port Getting timeout...
gphoto2-port Current timeout: 20000 milliseconds
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 60000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 502
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp Unpacking MTP OPL, size 502 (prop_count 27)
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x3001
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 0
ptp2/mtpfast filename DCIM
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x2
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230106T112502
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230106T114914
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 2742622192
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230106_112503_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde70c010/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001 contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001/DCIM...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xde71c270/DCIM
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230106_112503_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230106_112503_V.AVI to folder DCIM
filesys Listed '20230106_112503_V.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xde71c270/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001/DCIM contains 0 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
filesys Listed '20230106_112503_V.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230106_112503_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230106_112503_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230106_112503_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230106_112503_V.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230106_112503_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230106_112503_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230106_112503_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 7461
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -569427456 vs 7461
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230106_112503_V.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 7461
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230106_112503_V.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230106_112503_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230106_112503_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230106_112503_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 7470
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -569427456 vs 7470
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230106_112503_V.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 7470
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170528.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563141872
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170529.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230106T170529.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -563135440
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c gp_camera_ftp_get_file(,21,DCIM/20230106_112503_V.AVI,/
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_get_file start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
ftpc_getfile ftpc_getfile(,21,DCIM/20230106_112503_V.AVI,-
ftpc_getfile ftp connected!

gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress start
gp_camera_ftp_getfileprogress ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=0, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =18 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
gphoto2-camera Operation failed!
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673145488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673145744
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673145552
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 101
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -671041456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -671041264
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -671040400
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'33:e6:8d:26:26:c0:b7:78:71:ee:ef:4f:c0:a3:10:84' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115741.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670992400
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670992016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991792
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991632
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990992
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991760
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991600
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990288
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991376
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991664
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991408
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990672
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990768
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991824
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991856
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991184
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990352
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991504
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990576
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991088
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990512
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990736
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990192
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670991248
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990704
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670990928
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989904
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670988464
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989808
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989840
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670988496
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989168
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670988400
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670988656
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670988752
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670988528
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670988336
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989232
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989104
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989648
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989296
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989136
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989264
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670989360
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115742.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670960656
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115740.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115740.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670904816
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -670904784
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -670704704, jresult = -670704704
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673139152
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673137936
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673139056
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 100
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'f8:84:03:c9:da:26:1a:02:5b:75:90:cd:c0:bc:fa:f0' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115757.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673087248
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088912
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088048
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673087760
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673087600
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088560
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088976
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673087920
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088336
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088304
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088368
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673087728
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673087280
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088208
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088688
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673087696
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673088432
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673087088
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085616
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673086128
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673086160
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673086544
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673086992
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673086352
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085712
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085648
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673086320
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085808
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085904
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085680
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673086384
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085968
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673086448
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673086928
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673086416
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673086512
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085744
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673084016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673083728
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673084272
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085040
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673085328
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673070864
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115757.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673073264
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115804.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115804.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673011408
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673007728
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -672760624, jresult = -672760624
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115820.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -672987792
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xec860860
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/)
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xec860860
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xec860860//
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Folder / contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xec870cd0/store_00020001
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-port Getting timeout...
gphoto2-port Current timeout: 20000 milliseconds
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 60000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 3502
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp Unpacking MTP OPL, size 3502 (prop_count 179)
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 0
ptp2/mtpfast filename DCIM
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x3001
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x2
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230209T083038
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230209T083052
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 27371240
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230209_083039_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x3
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 58832278
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230209_142336_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230209T142336
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230209T142406
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x4
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 2689159766
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230211_082457_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230211T082456
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230211T084842
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x5
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230211T184550
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 3291883276
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230211_181645_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230211T181644
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x6
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 3013516042
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230212_083035_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230212T083034
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230212T085714
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x7
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 2420043192
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230212_173016_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230212T173016
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230212T175138
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x8
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230213T092950
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 5122980
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230213_092947_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230213T092946
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0x9
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 1971062
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230307_093703.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230307T093704
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230307T093704
ptp2/mtpfast objectid 0xa
ptp2/mtpfast moddate 20230307T100154
ptp2/mtpfast ofc 0x300a
ptp2/mtpfast objectsize 2803291102
ptp2/mtpfast filename 20230307_093710_V.AVI
ptp2/mtpfast parent 0x1
ptp2/mtpfast protection 0x0
ptp2/mtpfast capturedate 20230307T093710
ptp2/mtpfast storageid 0x20001
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xec870cd0/store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Append one folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001 contains 1 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Querying folder /store_00020001/DCIM...
gphoto2-filesystem Delete all files in folder 0xd7e68870/DCIM
ptp2 file_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230209_083039_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230209_083039_V.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230209_142336_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230209_142336_V.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230211_082457_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230211_082457_V.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230211_181645_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230211_181645_V.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230212_083035_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230212_083035_V.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230212_173016_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230212_173016_V.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230213_092947_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230213_092947_V.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230307_093703.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230307_093703.AVI to folder DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Added '20230307_093710_V.AVI'
gphoto2-filesystem Internal append 20230307_093710_V.AVI to folder DCIM
filesys Listed '20230209_083039_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230209_142336_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230211_082457_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230211_181645_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230212_083035_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230212_173016_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230213_092947_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230307_093703.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230307_093710_V.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Listing folders in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing folders in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem ... is dirty, getting from camera
ptp2 folder_list_func(/store_00020001/DCIM)
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xd7e68870/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Folder /store_00020001/DCIM contains 0 subfolders.
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001/DCIM
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
filesys Listed '20230209_083039_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230209_142336_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230211_082457_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230211_181645_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230212_083035_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230212_173016_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230213_092947_V.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230307_093703.AVI'
filesys Listed '20230307_093710_V.AVI'
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230209_083039_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230209_083039_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230209_083039_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230209_142336_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230209_142336_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230209_142336_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230211_082457_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230211_082457_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230211_082457_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230211_181645_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230211_181645_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230211_181645_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230212_083035_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230212_083035_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230212_083035_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230212_173016_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230212_173016_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230212_173016_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230213_092947_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230213_092947_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230213_092947_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230307_093703.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230307_093703.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230307_093703.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Getting file info for '20230307_093710_V.AVI' in
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting information about
'20230307_093710_V.AVI' in '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230307_093710_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
gphoto2-camera Listing files in '/store_00020001'...
gphoto2-filesystem Listing files in /store_00020001
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001'...
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230307_093710_V.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230307_093710_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230307_093710_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230307_093710_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 7275
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -679294464 vs 7275
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230307_093710_V.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 7275
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230307_093703.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230307_093703.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230307_093703.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230307_093703.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 12627
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -679294464 vs 12627
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230307_093703.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 12627
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gphoto2-camera Getting file '20230213_092947_V.AVI' in folder
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Getting file
'20230213_092947_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM' (type 0)...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder /store_00020001/DCIM file 20230213_092947_V.AVI
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
context Downloading '20230213_092947_V.AVI' from folder '/store_00020001/DCIM'...
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Getting file. : type = 0
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 7415
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
get_file_func/GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW size mismatch -679294464 vs 7415
ptp2/setmimetype Failed to find mime type for 0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: Start3
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW: End
gphoto2-file Adjusting file name for mime type 'video/x-msvideo'...
gphoto2-file Name adjusted to '20230213_092947_V.avi'.
gphoto2-file gp_file_get_data_and_size, EGP_FILE_ACCESSTYPE_MEMORY: *size = 7415
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115824.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673008944
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115825.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '2'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230307T115825.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -673076656
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -672957392
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -672742528, jresult = -672742528
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -672955408
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -672876304, jresult = -672876304
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -672956336
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata event received failed, result = 8194

context PTP General Error

gphoto2-camera Operation failed!
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1068196432
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1068196592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1068195600
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066874544
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066874832
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066874672
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 94
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 100
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'ac:c1:55:da:cd:ce:68:68:a8:af:90:7f:61:4c:c4:e0' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230317T081442.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066828528
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827952
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066829040
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066829296
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066829264
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066828464
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827920
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827696
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066829072
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066828592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827984
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827728
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827760
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827280
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826384
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827408
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826096
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826192
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826352
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827152
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066825968
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826224
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826288
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826064
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827056
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066825776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827344
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826640
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066827024
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066825904
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826480
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826736
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826256
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066826864
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066825808
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066825040
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066824272
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066825488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066824592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066824720
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066824240
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066824752
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066825456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066824976
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066868656
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230317T081443.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066753648
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230317T081443.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066750864
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066868976
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -1083922512, jresult = -1083922512
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0
gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066802800
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -1083922992, jresult = -1083922992
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230317T081501.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1066745808
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '4'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Exiting camera ('PTP/IP Camera')...
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/disconnect disconnecting, cmdfd = 94, evtfd = 100
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xbf649ca0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xbf649ca0//
gp-camera Freeing camera...
gphoto2-port Freeing port...
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xbf649ca0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xbf649ca0//
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141332848
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141332400
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141333360
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 94
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'a2:c9:cd:20:aa:31:24:64:9d:b4:2d:3a:d2:b7:62:10' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230813T194618.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141268240
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141267632
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141268432
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141269200
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141268784
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141268208
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141268688
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141267792
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266352
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266544
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141268656
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266416
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266640
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141267440
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266800
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266064
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141265840
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141265744
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266672
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266704
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141265872
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266480
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266320
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141265904
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141267408
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141267088
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266576
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141265776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141267344
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266608
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266992
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141266448
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141265936
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141264752
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141264144
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141265232
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141265328
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141264464
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141265360
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141264976
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141264432
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141264048
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141265584
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141264368
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141264560
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141263920
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400a

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400a, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141264080
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141264912
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400a
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish
ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400a, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141208496
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400a

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400a, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000001, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230813T194619.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141187280
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230813T204607.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230813T204607.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141173392
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '0.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 0.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141242448
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400a

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400a, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141237456
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400a

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400a, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141173360
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400a

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400a, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141242640
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -902406448, jresult = -902406448
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_sd_format start
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_sd_format Start: storageId = 20001, fileSysFmt = 3
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_sd_format Resp=2001, 0, 0, 0

gp_camera_sd_format ret = 8193

gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 3, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141162992
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400a

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400a, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141161328
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400c

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400c, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000000, param3
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xca364250
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xca364250//
PTP_EC_StorageInfoChanged Foramt Finished...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230813T204621.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141154768
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141154768
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4002

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4002, param1 0x00000001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141152240
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 400a

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x400a, param1 0x00020001, param2 0x00000001, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 131073, jresult = 131073
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 1, jresult = 1
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141153200
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -902324176, jresult = -902324176
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230813T204627.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141251408
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '4'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 30
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-camera Exiting camera ('PTP/IP Camera')...
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/disconnect disconnecting, cmdfd = 94, evtfd = 99
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xca364250
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xca364250//
gp-camera Freeing camera...
gphoto2-port Freeing port...
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xca364250
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xca364250//
gphoto2-camera Exiting camera ('q')...
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 95
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 99
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230813T204636.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141278768
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141254864
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141191312
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141149360
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141173200
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141253488
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141201552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141178416
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141252368
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141253776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141249136
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141254896
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141285360
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141252464
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141152944
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141251920
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141165520
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141161456
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141165616
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141283408
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141251472
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141160624
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141171664
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141304912
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141248144
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141246448
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141232880
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141240912
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141234960
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141240944
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141241552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141178352
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141242000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141205136
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141205872
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141198960
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141202800
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141206448
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141220176
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141247760
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141207728
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141239792
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141248304
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141187440
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141247184
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141248496
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141187216
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141323568
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141324048
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141323920
Gphoto2-context.c gp_context_new
gphoto2-port-info-list Using ltdl to load io-drivers from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': 'can't open the
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': 'can't open the module'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded 'PTP/IP Connection' ('ptpip:') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Loaded '' ('^ptpip') from
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-compat': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Called for filename
gphoto2-port-info-list Could not find some functions in
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-v7a': 'symbol not found'.
gphoto2-port-info-list Looking for path 'ptpip:' (2 entries
gphoto2-port-info-list Starting regex search for 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Trying '^ptpip'...
gphoto2-port-info-list Getting info of entry 1 (3 available)...
gphoto2-port Creating new device...
#@-�#�M�# gp_abilities_list_load, camlibs = /data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib
gphoto2-abilities-list Using ltdl to load camera libraries from
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'.
gphoto2-abilities-list Found '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
gp-abilities-list Found 17 camera drivers.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libexif2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_jni' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libgphoto2_port' does not seem to contain a
camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiconv'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-gingerbread': can't open the
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-hc': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Failed to load
'/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libiomx-ics': can't open the module.
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/liblog'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libltdl'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptpip'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libregex'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb-
compat' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libusb2'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni'
does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-abilities-list Library '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libvlcjni-
v7a' does not seem to contain a camera_id function: symbol not found
gphoto2-camera Setting port info for port 'Generic Port' at 'ptpip:'...
gphoto2-port Setting settings...
gphoto2-camera Setting abilities ('PTP/IP Camera')...
gphoto2-camera Initializing camera...
gphoto2-camera Loading '/data/data/com.astrotek.hp.pixicam/lib/libptp2'...
gphoto2-port Opening port...
Library.c camera_init
ptpip/connect connecting to ptpip:
ptpip/connect params->cmdfd = 94
ptpip/connect params->evtfd = 98
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Creating $HOME/.gphoto
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Loading settings from file
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings for
gphoto2-setting Setting key 'guid' to value
'5f:0a:2c:7d:46:51:7d:e8:8a:33:0c:79:05:3f:c0:7f' (ptp2_ip)
gphoto2-setting Saving 1 setting(s) to file "(null)/.gphoto/settings"
setting/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-setting.c Can't open settings file for
ptpip/init_cmd return 48 / len 48
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/connect ptpip connected!
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 8000 millisecond(s)...
ptp PTP: Opening session
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
gphoto2-port Setting timeout to 20000 millisecond(s)...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 213
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device info:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Manufacturer:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Model:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c device version:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c serial number: ''
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Vendor extension description:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Functional Mode: 0x0000
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c PTP Standard Version: 100
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Supported operations:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1007
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100a
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x101b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9801
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9803
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9802
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9805
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1014
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1015
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900c
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x900d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x901d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9602
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9812
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x9614
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x1018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x100e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Events Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4002
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4004
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4005
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4006
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4008
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x4009
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x400d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xc601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c Device Properties Supported:
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd407
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd406
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5001
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5016
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd606
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd609
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd616
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5013
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5018
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd604
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd613
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5012
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501b
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd610
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x501f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd700
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd701
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd702
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd710
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd720
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd721
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd722
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd730
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd752
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75d
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75e
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd75f
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd303
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd220
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5003
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd605
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0x5011
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd601
PTP2/jni/libgphoto2/camlibs/ptp2/library.c 0xd617
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230813T204639.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141276048
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141275024
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141275568
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141275952
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274672
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274736
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274992
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141275856
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274768
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141275152
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274704
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274128
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274544
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273936
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273232
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273200
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273264
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273680
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274384
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274064
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274256
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273872
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' = '5120.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 5120.000000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273424
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274000
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274032
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273616
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273296
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274288
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273104
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274192
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273584
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273040
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273776
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141274096
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141273552
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141272272
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141272592
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141271728
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141271824
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141271984
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141272336
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141272112
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141272016
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141271472
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141272816
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141271408
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141272688
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x00003801, param2 0x00000003, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 14337, jresult = 14337
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 3, jresult = 3
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230813T204639.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141212432
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230813T204640.0'...
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 80
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 158
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8193
ptpip/getdata curread = 0, toread = 1493
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to 'Single Shot'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Capture Delay' to '0.000s'...
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Perceived Device Type' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Session Initiator Info' to ''...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Battery Level' to '100'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Digital Zoom' to '10'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd606' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd609' to '4'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd616' to '24'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Still Capture Mode' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Burst Number' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd613' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Pre-Capture Delay' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Timelapse Interval' to '5'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Artist' to 'hp lc100w'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Copyright Info' to 'V3.14.03'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd700' to '7'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd701' to '30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd702' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd710' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd720' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd721' to '3'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd722' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd730' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd752' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75d' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75e' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd75f' to '0'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd303' to '1'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd220' to '0.000000'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Image Size' to '3840x2160'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd605' to '1920x1080 30'...
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'Date & Time' to '20230813T204640.0'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141199152
gphoto2-widget Getting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd610' = '100.000000'...
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 100.000000
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d003, 0, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141204176
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, 4006
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish
ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0x4006, param1 0x00005001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = -902316880, jresult = -902316880
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
gp_camera_get_event_status start
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Start:
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptp2/camera_get_event_status Resp=a601, d002, 1, 0

gp_camera_get_event_status ret = 1
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141262384
ptp2/wait_for_event waiting for events timeout 1 ms
ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/ptp_ptpip_event event received: result = 8193, c601

ptp2/wait_for_event event_wait finish

ptp2/wait_for_event ptp_get_one_event
ptp2 wait_for_event: code=0xc601, param1 0x0000e001, param2 0x00000000, param3
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 57345, jresult = 57345
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToLong result = 0, jresult = 0
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
gphoto2-camera Operation failed!
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =18 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Getting property 'Camera Date and Time' / 0x5011
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Camera Date and Time' /
0x5011: ret -1
camera_get_config Getting property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Battery Level' / 0x5001: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Image Size' / 0x5003
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Image Size' / 0x5003: ret -1
camera_get_config Getting property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptp/get_generic16 no enumeration/range in 16bit table code
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Still Capture Mode' / 0x5013:
ret -1
camera_get_config Getting property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Capture Delay' / 0x5012: ret
camera_get_config Getting property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
camera_get_config Failed to parse value of property 'Burst Number' / 0x5018: ret -
camera_get_config Property 'Burst Interval' / 0x5018 already handled before,
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
Gphoto2_wrap.c create_null_p__void: val = -1141237456
Gphoto2_wrap.c voidToFloat jresult = 0.000000
gphoto2-widget Setting value of widget 'PTP Property 0xd604' to '4'...
ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =22 but ret=-1
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata:Start
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/getdata ptp_ptpip_getdata: ret = 8194
gphoto2-camera Exiting camera ('PTP/IP Camera')...
ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip/getdata event received failed, result = 8194

ptpip ptp_ptpip_sendreq() len =18 but ret=-1

ptpip/generic_read len = 8
ptpip End of stream after reading 0 bytes of ptpipheader
ptpip/disconnect disconnecting, cmdfd = 94, evtfd = 98
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xcd6ca8a0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xcd6ca8a0//
gp-camera Freeing camera...
gphoto2-port Freeing port...
gphoto2-port Closing port...
gphoto2-filesystem resetting filesystem
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c Clearing fscache LRU
libgphoto2/jni/libgphoto2/libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c fscache LRU list already
gphoto2-filesystem Internally deleting all folders from '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Lookup folder '/'...
gphoto2-filesystem Found! / is 0xcd6ca8a0
gphoto2-filesystem Recurse delete folder 0xcd6ca8a0//

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