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Among all the tools of leadership, example stands supreme. It is the great teacher. No matter what we say or what we
preach, what we are and what we do stands out for all to see. President Spencer W. Kimball once outlined the
“Hallmarks of the Spiritual Leader”. They are reposted here for your benefit.

The essence of all we do as leaders. We will achieve when we learn to

L LOVE truly love with the Christ-like love of the Master for this is a work of

Let our actions bespeak our words; let our deeds belie our thoughts. No
E EXAMPLE matter what we think we are, we are what others see.

We have not sought position, but we have been called to serve others.
A ATTITUDE Go about your leadership tasks with a positive will and determination to
move the work of the Lord forward.

DEDICATIO To lead one must be dedicated to the work given him to do. Dedication
D is really the depth of our love for the Savior. If we truly love him we
N will be dedicated servants with no expectation of reward.

ENTHUSIAS The spark that moves man to action. Much can be done when we stir
E others by our own enthusiastic approach to the task at hand.
Regard for the rights and feelings of others. This great quality which
R RESPECT comes from within borders very closely on reverence. Never should we
demand of others nor walk on their rights.

All leaders are called to serve others. It is the underlying foundation of

S SERVICE leadership. We are not called to rule, exercise unrighteous dominion nor
to be insensitive to others. We are called to be their servants.

We honor our calling and the Lord when we serve righteously. All that
we do is intended to build the Kingdom of God on the earth and to
H HONOR bring honor and glory unto the Lord. We must never dishonor our

INSPIRATIO Use this great spiritual gift to lead our people. Seek it for them first and
I yourself second.
The great friend and ally to the leader. You and I have been called by
P PRAYER Him and cautioned to receive direction from him. It is wise for us to
learn to communicate and receive instructions from him.

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