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Lockie Leonard

mum philip sarge

John east Lockie Leonard

Old BLOB vicki


Chapter 01 Vocabulary

 Protagonist
 Antagonist
 Cheerful
 Different
 Familiar
 Concerned
 Insensitive
 Disgusting
 Putrid
 Scrofulous

Lockie Leonard Chapter 1 question

 What was the weather like when Lockie first arrived in town?
1. The first day in town, it was raining.

 What type of car do the Leonard's have?

2. The type of car the Leonards have is a family falcon.

 Describe Lockie's house?

3. Lockie’s house was big old fibro joint with rusty tin roof, and it went all higgledy-piggledy
inside, like whoever built it kept having more kids and just bunged on a room every Christmas.
Lockie’s room smelled like a German shepherd had died in it.
 Who are the members of the Leonard Family?

4. They are mum, Philip, sarge, and blob.

 How old is Lockie at the start of the book?

5. His was twelve and three quarters

 What is Lockie's full name?

6. Lachlan Robert Louis Stevenson Leonard

 What annoys Lockie about his little brother?

7. Philip annoys Lockie because he keeps on wetting the bed.

 What is unusual about Lockie's breakfast?

8. Lockie’s method of eating Weetabix was truly, awesomely involved a lot of milk, an overripe banana
and a spud masher.

 What sport is Lockie most skilful at?

9. He like surfing.

 Why is Lockie "truly packing' death?"

10. Lockie is truly packin’ death as it is an Australian slang term meaning being scared or nervous, and he was
anxious about going to high school for the first time in a new town where he didn’t know anyone.

Lockie Leonard CH2 Questions

Chapter 02: Let’s talk about Sex

What is the weather like in this short chapter?

1. It rained like hell and the ground around the leonard house turned to soup. Frogs under every window. He
looked outside, the sky was low and nasty.

How does this affect the mood of the chapter?


Why was Mrs. Leonard nervous when she came into Lockie’s bedroom?
3. She came in looking nervous and twitchy.

Why do you think Lockie reacted the way he did?

4. He was surprise when his mother said to him.

What more have we learned about Lockie’s mother?


What more have we learned about Lockie?

Chapter 03: Everyone’s Favourite Spread

1. Why did Lockie walk to school alone?

Lockie has to walk to school alone because he will not let sarge drop him off on the way to the cop shop.

2. What happened before he even reached the car park?

Before he reaches the car park, a year 9 goons came charging in with their zits on fire and their ties flapping, there wasn’t
much use in fighting. He didn’t believe in violence.

3. Use three synonyms to describe the smell of the toilets

4. What was his math teacher’s nick-name?

His math teacher nick-name is old squasher.

5. Why was his math teacher angry with Lockie?

Lockie wasn’t saying “sir” to him.

6. What other subjects did Lockie have on the day?

He had science, social studies, art, typing and English.

7. How did Lockie feel when he noticed the girl looking at him?
He felt scared when she was looking at him right in the eye. And she looked really

8. Why do you think Lockie felt embarrassed by his dad coming to pick him up?
Because there was a double-parked in the bus zone was a police car.

9. How do you think Lockie was feeling about going to school the next day?
He wasn’t ready to start a day at school with embarrass.

Chapter 4: Another big first

What was the other big first?
The other big first for Lockie was having his first wet dream.

How is this important for Lockie?

Having a wet dream is important for Lockie as its normal for growing teenagers to
experience this and its all a part of the growing and developing process.
What were his fears about being discovered? Why did he think he was going to be in
After experiencing his first wet dream, Lockie was afraid of being discovered by his parents
because they will think that Lockie is into pre-teen sex.

Chapter 5: The invisible man

Who was the Invisible Man?
Old squasher kept his eye peeled for any slip-up in class, but was two weeks lockie was
almost invisible. He was so nearly invisible that hardy anyone spoke to him, not even the
class dags.

How is this different to Lockie’s previous time at school?

Lockie’s experience being the “invisible man” is different to his previous time at school (first
day) as students around him had the first impression of him of being stinky since Vegemite
was painted inside his jocks by the year nines, and that he got off a rough start with his
Math’s teacher, Old Squasher.

Based on what we know about Vicki, what do you think Lockie’s encounter with him at
lunchtime means?
Lockie’s encounter with Vicki
Lockie likes Vicki and she likes him back

Based on the experiences Lockie has had coming to a new school, how can you relate to his
- New school
- Encountering new people
- New teachers
- New environments

Explain your answer.

Chapter 6:

How would you describe lockie’s view on religion and church?

Lockie believes the basic things about his religion but, He has trouble seeing how believing that God
exists and communicating with Him through prayer. And he Hates church.

Why do you think lockie keeps having trouble with his teachers? do you think it is all his fault?

I think that Lockie keeps having trouble with his teachers, especially Old Squasher, his math teacher,
because he doesn’t pay attention in class. I don’t think it is all his fault is because he should have a
better attitude towards his teachers.

How did lockie’s meeting with john east different to the other teacher?
Lockie’s meeting with John East, the guidance officer, is different from other teachers is because
John East decided to talk about the top of Lockie’s best sport, surfing, and that he was trying to
become closer to him.

What could lockie’s other teachers learn from john east?

Lockie’s other teachers should learn from John East that by being more open towards their students
and having a chance to get along with Lockie, Lockie and his teachers would form a much healthier
student-teacher relationship.

Lockie states that he feels trapped. (Page 35) Explain why you think this is?

Chapter 9: I should be so Lockie

Update your Character Map, who are you adding?
“Lockie started breathing like he was inside that wetsuit again” (p43). What does this quote say
about how Lockie is feeling?

He thought that he is back in his swimsuit again and he started to feel suffocate him as he breath in
and out.
How does Vicki usually feel about surfers?

Sufers by and large are the dumbest male around. They think they’re so hot they think everyone else
loves themselves, but to tellya lockie Leonard, it’s just not possible. Suffers are dorks.

Why do you think Vicki is talking to Lockie? What does she mean when she says “life is full of
mysteries” (p44)?

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