Disours Anglais

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Emine : Good Morning, are You doing Ok ?

Sirine : Of course, and you ?

Emine : Always, the boy is with you ?

Esteban : Yes

Emine : Okay, will you eat here or take away ?

Sirine : I will eat here please.

Emine : No problem, you can sit at a table.

Sirine : Ok, thank you.

Emine : Here is the menu, I’ll be back soon

Sirine : Okay.

Esteban : *A few moments later*

Emine : Are you ready for the order ?

Sirine : All right

Emine : What do you want to eat ?

Sirine : I’ll have the daily breakfast please and you ?

Esteban : I’ll have a plate of salad with pancakes please.

Emine : Okay, would you like any sides with that ?

Sirine : Yes, I want potatoes with a barbecue sauce please.

Esteban : Me want a small packet of chips and a slice of bacon please.

Emine : Ah sorry, we don’t have any more packet of chips. Do you want another sides ?

Esteban : Okay, this not a problem, I would only take the slice of bacon please.

Emine : What would you like to drink ?

Sirine : I’ll like a coffe with two sugars please.

Esteban : And me I’ll have a milk chocolate with one sugar please.

Emine : Okay, I’ll be back later with your order

Esteban : Okay how much is it please ?

Emine : £43.50 all together with the tip

Esteban : Okay, I pay now or after the eating ?

Emine : As you want

Esteban : Okay, thank you !

Emine : You’re welcome.

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