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Coop. Juan Montalvo Km. 8 ½ vía a Daule

Subject: English Sublevel: BGU ROW #1

Course: 3rd Section: A Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Teacher: Lcdo. Pedro Ochoa
Student: Melina Chancay Caicedo Grade / 10

Read carefully and develop the activities learned this last trimester.

1. Complete the Crossword. (2 points)

Across → Down ↓ 1D r a n k
1 drink 5 make d
2S l e p 6T
2 sleep 6 take
3 speak 3 see O
4 want 7 do 3 S P O K E

4W a n t e 7D

2. Choose the correct option that completes the sentences in Past. (2 points)

My parents ___ the lunch yesterday.

Anita ___ salad in the evening.

a) studied a) drank

b) drove b) bought

c) saw c) was

d) made d) swam
3. Choose the sentence in Past that is written correctly. (2 points)

a) Susan eated ice cream yesterday. a) You wrote a poem to Rosita.

b) Susan eats ice cream yesterday. b) You writed a poem to Rosita.

c) Susan ate ice cream yesterday. c) You writing a poem to Rosita.

a) The students going to the park. a) My teacher cooked last night.

b) The students goed to the park. b) My teacher cooking last night.

c) The students went to the park. c) My teacher cook last night.

4. Look at the pictures and describe them using an adjective. (2 points)

the girl is the boy is the girl is the teacher

writing in the getting on the watching tv is teaching
notebook bus classes

5. Write 4 expressions that you learned during this year (2 points)

Better late than never

be in the same
cross the bridge when you reach the river
add fuel to the fire

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