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Portfolio Task Checklist

English Writing Skills and Communications

Name: Ritom Saha ID: 21-45560-3 Sec:B

Sl. Task Date Done Not Late Instructor’s

Done Signature
1 Brainstorming to
gather ideas on
targeted topic
2 Preparing the mind
3 Planning the
outline and topic
sentence writing
4 First draft: Writing
the full body
5 Second draft:
Editing the
previous draft after
6 Third draft: Editing
the previous draft
after peer feedback
7 Fourth draft:
Editing the
previous draft after
transferring it to
Microsoft Word.
Submit this revised
draft to the course
instructor for
8 Final draft: Editing
the previous draft
after getting course
feedback. This is
the final version
that has to be
printed, and
submitted to the
course teacher with
the previous ones

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