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English verbs for Reading Comprehension

Mr. Carlos Daniel

Palomino Lescano

Reading Comprehension
1. To Grow - Grew – Grown (Crecer)
2. To Shed - Shed – Shed (Perder, derramar)
3. To Occur - Occurred - Occurred (Ocurrir)
4. To Characterize - Characterized - Characterized (Caracterizar)
5. To Begin - Began - Begun (Comenzar)
6. To Warm - Warmed - Warmed (Calentar
7. To Cool - Cooled - Cooled (Enfriar):
8. To Have - Had - Had (Tener)
9. To Be - Was/Were - Been (Ser/Estar)
10. To Occur - Occurred - Occurred (Ocurrir)
11. To Shed - Shed - Shed (Desprender, derramar)
12. To Get - Got - Got (Obtener)
13. To Rain - Rained - Rained (Llover)
14. To Snow - Snowed - Snowed (Nevar)
15. To Have - Had - Had (Tener)
16. To Lack - Lacked - Lacked (Carecer)
17. To Boil - Boiled - Boiled (Hervir)
18. To Freeze - Froze - Frozen (Congelar)
19. To Suggest - Suggested - Suggested (Sugerir)
20. To Sca�er - Sca�ered - Sca�ered (Esparcir)
21. To Be - Was/Were - Been (Ser/Estar)
22. To Blow - Blew - Blown (Soplar)
23. To Use - Used - Used (Usar)
24. To Design - Designed - Designed (Diseñar)
25. To Build - Built - Built (Construir)
26. To Operate - Operated - Operated (Operar)
27. To Introduce - Introduced - Introduced (Introducir)
28. To Learn - Learned/Learnt - Learned/Learnt (Aprender)
29. To Apply - Applied - Applied (Aplicar)
30. To Exploit - Exploited - Exploited (Explotar
31. To Manipulate - Manipulated - Manipulated (Manipular)
32. To Protect - Protected - Protected (Proteger)
33. To Prevent - Prevented - Prevented (Prevenir
34. To Cope - Coped - Coped (Afrontar)
35. To Adjust - Adjusted - Adjusted (Ajustar)
36. To Maintain - Maintained - Maintained (Mantener)
37. To Damage - Damaged - Damaged (Dañar)
38. To Deplete - Depleted - Depleted (Agotar)
39. To Combat - Combated - Combated (Comba�r)
40. To Mi�gate - Mi�gated - Mi�gated (Mi�gar)
41. To Adapt - Adapted - Adapted (Adaptar)
42. To Adjust - Adjusted - Adjusted (Ajustar)
43. To Invade - Invaded - Invaded (Invadir)
44. To Mul�ply - Mul�plied - Mul�plied (Mul�plicar)
45. To Transmit - Transmi�ed - Transmi�ed (Transmi�r)
46. To Bore - Bored - Bored (Aburrir)
47. To Amuse - Amused - Amused (Diver�r)
48. To Move - Moved - Moved (Mover)
49. To Travel - Traveled/Travelled - Traveled/Travelled (Viajar)
50. To Explore - Explored - Explored (Explorar)
51. To Create - Created - Created (Crear)
52. To Innovate - Innovated - Innovated (Innovar)
53. To Adapt - Adapted - Adapted (Adaptar
54. To Communicate - Communicated - Communicated (Comunicar):
55. To Explore - Explored - Explored (Explorar)
56. To Experiment - Experimented - Experimented (Experimentar)
57. To Invent - Invented - Invented (Inventar)
58. To Develop - Developed - Developed (Desarrollar)
59. To Solve - Solved - Solved (Resolver)
60. To Discover - Discovered - Discovered (Descubrir)
61. To Analyze - Analyzed - Analyzed (Analizar)
62. To Predict - Predicted - Predicted (Predecir)
63. To Measure - Measured - Measured (Medir)
64. To Conserve - Conserved - Conserved (Conservar)
65. To Protect - Protected - Protected (Proteger)
66. To Harm - Harmed - Harmed (Dañar)
67. To Contribute - Contributed - Contributed (Contribuir)
68. To Document - Documented - Documented (Documentar)
69. To Evaluate - Evaluated - Evaluated (Evaluar
70. To Educate - Educated - Educated (Educar)
71. To Inspire - Inspired - Inspired (Inspirar)
72. To Transform - Transformed - Transformed (Transformar)
73. To Mo�vate - Mo�vated - Mo�vated (Mo�var)
74. To Share - Shared - Shared (Compar�r)
75. To Experiment - Experimented - Experimented (Experimentar)
76. To Implement - Implemented - Implemented (Implementar)
77. To Integrate - Integrated - Integrated (Integrar)
78. To Foster - Fostered - Fostered (Fomentar)
79. To Support - Supported - Supported (Apoyar
80. To Overcome - Overcame - Overcome (Superar)
81. To Face - Faced - Faced (Enfrentar)
82. To Influence - Influenced - Influenced (Influir)
83. To Promote - Promoted - Promoted (Promover)
84. To Enforce - Enforced - Enforced (Aplicar, hacer cumplir
85. To Inspire - Inspired - Inspired (Inspirar)
86. To Encounter - Encountered - Encountered (Encontrar)
87. To Conquer - Conquered - Conquered (Conquistar)
88. To Navigate - Navigated - Navigated (Navegar)
89. To Generate - Generated - Generated (Generar)
90. To Regulate - Regulated - Regulated (Regular)
91. To Communicate - Communicated - Communicated (Comunicar)
92. To Consume - Consumed - Consumed (Consumir)
93. To Progress - Progressed - Progressed (Progresar)
94. To Experiment - Experimented - Experimented (Experimentar)
95. To Apply - Applied - Applied (Aplicar)
96. To Influence - Influenced - Influenced (Influir)
97. To Implement - Implemented - Implemented (Implementar)
98. To Contribute - Contributed - Contributed (Contribuir)
99. To Conclude - Concluded - Concluded (Concluir)
100. To Enhance - Enhanced - Enhanced (Mejorar)
Reading Comprehension

Mr. Carlos Daniel

Palomino Lescano

Tecnología (Technology):
1. Innova�on (Innovación): The introduc�on of something new.
2. Digital (Digital): Rela�ng to or using technology that involves the
use of computer systems.
3. Automa�on (Automa�zación): The use of largely automa�c
equipment in a system of opera�on.
4. Programming (Programación): The process of designing and
building an executable computer program for accomplishing
a specific task.
5. Algorithm (Algoritmo): A set of rules to be followed in
calcula�ons or other problem-solving opera�ons.
6. So�ware (So�ware): Programs and other opera�ng
informa�on used by a computer.
7. Hardware (Hardware): The physical components of a computer
8. Internet (Internet): A global computer network providing a
variety of informa�on and communica�on facili�es.
9. Cybersecurity (Ciberseguridad): The prac�ce of protec�ng
systems, networks, and programs from digital a�acks.
10. Biotechnology (Biotecnología): The exploita�on of biological
processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the
gene�c manipula�on of microorganisms for the produc�on
of an�bio�cs, hormones, etc.
Cambio Climá�co (Climate Change):
1. Greenhouse Effect (Efecto Invernadero): The trapping of the sun's
warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere due to the greater
transparency of the atmosphere to visible radia�on from the sun
than to infrared radia�on emi�ed from the planet's surface.
2. Global Warming (Calentamiento Global): A gradual increase in the
overall temperature of the Earth's atmosphere.
3. Carbon Footprint (Huella de Carbono): The amount of carbon
dioxide and other carbon compounds emi�ed due to the
consump�on of fossil fuels.
4. Renewable Energy (Energía Renovable): Energy from a source that
is not depleted when used, such as wind or solar power.
5. Sustainability (Sostenibilidad): The ability to maintain or improve
standards of living without damaging or deple�ng natural resources.
6. Climate Resilience (Resiliencia Climá�ca): The ability of a system or
community to withstand the impacts of climate change.
7. Mi�ga�on (Mi�gación): Ac�ons to reduce or prevent the emission
of greenhouse gases.
8. Adapta�on (Adaptación): Adjustments made to ecological, social,
or economic prac�ces in response to actual or expected climate

Inteligencia Ar�ficial (Ar�ficial Intelligence):

1. Machine Learning (Aprendizaje Automá�co): A type of ar�ficial
intelligence that enables computers to learn and improve from
2. Algorithm (Algoritmo): A set of rules to be followed in calcula�ons
or other problem-solving opera�ons.
3. Data Mining (Minería de Datos): The process of discovering
pa�erns in large datasets.
4. Neural Network (Red Neuronal): A computer system modeled
a�er the human brain, designed to recognize pa�erns.
5. Automa�on (Automa�zación): The use of largely automa�c
equipment in a system of opera�on.
6. Natural Language Processing (Procesamiento de Lenguaje
Natural): A field of ar�ficial intelligence that focuses on the
interac�on between computers and humans using natural
7. Robo�cs (Robó�ca): The design, construc�on, opera�on, and
use of robots.
8. Ar�ficial General Intelligence (Inteligencia Ar�ficial General): A
type of ar�ficial intelligence that possesses the ability to
understand, learn, and apply knowledge across diverse tasks.

Enfermedades (Diseases):
1. Epidemic (Epidemia): A widespread occurrence of an infec�ous
disease in a community at a par�cular �me.
2. Pandemic (Pandemia): An epidemic that has spread across
countries or con�nents.
3. Chronic (Crónico): Persis�ng for a long �me or constantly
4. Contagious (Contagioso): Capable of being transmi�ed from
person to person.
5. Non-communicable Disease (Enfermedad No Transmisible): A
medical condi�on or disease that is not caused by infec�ous
agents and cannot be transmi�ed to others.
6. Vector-borne Disease (Enfermedad Transmi�da por Vectores):
Diseases transmi�ed to humans through the bites of infected
arthropods, such as mosquitoes or �cks.

Virus (Viruses):
1. Pathogen (Patógeno): A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism
that can cause disease.
2. Virus (Virus): A small infec�ous agent that replicates only inside
the living cells of an organism.
3. An�viral (An�viral): Ac�ng to inhibit or counteract the effects
of a virus.
4. Vaccina�on (Vacunación): Treatment with a vaccine to produce
immunity against a disease.
5. Epidemiology (Epidemiología): The branch of medicine that
deals with the incidence, distribu�on, and control of diseases.

Bacterias (Bacteria):
1. Microorganism (Microorganismo): A microscopic organism,
especially a bacterium, virus, or fungus.
2. Bacteria (Bacteria): Single-celled microorganisms that can
cause disease.
3. An�bio�c (An�bió�co): A medicine that inhibits the growth of
or destroys microorganisms.
4. Drug Resistance (Resistencia a Medicamentos): The ability of
bacteria or other microorganisms to resist the effects of a drug.
5. Infec�on (Infección): The invasion and mul�plica�on of
microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites that are
not normally present within the body.

Pandemias (Pandemics):
1. Outbreak (Brote): The sudden occurrence of a disease in a
specific geographic area or popula�on.
2. Quaran�ne (Cuarentena): A state, period, or place of isola�on
in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or
been exposed to infec�ous or contagious disease are placed.
3. Isola�on (Aislamiento): The separa�on of individuals who are
infected with a contagious disease from those who are healthy
to prevent the spread of the disease.
4. Contact Tracing (Seguimiento de Contactos): The process of
iden�fying, assessing, and managing people who have been
exposed to a disease to prevent transmission.
5. Herd Immunity (Inmunidad de Grupo): The indirect protec�on
from an infec�ous disease that occurs when a large percenta
of a popula�on becomes immune to the disease.

Estaciones del Año (Seasons):

1. Spring (Primavera): The season between winter and summer
when plants begin to grow.
2. Summer (Verano): The warmest season of the year, occurring
between spring and autumn.
3. Autumn / Fall (Otoño): The season between summer and
winter, characterized by the shedding of leaves from deciduous
4. Winter (Invierno): The coldest season of the year, occurring
between autumn and spring.

Climas (Climates):
1. Tropical (Tropical): A climate characterized by high temperatures
and significant precipita�on throughout the year.
2. Temperate (Templado): A climate with moderate temperatures,
o�en with dis�nct seasons.
3. Arc�c (Ár�co): A climate characterized by cold temperatures,
especially in the polar regions.
4. Desert (Desierto): A climate with very li�le rainfall and o�en
extreme temperatures.
5. Mediterranean (Mediterráneo): A climate characterized by hot,
dry summers and mild, wet winters.

Condiciones Meteorológicas (Weather Condi�ons):

1. Hot (Caluroso): Having a high temperature.
2. Cold (Frío): Having a low temperature.
3. Warm (Cálido): Having a moderate or comfortably high
4. Humid (Húmedo): Having a high level of moisture in the air.
5. Dry (Seco): Lacking or having very li�le moisture.
6. Rainy (Lluvioso): Characterized by the presence of rain.
7. Snowy (Nevado): Characterized by the presence of snow.
8. Windy (Ventoso): Having strong winds.

Phrases about Weathe Condi�on (Expresionesacerca de las

condiciones metereológicas):
1. It's boiling hot! (¡Está hirviendo de calor!): Used to describe
extremely hot weather.
2. The temperature is below freezing. (La temperatura está bajo
cero): Indicates very cold temperatures.
3. It's a crisp autumn day. (Es un día fresco de otoño): Suggests a
cool and clear autumn day.
4. We might get some sca�ered showers. (Podríamos tener
algunas lluvias dispersas): Refers to occasional, sca�ered rain.
5. There's a chilly breeze in the air. (Hay una brisa fría en el aire):
Describes a cold and brisk wind.

Salud Mental (Mental Health):

1. Mental Health (Salud Mental): The state of well-being in which
an individual realizes their abili�es, copes with normal stresses
of life, and can work produc�vely.
2. Well-being (Bienestar): The state of feeling comfortable, healthy,
and happy.
3. Emo�onal Wellness (Bienestar Emocional): The ability to
understand and manage your own emo�ons.
4. Coping Strategies (Estrategias de Afrontamiento): Techniques or
methods used to deal with stress or difficult situa�ons.
5. Resilience (Resiliencia): The ability to bounce back from adversity
or adapt to challenges.
6. Stress Management (Manejo del Estrés): Techniques to cope
with and reduce stress.
7. Therapy (Terapia): Treatment intended to relieve or heal a
8. Counseling (Consejería): Professional guidance or advice for
personal problems or challenges.
9. Support System (Red de Apoyo): People who provide emo�onal
and prac�cal support.
10. Self-care (Autocuidado): Ac�ons taken to maintain or improve
one's own health.

Trastornos Psicológicos (Psychological Disorders):

1. Anxiety (Ansiedad): A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease,
o�en about an imminent event.
2. Depression (Depresión): A persistent feeling of sadness and loss
of interest in daily ac�vi�es.
3. Bipolar Disorder (Trastorno Bipolar): A mental condi�on
characterized by mood swings from extreme highs (mania) to
extreme lows (depression).
4. Schizophrenia (Esquizofrenia): A mental disorder characterized
by abnormal social behavior and a failure to recognize what is
5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Trastorno Obsesivo-Compulsivo):
An anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted repe��ve
thoughts and behaviors.
6. Post-Trauma�c Stress Disorder (Trastorno de Estrés Postrau-
má�co): A condi�on that may develop a�er exposure to a
trauma�c event.
7. Ea�ng Disorders (Trastornos Alimentarios): Condi�ons
characterized by abnormal ea�ng habits and a nega�ve body
8. A�en�on Deficit Hyperac�vity Disorder (Trastorno por
Déficit de Atención e Hiperac�vidad): A neurodevelopmental
disorder characterized by persistent pa�erns of ina�en�on
and/or hyperac�vity-impulsivity.
9. Phobia (Fobia): An extreme or irra�onal fear of or aversion
to something.
10. Panic Disorder (Trastorno de Pánico): An anxiety disorder
characterized by recurrent unexpected panic a�acks.

Trastornos Psiquiátricos (Psychiatric Disorders):

1. Psychiatric Disorders (Trastornos Psiquiátricos): A range of
mental health condi�ons that affect mood, thinking, and
2. Psychosis (Psicosis): A severe mental disorder characterized by
a disconnec�on from reality.
3. Personality Disorders (Trastornos de la Personalidad): Condi�ons
characterized by inflexible and maladap�ve pa�erns of thinking,
feeling, and behaving.
4. Mood Disorders (Trastornos del Estado de Ánimo): Condi�ons
that affect a person's emo�onal state.
5. Substance Abuse (Abuso de Sustancias): The harmful or
hazardous use of psychoac�ve substances, including alcohol
and illicit drugs.
6. Suicidal Idea�on (Ideación Suicida): Thoughts about ending
one'sown life.
7. Psychotropic Medica�on (Medicación Psicotrópica): Medica�ons
that affect a person's mental state.

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