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Student Assessment Tasks




Student Name:

Student Number: JLC171639

Assessment Overview......................................................................................................................................... 3
Assessment plans............................................................................................................................................... 6
Assessment Task 1: Written questions............................................................................................................... 7
Assessment Task 2: Role plays........................................................................................................................ 11
Role Play 1 – Provide WHS information........................................................................................................ 11
Role Play 2 – Discipline non-compliant personnel......................................................................................... 13
Role Play 3 – Issue resolution....................................................................................................................... 14
Assessment Task 3: Case studies.................................................................................................................... 15
Assessment Task 4: Project.............................................................................................................................. 19
Part A – WHS consutative processes plan.................................................................................................... 19
Part B – WHS risk control plan...................................................................................................................... 20
Part C – WHS documentation....................................................................................................................... 22

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Assessment Overview
This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of SITXWHS003 Implement and
monitor work health and safety practices.

About your assessments

This unit requires that you complete 4 assessment tasks. You must complete all tasks to achieve competency
for this unit.

Assessment Task About this task

Assessment Task 1: Written questions You must correctly answer all questions to show that you
understand the knowledge required of this unit.

Assessment Task 2: Role plays You must participate in three consultative role plays.
Role play 1: Provide WHS information
Role play 2: Discipline non-compliant personnel
Role play 3: Issue resolution.

Assessment Task 3: Case studies You are required to read the case studies and complete
tasks/answer all questions.

Assessment Task 4: Project There are three parts to this task:

 Part A: Develop a plan for WHS consultative processes
 Part B: Develop a WHS risk control plan
 Part C: Complete WHS documentation.

Assessment requirements
You will be provided an assessment schedule by your trainer. This will indicate the dates
assessments will be undertaken e.g. for practical activities and/ or the dates for assessment
submissions e.g. for written work.

Prior to assessment your assessor will provide you information on how to prepare. Ensure you are
fully prepared for each assessment task. The resources required for each task are indicated in each

If you have identified special learning needs the assessment process and/ or materials may be
adjusted to address these requirements. If you feel there is an issue that will impact your
performance during an assessment task, it is important to bring this to the attention of your assessor
prior to attempting the task.

Read all assessment task information in full. Contact your assessor to clarify assessment
requirements if you are unsure about any aspect of the assessment process or task requirements.

Each assessment task includes a set of instructions that guide you on requirements. Information is
also provided on the assessment context (e.g. where it will be undertaken) and conditions (e.g.
closed book).

For performance to be deemed satisfactory in an assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all
the assessment criteria. You must satisfactorily complete each assessment task to be deemed
competent in this unit.

Submitting assessments

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You will be informed the process for submitting any written work and what has to be submitted. This
information will be supplied with each task. You must submit all work by the due date. Failure to do
so may count as a submission attempt.

Complete the Student declaration section of the Assessment Cover Sheet that is supplied with each
assessment task. Submit this to the assessor along with your work. Retain a copy of all work
submitted for each assessment task.

Academic conduct
Cheating, plagiarism and unauthorised collusion in any form during assessments will result in the
assessment submission being invalidated.

Assessment feedback
You will be provided feedback on performance on completion of the task. The feedback will be
provided in the Assessment Cover Sheet and will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed all the
assessment criteria and indicate the assessment result as S – Satisfactory or U - Unsatisfactory.
Assessors will discuss your performance in each task when providing feedback.

Assessment resubmissions
If you fail to demonstrate satisfactory performance in an assessment task you will be provided
another 2 opportunities to address the assessment criteria. The assessor will arrange this with you.

Accepting the assessment result

Once the assessor has provided written and verbal feedback, you are required to complete the
Accepting assessment result section of the Assessment Cover Sheet.

Assessment appeals
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt
with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Tips for submitting written work

Assessment questions, report briefs and project instructions include words that guide you on the
expected level of response. The information below is a guide on the expected level and type of
response required by questions and instructions that include the highlighted words below.

Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.

List Identify information in a list format. A short response is required e.g. a list of food
items required for a menu.

Identify Similar to list. A short response is required e.g. identify 3 types of cheese.

Outline A brief response of 1 or 2 sentences is required that includes a brief overview of the
main parts/ aspects of the question subject.

Summarise A brief response of 1 or 2 sentences is required that includes a brief overview of the
main parts/ aspects of the question subject.

Describe This requires a more comprehensive response than outline or summarise. When
describing something you provide more detailed information of the question subject.
You may be often asked to describe processes or aspects/ features or qualities of the
question subject. Expected responses will be between 3 to 4 sentences in length.

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Explain When explaining something you provide detailed information on the question subject.
You may be asked to explain reasons justifying why you would complete processes in
a certain order or why something happened. Expected responses will be between 3 to
4 sentences in length.

Analyse When responding to questions asking you to analyse something, you should identify
key aspects or features of the subject. Expected responses will be between 3 to 4
sentences in length.

Quick summary of assessment process

 Review task requirements to identify assessment criteria and task requirements.
 Clarify anything you don’t understand with your assessor.
 Ensure you are fully prepared to undertake the task.
 Complete the Assessment Agreement. Provide this to your assessor prior to attempting assessment
task 1.
 Complete the Assessment Task Cover Sheet and submit to you assessor at the commencement of a
task that is observed by your assessor or when submitting written work.
 Undertake the task in accordance with task requirements.
 Your assessor will provide written feedback in the Assessment Task Cover Sheet and discuss this with
 If required identify and confirm part of the task that must be resubmitted and confirm your
understanding of requirements with the assessor.
 Complete the Student Declaration – Acceptance of assessment result section of the Assessment Task
Cover Sheet. Keep a copy of the feedback provided in the Assessment Task Cover Sheet

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Assessment plans
The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this unit. You are required to complete all
tasks to demonstrate competency for the unit/s in this topic.
Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.

Assessment Requirements Due date

1. Written questions

2. Role plays

3. Case studies

4. Project


Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure
you sign this before you start any of your assessments.
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment?  Yes  No

Do you understand the requirements of this assessment?  Yes  No

Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No

Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment?  Yes  No
If yes, what are they?

Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?  Yes  No

Student name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Student signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Assessor name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Assessor signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________________

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Assessment Task 1: Written questions

You are to answer all written questions.


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
 Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required).


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class
(where applicable).
 Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.


 Your answers to each question in this task.

 This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
 You must answer all questions in this task correctly.
 You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word or a similar program – your
assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed assessment, submit the file on a
USB drive or hand in a hard copy.

List five examples of generic work health and safety information that may need to be discussed with employees
 Safety and security policies and procedures
.  Legal obligations and the ramifications of failure to comply.
 Roles and responsibilities of employers and employees in WHS management practices.
 Consultative arrangements for WHS
. Use of hazard identification reporting documents and risk assessment templates

Name three opportunities employers have to explain relevant WHS information to employees.
1. Providing necessary health and safety instruction, supervision and training
2. Explain policy and procedures that can help minimise risk
3. Enrol the staff in health and safety representative training course

Where could you locate WHS information so it is readily available for all employees?
1. Notice boards
2. By emails
3. In daily pre- start meeting

a) What are the four steps in the risk management process for workplace hazards?
1. Step1- Identify all the hazards
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2. Step2- Examine the risk which is associated with that hazard
3. Step3- Assessment of risk factors
4. Step4- Risk control plans
b) What are three occasions when hazard identification activities should be carried out in the workplace?
1. Using new or used electrical equipment
2. When using hazardous chemicals
3. Need to focus on new employees when handling knife

a) What are three types of generic hazards in terms of plant and equipment to be alert to on an ongoing basis
throughout your day-to-day work?
1. Crowded work area injury risks
2. Handling chemicals
3. Not using PPE while working

b) What are three types of generic hazards in terms of working practices to be alert to on an ongoing basis
throughout your day-to-day work?
1. Using new equipment for cutting, chopping, slicing, grilling and searing food
2. Falling hazards because of improper stacking shelves
3. Slips, falls and trips during work

c) What are two types of generic hazards in terms of security issues to be alert to on an ongoing basis
throughout your day-to-day work?
1. Working with dishonest employees
2. Suspicious outsiders visit daily

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a) A worker has just reported a hazard to you in relation to work they are performing; what should you do?
Firstly, carrying out workplace risk assessment. Secondly, saying to stop work and determining how
employee might be at risk. After that evaluation procedure will processed and will record it. SEP model is
used to identify the risk severity, probability and exposure.

b) Provide three reasons as to why you should do a risk assessment when a hazard has been reported.
1. To create awareness of hazard and risk
2. To determine control program is required for hazard
3. To prevent injuries or illness

c) What three factors combine to produce the ‘risk level’ for an identified hazard?
1. Consequence- It describes he potential loss or a mishap. Protective devices or
procedures engineering controls, and PPE are used to mitigate severity
2. Exposure- The amount of time, number of cycles, number of people and
resources involved.
3. Probability- Training, situational awareness, morale and attitude change are used
to mitigate probability.

d) List the five levels in the Hierarchy of Risk Control placing them in order from most effective (Number 1) to
least effective (Number 6).
1. Eliminate hazards and risks
2. Substitution
3. Engineering Controls
4. Use Administrative controls
5. Use personal protective equipment

e) What are three activities involved in planning the monitoring of the effectiveness of control measures?
1. Documenting the process
2. Have a look back at accident and ill health records
3. Remember to follow risk assessment model

f) After equipment, utensils, plant and equipment have been purchased and introduced into everyday work
use, the control measures for their safe use should be monitored on three distinct occasions; when are
1. Before using equipment
2. During using equipment
3. After using equipment

g) Give two reasons why there is a need to monitor the effectiveness of control measures for identified
1. To identify a new hazard or risk

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2. To know the standard of OHS

a) Provide three examples of workplace health and safety training needs that may need to be accommodated
in the workplace?
1. One or more training development programs may be developed. It may be related to department of
health or specific to an individual.
2. Implementation of WHS training is to ensure the workers are aware of workplace risks.
3. Be aware about specific tasks and work areas that have high risks.

b) Provide three reasons why it is necessary to make formal arrangements to fulfil identified training needs.
1. Training will increase skills, knowledge, productivity and morale as well as replace and avoid workplace
2. To ensure the staffs performance after taking training.
3. To develop WHS practices while using equipment.

Outline the five steps for evaluating WHS performance.
1. Step1- Identify the hazards
2. Step2- Decide who might be harmed and how
3. Step3- Evaluate the risks and decide on control measures
4. Step4- Record findings and implement them
5. Step5- Review assessment and update if necessary

Provide three reasons why it is necessary to maintain WHS records and reports.
1. It enables senior managers to monitor health and safety performance.
2. It is a legal requirement, in many cases, to keep certain health and safety records available for inspection
. 3. It ensures key information is easily retrievable, and can be passed on from one person to another, ensuring
consistency and continuity.

List five ways WHS diaries of meetings and WHS reports can be used in the management of workplace health
and safety.
1. To ensure relevance to organisational requirements, their effectiveness, suitability, currency of information
and compliance to WHS legislation
2. To provide evidence of proactive health and safety management
3. To enable a more effective performance
4. To ensure that management is aware of organisational performance 5. To assist with continuous

Provide two reasons why the use of electronic WHS records/reports should be maximised in the workplace.
1. Electronic records are efficient way to keep financial records and requires less storage space

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2. Allows to back up records and keep them in a safe place in case of fire or theft

An employer must provide a safe and healthy workplace for workers and contractors. What are ten primary
responsibilities in this regard?
1. To make sure that work areas, machinery and equipment are kept in a safe condition.
2. To organize ways of working safely.
3. To provide information, instruction, training and supervision of employees so they can work safely.
4. To make sure that employees are aware of potential hazards
. 5. To provide protective clothing and equipment where hazards can't be avoided.
6. To consult and co-operate with health and safety representatives and other employees at the workplace.
7. To inform employees about hazards in the workplace, and improve their understanding of safe work
8. To provide new employees with specialized induction training to help them become familiar with their new
work environment, procedures, equipment and materials so they can do their job safely.
9. To provide information about hazards and the actions taken to control workplace risks.
10.To make sure equipment and materials are used, stored, transported and disposed of safely

Identify the three mechanisms employees have for WHS representation in the workplace and briefly describe
their role.
1. Health and safety Committee- It allows staff to address concerns related to work health and safety issues
2. Health and safety representative- They represent members of a work group in health and safety matters.
3. Designated work group -They allows for employees to be properly represented in OHS issues.

When must employers establish a Health and Safety Committee in their workplace?
Under the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 [Section 72(1)], an employer must establish a
committee within 3 months of a health and safety representative requesting it, OR if required to by regulation.

a) Define what is meant by ‘consultation’ between management and workers in terms of WHS.
Consultation is a two-way process between employer and workers where talk to each other about health
and safety matters, listen to their concerns and raise concerns, seek and share views and information, and
consider what workers say before making decisions.
b) What are the three occasions when employers are obliged by legislation to consult with their employees?
1. To identifying hazards and assessing risks

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2. To making decisions about ways to eliminate or control risks.
3. When changing or updating workplace facilities.
c) What notes should be documented when informally discussing WHS issues/concerns and why?
Issues related to health and safety should be documented because health is first priority of workers. Any
hazard on work place should be note.

Provide five examples of work health and safety records and reports which may need to be completed when
implementing and monitoring work health and safety practices.
1. Risk identification
2. Health monitoring
3. Register injuries
4. Action plans while giving training
5. Records of equipment’s

Outline five requirements that need to be accommodated when storing WHS records.
1. Before storing WHS records create a pdf that provide a guide to record retention for business.
2. Keep a copy of record.
3. It must be in English language
4. Write down the full record in separate document such as date, time, day of record.
5. It should be in clear form.

Describe four responsibilities employees have for participating in WHS practices.
1. Take reasonable care for health and safety in the workplace. They must also take reasonable care for the
health and safety of others who may be affected by what you do or don’t do.
2. Cooperate with your employer about any action they take to comply with the OHS Act or Regulations. For
example, use equipment properly,
3. Don’t intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything at the workplace to support health, safety
and welfare.
4. Follow safe work policies and procedures and attend training.

a) List three possible legal consequences if managers fail to observe legislated WHS obligations?
1. A maximum fine of $16.5 million for body corporates
2. A maximum of 25 years’ imprisonment for individuals
3. Loss of reputation

b) List three possible consequences other than legal consequences if managers fail to observe legislated
WHS obligations?

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1. Chance to loss job

2. Machines impairment

3. Harm for staff

c) List three possible consequences if managers fail to comply with organisational protocols in relation to
1. Employer can dismiss from job
2. Induction training again
3. Needs to learn full policies and procedures of WHS

List four types of information that can be found in a WHS staff handbook.
1. WHS policy
2. WHS emergency plan
3. WHS training plan
4. Safety talks plan

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to all questions 

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Assessment Task 2: Role playsError: Reference source not found

For this task, you are required to participate in four role plays.
There are four parts to this task.
 Part A: Provide WHS information
 Part B: Discipline non-compliant personnel
 Part C: Issue resolution.
Some role plays have background information to read and questions to complete.


 Access to a simulated workplace environment.
 Access to a computer and the Internet.
 Role play scenarios (provided).
 Additional participants (may include classmates and the assessor).
 Ellia Hotel WHS policies and procedures.
 First Aid kit.
 Emergency evacuation plan.


 Students will do these role plays during the face-to-face classroom delivery session.
 Your assessor will provide you with the date of the role plays.


 Role play 1 – Meeting minutes and action plan.
 Role play 2 and 3 – You do not need to submit anything.


For this task, you will play the role of a hotel manager and participate in a consultative meeting to discuss WHS
requirements with your employees (role played by your assessor and classmates).
Your assessor will provide you with the date for the meeting.

Background information
Ellia Hotel is a 200 room hotel within the Marino Enterprises Complex. You have recently been employed as
the hotel manager and it is your responsibility to make sure that all employees are fully aware of their WHS
rights and obligations, and have had all necessary WHS information explained properly to them.
Two of the employees are new to the organisation and although the other employees have been working
there since the hotel opened several months ago, you have identified that no formal WHS consultations have
previously been conducted.

1. Prepare for the meeting.

 Visit the Work Safe website relevant to your State/Territory. Download and read:
 Relevant State/Territory WHS legislation
 Regulatory documents distributed by the local WHS government regulator
 Codes of Practice/Compliance Codes and standards issues by the government regulator.

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 Download at least one informative fact sheet relevant to the workplace context to be distributed to
meeting participants.
 Research current WHS statistics (injuries/near misses) relevant to the hospitality industry and
state/territory to share with participants.
 Read the background information for details of the workplace context.
 Choose one Ellia Hotel WHS policy and procedure to review in consultation with employees.
 Locate the first aid kit.
 Locate and read the emergency evacuation plan.
 Develop a meeting agenda including all relevant WHS information for discussion.
 Prior to commencing the meeting, appoint one of the participants to take minutes of the meeting.

2. Participate in the meeting.

 Chair in the meeting with your assessor and one or two other students who will play the role of Ellia
Hotel employees.
 Open the meeting with a brief rationale as to why the WHS consultation needs to occur.
 Provide the participants with relevant information about their WHS rights and obligations as employees
at Ellia Hotel, as per your meeting agenda.
 Hand out a copy of one Ellia Hotel WHS policy to meeting participants. Highlight the main points from
the policy and request feedback on the effectiveness of the policy from employees. (WHS policies and
procedures can be found in the Marino Enterprises Handbook).
 Provide participants with at least one informative WHS fact sheet relevant to the workplace context.
Explain how this information can assist them in the workplace.
 Provide participants with information on current statistics of WHS injuries and near misses in the
hospitality industry.
 Show the participants the location of the first aid kit (the first aid kit should be set up and located within
the classroom).
 Show the participants the location of the emergency evacuation plan and explain the emergency
evacuation procedure.
 Throughout the meeting you must demonstrate comprehensive WHS knowledge. You assessor will
record their observations of your performance.
3. After the meeting, read over the meeting minutes and develop a brief action plan that includes:
 Topics discussed throughout the meeting.
 Follow up WHS action required based on consultation with employees.

4. Submit your meeting minutes and action plan to your assessor.

During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:
 Access and obtain online information provided by the local government WHS regulator.
 Explain the purpose of WHS consultation.
 Verbally explain relevant WHS information to workers.
 Identify and explain employee roles and responsibilities in work health and safety management
 Detail ramifications of failure to comply with legislated WHS obligations.
 Initiate review and discussion of one WHS policy.
 Show the location of the first aid kit.
 Present and detail implementation of emergency evacuation plan.
 Present and explain simulated organisational WHS policies.

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For this task, you will play the role of a restaurant manager and participate in a role play with your assessor,
who will play the role of an employee who has been non-compliant with a WHS requirement.
Your assessor will provide you with the date for the role play.

Background information
You work as the manager of The Best Bite, a new café that has recently opened in the Marino complex.
You are about to meet with the kitchen hand, Jack, who has failed to comply with safe work practice in
relation to the safe use of knives in the kitchen.
Jack has no formal kitchen/cooking qualifications but he did receive on-the-job training in the ‘Safe knife
handling’ and ‘Knife skills’ modules provided as a mandatory requirement for all employees who have no
trade certification.
Despite this training and ongoing workplace supervision he has remained careless when it comes to using
the sharp knives. Yesterday he accidentally injured a co-worker with a knife, requiring that person to go to
the hospital for stitches.
You must participate in a disciplinary meeting with Jack to determine the underlying cause of the problem
and identify a way forward. During the meeting, you must emphasise that Jack’s job/future employment is at

1. Read the background information.

2. Research WHS training opportunities available for employees in the hospitality industry in your
 Choose a training option that would be suitable for the context of the scenario.
 Note the details of the training, including dates, times, location, type of training (online/face-to-face/in
3. Participate in the role play. Have a disciplinary discussion with the employee (role played by your assessor)
During the role play you are required to discuss the following:
 The specific instance that has led to this point.
 Reasons for the disciplinary event clearly.
 Solutions to the identified issue.
 Compulsory training requirements.
 Outcomes if behaviour/actions do not become compliant.

During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

 Set the scene for the disciplinary event by backgrounding the history and context.
 Describe specific instances/actions that have led to this point.
 Articulate reasons for the disciplinary event clearly.
 Employ suitable questioning techniques to identify causal factors.
 Apply appropriate listening skills.
 Present a solution to the identified issue.
 Discuss further training required.
 Notify worker of outcomes if behaviour/actions do not become compliant.

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For this task, you will play the role of a restaurant manager and participate in a role play to discuss WHS
concerns in the kitchen with the HSR (role played by your assessor).
Your assessor will provide you with the date for the role play.

Background information
The HRS representing the kitchen staff of your café/restaurant has asked for a meeting with you to discuss
what he believes to be a safety issue.
When you asked the HSR for details of what they wanted to discuss, they said it was in relation to two
separate items. First, they were concerned about the number of slips and falls in the kitchen and second
they had been approached by several kitchen staff who were complaining about sore backs caused (they
said) by having to lift and carry bags and cartons of produce which were too heavy for them.
You have agreed to meet the HSR in your office this afternoon.

1. Prepare for the role play. Review the background information and identify appropriate resolutions to the
WHS concerns.
2. Participate in the role play. Have a meeting with the HSR (role played by your assessor) to discuss the
concerns raised by the employees in the kitchen.
 During the role play you are required to demonstrate the skills necessary to consult effectively with the
HSR and resolve or refer the issue as appropriate.

During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

 Demonstrate knowledge of relevant state/territory WHS legislation regarding the need for consultation
with employees and their representatives.
 Demonstrate effective consultation and issue resolution techniques.
 Problem solve the issue raised by the HSR.
 Consider and discuss all relevant aspects of the issue raised prior to making a decision on the issue.
 Communicate effectively with the HSR.
 Make a decision on the issue that satisfies the HSR (either to resolve the issue or refer it) and is legally

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Meeting minutes and action plan – Role play 1 

You do not need to hand in anything for Role plays 2

and 3

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Assessment Task 3: Case studies

For this task you are required to answer the case study questions to demonstrate your knowledge of:
 WHS compliance and non-compliance.
 The effectiveness of WHS processes.
 Monitoring WHS processes.
 Identifying and managing staff WHS training requirements.


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
 Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required).
 Microsoft office.
 Case studies (provided).


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class
(where applicable).
 Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.


 Case study 1 – Report.
 Case studies 2 and 3 – Your answers to all questions.

Read each case study below and complete all tasks.

Case study 1 – WHS review and report

You are the Manager at a busy café restaurant, The Best Bite.
Both you and the owner take workplace safety seriously but the venue has a chequered past regarding
workplace safety and you have discovered there is no program of structured workplace hazard/safety
inspections or any documentation to support a formalised approach to genuine workplace safety.
You need to advise the owner that the staff have approached you and asked that they form a Designated
Work Group (DWG) for the kitchen staff and another DWG for the floor/wait staff. It appears they too are
concerned about the safe work practices which are (not) in place at the restaurant.
You have conducted your own workplace safety inspection which you must also report on. Your findings
were as follows:
 Unsafe footwear worn by cooks working in the kitchen – they currently wear sneakers.
 Need for fire prevention protocols for the dining room – there is currently only an extinguisher in the
kitchen area.

1. Review the case study information.

2. Write a report for the owners of The Best Bite about the effectiveness of WHS management practices at the
restaurant so that they can use this feedback as the basis for deciding what the next step will be in making
the café/restaurant fully compliant with all WHS requirements.
 Ensure that your report is clear, concise and professionally written to a high level.
 Include suggested methods of control to address the identified WHS issues of concern.

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You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word or a similar program – your
assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed assessment, submit the file on a
USB drive or hand in a hard copy.
3. Submit your report to your assessor.

Case study 2: The Burger Bar

John is the manager at a take-away shop, The Burger Bar, located within Marino Hotel’s complex and has
been given responsibility for monitoring WHS procedures and safe work practices among the staff.
Being aware of the need for ongoing attention to this aspect of his managerial duties John has scheduled
these monitoring responsibilities into his workplace diary so he never overlooks them.
By way of starting his monitoring, John turns to a folder he has prepared containing a full set of
organisational WHS policies and procedures to refresh himself on two new protocols that have recently been
introduced into the workplace.
After reviewing these he turns his attention to several formal WHS documents before setting out to begin his
monitoring activities.

Read the case study and answer the following questions in a word processed document.

Describe two techniques John can use to monitor WHS in his workplace
1John can use checklists to monitor WHS in his workplace.
2. John can use audits to monitor WHS in his workplace..

Question 2

What three checks could John undertake to determine adherence to emergency management protocols that
had been established for the shop?
1. Check-Call-Care
2. Check the scene and the victim.
3. Call the local emergency number to activate the EMS system.

When John inspected the chemical store name three things he would look for to ensure WHS procedures were
being followed.
John would look for incompatible substances and make sure they are separated to
prevent reactive chemicals from interacting.
• John would look for fire-fighting equipment and make sure they are easily accessible
• John would make sure chemicals are secured from unauthorized access.

Name ten documents (not including the Register of Injuries) John would look for when checking the workplace
for compliance with WHS requirements.
Working environment monitoring is activities of measuring, checking, and monitoring the specific factors
including microclimate, physical, dust, chemical, biological, psychophysiological, and ergonomics.

John understands a central way to help ensure workplace safety is to identify all workplace hazards. List four
ways he might ensure this is done.
 Understand risks. ...
 Be aware of your surroundings at all time. ...

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 Know where the first aid kit/officer are. ...
 Taking regular breaks. ...
 Always using equipment properly. ...
 Pay attention to signage. ...
 Know where emergency exits are. ...
 Keep emergency exist accessible.

John checks to make sure all areas have copies of the ‘Hazard identification checklist’ that should have been
prepared for them: give three reasons why these are important in terms of monitoring workplace safety.
 A work environment free from injuries and accidents attracts employees
 Employees are more satisfied and productive in such an environment
 A safe work environment is essential for both employees and employers alike. It is the right of all
employees to have safety in the workplace.

John checks the take-away has established its own Register of Injuries verifying it contains all necessary
sections to allow effective recording to occur: identify five sections he sees when checking this Register.
Working environment monitoring is activities of measuring, checking, and monitoring the specific
factors including microclimate, physical, dust, chemical, biological, psychophysiological, and

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Case study 3: WHS skills audit
Tamara is responsible for implementing and monitoring WHS and security training for all employees in Ellia
Hotel’s housekeeping department.
She has been advised by management that several staff are likely to need training across a variety of areas.
This advice seems to align with impressions she has formed about certain staff but she is not sure about
which staff require what WHS and/or security training.
She is, of course, keen to provide whatever training is necessary but equally eager to ensure the limited
resources of the property are well spent and targeted to suit urgent and identified need rather than be spent
on irrelevant and/or unnecessary training.
On this basis Tamara decides she needs to undertake a skills audit of staff as a starting point before
committing herself or the hotel to action.

Read the case study and answer the following questions in a word processed document.

Describe what Tamara will achieve (in addition to identifying training gaps) by undertaking a skills audit?
By using skills audit, Tamara will achieve to identify and understand what could be the employees were lack
of, the appropriate training that may be done in order to improve as such that could help the organization

Tamara uses the skills audit to help her determine the ‘training gap’ for each of her employees: what is a
‘training gap’?
Training gaps (or skills gaps) are the differences between your desired outcome from an employee or team and
the actual outcome. Organizations, teams, and individual employees can all develop training gaps.

List three other techniques (apart from conducting a Training Needs Analysis) Tamara could use to determine
training needs of employees.

What are the basic steps in conducting a workplace Training Needs Analysis?
Defining strategic goals.
Outlining required skills and knowledge.
Evaluating current skills.
Locating performance gaps and causes.
Establishing training needs.

Explain why Tamara will want to make sure the WHS and security training she provides for her staff is targeted
only to those who need it.
The case already stated that WHS has only limited resources, so it is only reasonable that Tamara will make
staff to undergo training only to those who really needed it. This will avoid unnecessary costs to the company
while also maximizing efficiently the limited resources which Tamara is very aware of.

What options does Tamara have for delivering identified WHS and security skills training for her employees?

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There are a number of ways to monitor whether staff are following WHS procedures. Regular audits of work
areas and procedures are one way to ensure that staff are adhering to safe work practices. Reviewing incident
reports and near miss reports is another way to identify any potential areas of improvemen

Within the skills-based training Tamara decides to present to her staff, what are the two main training delivery
techniques that will best achieve a positive outcome?
The best types of employee training methods for your workforce may include: Instructor-led training. eLearning.
Simulation employee training.

List three things Tamara could do to monitor the effectiveness of the WHS and security training she intends
providing for her workers.
 Keep employees informed about WHS policies.
 Do A Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
 WHS Training.
 WHS Record maintenance.
 Collaborate to manage WHS policies.

List three occasions when Tamara might need to adjust the WHS and security training she is providing for her
There are a number of ways to monitor whether staff are following WHS procedures. Regular audits of work
areas and procedures are one way to ensure that staff are adhering to safe work practices. Reviewing incident
reports and near miss reports is another way to identify any potential areas of improvement.

Describe how Tamara can keep a record of the training that each staff member has undertaken to ensure
adequate training is being provided.
By keeping records of training, it becomes easier for managers to review the skills of individual team members
and to recommend future training needs as part of an appraisal process

How can Tamara ensure that new employees are informed of WHS systems, policies and procedures?
Tamara should prepare all necessary trainings that every new employees should know about the hotel's WHS
and security system. Tamara should inform the new staff that this is a mandatory training since it involve the
health, safety and security of the company

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Case study 1 – Report 

Case study 2 – Answers to all questions 

Case study 3 – Answers to all questions 

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Assessment Task 4: Project

There are three parts to this task:
 Part A: Develop a plan for WHS consultative processes.
 Part B: Develop a WHS risk control plan.
 Part C: Complete WHS documentation.


 Computer and Microsoft Office.
 Access to the Internet.
 Case studies (provided).
 Hazard Identification policy (provided in Marino Enterprises Handbook).
 WHS consultative processes template (provided in Marino Enterprises Handbook).
 Hazard report form (provided in Marino Enterprises Handbook).
 Risk control plan template (provided in Marino Enterprises Handbook).
 Risk register template (provided in Marino Enterprises Handbook).


 You will do this assessment in the classroom.
 Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.


 A completed WHS consultative processes plan.
 A completed WHS Risk control plan.
 A completed ‘Hazard report’ form.
 A completed ‘Risk Register’.
 A completed ‘Incident/Accident Report’.


Read the background information and complete the following tasks.

Background information
You work as the manager of Ellia Hotel, a part of Marino Enterprises. You have been asked by the owners of
the hotel to prepare a plan that enables effective implementation and coordination of WHS consultative
arrangements with employees.
You have been advised that the plan must feature a combination of at least eight consultative processes
ensuring the final product conforms to legislated obligations regarding consultative arrangements between
employers and employees and provides practical opportunities for staff to contribute views and input and
receive current WHS training.

1. Review the case study information and research legislation relevant to your state/territory regarding WHS
consultation requirements.
2. Develop the plan.
 Prepare a plan detailing effective implementation of legally compliant consultative processes between
employer and employees.

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 Ensure the plan provides at least eight consultative processes/options.
 Include ways to record written information about WHS issues/concerns for follow up action.
 Use the template provided in the Marino Enterprises Handbook to complete your plan. One action has
been included for you as an example.
3. Submit your plan to your assessor. Your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your
completed assessment or submit the file on a USB drive.

What do I need to hand in for Part A of this task? Have I completed this?

WHS consultative processes plan 


Read the background information and prepare the required documentation.

Background information
You are the manager in the central kitchen of a large catering company, Crave Catering, which produces
food/meals for distribution to Marino Enterprises Hotels and conference centres, among other places.
To date, all employees have completed accredited training in all mandated food safety units of competency
and all hold the necessary ‘Food handlers’ certificates’ and there are the required number of qualified Food
Safety Supervisors on-site at all times.
In addition, all employees have successfully completed the units ‘Participate in safe work practices’ and
‘Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks’ and the organisation has already established a full set of
risk control protocols with supporting documentation to manage all identified workplace hazards.
The operations has established Designated Work Groups (DWGs) with duly elected Health and Safety
Representatives (HSRs) as follows:
 Goods inwards and storage DWG (DWG 1)
 Food preparation, cooking and plating DWG (DWG 2)
 Prepared food storage and distribution DWG (DWG 3)
For the organisation to take the next step in its plan to complete a structured and compliant WHS system you
have been asked:
 Identify and address the need to coordinate scheduled hazard identification activities ensuring hazards
are identified at times designated by legislation.
 Satisfy the ongoing need for management to identify any hazards in the workplace on an ongoing basis
as part of normal day-to-day activities.
 Identify how to respond effectively to reports of workplace hazards received from others in the workplace
by coordinating and participating in formal risk assessments of these hazards.
 Detail how to implement risk control methods already decided on/approved by the organisation.
 Describe how to refer situations to a suitable person/company where adequate risk control is outside the
scope of responsibility of personnel up to and including mid-level managers.
 Identify how to monitor the effectiveness of agreed control measures implemented by the organisation.
 Describe strategies to identify and effectively respond to inadequacies identified by the WHS monitoring
system that has been established.
To meet the current requests made by senior management you have decided to prepare a formal WHS Risk
Control Plan comprising:
 A procedure to integrate ongoing hazard identification into the day-to-day activities of mid-level
 A procedure for mid-level managers to follow when advised of workplace hazards by others.

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 A checklist for mid-level managers to follow when:
 Implementing agreed risk controls
 Referring situations to others where they are unable to implement required risk controls.
 Procedures for monitoring the effectiveness of agreed risk control.

1. Prepare to develop the plan.

 Review the background information in the case study scenario.
 Read through the Crave Catering Hazard Identification Policy (provided in the Marino Enterprises
 Research relevant WHS legislation relevant to your state/territory regarding the development of risk
control plan contents.
2. Develop a risk control plan.
Use the templates provided to develop a Risk Control Plan for Crave Catering. You will find the templates
provided in the Marino Enterprises Handbook. As a minimum, your plan must include the following:
 Table of contents
 Version control
 Distribution methods
 Purpose
 Details on how to integrate ongoing hazard identification into the day-to-day activities of mid-level
 Protocols for mid-level managers to follow when advised of workplace hazards by others
 A checklist for mid-level managers to follow when implementing agreed risk controls and referring
situations to others where they are unable to implement required risk controls
 Protocols for monitoring the effectiveness of agreed risk controls.
3. Submit your plan to your assessor. Your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your
completed assessment or submit the file on a USB drive.

What do I need to hand in for Part B of this task? Have I completed this?

WHS Risk control plan 

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Read the background information and complete all tasks.

Background information
You are the owner/ manager of The Best Bite, a busy restaurant located within the Marino Enterprises
Earlier this morning, Jack, one of the kitchen hands, was injured in the store room, when a big bag of flour fell
off the top shelf onto him, causing him to fall and cut his head open on the corner of a shelf. The incident
occurred at approximately 10.00 am as he was preparing for the lunch siting. He was sent to the emergency
department and needed eight stitches. 50 kg bags of flour are having to be stored on the top shelves of the
store room because they will not fit on the lower shelves and must not be stored on the floor. They are very
heavy to lift and pose a serious hazard when employees are lifting them up there and getting them down due
to their weight and bulky nature.
You must now complete all required WHS documentation related to the incident.

1. Review the background information.

2. Complete a hazard report form to report the hazard using the template provided (this can be found in the
Marino Enterprises Handbook).
3. Complete a WHS Incident/accident report using the template provided (this can be found in the Marino
Enterprises Handbook) to record the details of the accident.
4. Based on the potential hazards and risks that could be found in a restaurant kitchen, complete the risk
register, identifying at least six potential risks, using the template provided (this can be found in the Marino
Enterprises Handbook)
5. Submit the completed WHS hazard report form, WHS Incident/accident form and Risk register to your
assessor. Your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed assessment or
submit the file on a USB drive.

What do I need to hand in for Part C of this task? Have I completed this?

Hazard report form 

WHS Incident/accident report 

Risk register 

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