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Suomittg t.

Saksuw CMpulhew
Date L60823Q36
Page No0.

Loustuttow gupmus
Wul 0w ohat basis ou wiuu be seketueug the
egpwM ok Cosuuhom
DD Selectuao o ous[Luuct
1 A qwupwe awculable w he Olgon u
Switabiiy k Job coueLttow_uitnSPecial
ALLULCe Uto diwatiu amnd opeiatng
) wukomuhy p e coudinous
iv size eqpmlut
Stounsloid equipmOm
v OMAtuy
Vu wwt ogt 0
vx)Avilabity o Spue paltk aMd selectuow oL

Suiaoiy Local labou ko opekthiou

Jhue e atus cousLole{aio hkew mto
accomut Whil seleemg Constzuchon
eipmeMti Haue me
Teacher's Signature-
Date Page No.

COs LdLLotuonW, COpomy Spetukic

sit-SpeLLKiu uo eaipnuit
8peuhe iMul eut oumd piojier seeii
wABukathule speeihio ad labous _coiduaion
L2 st s0mMe excanatiouv tquipmum wi
he bpe Q enCOwOLLOw eQuipwdi to be
sedi eXAOMCLtON pLoject depd o
h COpe wuk m woauuttoi Jhe
NOutous' typel q exAanodiow equpnatmt wAed
w bulcLag puot mude
9t ouw wpoAIDt eqipwmemrk k eat
woyewwt. 9t cowNtE Mgme_ igY wto
Eautie tmlgy
Ou ghovld
9t used to excawatL eaLH O all claxs
LALpt A0ck wudlaad it_uto ngoud.
eye mamatrd Ow cleuoleistacks.
9t 0 mt_consista
beom, dppesuck. hud hoisr ind
Jhese Me igw_p0uw urdu tiactas i
Coteupiuat o udusles tiacks ited uitn a
mould boud 0 blade at Hhe kont
Huhan Teacher's Signature.
Date Page No.

a stuippiug exLanatou upo deph o

SeL-Sucut Macue uinicw toun
dig Loasd, iulaudl disCLMasgp Hhe mateual
wwkol Hek taye
DAag t K
Jhey me used to eLacke sokt-eaIHh uouw
belouo Hhe aomd Aa To deposilt OL Lad
mto hgo
St couists e _ _ buukAt huo haulues, uOnieln
One ww.a togetus at top, Jhw bucketE halwes
CO b ctouchud to the hovel-lome mit

JtL we to exONCt_LOKt to weoliww

Jhe bawkhoe ydiauuliv excavcuho nuutw a
buket_attatheo to Hhe yollauut
Cohoued boow md eed, It u uaedT0
belou n he natulab SutkaLe
to keep PAetke Cotlo op_odeph o eanahiovm
AOUge wOtk

Muhan Teacher's Signanre.

Date Paqe No.

BAMg Ouut s0u dLecw bl uslel


CAol pu wheeled pe
CAaoles ype has SLou ohee hyoe AOUl
Speed has eot PLLdu
MOXe compaLut cd Dw handle
powLlklind CO
hmolle hepuueu
COSty Cheape
LV Cost o openotiow 2 Opeleion ond
wwowteiomne igw
cOstis les.
vstek coutho t wheel steeing
Steesiug COUuttol
tek molyes ow locads Loves
geot AOads
V ko ghoir distôumeu Uded to LougeR
V Keq i e sklLd opeAahou, eAse Skius Aq.
mowmtoname ond
Lpas wmtanaMLee&

Hhau Teacher's Siguature

Date Page No.

duet wha aue iew ypes o dUapess

SUapOu Me_nawy duh maclninesHhot
COUvv oe _LLoed kox_olnsua md atllrg
hauww aAt_dmal wiwuls_kow ovu
d o b SLR to aMoHhei,as heLL A
leveltmg put Hnose muttuols. Jhene ane 4

Swal_he ued sapu

AUapeu t_cosics o_a bool a apeibuu
&ucenpully aved r.

Dual ugwe oheeled_LAapess

hese de oHae ateat optiou yow anv
|nauiag H a a sholr olistame9E has
RMgines w u t e u One couCtoui
he lowe Onell 0nd Hhe OHhes powetug_
h e ARO

Aw elewating Slpe uses _m eleweua HhoLt

i eim nyddulicey O elecaicatly
olaivev, Jhis elevuho Locds wutenudu
Muhan Teacher's Signaure-
Date Page No.

to aAautkeol bouol Hhout_co hew_dmp

0ut u Load by SLiouag the bouwl Le0
balkouds hui Hhe eAuouhos lapable o
bumg ANOUsd to hilp euely AMd
wlerly hiish am 0HOd
Pu yp sAAPu
dhese ScAapeu De vot wuotouaed at
a l . 9utead Hese oue touwed behund oHhu
wAd MLA OM_süke, buut_OK he adwOuttge
woLe_capalule apeletig w
wt,sot Ond &omly covmditi ouu, VJ
SUApuu quite Uusekul ww Aauwy

Ouushat iu posu
Pouoe Shovel is bulkit- equipped waclu
wally lecicolly poweARd , Wedpldigg
amd Louag LoL ot Ragmeuted
ADk OMd ko wwlal "extAachowJhy
O e lso kaou as aLe Shovel adopuats
Mom at ultau, uoduúng upeLd'
daning ctowexcoJaling nd {{uung
outkat a it CLinmbs Aktek me
butke kUed, , is uppL pait &hoing to_
Posttiow Wue Hhe buuke
Mahan Teacher's Siguature.
Date- Page No.

p n e a _v oaiwug O ow to
Stookpile. Bt Hhew Atulm to ts Ottnal
Positow_md Stauts to it et dyue.
Jhe pouw L shove cousists QL beow, upp_
hek Hae bwket_and Hhe ocnuSw o
OpLALO Jhe beer lou0l lnd a Hhe bðow
hwwgad to Hhe Suppoi bMakeO Hhee
AeNOWLUg deok Omd t i upp tnd, Cassias
Hhe butker hoist shianesJhe bucke is
PLLoVL.cled out Hhe ud o Hhe dippL Tik.
dubNam sownu ompa tdaow AupnMu
hHh vutous tpe of_ Compuuibn eoquipme-
n t useo wwbuilimg pubjeCts
weotw ohetled A0usbs
9Eimpoktowut equipmet. 9t_COusiKK QL
Steel CA n w o t cnd one
buso WhA w_AROL ema

Cheepskeot Relsr
MAO, Kwouv s tomupi4 Aole&. Steel CAuvm
Ok CheLpdlmw_&aued. losist 0 may
A mgu lou haped boats 0 equdu siaë fixed
w hexagonal poLtteiw.

Teacher's Signature
Page No. -

Pnemuti KoueA
Auo, kues ad Rubbes lype Ouus Jhey
Mes at yon Omd at

)ibesig vibtankRauesE
h y osiit o hwo Sweg oluUL uudm
Hhevbluhu,Oune ALd t_Kouut ad
Qhl Dme ow Aas Siole ovibiahoAy

lRMOHa_gaad wLgnk

KonamL Omupauoi useo katopMiug
Smu_OaLaauad puowidliag upacr-oady
0 SoL i s equpmemt ú hgut uueigt
Oeigtat ud ciw be emd o wmachinne
Wu what w the uo ypu Oveyou

Oue o Hh bsiu teoL nateital hownodl
wolultAy belt wwey0ss one o s r cowwon
wsea w0 EAmspotauidw 0 bur MateliaS
Me) apAcih
AMuhan Teacher's Signatue-
Date Page No..

pLdpto 5.08ms hamcie wpto 4S3

murile tas|w.
Lanih wheul COwe0Ai
hese LOn be usea_s pushes wwiu set
holizoutalu O wwwed o gsewiy od.
hey e L d
ighly d a
stndazedna e
wsby cald w 1:5- 3 techios ,special
lengtn me Ailable at entAa algu,_
GAowihy Skate_Ohel wuil towwey Wa
weignt Loads Hnaut hawe piiw La b0tto
Su as taikons, totesL takes eu
du8_Gwu some odWlog 0y beT LOUNyas
aowonlaass o beut tonveous a e -
Moe epubi
lalg leugtn o toweyug pat
w loude_pouot consmptew
v ong
Vadtptibiuy 1o uevut hypu or
vAi y tai o buk
vHig iliabihy o opLunow
vw to tAamspoM attial w_m diseo'_
Muhan Teacher's Signature-
Date Page No.-

duiD olhat ane H wuu a eawwo

Diagig q tAeneLes,hoes, oumdaho

Matuial Homeluug
ivGewal qiadung
VBAus cuttngwu hydlauuic atachmene
V oustug wbik
v WHng Cndplatm2 OPipes
o pipe
V) Munlhg espeiiallybau not ounly opespit
iKivu diedgm
u ar a H hpu e eaaaus?

9 talled duole because it Aums_

Om tu0 Aotatng tlacks wstrad ak _whheets._
9 t uaes ydiauudo pou9ek _alHhougiv lts
SLouve HAbuw a ohuld extan'has ,iea
AOked chansis kes t& oAe Skude

oheelkd EytONaok
t is he Hhe CRaoles , but it nas oheels
msteod Aacks.
Becauuse LOheeled excawa has Lers
uhan Teacher's Signature.
Page No.

adhiovw Hhoww Hhe slandald i best-used

0 splalt OL CoMLte,

Suctiow exLaNaio
oALsO kuouou OLS VaCu_eNLONahOLL,Suchow
exLanato{a welude a
Suttiow pipe Hhat
metioms Ow o wign PACAULe vaCww.
WOAkig kudew buiu-w walejer
he Sutiow Suxtrew 4ttctv Suks up Soil
Omddebtis ast-at_&peeds o_260 mils p
Long ea LoUwoutoAE
WhHhe nawme uggestsHhe loug Leauw
eXcouonis has o emgHhy and boome
Jhe LOng MOLe exccudatdus extendable
a h Aamge o 40 to loDLE makug
Possible to Xeao_COuktunow 70Ne8
Hhat ae 100Kt aoay hoAizouttilly.

AAO Caed Pow ovel, He hycliaullu
Shovel LAthe 'osE
poethu tyre
MOSE Commouuly used KOK ww.q- pAoje cts,
Hhe hydaulii ehovel i Suited ,tWawmolle
Huhan Teacher's Signature_-
Date Page No..

My Jolo Hat Aeqies ewwy t i g ama

hautngo ale Aocks wlneldls andu
heoyy0LLts mOurtalL

V DAagime eLCaNboR:
he exLanlaos algc aw Hae stmdald
woA MpoAtut,it opeuctes aiy-enety
aLlaglin useu wot AQpe uRkm
Cma a daglime to Aaise_na Lä9eA the
bueker_und ag ou9CLAd Hhe Cuive

uel2 Give Hhe_adwamageA

he eeleaug luapu
A eleJdiangLuapel uses aum eleuoos
Hnat ieikas ydlaulichlu O leAtANia
divemJui elenturoL Loaolw AatiaLsMto
Aaseo bouol Ha cus Hana dumyp ou
Load oyeliouig Hhe bouolk _Ko
buukwouds, uH he LencchaLLL CaPAlole
o buAg_AeNOKLd to help eNel a d
Lohnpletethus_w akoad
Load hade (spnead ninvtle Swppoi
COoituonns maliwal 20ug uto HAe b u t
ktug 00lk aloue OLpadorh.
elewoto(| dlapes aicts coupackiou

Lou Ro W AeSistMMe.
Mahan Teacher's Sigvature-
Date Page No..

Lolea kOA chokt_cuut

But uted o kawoulable mateual
Capabl o peLoRuing Hw, PAeike W
MAK Speed 22,4 mp to 32 wp
Abiuh to homogmizu_ndcouechiom
Soiuonile Loaduig
sEHne _kuun
0utput Q Hhe Scipel
ype Mairual to homdltes
we Kelpes auak duulug_ Loadiug
WCOvoituow hauul Oad
VHaul tawule
VSLope o houul AsAd
olimate touuitio
1X MaAMagmmt too hions
Sze bpious pi
e q u t q bolious pt
)DeakeL o OosenesS Qmateual bekOKe
Kia) SLope Loading Koue.

Teacher's Signature-
Page No.

duul4 ohar is a gKadesgiwe 'tu uses?

Jhe gkades,.alo kuOun as motok gKade
0Aoad l a d , iu odesAibed hedy-
uuh uBnMe desigmed t a
bladle Hhat sea uw_aiyeeut

oaduooLLA _aad ow ming STtes o
gmooH md a stukatek.
GLadeu _ Lommonly Used w cattue
Ond maiwteuemce oL_dit amd
AOad ko cLeaing_alat
SkaLL_LOUueLe Hae_Cup hut wil oe
putpose o_Ha gudlui tOputpw
dLG Ohatane Hho HpA Elactos?
JAacdouL ne mult-puXpose wlaMues
Pulling C u d u puu8hig

O equptaeuib. "Jhey ale_ clasttted d


DCano les hp tlachoL UJe to ove, bui-

olores OtcLapeLs. Jhe ciausles has a
han Teacher's Signature-
Date Page No.

P be
Chaim Hase tlatoLL_CO
Vy ek4Etie everw im Hhecoase O leRe
O ady so0u ,Jne speed o hype
oLoes h a t exceed 12.knuph.

Aheel hype tlachot

Jhe eNtgmnl mowuted ow ouuL oheels&
he wainw adomntagu o Onee hhpea
Elactoe i hghe Speed Lomen e s
exLeees4 60 KLph. '9tu usea toL Long
haulimA4 md qe0d Aoads,
dulG hat ae Hhe cuunt pa a lame
LOstzuhow úudusz
DikeemE hpe a Cae ue Cused d
uinstounces Cne emwtuonm
mE Jhe hypes o mLs used couonly
depwc ou Hhepueject,woAk_objechui

Jeescopi come
A teescoptcUOMme2 ous boomHhat na4
i b e l o ubu Hhatale ittee iuside
eaw o l . Jhm yoUaulc
@xted 0 Aetzac Hhe wbes to leuguw
O holtw Hhe boo.
Mnhan Teacher's Signature
Page No.

Mobile amer
J h i u h e osE baui hype o Uame

0_ Lteel u k OO

telescopl boowW mounteol u One Kind

Q maoile ploutoimm. J s ptautkotmy ould
be heeled, A AaL ol_eiWew a CD uk.

K meuuttd me
hese hpes O lames me omted owa
Aubbu_ie ukaMad_PAovhLe excell-
emt mobiih.

AA tounelCAame i cousideied to be
balaLe, CAne
whw kxid 10he gteumd, Hhis htpe
nwe Hhe besK
huignt aAndl ihing lapabiWies.
V)Roug telaww CKame
Jhe 0utto
Casiage Hhat a s o u Aubbes tet NAes
Cmd cLesigned t o be use okt Aoad
The Ouuttggeus caw eend Veitcu
hoilbutally 0 StabiL e
Lewe he
4H han loRaL oao.
Teacher's Signatur
Page No.

Oe head taMU=
Auo kMouen a Suspeudled CLmes, Huy
e aeMeKcUy uoed w w kutouy CUnd
SOme ane Uble to Vn heaw
wads. he hoist O Hhe Uae u
Set_ou A uollty
along _wbeaM, cowme
twes two bee beamm

oadel LAene=
ns uycliaulicoL poulea akam
Halt has aAtcliatto l Hhat ie
ktee to a tades. A Loaoe
wAed to Load l4uipuMeAt_Oto a
Hhe app tatuow

Stuoug macines Haur ane usnal

ed Ugol sks Lke pushivg, aggg
excwotimg Ond levemug mealS
ke ot ma dehis a vautous
he veuatiy o Hhe bullolDze wuakes
at oOukAtki
Mohan Teacher's Signature
Date Paqe No.

he mddle. east Sn uaOst tases bull-

dlozets usually come uum Hhe tosge
heawy blaae R he KOnt Hhout Ú uded
to puuw MmauuÜnl. Smetmes,bulldoze
hoNe MLoUiTeAuos ke Mpp eus u
the ALa Hha help O bLak dlouo
he t9ugw oLOmal. Jhlee hpis O bulolg-
Oneeled BuldORUL.

QuuB hat LDesHa utput oL dozej depend

Outpuu o louLLALDze depeals A_upow tt

Opllt conditiow. Jhe kuUnLL Ow
ntn Ouutpuut 0 cLoze "oleplnds _avw_

ahuee o so
Jopoaply o
v hpe dehipmmt

loreL Uw VOL. A. z
LesL vol.
Dutput o handted
tpx Sx 6o xehhiue

Muhan Teacher's Signature-

Date Page No..

t ecle Hme Ae4. pa p w

JOL U Shapeou blades blaade belgn=
blade uisln blade ht)~
blaole kuhol
JuutouA Apetmg OuLtput buuloloxel,
Size ouunoCoitow bulldozeL
Dun tAaneled oy bulldOzes
Spesd o OplLatuow
du MOw aw eaahus be o mupoArannc
0u mupoltaumt useL OK exCOUChoL
noles -t b kOwmAtnOn.
Peuima puLpoAes O ex.taway u
Jhe Sze qy Hh mecum u i l cletowe
e gug deph d clig pow.
Lamd CAeaumg
Jo build aneus house. OA clusug. a
Ad coustiuuctuow nor bIYu e c
Huhan Teacher's Signature.
Date Page No..

Ohew LOmes to pzLLseAing Hhe loumd

O l e gelectively_Aeueving clebil ano
woMteo walresal, it veral to
we HMe uighu equipuat, ExcanOUOLs
CO Catly_(ofr Su tas uuitn dextiny
und ekidlumey.
o dggu and, lund cleaiuing
ne Kequeut joa_pApl-
ed by excannUOL i ktiug , Achiaul
ast e o y a i k , _ U s T g _ e x a n a
OuLkot mg puiattovus epeuLallp
Ow De gkk, has becoume
connnon. Heaw hng
OOLks exLcuked by Hheke mathines
CaM AONe twme,

)Demoutow o ola Buildimgs amd Hu

SF wowes Lat O kalmg_dst
metal OMo tettpt _Coulnece.9n Ades
to emluLe Ople ouu te
tae sa'kehp Peaple
petope,b deiolitovw
S usiug apeloptsPeloe,

e u i p m e t 0

AMuhan Teacher's Signature-
Date Page No.

u20Giwe pplucattow q Aennchek,

e het lewoneus to_wu Hiough
OCk PweMmeuta ox counete. Yow caw
opUutL Onee tenmLLs O Okkeut
O m a COualtwoud_o 0btiww de
&taght bches.
eating Dsaunagu'
Cnes nsOng Mmouey _auaau time neide
Leveokeero Soil bu usiug
tAenneiil to_leote_dieduage
lencheus ka u r Ok SeuwogLAuekp-

Maybe oule a hOmeouemes ouo WOtI

toMoLd houss powtaul hovelwg
Hhout Causes bustekea houvas A Smalley
wLk -behind lenuched o LLt dauc
O e time neede to_COLplekk a

iDw 10 cut
eecti wmdeugaong
telerouuww.casfon iLE,
Huhan Teacher's Signature.
Page No..

yow o w u s U choiw bleAChes lom Hue

Pou eL_ole Hhe_Aesioece. ow
aLsO_Place uLe tDL-elecAtLl dlog
kenciua O landsuape nght

Snuppwg oots
Sw'"addihuou to_Cting OeLele
md nMakig_Aouk iwHe o i l ,pOLtable
encheus haie blade Hhar selwes as
Aorat lauon mguIILe bade cund
SeNesUbot. 9f yo encowmte lLooT
Ouile woLkig We soiL,hold Hae
teuennes Chuiw blade w plae
Oule he blade &púns.

Huhan Teacher's Signature-

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