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Nyad (2023) Explained –

____ Diana ACHIEVE

her goal?
6 November 2023 by Lee Brown

Nyad Plot Summary

Nyad TELL the story of legendary swimmer Diana
Nyad (Annette Bening) and her dream to swim the
110 miles of ocean between Cuba and Florida. She
___ already TAKE on this challenge in 1978 but at
that time, her support team PULL the plug when
the winds BLOW her off course.

Diana later RETIRE from swimming and BEGIN

working as a journalist. But her failure to make the
epic swim HAUNT her.
Years later, at the age of 60, Diana DECIDE to
return to the waters again. Not wanting to let life
slip her by without achieving her dream, she
PREPARE her body to make that epic swim from
Cuba to Florida once more.
____ she SUCCEED? Let’s take a closer look at
the movie’s version of her story.

Who HELP Diana achieve her

As strong a swimmer as Diana BE, she NOT BE
able to complete her goal alone. In the film, we
SEE her assemble a team to help her pursue her
mission, including her coach and lifelong friend
Bonnie Stoll, a shark expert named Luke Tipple
(who HAVE the technology to protect Diana from
the oceanic beasts), and a boat pilot named John
In real life, there BE many more people on Diana’s
support team but the movie CHOOSE to focus on
this small ensemble.
What HAPPEN to Diana during
her second attempt?
When the movie MOVE forward to 2011, we SEE
Diana return to the waters to undertake her
mission. But soon after she START swimming, she
BEGIN to suffer excruciating pain in her shoulders.
She also HAS an allergic reaction to the medication
she ____ TAKE. These issues, as well as the
strong currents of the water, SAP her energy,
causing her to pull out of the swim.
Not willing to give up, she MAKE another attempt in
2011 but her journey COME to a painful end when
she IS stung by a jellyfish. Diana TRY again in
2012 but this time she ____ DERAIL by the bad

____ Diana ACHIEVE her goal?

In 2013, at the age of 64, Diana DECIDE to make
the journey from Cuba to Florida again. There BE
only one problem (or rather two), as Bonnie and
John ARE no longer willing to support her.
Bonnie _____ BECOME tired of watching her
friend risk her life to achieve her goal and John BE
unwilling to help because of his financial situation
and an argument he _____ previously HAVE with
Thankfully, Bonnie HAVE a change of heart and
DECIDE to support her friend again, for better or
for worse. John also HAVE a change of heart,
partly because he ____ SUFFER from a terminal
illness and WANT to make his final days on earth
Together, they TAKE to the waters again, with
good weather on their side and the determination
to succeed. Diana’s fifth attempt______ HINDER
by nearby sharks, exhaustion, and hallucinations
which BE a result of her fatigue, but she never
GIVE up.
After many hours, Florida’s horizon BE in sight, but
Diana BEGIN to swim off course. Fearing that this
might end in disaster for the mission, Bonnie JUMP
into the water to steer Diana back in the right
With one stroke at a time, Diana MAKE the last
stretch of her swim. Despite the physical and
mental agony that she _____ ENDURE, she MOVE
ever closer to her goal – the shores of Florida.
The movie END with a recreation of the historic
event. Diana MAKE it to Florida, where she ____
GREET by the media and crowds of onlookers who
CONGRATULATE her on her success. She ____
EXHAUST but rather than dropping to the ground
for some much-needed relaxation, she TALK to the
crowd and publically THANK the support team that
______ PLAY a vital role in her mission.

What is the movie’s inspirational

To never give up! Diana Nyad BE 64 when she
MAKE the epic swim from Cuba to Florida but she
PROVE that age BE only a number. Through her
accomplishments, we should be inspired to follow
our dreams, no matter our age and no matter how
difficult reaching our goals might be.
If you are determined to achieve your dreams,
keep going, regardless of the obstacles that might
be in your way. Diana HAVE to endure jellyfish
stings and the threat of shark attacks but she
KEEP on going regardless. You may suffer
setbacks in your life but if you have a dream, keep
pursuing it, as like Diana, you might prove to be an
inspiration to many.

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